943 resultados para resourced-based view


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This case study is based in Mundo Verde, a Brazilian natural products company, and its focused on the strategic decisions the company has to make to overcome the current problems. The case is built around three major theoretical perspectives: Competitive advantages from a Resource Based View, Brand Identity and Entrepreneurship. In the case is presented first the company, disclosing the necessary information to analyze and comprehend Mundo Verde, by accurately identifying the company´s competitive advantages. Next the student is presented to a narrative where the CEO of the company meets one of the franchisees in an attempt to find out more about the company´s issues and to see how the stores are working. Several scenarios are presented to the students which represent several possibilities of action, considering the company, the problems to be addressed and the objectives of the company.


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Firms have embraced electronic commerce as a means of doing business, either because they see it as a way to improve efficiency, grow market share, expand into new markets, or because they view it as essential for survival. Recent research in the United States provides some evidence that the market does value investments in electronic commerce. Following research that suggests that, in certain circumstances, the market values noninnovative investments as well as innovative investments in new products, we partition electronic commerce investment project announcements into innovative and noninnovative to determine whether there are excess returns associated with these types of announcements. Apart from our overall results being consistent with the United States findings that the market values investments in electronic commerce projects, we also find that noninnovative investments are perceived as more valuable to the firm than innovative investments. On average, the market expects innovative investments to earn a return commensurate with their risk. We conclude that innovative electronic commerce projects are most likely seen by the capital market as easily replicable, and consequently have little, if any, competitive advantage period. On the other hand, we conclude from the noninnovative investment results that these types of investments are seen as being compatible with a firm's assets-in-place, in particular, its information technology capabilities, a view consistent with the resource-based view of the firm.


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Our understanding of the nature of competitive advantage has not been helped by a tendency for theorists to adopt a unitary position, suggesting, for example, that advantage is industry based or resource based. In examining the nature of competitive advantage in an electronic business (e-business) environment this paper adopts a contingency perspective. Several intriguing questions emerge. Do 'new economy' companies have different resource profiles to 'old economy' companies? Are the patterns of resource development and accumulation different? Are attained advantages less sustainable for e-businesses? These are the kinds of themes examined in this paper. The literature on competitive advantage is reviewed as are the challenges posed by the recent changes in the business environment.Two broad sets of firms are identified as emerging out of the e-business shake up and the resource profiles of these firms are discussed. Several research propositions are advanced and the implications for research and practice are discussed.


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Strategy is highly important for organisational success and the achievement of competitive advantage. Strategy is dynamic and it depends on accurate individual decision-making from medium and high-level managers and executives. Since managers always formulate strategy, its formulation depends mostly on their assertive decisions. Making good decisions is a complex task, even more in today’s business world where a large quantity of information and a dynamic environment forces people to decide without having complete information. As Shafir, Simonson, & Tversky (1993) point out, "the making of decisions, both big and small, is often difficult because of uncertainty and conflict". In this paper the author will explain a basic theoretical framework about top manager's individual decision-making, showing how complex the process of making high-impact decisions is; then, he will compare this theory with one of the most important streams in strategic management, the Resource-Based View (RBV) of the firm. Finally, within the context of individual decision-making and the RBV stream, the author will show how individual decision makers in top management positions constitute a valuable, rare, non-imitable and non-substitutable resource that provides sustained competitive advantage.


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Strategy has always been important for success. Whether strategy is applied for military purposes, in large firms, or even for personal objectives, there are certain key characteristics that every successful strategy carries on: clear, objective and simple goals; deep knowledge and understanding of the competitive environment; objective understanding and exploitation of resources; and an effective plan implementation. In this paper, the author’s attention will be focused on the role of internal resources, routines and processes as the bases of sustained competitive advantage (hereafter SCA) into what is now known as the resourcebased view of the firm (RBV) and Dynamic Capabilities (DC). First, the relevance of RBV and DC approaches and the main characteristics of those are briefly mentioned. Second, RBV and DC are examined as an important piece to achieve SCA. Later on, the author deepens into some examples and the manager’s importance when using these RBV and DC approaches. Then issues related with complexity and undefined concepts in RBV and DC are briefly mentioned. Finally, conclusions and personal comments are presented.


