973 resultados para retention time


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The preparation of macroporous methacrylate monolithic material with controlled pore structures can be carried out in an unstirred mould through careful and precise control of the polymerisation kinetics and parameters. Contemporary synthesis conditions of methacrylate monolithic polymers are based on existing polymerisation schemes without an in-depth understanding of the dynamics of pore structure and formation. This leads to poor performance in polymer usage thereby affecting final product recovery and purity, retention time, productivity and process economics. The unique porosity of methacrylate monolithic polymer which propels its usage in many industrial applications can be controlled easily during its preparation. Control of the kinetics of the overall process through changes in reaction time, temperature and overall composition such as cross-linker and initiator contents allow the fine tuning of the macroporous structure and provide an understanding of the mechanism of pore formation within the unstirred mould. The significant effect of temperature of the reaction kinetics serves as an effectual means to control and optimise the pore structure and allows the preparation of polymers with different pore size distributions from the same composition of the polymerisation mixture. Increasing the concentration of the cross-linking monomer affects the composition of the final monoliths and also decreases the average pore size as a result of pre-mature formation of highly cross-linked globules with a reduced propensity to coalesce. The choice and concentration of porogen solvent is also imperative. Different porogens and porogen mixtures present different pore structure output. Example, larger pores are obtained in a poor solvent due to early phase separation.


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The stability of five illicit drug markers in wastewater was tested under different sewer conditions using laboratory-scale sewer reactors. Wastewater was spiked with deuterium labelled isotopes of cocaine, benzoyl ecgonine, methamphetamine, MDMA and 6-acetyl morphine to avoid interference from the native isotopes already present in the wastewater matrix. The sewer reactors were operated at 20 °C and pH 7.5, and wastewater was sampled at 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 12 h to measure the transformation/degradation of these marker compounds. The results showed that while methamphetamine, MDMA and benzoyl ecgonine were stable in the sewer reactors, cocaine and 6-acetyl morphine degraded quickly. Their degradation rates are significantly higher than the values reportedly measured in wastewater alone (without biofilms). All the degradation processes followed first order kinetics. Benzoyl ecgonine and morphine were also formed from the degradation of cocaine and 6-acetyl morphine, respectively, with stable formation rates throughout the test. These findings suggest that, in sewage epidemiology, it is essential to have relevant information of the sewer system (i.e. type of sewer, hydraulic retention time) in order to accurately back-estimate the consumption of illicit drugs. More research is required to look into detailed sewer conditions (e.g. temperature, pH and ratio of biofilm area to wastewater volume among others) to identify their effects on the fate of illicit drug markers in sewer systems.


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The fermentation characteristics of six specific types of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) were examined, with an emphasis on properties that are needed when designing plug-flow type anaerobic bioreactors. More specifically, the decomposition patterns of a vegetable (cabbage), fruits (banana and citrus peels), fresh leaf litter of bamboo and teak leaves, and paper (newsprint) waste streams as feedstocks were studied. Individual OFMSW components were placed into nylon mesh bags and subjected to various fermentation periods (solids retention time, SRT) within the inlet of a functioning plug-flow biogas fermentor. These were removed at periodic intervals, and their composition was analyzed to monitor decomposition rates and changes in chemical composition. Components like cabbage waste, banana peels, and orange peels fermented rapidly both in a plug-flow biogas reactor (PFBR) as well as under a biological methane potential (BMP) assay, while other OFMSW components (leaf litter from bamboo and teak leaves and newsprint) fermented slowly with poor process stability and moderate biodegradation. For fruit and vegetable wastes (FVW), a rapid and efficient removal of pectins is the main cause of rapid disintegration of these feedstocks, which left behind very little compost forming residues (2–5%). Teak and bamboo leaves and newsprint decomposed only to 25–50% in 30 d. These results confirm the potential for volatile fatty acids accumulation in a PFBR’s inlet and suggest a modification of the inlet zone or operation of a PFBR with the above feedstocks.


