967 resultados para response theory


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Background: To derive preference-based measures from various condition-specific descriptive health-related quality of life (HRQOL) measures. A general 2-stage method is evolved: 1) an item from each domain of the HRQOL measure is selected to form a health state classification system (HSCS); 2) a sample of health states is valued and an algorithm derived for estimating the utility of all possible health states. The aim of this analysis was to determine whether confirmatory or exploratory factor analysis (CFA, EFA) should be used to derive a cancer-specific utility measure from the EORTC QLQ-C30. Methods: Data were collected with the QLQ-C30v3 from 356 patients receiving palliative radiotherapy for recurrent or metastatic cancer (various primary sites). The dimensional structure of the QLQ-C30 was tested with EFA and CFA, the latter based on a conceptual model (the established domain structure of the QLQ-C30: physical, role, emotional, social and cognitive functioning, plus several symptoms) and clinical considerations (views of both patients and clinicians about issues relevant to HRQOL in cancer). The dimensions determined by each method were then subjected to item response theory, including Rasch analysis. Results: CFA results generally supported the proposed conceptual model, with residual correlations requiring only minor adjustments (namely, introduction of two cross-loadings) to improve model fit (increment χ2(2) = 77.78, p < .001). Although EFA revealed a structure similar to the CFA, some items had loadings that were difficult to interpret. Further assessment of dimensionality with Rasch analysis aligned the EFA dimensions more closely with the CFA dimensions. Three items exhibited floor effects (>75% observation at lowest score), 6 exhibited misfit to the Rasch model (fit residual > 2.5), none exhibited disordered item response thresholds, 4 exhibited DIF by gender or cancer site. Upon inspection of the remaining items, three were considered relatively less clinically important than the remaining nine. Conclusions: CFA appears more appropriate than EFA, given the well-established structure of the QLQ-C30 and its clinical relevance. Further, the confirmatory approach produced more interpretable results than the exploratory approach. Other aspects of the general method remain largely the same. The revised method will be applied to a large number of data sets as part of the international and interdisciplinary project to develop a multi-attribute utility instrument for cancer (MAUCa).


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This paper proposes a framework to analyse performance on multiple choice questions with the focus on linguistic factors. Item Response Theory (IRT) is deployed to estimate ability and question difficulty levels. A logistic regression model is used to detect Differential Item Functioning questions. Probit models testify relationships between performance and linguistic factors controlling the effects of question construction and students’ background. Empirical results have important implications. The lexical density of stems affects performance. The use of non-Economics specialised vocabulary has differing impacts on the performance of students with different language backgrounds. The IRT-based ability and difficulty help explain performance variations.


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We analyse warps in the nearby edge-on spiral galaxies observed in the Spitzer/Infrared Array Camera (IRAC)4.5-mu m band. In our sample of 24 galaxies, we find evidence of warp in 14 galaxies. We estimate the observed onset radii for the warps in a subsample of 10 galaxies. The dark matter distribution in each of these galaxies are calculated using the mass distribution derived from the observed light distribution and the observed rotation curves. The theoretical predictions of the onset radii for the warps are then derived by applying a self-consistent linear response theory to the obtained mass models for six galaxies with rotation curves in the literature. By comparing the observed onset radii to the theoretical ones, we find that discs with constant thickness can not explain the observations; moderately flaring discs are needed. The required flaring is consistent with the observations. Our analysis shows that the onset of warp is not symmetric in our sample of galaxies. We define a new quantity called the onset-asymmetry index and study its dependence on galaxy properties. The onset asymmetries in warps tend to be larger in galaxies with smaller dis scalelengths. We also define and quantify the global asymmetry in the stellar light distribution, that we call the edge-on asymmetry in edge-on galaxies. It is shown that in most cases the onset asymmetry in warp is actually anticorrelated with the measured edge-on asymmetry in our sample of edge-on galaxies and this could plausibly indicate that the surrounding dark matter distribution is asymmetric.


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Brillouin scattering by one-phonon-two-magnon interacting excitations in ferromagnetic dielectrics is discussed. The basic light scattering mechanism is taken to be the modulation of the density-dependent optical dielectric polarizability of the medium by the dynamic strain field generated by the longitudinal acoustic (LA) phonons. The renormalization effects arising from the scattering of phonons by the two-magnon creation-annihilation processes have, however, been taken into account. Via these interactions, the Brillouin components corresponding to the two-magnon excitations are reflected indirectly in the spectrum of the phonon scattered light as line-broadening of the otherwise relatively sharp Brillouin doublet. The present mechanism is shown to be dominant in a clean saturated ferromagnetic dielectric with large magneto-strictive coupling constant, and with the magnetic ions in the orbitally quenched states. Following the linear response theory, an expression has been derived for the spectral density of the scattered light as a function of temperature, scattering angle, and the strength of the externally applied magnetic field. Some estimates are given for the line-width and line-shift of the Brillouin components for certain typical choice of parameters involved. The results are discussed in relation to some available calculations on the ultrasonic attenuation in ferromagnetic insulators at low temperatures.


