994 resultados para reinforcment sensitivity theory (RST)


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Two studies investigate how cognitions of aurally presented information interact with aural preference (self-reported preferred ear for listening) in the prediction of personality. In Study 1, participants provided attractiveness cognitions of various statements after listening to aurally presented material. Aural preference x attractiveness interactions significantly predicted Extraversion and Neuroticism. In Study 2, participants provided cognitions of pleasantness from various scenarios. An aural preference x pleasantness interaction significantly predicted Neuroticism. Although other interpretations are possible, I conclude that these findings support the idea of aural preference as a useful measure of hemispheric asymmetry, such that the right hemisphere (left aural preference) provides facilitation of emotional expression, whereas the left hemisphere (right aural preference) provides suppression. My findings support a more historical view of emotional asymmetry than the more modem approach-avoidance perspective and suggest that moderating effects of hemispheric asymmetry are important to include in studies investigating emotions associated with personality.


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Using a multi-perspective vignette design, we explored predictors of young peoples' (N = 119) propensity to engage in unfaithful activities while dating. Demographic measures, a datding investment model, and measures of functional and dysfunctional impulsivity were used to predict inclination to engage in each of two extradyadic activities (kissing and sexual activity). The results of moderated multiple regression analyses revealed that a respondent's number of sexual partners, level of dysfunctional impulsivity, satisfaction with current relationship, and quality of relationship alternatives significantly predicted inclination to engage in both of the extradyadic activities. Consistent with previous findings, gender only showed significant predictive value in relation to extradyadic sex inclination. Moreover, the association between sex, love, and marriage interacted with gender in the prediction of both extradyadic activities and interacted with commitment in the prediction of extradyadic sex inclination. Suggestions for future research in this area are offered in light of these new findings.


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[EU]Hizkuntzaren prozesamenduan testu koherenteetan kausa taldeko erlazioak (KAUSA, ONDORIOA eta HELBURUA) automatikoki hautematea eta bereiztea erabilgarria da galdera-erantzun automatikoko sistemak eraikitzerako orduan. Horretarako Egitura Erretorikoaren Teoria (Rhetorical Structure Theory, aurrerantzean RST) eta bere erlazioak erabiliko ditugu, corpus bezala RST Treebank -a (Iruskieta et al., 2013) hartuta, zientziako laburpen-testuz osatutako corpusa, hain zuzen ere. Corpus hori XML formatuan deskargatu eta hortik XPATH tresnaren bidez informazio garrantzitsuena eskuratzen dugu. Lan honek 3 helburu nagusi ditu: lehendabizi, kausa taldeko erlazioak elkarren artean bereiztea, bigarrenez, kausa taldeko erlazio hauek beste erlazio guztiekin bereiztea, eta azkenik, EBALUAZIOA eta INTERPRETAZIOA erlazioak bereiztea sentimendu analisian aplikatu ahal izateko. Ataza horiek egiteko, RhetDB tresnarekin eskuratu diren patroi ensaguratsuenak erabili eta bi aplikazio garatu ditugu. Alde batetik, bilatu nahi ditugun patroiak adierazi eta erlazio-egitura duen edonolako testuetan bilaketak egiten dituen bilatzailea, eta bestetik, patroi esanguratsuenak emanda erlazioak etiketatzen dituen etiketatzailea. Bi aplikazio hauek gainera, ahalik eta modu parametrizagarrienean erabiltzeko garatu ditugu, kodea aldatu gabe edonork erabili ahal izateko antzeko atazak egiteko. Etiketatzaileak ebaluatu ondoren, identifikatzeko erlaziorik errazena HELBURUA erlazioa dela ikusi dugu eta KAUSA eta ONDORIOA bereizteko arazo gehiago dauzkagula ere ondorioztatu dugu. Modu berean, EBALUAZIOA eta INTERPRETAZIOA ere elkarren artean bereiz dezakegula ikusi dugu.