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This dissertation is one of the earliest to systematically apply and empirically test the resource-based view (RBV) in the context of nascent social ventures in a large scale study. Social ventures are entrepreneurial ventures organized as nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid organizations whose primary purpose is to address unmet social needs and create social value. Nascent social ventures face resource gaps and engage in partnerships or alliances as one means to access external resources. These partnerships with different sectors facilitate social venture innovative and earned income strategies, and assist in the development of adequate heterogeneous resource conditions that impact competitive advantage. Competitive advantage in the context of nascent social ventures is achieved through the creation of value and the achievement of venture development activities and launching. The relationships between partnerships, heterogeneous resource conditions, strategies, and competitive advantage are analyzed in the context of nascent social ventures that participated in business plan competitions. A content analysis of 179 social venture business plans and an exploratory follow-up survey of 72 of these ventures are used to analyze these relationships using regression, ANOVA, correlations, t-tests, and non-parametric statistics. The findings suggest a significant positive relationship between competitive advantage and partnership diversity, heterogeneous resource conditions, social innovation, and earned income. Social capital is the type of resource most significantly related to competitive advantage. Founder previous start-up experience, client location, and business plan completeness are also found to be significant in the relationship between partnership diversity and competitive advantage. Finally the findings suggest that hybrid social ventures create a greater competitive advantage than nonprofit or for-profit social ventures. Consequently, this dissertation not only provides academics further insight into the factors that impact nascent social value creation, venture development, and ability to launch, but also offers practitioners guidance on how best to organize certain processes to create a competitive advantage. As a result more insight is gained into the nascent social venture creation process and how these ventures can have a greater impact on society.


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A gestão do conhecimento (GC) é uma das recentes abordagens da administração contemporânea, cujo foco engloba o conceito de conhecimento como recurso estratégico, sendo que suas técnicas, práticas e iniciativas gerenciais encontram-se em momento de consolidação. Muitos estudos acadêmicos sobre gestão do conhecimento estão sendo realizados no campo da Administração, com o objetivo de sistematizar os conceitos, as práticas e as contribuições para o poder de competição das empresas (NONAKA e TAKEUCHI, 1997; EISENHARDT e SANTOS, 2000; PROBST, RAUB e ROMHARDT, 2002; DALKIR, 2005). Esta pesquisa objetivou classificar as empresas do setor elétricoeletrônico brasileiro de acordo com o estágio de institucionalização da gestão do conhecimento, bem como verificar as contribuições das práticas de GC para seu poder competitivo. Foi realizado um survey a partir da listagem de 553 empresas elétricas e eletrônicas atuantes no Brasil e participantes da Associação Brasileira da Indústria Elétrica e Eletrônica (ABINEE), tendo sido averiguada uma amostra formada por 56 empresas respondentes. Os principais resultados encontrados foram: a) as empresas pesquisadas estão nos estágios iniciais de institucionalização de GC e b) as contribuições para o poder de competição, realizadas com adoção das práticas de GC, tinham como objetivo fortalecer a cultura de compartilhamento e disseminação do conhecimento, bem como, criar o ambiente favorável para o trabalho em equipe.


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The resource-based view identifies a number of factors that may influence employees’ informal learning. In a cross-sectional survey of 113 German employees in the energy sector, we examined a number of potential predictors of informal learning and a more positive informal learning attitude. The results showed that proactive help-seeking and professional self-efficacy were positive predictors of informal learning. Employees who were older, who enjoyed learning, sought help and were self-efficacious learners had a more positive attitude towards formal learning. Employees who had a more positive attitude about informal learning rated organisational learning provisions as less important, potentially due to being proactive help-seekers. Managers rated organisational learning resources as less important than non-managerial employees. However, managers also reported higher professional self-efficacy. These circumstances may also influence their decision-making regarding the need to provide learning resources to others in the workplace.


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Due to the high standards expected from diagnostic medical imaging, the analysis of information regarding waiting lists via different information systems is of utmost importance. Such analysis, on the one hand, may improve the diagnostic quality and, on the other hand, may lead to the reduction of waiting times, with the concomitant increase of the quality of services and the reduction of the inherent financial costs. Hence, the purpose of this study is to assess the waiting time in the delivery of diagnostic medical imaging services, like computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Thereby, this work is focused on the development of a decision support system to assess waiting times in diagnostic medical imaging with recourse to operational data of selected attributes extracted from distinct information systems. The computational framework is built on top of a Logic Programming Case-base Reasoning approach to Knowledge Representation and Reasoning that caters for the handling of in-complete, unknown, or even self-contradictory information.


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It is well known that rib cage dimensions depend on the gender and vary with the age of the individual. Under this setting it is therefore possible to assume that a computational approach to the problem may be thought out and, consequently, this work will focus on the development of an Artificial Intelligence grounded decision support system to predict individual’s age, based on such measurements. On the one hand, using some basic image processing techniques it were extracted such descriptions from chest X-rays (i.e., its maximum width and height). On the other hand, the computational framework was built on top of a Logic Programming Case Base approach to knowledge representation and reasoning, which caters for the handling of incomplete, unknown, or even contradictory information. Furthermore, clustering methods based on similarity analysis among cases were used to distinguish and aggregate collections of historical data in order to reduce the search space, therefore enhancing the cases retrieval and the overall computational process. The accuracy of the proposed model is satisfactory, close to 90%.