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An indirect mechanism of light scattering from spin-waves in ferromagnetic insulators via two-magnon one-phonon process is proposed. Following linear response theory, an expression has been derived for the differential scattering cross-section in the mean-field-approximation.


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A microscopic expression for the frequency and wave vector dependent dielectric constant of a dense dipolar liquid is derived starting from the linear response theory. The new expression properly takes into account the effects of the translational modes in the polarization relaxation. The longitudinal and the transverse components of the dielectric constant show vastly different behavior at the intermediate values of the wave vector k. We find that the microscopic structure of the dense liquid plays an important role at intermediate wave vectors. The continuum model description of the dielectric constant, although appropriate at very small values of wave vector, breaks down completely at the intermediate values of k. Numerical results for the longitudinal and the transverse dielectric constants are obtained by using the direct correlation function from the mean‐spherical approximation for dipolar hard spheres. We show that our results are consistent with all the limiting expressions known for the dielectric function of matter.


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Resumen: Se aplicó el Modelo de Crédito Parcial (MCP) de la Teoría de Respuesta al Ítem (TRI) al análisis de ítems de una escala que mide Afecto hacia la Matemática. Esta variable describe el interés de los estudiantes de Psicología por involucrarse en actividades vinculadas a la matemática y los sentimientos asociados al uso de sus conceptos. La prueba consta de 8 ítems con formato de respuesta Likert de 6 opciones. Participaron 1875 estudiantes de Psicología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) de los cuales un 82% fueron mujeres. El análisis de la consistencia interna brindó un índice altamente satisfactorio (Alfa = .91). Se verificó la condición de unidimensionalidad requerida por el modelo mediante un análisis factorial exploratorio. Todos los análisis basados sobre la TRI se realizaron con el programa Winsteps. La estimación de los parámetros del modelo se efectuó por Máxima Verosimilitud Conjunta. El ajuste del MCP fue satisfactorio para todos los ítems. La Función de Información del Test fue elevada en un rango amplio de niveles del rasgo latente. Un ítem presentó una inversión en dos parámetros de umbral. Como consecuencia, 1 de las 6 categorías del ítem no fue máximamente probable en ningún intervalo de la escala del rasgo latente. Se analizan las implicancias de este hallazgo en la evaluación de la calidad psicométrica del ítem. Los resultados de este estudio permitieron profundizar el análisis del constructo y aportaron evidencias de validez basadas en las estructura interna de la escala


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Building on Item Response Theory we introduce students’ optimal behavior in multiple-choice tests. Our simulations indicate that the optimal penalty is relatively high, because although correction for guessing discriminates against risk-averse subjects, this effect is small compared with the measurement error that the penalty prevents. This result obtains when knowledge is binary or partial, under different normalizations of the score, when risk aversion is related to knowledge and when there is a pass-fail break point. We also find that the mean degree of difficulty should be close to the mean level of knowledge and that the variance of difficulty should be high.


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An acoustic plasmon is predicted to occur, in addition to the conventional two-dimensional (2D) plasmon, as the collective motion of a system of two types of electronic carriers coexisting in the same 2D band of extrinsic (doped or gated) graphene. The origin of this novel mode stems from the anisotropy present in the graphene band structure near the Dirac points K and K'. This anisotropy allows for the coexistence of carriers moving with two distinct Fermi velocities along the Gamma K and Gamma K' directions, which leads to two modes of collective oscillation: one mode in which the two types of carriers oscillate in phase with one another (this is the conventional 2D graphene plasmon, which at long wavelengths (q -> 0) has the same dispersion, q(1/2), as the conventional 2D plasmon of a 2D free electron gas), and the other mode found here corresponds to a low-frequency acoustic oscillation (whose energy exhibits at long-wavelengths a linear dependence on the 2D wavenumber q) in which the two types of carriers oscillate out of phase. This prediction represents a realization of acoustic


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Apresentamos os resultados de nossa pesquisa para concepção, execuçãoo e avaliação de uma ferramenta adaptativa informatizada, denominada DIA, que permita tanto avaliar como fornecer feedback a estudantes sob uma perspectiva de avaliação formativa. Na primeira etapa, usamos os PCN: Ciências da Natureza, Matemática e suas Tecnologias (BRASIL, 1998) e as Matrizes Curriculares de Referência do Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais - INEP, para o Sistema de Avaliação para a Educação Básica- SAEB (BRASIL, 2005), para construir uma escala, em que os objetivos estão em ordem crescente, de acordo com o desenvolvimento vertical da construção do conhecimento em Matemática. Entrelaçamos os objetivos propostos para criar um Banco de Itens (BI), que foi usado em nossas simulações. Analisamos os resultados obtidos em nosso ensaio para avaliar o diálogo entre o BI e a escala sob a perspectiva de oferecer um diagnóstico de lacunas na construção do conhecimento matemático. Em nosso ensaio, simulamos o funcionamento da ferramenta DIA através de um teste adaptativo informatizado baseado na Teoria de Resposta ao Item (TRI). Também estamos interessados em determinar um perfil de um Banco de Itens, que seja capaz de forma significativa de dialogar com nossa escala através de TRI. A escala e o banco de itens a ela associado devem viabilizar um feedback construtivo que ajude os alunos a desenvolverem competências metacognitivas.