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This joint DPI/Burdekin Shire Council project assessed the efficacy of a pilot-scale biological remediation system to recover Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorous (P) nutrients from secondary treated municipal wastewater at the Ayr Sewage Treatment Plant. Additionally, this study considered potential commercial uses for by-products from the treatment system. Knowledge gained from this study can provide directions for implementing a larger-scale final effluent treatment protocol on site at the Ayr plant. Trials were conducted over 10 months and assessed nutrient removal from duckweed-based treatments and an algae/fish treatment – both as sequential and as stand-alone treatment systems. A 42.3% reduction in Total N was found through the sequential treatment system (duckweed followed by algae/fish treatment) after 6.6 days Effluent Retention Time (E.R.T.). However, duckweed treatment was responsible for the majority of this nutrient recovery (7.8 times more effective than algae/fish treatment). Likewise, Total P reduction (15.75% reduction after 6.6 days E.R.T.) was twice as great in the duckweed treatment. A phytoplankton bloom, which developed in the algae/fish tanks, reduced nutrient recovery in this treatment. A second trial tested whether the addition of fish enhanced duckweed treatment by evaluating systems with and without fish. After four weeks operation, low DO under the duckweed blanket caused fish mortalities. Decomposition of these fish led to an additional organic load and this was reflected in a breakdown of nitrogen species that showed an increase in organic nitrogen. However, the Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (DIN: ammonia, nitrite and nitrate) removal was similar between treatments with and without fish (57% and 59% DIN removal from incoming, respectively). Overall, three effluent residence times were evaluated using duckweed-based treatments; i.e. 3.5 days, 5.5 days and 10.4 days. Total N removal was 37.5%, 55.7% and 70.3%, respectively. The 10.4-day E.R.T. trial, however, was evaluated by sequential nutrient removal through the duckweed-minus-fish treatment followed by the duckweed-plus-fish treatment. Therefore, the 70.3% Total N removal was lower than could have been achieved at this retention time due to the abovementioned fish mortalities. Phosphorous removal from duckweed treatments was greatest after 10.4-days E.R.T. (13.6%). Plant uptake was considered the most important mechanism for this P removal since there was no clay substrate in the plastic tanks that could have contributed to P absorption as part of the natural phosphorous cycle. Duckweed inhibited phytoplankton production (therefore reducing T.S.S) and maintained pH close to neutral. DO beneath the duckweed blanket fell to below 1ppm; however, this did not limit plant production. If fish are to be used as part of the duckweed treatment, air-uplifts can be installed that maintain DO levels without disturbing surface waters. Duckweed grown in the treatments doubled its biomass on average every 5.7 days. On a per-surface area basis, 1.23kg/m2 was harvested weekly. Moisture content of duckweed was 92%, equating to a total dry weight harvest of 0.098kg/m2/week. Nutrient analysis of dried duckweed gave an N content of 6.67% and a P content of 1.27%. According to semi-quantitative analyses, harvested duckweed contained no residual elements from the effluent stream that were greater than ANZECC toxicant guidelines proposed for aquaculture. In addition, jade perch, a local aquaculture species, actively consumed and gained weight on harvested duckweed, suggesting potential for large-scale fish production using by-products from the effluent treatment process. This suggests that a duckweed-based system may be one viable option for tertiary treatment of Ayr municipal wastewater. The tertiary detention lagoon proposed by the Burdekin Shire Council, consisting of six bays approximately 290 x 35 metres (x 1.5 metres deep), would be suitable for duckweed culture with minor modification to facilitate the efficient distribution of duckweed plants across the entire available growing surface (such as floating containment grids). The effluent residence time resulting from this proposed configuration (~30 days) should be adequate to recover most effluent nutrients (certainly N) based on the current trial. Duckweed harvest techniques on this scale, however, need to be further investigated. Based on duckweed production in the current trial (1.23kg/m2/week), a weekly harvest of approximately 75 000kg (wet weight) could be expected from the proposed lagoon configuration under full duckweed production. A benefit of the proposed multi-bay lagoon is that full lagoon production of duckweed may not be needed to restore effluent to a desirable standard under the present nutrient load, and duckweed treatment may be restricted to certain bays. Restored effluent could be released without risk of contaminating the receiving waterway with duckweed by evacuating water through an internal standpipe located mid-way in the water column.