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An analysis based on coherence theory is presented, which explains the experimentally observed rotation sensitivity of the contrast of Lau fringes obtained under spatially incoherent illumination.


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Recent electrophysical data inspired the claim that dopaminergic neurons adapt their mismatch sensitivities to reflect variances of expected rewards. This contradicts reward prediction error theory and most basal ganglia models. Application of learning principles points to a testable alternative interpretation-of the same data-that is compatible with existing theory.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Whilst estimation of the marginal (total) causal effect of a point exposure on an outcome is arguably the most common objective of experimental and observational studies in the health and social sciences, in recent years, investigators have also become increasingly interested in mediation analysis. Specifically, upon establishing a non-null total effect of the exposure, investigators routinely wish to make inferences about the direct (indirect) pathway of the effect of the exposure not through (through) a mediator variable that occurs subsequently to the exposure and prior to the outcome. Although powerful semiparametric methodologies have been developed to analyze observational studies, that produce double robust and highly efficient estimates of the marginal total causal effect, similar methods for mediation analysis are currently lacking. Thus, this paper develops a general semiparametric framework for obtaining inferences about so-called marginal natural direct and indirect causal effects, while appropriately accounting for a large number of pre-exposure confounding factors for the exposure and the mediator variables. Our analytic framework is particularly appealing, because it gives new insights on issues of efficiency and robustness in the context of mediation analysis. In particular, we propose new multiply robust locally efficient estimators of the marginal natural indirect and direct causal effects, and develop a novel double robust sensitivity analysis framework for the assumption of ignorability of the mediator variable.


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Similar to classic Signal Detection Theory (SDT), recent optimal Binary Signal Detection Theory (BSDT) and based on it Neural Network Assembly Memory Model (NNAMM) can successfully reproduce Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves although BSDT/NNAMM parameters (intensity of cue and neuron threshold) and classic SDT parameters (perception distance and response bias) are essentially different. In present work BSDT/NNAMM optimal likelihood and posterior probabilities are analytically analyzed and used to generate ROCs and modified (posterior) mROCs, optimal overall likelihood and posterior. It is shown that for the description of basic discrimination experiments in psychophysics within the BSDT a ‘neural space’ can be introduced where sensory stimuli as neural codes are represented and decision processes are defined, the BSDT’s isobias curves can simultaneously be interpreted as universal psychometric functions satisfying the Neyman-Pearson objective, the just noticeable difference (jnd) can be defined and interpreted as an atom of experience, and near-neutral values of biases are observers’ natural choice. The uniformity or no-priming hypotheses, concerning the ‘in-mind’ distribution of false-alarm probabilities during ROC or overall probability estimations, is introduced. The BSDT’s and classic SDT’s sensitivity, bias, their ROC and decision spaces are compared.


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Determining sensitivity and specificity of a postoperative infection surveillance process is a difficult undertaking. Because postoperative infections are rare, vast numbers of negative results exist, and it is often not reasonable to assess them all. This study gives a methodological framework for estimating sensitivity and specificity by taking only a small sample of the number of patients who test negative and comparing their findings to the reference or “gold standard” rather than comparing the findings of all patients to the gold standard. It provides a formula for deriving confidence intervals for these estimates and a guide to minimum requirements for sampling results.


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Soil C decomposition is sensitive to changes in temperature, and even small increases in temperature may prompt large releases of C from soils. But much of what we know about soil C responses to global change is based on short-term incubation data and model output that implicitly assumes soil C pools are composed of organic matter fractions with uniform temperature sensitivities. In contrast, kinetic theory based on chemical reactions suggests that older, more-resistant C fractions may be more temperature sensitive. Recent research on the subject is inconclusive, indicating that the temperature sensitivity of labile soil organic matter (OM) decomposition could either be greater than, less than, or equivalent to that of resistant soil OM. We incubated soils at constant temperature to deplete them of labile soil OM and then successively assessed the CO2-C efflux in response to warming. We found that the decomposition response to experimental warming early during soil incubation (when more labile C remained) was less than that later when labile C was depleted. These results suggest that the temperature sensitivity of resistant soil OM pools is greater than that for labile soil OM and that global change-driven soil C losses may be greater than previously estimated.


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We present a novel modified theory based upon Rayleigh scattering of ultrasound from composite nanoparticles with a liquid core and solid shell. We derive closed form solutions to the scattering cross-section and have applied this model to an ultrasound contrast agent consisting of a liquid-filled core (perfluorooctyl bromide, PFOB) encapsulated by a polymer shell (poly-caprolactone, PCL). Sensitivity analysis was performed to predict the dependence of the scattering cross-section upon material and dimensional parameters. A rapid increase in the scattering cross-section was achieved by increasing the compressibility of the core, validating the incorporation of high compressibility PFOB; the compressibility of the shell had little impact on the overall scattering cross-section although a more compressible shell is desirable. Changes in the density of the shell and the core result in predicted local minima in the scattering cross-section, approximately corresponding to the PFOB-PCL contrast agent considered; hence, incorporation of a lower shell density could potentially significantly improve the scattering cross-section. A 50% reduction in shell thickness relative to external radius increased the predicted scattering cross-section by 50%. Although it has often been considered that the shell has a negative effect on the echogeneity due to its low compressibility, we have shown that it can potentially play an important role in the echogeneity of the contrast agent. The challenge for the future is to identify suitable shell and core materials that meet the predicted characteristics in order to achieve optimal echogenity.


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A review of the literature related to issues involved in irrigation induced agricultural development (IIAD) reveals that: (1) the magnitude, sensitivity and distribution of social welfare of IIAD is not fully analysed; (2) the impacts of excessive pesticide use on farmers’ health are not adequately explained; (3) no analysis estimates the relationship between farm level efficiency and overuse of agro-chemical inputs under imperfect markets; and (4) the method of incorporating groundwater extraction costs is misleading. This PhD thesis investigates these issues by using primary data, along with secondary data from Sri Lanka. The overall findings of the thesis can be summarised as follows. First, the thesis demonstrates that Sri Lanka has gained a positive welfare change as a result of introducing new irrigation technology. The change in the consumer surplus is Rs.48,236 million, while the change in the producer surplus is Rs. 14,274 millions between 1970 and 2006. The results also show that the long run benefits and costs of IIAD depend critically on the magnitude of the expansion of the irrigated area, as well as the competition faced by traditional farmers (agricultural crowding out effects). The traditional sector’s ability to compete with the modern sector depends on productivity improvements, reducing production costs and future structural changes (spillover effects). Second, the thesis findings on pesticides used for agriculture show that, on average, a farmer incurs a cost of approximately Rs. 590 to 800 per month during a typical cultivation period due to exposure to pesticides. It is shown that the value of average loss in earnings per farmer for the ‘hospitalised’ sample is Rs. 475 per month, while it is approximately Rs. 345 per month for the ‘general’ farmers group during a typical cultivation season. However, the average willingness to pay (WTP) to avoid exposure to pesticides is approximately Rs. 950 and Rs. 620 for ‘hospitalised’ and ‘general’ farmers’ samples respectively. The estimated percentage contribution for WTP due to health costs, lost earnings, mitigating expenditure, and disutility are 29, 50, 5 and 16 per cent respectively for hospitalised farmers, while they are 32, 55, 8 and 5 per cent respectively for ‘general’ farmers. It is also shown that given market imperfections for most agricultural inputs, farmers are overusing pesticides with the expectation of higher future returns. This has led to an increase in inefficiency in farming practices which is not understood by the farmers. Third, it is found that various groundwater depletion studies in the economics literature have provided misleading optimal water extraction quantity levels. This is due to a failure to incorporate all production costs in the relevant models. It is only by incorporating quality changes to quantity deterioration, that it is possible to derive socially optimal levels. Empirical results clearly show that the benefits per hectare per month considering both the avoidance costs of deepening agro-wells by five feet from the existing average, as well as the avoidance costs of maintaining the water salinity level at 1.8 (mmhos/Cm), is approximately Rs. 4,350 for farmers in the Anuradhapura district and Rs. 5,600 for farmers in the Matale district.


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In this paper, a plasmonic “ac Wheatstone bridge” circuit is proposed and theoretically modeled for the first time. The bridge circuit consists of three metallic nanoparticles, shaped as rectangular prisms, with two nanoparticles acting as parallel arms of a resonant circuit and the third bridging nanoparticle acting as an optical antenna providing an output signal. Polarized light excites localized surface plasmon resonances in the two arms of the circuit, which generate an optical signal dependent on the phase-sensitive excitations of surface plasmons in the antenna. The circuit is analyzed using a plasmonic coupling theory and numerical simulations. The analyses show that the plasmonic circuit is sensitive to phase shifts between the arms of the bridge and has the potential to detect the presence of single molecules.


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The rapid economic development and social changes in Malaysia recently have led to many psychosocial problems in young people, such as drug addiction, child sexual abuse and mental illness. The Malaysian government is beginning to focus more attention on its social welfare and human service needs in order to alleviate these psychosocial problems. Although counselling is accepted and widespread in Malaysia, the practice of family therapy is not as accepted as it is still a widely held belief that family problems need to be kept within the family. However, changes are imminent and thus the theoretical basis of family therapy needs to be culturally relevant. Bowen‟s Family Systems Theory (BFST) is already one of the major theories taught to tertiary counselling students in Malaysian universities. The main tenet of Bowen‟s theory is that the family as a system may be unstable unless each member of the family is well differentiated. High differentiation levels in the family allow a person to both leave the family‟s boundaries in search of uniqueness and to continually return to the family fold in order to establish a more mature sense of belonging. The difficulty, however, is that while Bowen has claimed that his theory is universal nearly all of the research confirming the theory has been conducted in the United States of America. The only known study outside America, however, did show that Bowen‟s theory applied to a Filipino population but, one of the theory‟s propositions that differentiation is intergenerational was not supported in this non-American sample. The American sample that was compared to the Malay sample was taken from Skowron and Friedlander‟s (1998) study. One hundred and twenty-seven faculty staff in an American university completed the Differentiation of Self Inventory (DSI) to measure level of differentiation of self. This thesis therefore, set out to determine whether Bowen‟s theory applied to another non-American sample, the Malaysian community. The research also investigated if the intergenerational effect was present in the Malaysian sample as well as explored the role of socio-economic status on Bowen‟s theory of differentiation and gender effect. Three hundred and seventy-four families completed four measures to examine these research questions: the Differentiation of Self Inventory (DSI), the Family Inventory of Life Event (FILE), the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) and the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC). The results of the study showed that differentiation of self is a valid construct for the Malay population. However, all four subscales of the Differentiation of Self Inventory (DSI); emotional reactivity (ER), emotional cut-off (EC), fusion with other (FO) and I position (IP), showed significant differences compared to the American sample from Skowron and Friedlander‟s (1998) study. The Malay sample scored higher in emotional reaction (ER), fusion with other (FO), but lower on emotional cut-off (EC) and I position (IP) than the American sample. The intergenerational effect was found in the Malay population as the parent‟s level of differentiation correlated with their children‟s level of differentiation. It was found that stress as measured by the Family Inventory of Life Event (FILE) and as measured by the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) were not correlated with the level of differentiation of self in parents. However, gender had a significant effect in predicting the level of differentiation among parents in Malay population with females scores higher on emotional reactivity (ER) and fusion with other (FO) than males. An additional finding was that resilience can be predicted from the level of differentiation of self in children in the Malay sample. There was also a positive correlation between the level of differentiation of self in parents and resilience in their children. Findings from this study indicate that the concept of differentiation of self is applicable to a Malay sample; however, the implementation of the theory should be applied with cultural sensitivity.