365 resultados para retard maduratiu
Se ha realizado un modelo de encuesta para estudiar la incidencia de la fibromialgia en la población escolar de Barcelona. La han contestado 398 escolares de un IES de la zona Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, de los cuales 191 eran chicos y 207 chicas. De este estudio los resultados ofrecen 12 casos de fibromialgia (4 chicos y 8 chicas), un 3 por ciento de la población escolar.
Buscar elementos para caracterizar el retardo del lenguaje como trastorno específico del desarrollo, tanto el aspecto de diagnóstico como el de evolución y pronóstico. 2 niños con retardo simple del lenguaje y 2 con retardo severo del lenguaje o disfasia. En la parte teórica expone las aportaciones de diferentes autores sobre la adquisición del lenguaje. Hace una revisión de los trastornos del desarrollo del lenguaje. Da una definición operativa de nociones como retardo simple del lenguaje, retardo severo del lenguaje, disfasia, audiomadurez. En el estudio empírico, realiza un estudio longitudinal sobre la adquisición del artículo, el plural del nombre y el tiempo del verbo. Elabora una evaluación psicológica de los mismos sujetos en la adolescencia. Compara los resultados obtenidos con otros niños con adquisición del lenguaje normal. Observación. Magnetófono. Pruebas ad-hoc. Test de inteligencia Wais. Estudio longitudinal. Investigación comparada. El orden de adquisición de las nociones estudiadas no difiere en los dos grupos. Las nociones morfológicas aparecen en los niños con retraso simple y retraso severo con un MLU superior al que presentan los niños normales en el momento de su adquisición. En la adolescencia los sujetos presentan un nivel intelectual dentro de la normalidad. Todos han conseguido el graduado escolar, excepto uno con retardo severo. Todos, excepto uno con retardo ligero, necesitan refuerzo escolar a lo largo de toda la escolaridad. Todos presentan una adecuada adaptación personal y social.
Purpose: To evaluate the antihypertensive efficacy and safety of cilazapril compared to nifedipine retard in mild to moderate hypertension. Methods: Forty randomized out-patients with mild moderate hypertension, diastolic pressure (DP) between 95 and 115 mmg/Hg, with placebo for 15 days were randomized and allocated for treatment, double-blind, once daily with cilazapril 2.5 mg (n = 20) or nifedipine retard 20 mg (20 = n) for four weeks. The non-responders (DP > 90 mmHg) had the dosage increased twice, b.i.d., while responders were maintained up to 10 weeks. Clinical visits were performed before, at baseline and every two weeks and the laboratory test was performed after placebo run-in, 4th and 10th weeks of treatment. Results: The blood pressure (BP) were similar between groups at the end of the placebo (cilazapril 151 ± 14/103 ± 5 - nifedipine 157 ± 17/108 ± 7 mmHg, p > 0.05). DP decreased already at second weeks (cilazapril 95 ± 9 - nifedipine 96 ± 11 mmHg, p < 0.05, compared to week 0) in both groups at the end of study with no differences inter groups. BP normalization was obtained in 58% of the patients with cilazapril and in 61% in the nifedipine group. Adverse biochemical effects were not observed in any group. Six (16%) patients of the cilazapril and 15 (39%) of nifedipine related collateral events, although no difference were observed between groups. Conclusion: Cilazapril 2.5 to 5 mg normalized BP in 58% of mild and moderate hypertension patients, and this efficacy was similar to sustained-release nifedipine 20 to 40 mg. Cilazapril had no adverse effects on the biochemical parameters with low incidence of collateral effects.
Incluye Bibliografía
Thèse--Université de Toulouse.
Mode of access: Internet.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Plusieurs études effectuées dans les pays développés et les pays anglophones d’Afrique montrent que le contexte influence le statut vaccinal des enfants ainsi que l’administration de certains vaccins spécifiques. Cependant, peu d’études ont porté spécifiquement sur les pays d’Afrique francophone, particulièrement ceux du Sahel comme le Burkina Faso et le Mali. En analysant les données provenant des enquêtes démographiques et de santé du Burkina Faso (2010) et du Mali (2006) à travers une approche de régression logistique multiniveau, cet article évalue dans quelle mesure le contexte influence le respect du calendrier vaccinal des enfants de 12 à 59 mois. Les résultats montrent que les variances contextuelles demeurent significatives dans le modèle final même si le respect du calendrier vaccinal reste surtout tributaire des caractéristiques individuelles de l’enfant. Notamment, au Mali, plus le niveau de vie moyen du district de recensement augmente, plus le risque pour un enfant de recevoir un vaccin en retard diminue. Ces résultats invitent les acteurs de la santé publique à mettre en œuvre des approches communautaires ciblant les barrières locales qui empêchent une vaccination correcte des enfants dans ces deux pays.
Video-polygraphic-EEG studies were performed in the first 24 life-hours of 26 healthy full-term newborns without perinatal injuries. The neurological examination and cranial ultrasonography were normal. The newborns were divided into two groups: one, with full-term appropriate - birth weight 11 newborns (control group ) and the other with full-term low-birth weight 15 newborns. Thirteen newborns of the second group had video-polygraphic-EEG study abnormalities. The most frequent abnormalities were found in 11 cases, as far as sleep architecture is concerned. Also, when compared with the control group, 8 cases of an excessive amount of startles and 2 cases of low behavior activities were found. The results demonstrate the usefulness of video-polygraphic-EEG study in the full-term newborns with intra-uterine growth retard. This examination was sensitive to detect behavior, sleep architecture and EEG standard differences in the low birth-weight newborns as to the control group.
The use of antioxidants either to prevent or retard food's lipids oxidation was approved after inquires that verified their security within a daily intake limit. In this study, the methodology was developed and validated for the analysis of synthetic antioxidants: propylgallate (PG), tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), butylhydroxyanisole (BHA), octylgallate (OG) and butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) in vegetables oils, margarine and hydrogenated fats by high performance liquid chromatographic. The methodology revealed itself efficient, with recovery rates above 90% for all antioxidant substances, besides good linearity in concentration range of 40-240 mg kg-1 (r = 0,999), repeatability with CV < 3,7% and limit of quantification 16.55, 10.32, 1.40, 3.76 and 9.30 mg/kg for BHT, BHA, PG, OG and TBHQ, respectively.