936 resultados para ring contraction
Due to its relationship with other properties, wood density is the main wood quality parameter. Modern, accurate methods - such as X-ray densitometry - are applied to determine the spatial distribution of density in wood sections and to evaluate wood quality. The objectives of this study were to determinate the influence of growing conditions on wood density variation and tree ring demarcation of gmelina trees from fast growing plantations in Costa Rica. The wood density was determined by X-ray densitometry method. Wood samples were cut from gmelina trees and were exposed to low X-rays. The radiographic films were developed and scanned using a 256 gray scale with 1000 dpi resolution and the wood density was determined by CRAD and CERD software. The results showed tree-ring boundaries were distinctly delimited in trees growing in site with rainfall lower than 25 10 mm/year. It was demonstrated that tree age, climatic conditions and management of plantation affects wood density and its variability. The specific effect of variables on wood density was quantified by for multiple regression method. It was determined that tree year explained 25.8% of the total variation of density and 19.9% were caused by climatic condition where the tree growing. Wood density was less affected by the intensity of forest management with 5.9% of total variation.
Ring chromosomes are often associated with abnormal phenotypes due to loss of genomic material and also because of ring instability at mitosis after sister chromatid exchange events. We investigated ring chromosome instability in six patients with ring chromosomes 4, 14, 15, and 18 by examining 48- and 72-h lymphocyte cultures at the first, second and subsequent cell divisions after bromodeoxyuridine incorporation. Although most cells from all patients showed only one monocentric ring chromosome, ring chromosome loss and secondary aberrations were observed both in 48-and 72-h lymphocyte cultures and in metaphase cells of the different cell generations. We found no clear-cut correlation between ring size and ring instability; we also did not find differences between apparently complete rings and rings with genetic material loss. The cytogenetic findings revealed secondary aberrations in all ring chromosome patients. We concluded that cells with ring chromosome instability can multiply and survive in vivo, and that they can influence the patient's phenotype.
We experimentally study the Aharonov-Bohm-conductance oscillations under external gate voltage in a semiconductor quantum ring with a radius of 80 nm. We find that, in the linear regime, the resistance-oscillation plot in the voltage-magnetic-field plane corresponds to the quantum ring energy spectra. The chessboard pattern assembled by resistance diamonds, while loading the ring, is attributed to a short electron lifetime in the open configuration, which agrees with calculations within the single-particle model. Remarkably, the application of a small dc current allows observing strong deviations in the oscillation plot from this pattern accompanied by a magnetic-field symmetry break. We relate such behavior to the higher-order-conductance coefficients determined by electron-electron interactions in the nonlinear regime.
Effect of eccentric contraction velocity on muscle damage in repeated bouts of elbow flexor exercise
Eccentric exercise induces muscle damage, but controversy exists concerning the effect of contraction velocity on the magnitude of muscle damage, and little is known about the effect of contraction velocity on the repeated-bout effect. This study examined slow (60 degrees.s(-1)) and fast (180 degrees.s(-1)) velocity eccentric exercises for changes in indirect markers of muscle damage following 3 exercise bouts that were performed every 2 weeks. Fifteen young men were divided into 2 groups based on the velocity of eccentric exercise: 7 in the Ecc60 (60 degrees.s(-1)) group, and 8 in the Ecc180 (180 degrees.s(-1)) group. The exercise consisted of 30 maximal eccentric contractions of the elbow flexors at each velocity, in which the elbow joint was forcibly extended from 60 degrees to 180 degrees (full extension) on an isokinetic dynamometer. Changes in maximal voluntary isometric contraction strength, range of motion, muscle soreness, and plasma creatine kinase activity before and for 4 days after the exercise were compared in the 2 groups using a mixed-model analysis (group x bout x time). No significant differences between groups were evident for changes in any variables following exercise bouts; however, the changes were significantly smaller (p < 0.05) after the second and third bouts than after the first bout. These results indicate that the contraction velocity does not influence muscle damage or the repeated-bout effect.