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No romance A defesa Lujin, de Vladimir Nabokov, publicado em russo em 1930, o texto procura levar o leitor a adotar processos mentais similares ao de um jogador de xadrez e de um esquizofrênico, características do personagem-título do romance. Delineiam-se as expectativas e circunstâncias de um ser de papel que se vê jogando um xadrez em que também é peça e traçam-se paralelos com as expectativas e circunstâncias do leitor perante esse texto literário. O prefácio de Nabokov à edição em inglês de 1964 é tomado como indício de um leitor e um autor implícitos que ele procura moldar. Para análise dos elementos textuais e níveis de abstração mental envolvidos, recorre-se à estética da recepção de Wolfgang Iser e a diversas ideias do psiquiatra e etnólogo Gregory Bateson, entre elas o conceito de duplo vínculo, com atenção às distinções entre mapa/território e play/game. Um duplo duplo vínculo é perpetrado na interação leitor-texto: 1) o leitor é convidado a sentir empatia pela situação do personagem Lujin e a considerá-lo lúcido e louco ao mesmo tempo; e 2) o leitor é colocado como uma instância pseudo-transcendental incapaz de comunicação com a instância inferior (Lujin), gerando uma angústia diretamente relacionável ao seu envolvimento com a ficção, replicando de certa forma a loucura de Lujin. A sinestesia do personagem Lujin é identificada como um dos elementos do texto capaz de recriar a experiência de jogar xadrez até para quem não aprecia o jogo. Analisa-se a conexão entre a esquizofrenia ficcional do personagem Lujin e a visão batesoniana do alcoolismo


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During the past 11 years, with the rapid development of the Internet, more and more psychologists began to realize and take advantage of it, which led to a growing number of psychological test administrated on the internet for data collection. But there were some controversy about the reliability and representatively of this new method. To examine the applicability of the Online Survey and how different types of scales used on the internet, we first reversed the measurement instrument, then from three different levels to investigate the equivalence of online survey and paper-and-pencil assessment, namely, sample level, scale level and item level. Both Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory were used to analyze the invariance of different types of scale applicability on the internet. The main conclusions of this study could be drawn as follows: 1. In the sample-based study, self-select sample of the online survey was compared to the random sampled sample of paper-and-pencil assessment. The results showed there were no gender difference between them (p>0.05), but the online survey sample was characterized with high qualifications, high-income and younger features (88% of the sample with post-secondary education or above, and 71% aged 20 -29 years). There were significant differences on the scores of all scales between online survey and paper-and-pencil assessment (p<0.01). With demographic controlled, there was no significant difference on the variable of Neurotic between different surveys (p>0.05). 2. With in-group design, it was proved equivalence of the scale of BI (Attitude toward Brand Importance), BT (Attitude toword Brand Switcher), Extraversion, and Conscientiousbess in the compared study in the reliability, construct validity and average scores. 3. On the item level, the results based on the Item Response Theory analysis showed that 2PLM is appropriate for personality and attitude scales. With regard to personality scale, there emerged some items with DIF in the dimensions of Openness to the experience subscale and Agreeable subscale. However, there were no significant differences about the test function. 4. Exploring the psychometrics properties of answer formats of five-, six-, seven-, ten-points, it was showed that different measurement validity between online survey and paper-and-pencil test. It was also described the lower reliability and validity of six-point scale. In conclusion, the results support the application of personality scale online, but for attitude scale, we need to choose prudently.


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This paper is about performance assessment in serious games. We conceive serious gaming as a process of player-lead decision taking. Starting from combinatorics and item-response theory we provide an analytical model that makes explicit to what extent observed player performances (decisions) are blurred by chance processes (guessing behaviors). We found large effects both theoretically and practically. In two existing serious games random guess scores were found to explain up to 41% of total scores. Monte Carlo simulation of random game play confirmed the substantial impact of randomness on performance. For valid performance assessments, be it in-game or post-game, the effects of randomness should be included to produce re-calibrated scores that can reasonably be interpreted as the players´ achievements.


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The inertia-corrected Debye model of rotational Brownian motion of polar molecules was generalized by Coffey et al. [Phys. Rev. E, 65, 32 102 (2002)] to describe fractional dynamics and anomalous rotational diffusion. The linear- response theory of the normalized complex susceptibility was given in terms of a Laplace transform and as a function of frequency. The angular-velocity correlation function was parametrized via fractal Mittag-Leffler functions. Here we apply the latter method and complex-contour integral- representation methods to determine the original time-dependent amplitude as an inverse Laplace transform using both analytical and numerical approaches, as appropriate. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An overview of a many-body approach to calculation of electronic transport in molecular systems is given. The physics required to describe electronic transport through a molecule at the many-body level, without relying on commonly made assumptions such as the Landauer formalism or linear response theory, is discussed. Physically, our method relies on the incorporation of scattering boundary conditions into a many-body wavefunction and application of the maximum entropy principle to the transport region. Mathematically, this simple physical model translates into a constrained nonlinear optimization problem. A strategy for solving the constrained optimization problem is given. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.