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Drug Analysis without Primary Reference Standards: Application of LC-TOFMS and LC-CLND to Biofluids and Seized Material Primary reference standards for new drugs, metabolites, designer drugs or rare substances may not be obtainable within a reasonable period of time or their availability may also be hindered by extensive administrative requirements. Standards are usually costly and may have a limited shelf life. Finally, many compounds are not available commercially and sometimes not at all. A new approach within forensic and clinical drug analysis involves substance identification based on accurate mass measurement by liquid chromatography coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-TOFMS) and quantification by LC coupled with chemiluminescence nitrogen detection (LC-CLND) possessing equimolar response to nitrogen. Formula-based identification relies on the fact that the accurate mass of an ion from a chemical compound corresponds to the elemental composition of that compound. Single-calibrant nitrogen based quantification is feasible with a nitrogen-specific detector since approximately 90% of drugs contain nitrogen. A method was developed for toxicological drug screening in 1 ml urine samples by LC-TOFMS. A large target database of exact monoisotopic masses was constructed, representing the elemental formulae of reference drugs and their metabolites. Identification was based on matching the sample component s measured parameters with those in the database, including accurate mass and retention time, if available. In addition, an algorithm for isotopic pattern match (SigmaFit) was applied. Differences in ion abundance in urine extracts did not affect the mass accuracy or the SigmaFit values. For routine screening practice, a mass tolerance of 10 ppm and a SigmaFit tolerance of 0.03 were established. Seized street drug samples were analysed instantly by LC-TOFMS and LC-CLND, using a dilute and shoot approach. In the quantitative analysis of amphetamine, heroin and cocaine findings, the mean relative difference between the results of LC-CLND and the reference methods was only 11%. In blood specimens, liquid-liquid extraction recoveries for basic lipophilic drugs were first established and the validity of the generic extraction recovery-corrected single-calibrant LC-CLND was then verified with proficiency test samples. The mean accuracy was 24% and 17% for plasma and whole blood samples, respectively, all results falling within the confidence range of the reference concentrations. Further, metabolic ratios for the opioid drug tramadol were determined in a pharmacogenetic study setting. Extraction recovery estimation, based on model compounds with similar physicochemical characteristics, produced clinically feasible results without reference standards.


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The cossid moth (Coryphodema tristis) has a broad range of native tree hosts in South Africa. The moth recently moved into non-native Eucalyptus plantations in South Africa, on which it now causes significant damage. Here we investigate the chemicals involved in pheromone communication between the sexes of this moth in order to better understand its ecology, and with a view to potentially develop management tools for it. In particular, we characterize female gland extracts and headspace samples through coupled gas chromatography electro-antennographic detection (GC-EAD) and two dimensional gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCxGC-MS). Tentative identities of the potential pheromone compounds were confirmed by comparing both retention time and mass spectra with authentic standards. Two electrophysiologically active pheromone compounds, tetradecyl acetate (14:OAc) and Z9-tetradecenyl acetate (Z9-14:OAc) were identified from pheromone gland extracts, and an additional compound (Z9-14:OH) from headspace samples. We further determined dose response curves for the identified compounds and six other structurally similar compounds that are common to the order Cossidae. Male antennae showed superior sensitivity toward Z9-14:OAc, Z7-tetradecenyl acetate (Z7-14:OAc), E9-tetradecenyl acetate (E9-14:OAc), Z9-tetradecenol (Z9-14:OH) and Z9-tetradecenal (Z9-14:Ald) when compared to female antennae. While we could show electrophysiological responses to single pheromone compounds, behavioral attraction of males was dependent on the synergistic effect of at least two of these compounds. Signal specificity is shown to be gained through pheromone blends. A field trial showed that a significant number of males were caught only in traps baited with a combination of Z9-14:OAc (circa 95 of the ratio) and Z9-14:OH. Addition of 14:OAc to this mixture also improved the number of males caught, although not significantly. This study represents a major step towards developing a useful attractant to be used in management tools for C. tristis and contributes to the understanding of chemical communication and biology of this group of insects.