Tree-rings have frequently been used for dating of trees and to determine annual growth increments and forest dynamics, but little is known in tropical conditions about their utilization for environmental monitoring. This paper presents the results of Araucaria columnaris tree-ring characterization by wood anatomy and X-ray densitometric analysis and the determination of Pb concentration. Core samples from twelve araucaria trees were extracted from two sites exposed to air pollution due to intense traffic of vehicles and industrial activities. The tree-rings distinctly presented radial variation in early-latewood thickness and density, and characteristics of juvenile and mature wood. Anatomical and X-ray densitometric analysis were useful to delimit the tree-ring boundaries and to date the tree-rings, as well as to prove the annual formation. The lead concentration in annual araucaria tree-rings, analyzed with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, indicated the seasonal presence of the heavy metal in the environment during the 30 years studied, although the Pb did not affect tree growth. (c) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Mahogany trees, Swietenia macrophylla, occur in open rainforest, semi deciduous and deciduous and dense rainforest of Peruvian Amazonian tropical forest. They occur, preferentially, in areas with a defined dry season, with typical phenology and seasonal variation activity, forming distinct tree-rings. The present work had as aim to determine the wood density radial variation of 14 mahogany trees, of two populations of the Peruvian Amazonian tropical forest, through the X-ray densitometry and to evaluate their application as methodology, compared to the classic method of measurement table, for the determination of the treering width. The radial wood apparent density of the trees profiles rendered it possible to delimit the areas of juvenile-adult wood and of the heartwood-sapwood, relative to the anatomical structure and chemical composition differences, due to the extractives and the vessels obstruction by tyloses. The mean, minimum and maximum wood apparent density of the mahogany trees for the Populations A and B were of 0.70; 0.29; 1.01 g.cm(-3) and 0.81; 0.29; 1.19 g.cm(-3), respectively. The analysis of the variance and mean test indicate differences of mean wood density among the mahogany trees of each population, probably due to the age of the trees. There was no correlation between mean wood density of mahogany trees among the two populations, as well as, between the tree-ring width and the respective mean density. The X-ray densitometry technique is an important tool in the evaluation of the radial variation of wood apparent density and the delimitation of tree-ring boundaries, with correlations of 0.94 and 0.93 in relation to measurement table, for each sampled population.
Many tropical tree species produce growth rings in response to seasonal environmental factors that influence the activity of the vascular cambium. We applied the following methods to analyze the annual nature of treering formation of 24 tree species from a seasonal semi-deciduous forest of southeast Brazil: describing wood anatomy and phenology, counting tree rings after cambium markings, and using permanent dendrometer bands. After 7 years of systematic observations and measurements, we found the following: the trees lost their leaves during the dry season and grew new leaves at the end of the same season; trunk increment dynamics corresponded to seasonal changes in precipitation, with higher increment (active period) during the rainy season (October-April) and lower increment (dormant period) during the dry season (May-September); the number of tree rings formed after injuries to the cambium coincided with the number of years since the extraction of the wood samples. As a result of these observations, it was concluded that most study trees formed one growth ring per year. This suggests that tree species from the seasonal semi-deciduous forests of Brazil have an annual cycle of wood formation. Therefore, these trees have potential for use in future studies of tree age and radial growth rates, as well as to infer ecological and regional climatic conditions. These future studies can provide important information for the management and conservation of these endangered forests.
