999 resultados para rubber industry,
Escrito de queja por infracciones constitucionales contra el poder ejecutivo y ministros de estado :
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Mode of access: Internet.
A defense of the Peruvian Amazon company, limited.
Author's name on p. 13.
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Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
A defense of the Peruvian Amazon company, limited.
At head of title: Ministerio da Agricultura, Industria e Commercio. Superintendencia da Defeza da Borracha. Exposição Nacional de Borracha de 1913.
Mode of access: Internet.
Purpose: Several occupational carcinogens are metabolized by polymorphic enzymes. The distribution of the polymorphic enzymes N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2; substrates: aromatic amines), glutathione S-transferase M1 (GSTM1; substrates: e.g., reactive metabolites of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), and glutathione S-transferase T1 (GSTT1; substrates: small molecules with 1 - 2 carbon atoms) were investigated. Material and Methods: At the urological department in Lutherstadt Wittenberg, 136 patients with a histologically proven transitional cell cancer of the urinary bladder were investigated for all occupations performed for more than 6 months. Several occupational and non-occupational risk factors were asked. The genotypes of NAT2, GSTM1, and GSTT1 were determined from leucocyte DNA by PCR. Results: Compared to the general population in Middle Europe, the percentage of GSTT1 negative persons (22.1%) was ordinary; the percentage of slow acetylators (59.6%) was in the upper normal range, while the percentage of GSTM1 negative persons (58.8%) was elevated in the entire group. Shifts in the distribution of the genotypes were observed in subgroups who had been exposed to asbestos (6/6 GSTM1 negative, 5/6 slow acetylators), rubber manufacturing (8/10 GSTM1 negative), and chlorinated solvents (9/15 GSTM1 negative). Conclusions: The overrepresentation of GSTM1 negative bladder cancer patients also in this industrialized area and more pronounced in several occupationally exposed subgroups points to an impact of the GSTM1 negative genotype in bladder carcinogenesis.
El caucho natural y su proceso de transformación industrial es una cadena que presenta grandes potencialidades agroecológicas en el país, genera empleo rural productivo, construye capital y contribuye con el medio ambiente, razones que motivaron al autor a investigar los aspectos técnicos que el inversionista debe tener presente al momento de emprender un proyecto de reforestación comercial de caucho -- El caso de estudio se desarrolló para la microempresa Agroindustrias Villalonso, ubicada en la región heveícola del Magdalena Medio Santandereano, con el objetivo principal de analizar y abordar cada una de las etapas que constituyen un modelo de negocio, y proponerle a la microempresa, y demás interesados, cuáles son las mejores alternativas que deben desarrollarse para que un proyecto de este tipo tenga un resultado financiero positivo y por consiguiente un retorno favorable de la inversión -- La descripción y análisis de alternativas de todas las etapas que constituyen un modelo de negocio fueron desarrolladas con base en la metodología de Osterwalder & Pigneur, en el lienzo del modelo de negocio; esta metodología fue escogida como la más completa para este proyecto -- Del desarrollo de la investigación se evidenció que aunque el proyecto presenta características técnicas favorables, las condiciones macroeconómicas actuales, el entorno del mercado nacional y extranjero y los sistemas de explotación convencionales que elevan especialmente los costos en mano de obra, podrían poner en riesgo la viabilidad del mismo, a menos que la propuesta de valor se desarrolle a partir de los criterios y alternativas planteados en este trabajo
The study is an objective analysis of the importance of the economics of rubber plantation industry in Kerala. The study covers a period of 25 years ranging from 1950-51 to 1974-75. The data for the study were obtained partly from published documents such as: (1) The Plantation Inquiry Commission Report (for 1950s) (2) The Tariff Commission Reports (for 1960s) (3) Indian Rubber Statistics (for 1970s) and partly from personal inquiries. The thesis is divided into three parts consisting of eight chapters. Part I deals with the importance, growth, present position, and the scope of the industry. Part II discusses in detail the various development schemes, their impact, the role of small holding sector in the development of the rubber plantation industry and the problems faced by small holdings. Part III analyses the problems connected with marketing, cost, profitability and the development potential of the industry
The present study describes in detail the major technological advances in the rubber-growing industry in the lastfour decades. The major technological changes experienced in the rubber plantation industry during the period are the introduction of 'high yielding-planting materials, scientific application of fertilisers, use of pesticides, tapping during rainy season using‘rain guards, use of. yield stimulants and improved tapping methods School of Management Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology