995 resultados para religions


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Resumen basado en el de la autora en catalán


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Libro de texto de nivel 3 (Key Stage 3) para el primer ciclo de educación secundaria. Contiene la historia de las religiones del mundo e incluye: Budismo, Cristianismo, Hinduismo, Islam, Judaísmo, Sijismo o Sikhismo. El objetivo del libro es proporcionar las habilidades y conocimientos necesarios para comprender a las personas con creencias diferentes a las del alumno y ayudarlos a reflexionar sobre el impacto de la religión en los acontecimientos mundiales, las diferencias que la religión marca en la vida, y cómo la religión influye en la forma de actuar de las personas.


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Syftet med vårat examensarbete har varit att göra en läromedelsanalys ur ett genusperspektiv i ämnet religion. Vi har studerat två läromedel som riktar sig till grundskolans senare år och två läromedel som riktar sig till gymnasiet. I analyserna har vi kommit fram till att det i läromedlen för grundskolan finns en stor avsaknad av genusmedvetenhet. Även om genusmedvetenheten är större i läromedlen för gymnasiet uppnår det inte den genusmedvetenhet som vore önskvärt.


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“Can accounting practices be analyzed in a religious system of beliefs framework?”- this paper discusses and develops a theoretical framework for answering the question based on Hofstede and Gray’s model and an analysis of accounting practices in an Islamic agenda. The paper has three purposes. First, it analyses Hofstede and Gray’s model of accounting practices derived from a cultural framework including authority, measurement, enforcement and disclosure. Then, it is argued that Hofstede’s cultural values drive to depict the Islamic societal values by referencing Holy books verses of Muslim; Koran. Third, the study utilizes the Islamic societal values by applying Gray’s model to develop a theory for determining Islamic accounting practices. The model developed here provides a reasonably sound explanation of how religion as one cultural factor affects accounting practices in different societies. In examining Islam as one of the influential religions in the world, the paper reasons that Islamic accounting configuration attends to statutory control in accounting authority, moderate in disclosure of financial information, uniformity in using accounting methods and principles, and optimism in regard to accounting measurements.


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Since the turn of the twenty-first century, the so-called ‘religion in schools debate’ has generated a significant amount of controversy in Australia and arguably impeded progress in both research and education about diverse religions and non-religious worldviews (ERW). This article focuses on the recently released Review of the Australian Curriculum – Final Report and examines why there has been such strong resistance to learning from international best practices in implementing ERW programmes in Australia. It presents an analysis of the Review’s findings, in light of these advances, notably the recently released Signposts: Policy and Practice for Teaching about Religions and Non-religious Worldviews in Intercultural Education document published by the Council of Europe. Finally, this article argues that for the Australian Curriculum to be genuinely ‘world class’, and for it to promote an appreciation of religious diversity, it needs to include ERW as a separate subject or across the national Curriculum, drawing on Australian and international research and policies in this field to develop curricula and resources that are appropriate for the Australian context.


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The paper deals with the problem of (the often supposedly impossible) conversion to “Hinduism”. I start with an outline of what I call the ‘no conversion possible’ paradigm, and briefl y point to the lack of refl ection on acceptance of converts in most theories of religious conversion. Then, two examples are presented: Firstly, I consider conversion to ISKCON and the discourse on the Hare Krishna movement’s Hinduness. Secondly, I give a brief outline of the globalsanatana dharmamovement as inaugurated by Satguru Siva Subramuniyaswami, a converted American Hindu based in Hawai’i. In the conclusion, I refl ect on (civic) social capital and engagement in global networks as a means to gain acceptance as converts to Hinduism. I argue in line with Stepick, Rey and Mahler (2009) that the religious movements’ civic engagement (in these cases engagement in favour of the Indian diasporic communities and of Hindus in India) provides a means for the individual, non-Indian converts to acquire the social capital that is necessary for gaining acceptance as ‘Hindus’ in certain contexts.