The present investigation was designed to investigate the effect of the diterpene ent-pimara-8(14),15-dien-19-oic acid (pimaradienoic acid, PA) on smooth muscle extracellular Ca2+ influx. To this end, the effect of PA on phenylephrine- and KCI-induced increases in cytosolic calcium concentration ([Ca2+](c)) measured by the variation in the ratio of fluorescence intensities (R340/ 380 nm) of Fura-2, was analysed. Whether bolus injection of PA could induce hypotensive responses in conscious normotensive rats was also evaluated. PA inhibited the contraction induced by phenylephrine (0.03 or 10 mu mol L-1) and KCI (30 or 90 mmol L-1) in endothelium-denuded rat aortic rings in a concentration dependent manner. Pre-treatment with PA (110, 100, 200 mu mol L-) attenuated the contraction induced by CaCl2 (0.5 nmol L(-)1 or 2.5 mmol L-1) in denuded rat aorta exposed to Ca2+- free medium containing phenylephrine (0.1 mu mol L-1) or KCI (30 mmol L-1). Interestingly, the inhibitory effect displayed by PA on CaCl2-induced contraction was more pronounced when KCI was used as the stimulant. Phenylephrine- and KCI-induced increases in (Ca2+,](c) were inhibited by PA. Similarly, verapamil, a Ca2+-channel blocker, also inhibited the increase in [Ca2+](c) induced by either phenylephrine or KCI. Finally, bolus injection of PA (1-15 mg kg(-1)) produced a dose-dependent decrease in mean arterial pressure in conscious normotensive rats. The results provide the first direct evidence that PA reduces vascular contractility by reducing extracellular Ca2+ influx through smooth muscle cellular membrane, a mechanism that could mediate the hypotensive response induced by this diterpene in normotensive rats.
In this work the effects of topic use of Brazilian green propolis gel in the contraction of wounds performed in rat`s skin was evaluated. In ten female Wistar rats were done four wounds in dorsal region. Two wounds in each rat were treated daily with Brazilian green propolis gel during 10 days. The wounds were photographed daily, and the images were analyzed with ImageJ software, in order to measure wound areas and evaluate wound contraction. In the graphic analysis, treated group and control group had similar behavior, and both evolved for complete closure in 10th experimentation day. The wound clots fell down before in treated wounds. Green propolis in the gel formulation at 5% in topical use had not effect in the process of wound contraction. The macroscopic visualization of the contraction of wounds, by itself, does not seem to be a good indicator of the process of tissue repair.
1. The response of the diaphragm to the postural perturbation produced by rapid flexion of the shoulder to a visual stimulus was evaluated in standing subjects. Gastric, oesophageal and transdiaphragmatic pressures were measured together with intramuscular and oesophageal recordings of electromyographic activity (EMG) in the diaphragm. To assess the mechanics of contraction of the diaphragm, dynamic changes in the length of the diaphragm were measured with ultrasonography. 2. With rapid flexion of the shoulder in response to a visual stimulus, EMG-activity in the costal and crural diaphragm occurred about 20 ms prior to the onset of deltoid EMG. This anticipatory contraction occurred irrespective of the phase of respiration in which arm movement began. The onset of diaphragm EMG-coincided with that of transversus abdominis. 3. Gastric and transdiaphragmatic pressures increased in association with the rapid arm flexion by 13.8 +/- 1.9 (mean +/- S.E.M.) and 13.5 +/- 1.8 cmH(2)O, respectively. The increases occurred 49 +/- 4 ms after the onset of diaphragm EMG, but preceded the onset of movement of the limb by 63 +/- 7 ms. 4. Ultrasonographic measurements revealed that the costal diaphragm shortened and then lengthened progressively during the increase in transdiaphragmatic pressure. 5. This study provides definitive evidence that the human diaphragm is involved in the control of postural stability during sudden voluntary movement of the limbs.
The temporal parameters of the response of the trunk muscles associated with movement of the lower limb were investigated in people with and without low back pain (LBP). The weight shift component of the task was completed voluntarily prior to a stimulus to move to allow investigation of the movement component of the response. In the control subjects the onset of electromyographic (EMG) activity of all trunk muscles preceded that of the muscle responsible for limb movement, thus contributing to the feed forward postural response. The EMG onset of transversus abdominis was delayed in the LBP subjects with movement in each direction, while the EMG onsets of rectus abdominis, erector spinae, and oblique abdominal muscles were delayed with specific movement directions. This result provides evidence of a change in the postural control of the trunk in people with LBP.