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Microbiological quality of the treated wastewater is an important parameter for its reuse. The data oil the Fecal Coliform (FC) and Fecal Streptococcus (FS) at different stages of treatment in the Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) in Delhi watershed is not available, therefore in the present study microbial profiling of STPs was carried out to assess the effluent quality for present and future reuse options. This Study further evaluates the water quality profiles at different stages of treatment for 16 STPs in Delhi city. These STPs are based on conventional Activated Sludge Process (ASP), extended aeration, physical, chemical and biological treatment (BIOFORE), Trickling Filter and Oxidation Pond. The primary effluent quality produced from most of the STPs was suitable for Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT). Extended Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) as a result Of low inflow to the STPS Was responsible for high turbidity, COD and BODs removal. Conventional ASP based STPs achieved 1.66 log FC and 1.06 log FS removal. STPs with extended aeration treatment process produced better quality effluent with maximum 4 log order reduction in FC and FS levels. ``Kondli'' and ``Nilothi'' STPs employing ASP, produced better quality secondary effluent as compared to other STPs based oil similar treatment process. Oxidation Pond based STPs showed better FC and FS removals, whereas good physiochemical quality was achieved during the first half of the treatment. Based upon physical, chemical and microbiological removal efficiencies, actual integrated efficiency (IEa) of each STP was determined to evaluate its Suitability for reuse for irrigation purposes. Except Mehrauli'' and ``Oxidation Pond'', effluents from all other STPs require tertiary treatment for further reuse. Possible reuse options, depending Upon the geographical location, proximity of facilities of potential users based oil the beneficial uses, and sub-soil types, etc. for the Delhi city have been investigated, which include artificial groundwater recharge, aquaculture, horticulture and industrial uses Such as floor washing, boiler feed, and cooling towers, etc. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Työn kirjallisessa osuudessa tarkasteltiin makrolideja yleisellä tasolla keskittyen kahden makrolidin ominaisuuksiin molekyylitasolla. Näiden tautomerisoitumista käsitellään tuoden esiin sekä yhdisteiden rakenteelliset yhteneväisyydet ja eroavaisuudet että niiden vaikutukset yhdisteiden vaikutusmekanismiin ja metaboliaan. Kirjallisessa osuudessa perehdyttiin myös makrolidien biosynteesiin ja tuotantoprosessiin keskittyen downstream-prosessointiin ja erityisesti biosynteesistä peräisin oleviin epäpuhtauksiin. Lisäksi kirjallisessa osuudessa käsiteltiin argentaatiokromatografian perusteita. Kokeellisessa osuudessa yhdelle makrolidille kehitettiin argentaatiokromatografiaan perustuva puhdistusmenetelmä. Perinteisillä kromatografisilla menetelmillä yhdistettä ei voida puhdistaa kaikista sen epäpuhtauksista. Makrolidin puhtaus argentaatiokromatografian jälkeen oli 98,6 %. Lisäksi kehitettiin uusi kiteytysmenetlmä, jossa yhdiste kiteytettiin anhydridina tavanomaisen monohydraattimuodon sijasta. Makrolidin analysointiin kehitettiin HPLC-menetelmä, joka validoitiin ICH:n ohjeiden mukaisesti. Yhditeen tautomeerimuodot ja siinä esiintyvät epäpuhtaudet tutkittiin käyttäen LC/MS-analyysia. Yhden epäpuhtauden rakenne varmistettiin eristämisen jälkeen NMR:n avulla. Saatavilla olevien tietojen mukaan yhdisteen tulkittuja NMRspektrejä ei ole julkaistu. Lisäksi aiemmin tuntematon epäpuhtaus identifioitiin perustuen retentioaikaan ja MS-analyysiin.


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The mechanism of interaction of 0-amino-D-serine (OADS) with sheep liver serine hydroxymethyltransferase (EC (SHMT) was established by measuring changes in the enzyme activity,absorption spectra, circular dichroism (CD) spectra, and stopped-flow spectrophotometry. OADS was a reversible noncompetitive inhibitor (Ki = 1.8 pM) when serine was the varied substrate. The first step in the interaction of OADS with the enzyme was the disruption of enzyme-Schiff base, characterized by the rapid disappearance of absorbance at 425 nm (6.5 X lo3 M-' s-') and CD intensity at 430 nm. Concomitantly,there was a rapid increase in absorbance and CD intensity at 390 nm. The spectral properties of this intermediate enabled its identification as pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP). These changes were followed by a slow unimolecular step (2 X s-') leading to the formation of PLP-OADS oxime, which was confirmed by its absorbance and fluorescence spectra and retention time on high-performance liquid chromatography. The PLP-OADS oxime was displaced from the enzyme by the addition of PLP as evidenced by the restoration of complete enzyme activity as well as by the spectral properties. The unique feature of the mechanism proposed for the interaction of OADS with sheep liver SHMT was the formation of PLP as an intermediate.


