872 resultados para religious tradition
Le yoga est une pratique ancestrale qui a connu une effervescence phénoménale ces quarante dernières années. S’insérant dans un monde en changement où l’individu et son rapport à son environnement ne sont plus perçus de la même manière, le yoga est une pratique qui véhicule un concept flexible et malléable, ajustable à une société occidentale en changement. Le Québec, et plus spécifiquement Montréal où s'est effectuée notre ethnographie, porte une histoire religieuse encore fortement présente où l’on découvre une effervescence de nouvelles pratiques depuis la Révolution tranquille des années soixante. C’est dans ce cadre que nous avons découvert le yoga cachemirien qui se base sur la tradition du sivaïsme tantrique non-duel du Cachemire. Cette pratique est encore peu connue dans le monde du yoga, bien qu’elle soit déjà bien installée comme objet d’étude dans les milieux académiques (Inde, France, Angleterre, Italie, États-Unis et Canada). Ce yoga se dit « traditionnel » à cause de son orientation non-duelle qui fait écho à l’enseignement délivré dans les tantras de cette tradition. Par ailleurs, cette pratique, majoritairement basée sur le senti et l’exploration tactile, ne porte pas les caractéristiques des yogas type ashtanga, Iyengar ou hatha, disponibles sur le marché. Notre exploration ethnographique s’est donc portée sur le vécu des membres de ce groupe et sur la pratique et le discours de l’enseignant. Les membres, majoritairement d’origine québécoise, appréhendent cette approche et cette sotériologie avec un vécu religieux culturel spécifiquement identifiable, que ce soit au niveau du corps, des idées ou de la formulation qu’ils en font. L’enseignant, quant à lui, présente la pratique comme l’application directe et vécue de la doctrine délivrée dans les tantras de la tradition du sivaïsme cachemirien. La pratique du yoga cachemirien se veut donc traditionnelle tout en s’acculturant au contexte contemporain dans lequel l’enseignement se délivre. Il est alors pertinent de comprendre la dynamique qui se génère dans ce processus de transposition traditionnelle au sein d’un contexte contemporain. C’est donc ce processus de construction/ transformation que nous allons tenter d’expliquer; celui-ci semble s’établir entre continuité traditionnelle et rupture d’éléments redéfinis et réinventés. Nous verrons que dans cette dynamique, observée tant dans le discours que la pratique, les limites ne sont pas aussi hermétiques qu'il n'y paraît : les concepts d’identité culturelle et de temporalité s’entrechoquent, se construisent les unes sur les autres dans un mouvement incessant et vivant.
Dans cette dissertation, je présente trois pièces sur des thèmes religieux composées au cours de ma maîtrise, ainsi que leur analyse : Psalmus 150 pour chœur de jeunes à trois voix, chœur d'adultes à huit voix et orgue ou piano ; Quatuor à Cordes sur la vie de Saint Jean-Paul II ; et la Symphonie « La Rédemption » pour orchestre et chœur. Malgré les particularités de chacune, elles présentent des aspects communs. L'idée principale des compositions fut d'éviter la rupture avec la tradition tout en apportant des nouvelles idées aux pièces, et de souligner l'importance de ma recherche sur la beauté. À cet égard, certaines techniques contemporaines, ainsi que les sonorités médiévales des quintes et octaves parallèles, furent utilisées en accord avec un langage tonal / modal qui demeure la base des trois compositions. Le chant Grégorien fut aussi une importante caractéristique de ces compositions. Pour mieux comprendre les analyses des œuvres, deux techniques seront expliquées, la douce toile de dissonances linéaires et l'harmonie d'accords parfaits majeurs. L'analyse de chaque pièce est divisée en deux parties. La première est une vision générale et la deuxième est plus détaillée. À la fin, les connaissances acquises par la composition des ces œuvres seront résumées et l'importance intemporelle de la beauté sera réaffirmée.
Smooth Words is a well-researched and entertaining, if somewhat uneven, book on women in the Wisdom tradition in ancient Israel. Fontaine, a faculty member at a small Protestant seminary in Newton, MA, writes with her students constantly in mind, her interactions with them informing her scholarship throughout the book. She is also in dialogue with other scholars in the fields of Wisdom literature and feminist scholarship, a dialogue that gives the book academic rigor and depth.
Idolatry is a key concept in the history of Western thinking about religion, as an all-encompassing category in which all religions more or less alien to the Christian tradition could be subsumed. From Late Antiquity to the Modern period, we can follow how the notion was put to work within Christian discourse to think about the religious “other. ” In fact, the word is almost ubiquitous in pre-modern debates on religion and the origins of religion. Theories on the nature and causes of “idolatry” framed much of the issue of “Religion” vs. the “religions,” and largely provided the conceptual space, in early modern Europe, in which religious anthropology would emerge. The present paper will investigate some aspects of the early modern discourse on idolatry, and its place in early modern discussions on the “diversity” of religions.