Peptidergic mechanisms influencing the resistance of the gastrointestinal vascular bed of the estuarine crocodile, Crocodylus porosus, were investigated. The gut was perfused in situ via the mesenteric and the celiac arteries, and the effects of different neuropeptides were tested using bolus injections. Effects on vascular resistance were recorded as changes in inflow pressures. Peptides found in sensory neurons [substance P, neurokinin A, and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)] all caused significant relaxation of the celiac vascular bed, as did vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), another well-known vasodilator. Except for VIP, the peptides also induced transitory gut contractions. Somatostatin and neuropeptide Y (NPY), which coexist in adrenergic neurons of the C. porosus, induced vasoconstriction in the celiac vascular bed without affecting the gut motility. Galanin caused vasoconstriction and occasionally activated the gut wall. To elucidate direct effects on individual vessels, the different peptides were tested on isolated ring preparations of the mesenteric and celiac arteries. Only CGRP and VIP relaxed the epinephrine-precontracted celiac artery, whereas the effects on the mesenteric artery were variable. Somatostatin and NPY did not affect the resting tonus of these vessels, but somatostatin potentiated the epinephrine-induced contraction of the celiac artery. Immunohistochemistry revealed the existence and localization of the above-mentioned peptides in nerve fibers innervating vessels of different sizes in the gut region. These data support the hypothesis of an important role for neuropeptides in the control of the vascular bed of the gastrointestinal tract in C. porosus.
The role of beta(3)- and other putative atypical beta-adrenaceptors in human white adipocytes and right atrial appendage has been investigated using CGP 12177 and novel phenylethanolamine and aryloxypropanolamine beta(3)-adrenoceptor (beta(3)AR) agonists with varying intrinsic activities and selectivities for human cloned PAR subtypes. The ability to demonstrate beta(1/2)AR antagonist-insensitive (beta(3) or other atypical beta AR-mediated) responses to CGP 12177 was critically dependent on the albumin batch used to prepare and incubate the adipocytes. Four aryloxypropanolamine selective beta(3)AR agonists (SB-226552, SB-229432, SB-236923, SB-246982) consistently elicited beta(1/2)AR antagonist-insensitive lipolysis. However, a phenylethanolamine (SB-220646) that was a selective full beta(3)AR agonist elicited full lipolytic and inotropic responses that were sensitive to beta(1/2)AR antagonism, despite it having very low efficacies at cloned beta(1)- and beta(2)ARs. A component of the response to another phenylethanolamine selective beta(3)AR agonist (SB-215691) was insensitive to beta(1/2)AR antagonism in some experiments. Because novel aryloxypropanolamine had a beta(1/2)AR antagonist-insensitive inotropic effect, these results establish more firmly that beta(3)ARs mediate lipolysis in human white adipocytes, and suggest that putative 'beta(4)ARs' mediate inotropic responses to CGP 12177. The results also illustrate the difficulty of predicting from studies on cloned beta ARs which beta ARs will mediate responses to agonists in tissues that have a high number of beta(1)- and beta(2)ARs or a low number of beta(3)ARs.
A comparison is made between the structures and calcium binding properties of four cyclic octapeptides that differ in the number of heterocyclic thiazole and oxazoline ring constraints. The conformations of the naturally occurring cyclic octapeptides ascidiacyclamide 1 and patellamide D 2, which each contain two oxazoline and two thiazole rings, are compared by H-1 NMR spectroscopy with the analogues cyclo(Thr-D-Val(Thz)-Ile)(2) 3 with just two thiazoles, and cyclo(Thr-D-Val-alpha Abu-Ile)(2) 4, with no 5-membered rings. The conformations observed in the solid state for ascidiacyclamide (saddle) and patellamide D (twisted figure of eight) were retained in solution, whilst peptide 3 was found to have a chair shape and peptide 4 displayed a range of conformations. The solid state structure of 4 revealed that the peptide takes a relatively planar conformation with a number of transannular hydrogen bonds, which are apparently retained in solution. Complexation studies utilising H-1 NMR and CD spectroscopy yielded 1∶1 calcium-peptide binding constants (log K) for the four peptides (2.9 (1), 2.8 (2), 4.0 (3) and 5.5 (4)) as well as a 1 : 2 metal-peptide binding constant for 3 (log K = 4.5). The affinity for Ca2+ thus decreases with increasing number of 5-membered ring constraints in the macrocycle (4 > 3 > 2 approximate to 1).