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It was shown earlier that the monoterpene ketone, piperitenone (I) is one of the major metabolites of R-(+)-pulegone, a potent hepatotoxin, In the present studies, the metabolic disposition of piperitenone (I) was examined in rats. Piperitenone (I) was administered orally (400 mg/kg of the b. wt./day) to rats for 5 days, The following urinary metabolites were isolated and identified by various spectral analyses: p-cresol (VI), 6,7-dehydromenthofuran (III), p-mentha-1,3,5,8-tetraen-3-ol (IX), p-mentha-1,3, 5-friene-3, 8-diol (X), 5-hydroxypiperitenone (VIII), 7-hydroxypiperitenone (XI), 10-hydroxypiperitenone (XII), and 4-hydroxypiperitenone (VII). Incubation of piperitenone (I) with phenobarbital-induced rat liver microsomes in the presence of NADPH resulted in the formation of five metabolites which have been tentatively identified as metabolites III, VII, VIII, XI, XII, on the basis of gas chromatography retention time and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. Based on these results, a probable mechanism for the formation of p-cresol from piperitenone (I) via the intermediacy of metabolite III has been proposed.


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The GasBench II peripheral along with MAT 253 combination provides a more sensitive platform for the determination of water isotope ratios. Here, we examined the role of adsorbed moisture within the gas chromatography (GC) column of the GasBench II on measurement uncertainties. The uncertainty in O-18/O-16 ratio measurements is determined by several factors, including the presence of water in the GC. The contamination of GC with water originating from samples as water vapour over a longer timeframe is a critical factor in determining the reproducibility of O-18/O-16 ratios in water samples. The shift in isotope ratios observed in the experiment under dry and wet conditions correlates strongly with the retention time of analyte CO2, indicating the effect of accumulated moisture. Two possible methods to circumvent or minimise the effect of adsorbed water on isotope ratios are presented here. The proposed methodology includes either the regular baking of the GC column at a higher temperature (120 degrees C) after analysis of a batch of 32 sample entries or conducting the experiment at a low GC column temperature (22.5 degrees C). The effects of water contamination on long-term reproducibility of reference water, with and without baking protocol, have been described.


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Earlier studies have indicated that variability in size, surface texture and charge greatly influence the contaminant removal process in granular media. Based on surface characteristics of montmorillonite, it is anticipated that small addition of this clay would increase adhesion sites for bacterial growth and extracellular polymer production in the slow sand filter and thereby enhance its contaminant removal ability. Experiments were performed by permeating groundwater contaminated with pathogens (total coliform and E. Coli) and inorganic contaminants through the bentonite amended slow sand filter (BASSF). Surprisingly, the BASSF retained inorganic contaminants besides pathogens. Water-leach tests (pH of water leachate ranged from 2 to 9) with spent BASSF specimen indicated that the inorganic contaminants are irreversibly adsorbed to a large extent. It is considered that the combined effects of enhanced-organic matter mediated adhesion sites and increased hydraulic retention time enables the BASSF specimen to retain inorganic contaminants. It is envisaged that BASSF filters could find use in treating contaminated groundwater for potable needs at household and community level.


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Objectives: The ability to target conventional drugs efficiently inside cells to kill intraphagosomal bacteria has been a major hurdle in treatment of infective diseases. We aimed to develop an efficient drug delivery system for combating infection caused by Salmonella, a well-known intracellular and intraphagosomal pathogen. Chitosan dextran sulphate (CD) nanocapsules were assessed for their efficiency in delivering drugs against Salmonella. Methods: The CD nanocapsules were prepared using the layer-by-layer method and loaded with ciprofloxacin or ceftriaxone. Antibiotic-loaded nanocapsules were analysed in vitro for their ability to enter epithelial and macrophage cells to kill Salmonella. In vivo pharmacokinetics and organ distribution studies were performed to check the efficiency of the delivery system. The in vivo antibacterial activity of free antibiotic and antibiotic loaded into nanocapsules was tested in a murine salmonellosis model. Results: In vitro and in vivo experiments showed that this delivery system can be used effectively to clear Salmonella infection, CD nanocapsules were successfully employed for efficient targeting and killing of the intracellular pathogen at a dosage significantly lower than that of the free antibiotic. The increased retention time of ciprofloxacin in the blood and organs when it was delivered by CD nanocapsules compared with the conventional routes of administration may be the reason underlying the requirement for a reduced dosage and frequency of antibiotic administration. Conclusions: CD nanocapsules can be used as an efficient drug delivery system to treat intraphagosomal pathogens, especially Salmonella infection, This delivery system might be used effectively for other vacuolar pathogens including Mycobacteria, Brucella and Legionella.