Despite its central role in religious life of the region, the sculptural tradition of the Southern Chilean Chiloé Archipelago, ranging from the 17th century to the present day, has been vastly understudied. Isidoro Vázquez de Acuña’s 1994 volume Santeria de Chiloe: ensayo y catastro remains the only catalogue of Chilote sculpture. Though the author includes photographs of a vast array of works, he does not attempt to place the sculptures within a chronology, or consider their place within the greater Latin American context. My thesis will place this group of works within a chronological and geographical context that reaches from the 16th century to the present day, connected to the artistic traditions of regions as far afield as Paraguay and Lima. I will first consider the works brought to the Archipelago by religious orders – the Jesuits and Franciscans – as well as influences on artistic style and religious culture throughout the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. I will focus in particular on three works generally considered to be from the 17th and 18th centuries – the Virgin of Loreto at Achao, the Saint Michael at Castro, and the Jesus Nazareno of Caguach – using visual analysis and sifting through generations of primary and secondary sources to determine from where and when these sculptures came. With this investigation as a foundation, I will consider how they inspired vernacular sculptural expression and trace ‘family trees’ of vernacular works based on these precedents. Vernacular artistic traditions are often viewed as derivative and lacking in skill, but Chilote sculptors in fact engaged with a variety of outside influences and experimented with different sculptural styles. I will conclude by considering which aspects of these styles Chilote artists chose to incorporate into their own work, alter or exclude, artistic decisions that shed light on the Archipelago’s religious and cultural fabric.
Includes index.
Premier série.
Goddesses in African religions are spirits that affect humans and demand reverence from them. They are also embodiments of ideas that African people have about women, their powers and their roles in society. This study focused on Mame Wata, a goddess in Half Assini, an Nzema-speaking coastal community in western Ghana. It sought to resolve a paradox, that is, the fact that, the goddess is at the center of a Pentecostalist tradition even though traditional Pentecostalism in Ghana views her as an agent of the devil. The study involved fieldwork in this community of the goddess's female worshippers led by Agyimah, a charismatic man, and an agent of the goddess. The study interpreted the goddess as a post-colonial invented symbol personifying both pre-colonial and emerging ideas about female power. Findings from the study also show that through Mame Wata the followers celebrate the spirituality of the female.
Despite its central role in religious life of the region, the sculptural tradition of the Southern Chilean Chiloé Archipelago, ranging from the 17th century to the present day, has been vastly understudied. Isidoro Vázquez de Acuña’s 1994 volume Santeria de Chiloe: ensayo y catastro remains the only catalogue of Chilote sculpture. Though the author includes photographs of a vast array of works, he does not attempt to place the sculptures within a chronology, or consider their place within the greater Latin American context. My thesis will place this group of works within a chronological and geographical context that reaches from the 16th century to the present day, connected to the artistic traditions of regions as far afield as Paraguay and Lima. I will first consider the works brought to the Archipelago by religious orders – the Jesuits and Franciscans – as well as influences on artistic style and religious culture throughout the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. I will focus in particular on three works generally considered to be from the 17th and 18th centuries – the Virgin of Loreto at Achao, the Saint Michael at Castro, and the Jesus Nazareno of Caguach – using visual analysis and sifting through generations of primary and secondary sources to determine from where and when these sculptures came. With this investigation as a foundation, I will consider how they inspired vernacular sculptural expression and trace ‘family trees’ of vernacular works based on these precedents. Vernacular artistic traditions are often viewed as derivative and lacking in skill, but Chilote sculptors in fact engaged with a variety of outside influences and experimented with different sculptural styles. I will conclude by considering which aspects of these styles Chilote artists chose to incorporate into their own work, alter or exclude, artistic decisions that shed light on the Archipelago’s religious and cultural fabric.
This article focuses on the analysis of the concept of love in the religious philosophy of Pavel Florensky, who shares the ontological approach to the consideration of love with other representatives of Russian religious philosophy (N. berdyaev and S. bulgakov). We pay more careful attention to the understanding of love-άγαπαν by Florensky. We have drawn the conclusion that, in the philosophy of P. Florensky, Love, closely connected with truth and beauty, is considered an ontological basis existence of personality. We develop the ideas of Pavel Florensky, and accordingly assume that it is possible to synthesise love-agape and love-eros around the idea of sacrificial love. Agapelogical and erotical ‘bezels’ of one jewel of love is aspects of united love, which is given by God. this gift of God, the gift of united love, is kept by humans through prayer and deeds of love.
Este artigo descreve como jovens religiosos e autoridades religiosas das respectivas comunidades compreendem a sexualidade, considerando suas experiências pessoais e como membros de comunidades religiosas. A análise pretende contribuir para que políticas públicas dedicadas à promoção da saúde sexual da juventude considerem a religiosidade no contexto de um Estado laico e da promoção do direito à prevenção. Foram realizadas 26 entrevistas abertas e semidirigidas em diferentes comunidades da região metropolitana da cidade de São Paulo (comunidade Católica, de Umbanda, do Candomblé e de diferentes denominações Evangélicas) sobre iniciação sexual, casamento, gravidez, contracepção e prevenção das DSTs/aids, homossexualidade, aborto e direitos humanos. Observou-se como jovens e autoridades religiosas convivem com a tensão entre tradição e modernidade e os distintos discursos sobre a sexualidade. Como sujeitos religiosos (do discurso religioso) e sujeitos sexuais (de discursos sobre sexualidade), devem ser incorporados pelos programas como sujeitos de direito nos termos de sua religiosidade.
Empirical data indicate that the so-called ""Buddhism of yellow color"" that is predominantly associated with Japanese ""immigrant"" Buddhism, is constantly in decline in terms of ""explicit"" adherents. After some methodological observations, this article gives an overview of the relevant statistical data. The last part discusses possible reasons for these negative dynamics, referring to causes within Buddhist institutions, the ethnic community, and at the level of the individual.
This text discusses the phonographic segment of religious music in Brazil in its two main manifestations, linked respectively to the Catholic and Protestant traditions. The text offers a brief history of both traditions, as well as a description of their main recording companies and artists of greatest prominence. In its final part. the text presents the strategies that bring together recording companies and independent artists, as well as ponders over Brazil`s independent musical production as a whole.