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Increasing nitrate concentrations in ground water is deleterious to human health as ingestion of such water can cause methemoglobinemia in infants and even cancer in adults (desirable limit for nitrate as NO3 - 45 mg/L, IS code 10500-1991). Excess nitrate concentrations in ground water is contributed by reason being disposal of sewage and excessive use of fertilizers. Though numerous technologies such as reverse osmosis, ion exchange, electro-dialysis, permeable reactive barriers using zerovalent iron etc exists, nitrate removal continues to be one of challenging issue as nitrate ion is highly mobile within the soil strata. The tapping the denitrification potential of soil denitrifiers which are inherently available in the soil matrix is the most sustainable approach to mitigate accumulation of nitrate in ground water. The insitu denitrification of sand and bentonite enhanced sand (bentonite content = 5%) in presence of easily assimilable organic carbon such as ethanol was studied. Batch studies showed that nitrate reduction by sand follows first order kinetics with a rate constant 5.3x10(-2) hr(-1) and rate constant 4.3 x 10(-2) hr(-1) was obtained for bentonite-enhanced sand (BS) at 25 degrees C. Filter columns (height = 5 cm and diameter = 8.2 cm) were constructed using sand and bentonite-enhanced sand as filter media. The filtration rate through both the filter columns was maintained at average value of 2.60 cm/h. The nitrate removal rates through both the filter media was assessed for solution containing 22.6 mg NO3-N/L concentrations while keeping C/N mass ratio as 3. For sand filter column, the nitrate removal efficiency reached the average value of 97.6% after passing 50 pore volumes of the nitrate solution. For bentonite-enhanced sand filter column, the average nitrate removal efficiency was 83.5%. The time required for effective operation for sand filter bed was 100 hours, while bentonite-enhanced sand filter bed did not require any maturation period as that of sand filter bed for effective performance because the presence of micropores in bentonite increases the hydraulic retention time of the solution inside the filter bed.


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Objectives: The ability to target conventional drugs efficiently inside cells to kill intraphagosomal bacteria has been a major hurdle in treatment of infective diseases. We aimed to develop an efficient drug delivery system for combating infection caused by Salmonella, a well-known intracellular and intraphagosomal pathogen. Chitosan dextran sulphate (CD) nanocapsules were assessed for their efficiency in delivering drugs against Salmonella. Methods: The CD nanocapsules were prepared using the layer-by-layer method and loaded with ciprofloxacin or ceftriaxone. Antibiotic-loaded nanocapsules were analysed in vitro for their ability to enter epithelial and macrophage cells to kill Salmonella. In vivo pharmacokinetics and organ distribution studies were performed to check the efficiency of the delivery system. The in vivo antibacterial activity of free antibiotic and antibiotic loaded into nanocapsules was tested in a murine salmonellosis model. Results: In vitro and in vivo experiments showed that this delivery system can be used effectively to clear Salmonella infection, CD nanocapsules were successfully employed for efficient targeting and killing of the intracellular pathogen at a dosage significantly lower than that of the free antibiotic. The increased retention time of ciprofloxacin in the blood and organs when it was delivered by CD nanocapsules compared with the conventional routes of administration may be the reason underlying the requirement for a reduced dosage and frequency of antibiotic administration. Conclusions: CD nanocapsules can be used as an efficient drug delivery system to treat intraphagosomal pathogens, especially Salmonella infection, This delivery system might be used effectively for other vacuolar pathogens including Mycobacteria, Brucella and Legionella.