913 resultados para reaction wheel
The elastic-scattering angular distribution for (8)Li on (12)C has been measured at E(LAB) = 23.9 MeV with (8)Li radioactive nuclear beam produced by the Radioactive Ion Beams in Brazil facility. This angular distribution was analyzed in terms of optical-model with Woods-Saxon and double-folding Sao Paulo potential. The roles of the breakup and inelastic channels were also investigated with cluster folding and deformed potentials, respectively, through coupled-channels calculations. The angular distribution for the proton-transfer (12)C((8)Li, (9)Be)(11)B reaction was also measured at the same energy. The spectroscopic factor for the <(9)Be|(8)Li + p > bound system was obtained and compared with shell-model calculations and with other experimental values. Total reaction cross sections for the present system were also extracted from the elastic-scattering analysis. A systematic of the reduced reaction cross sections obtained from the present and published data on (6,7,8)Li isotopes on (12)C was performed as a function of energy.
In ultraperipheral relativistic heavy-ion collisions, a photon from the electromagnetic field of one nucleus can fluctuate to a quark-antiquark pair and scatter from the other nucleus, emerging as a rho(0). The rho(0) production occurs in two well-separated (median impact parameters of 20 and 40 F for the cases considered here) nuclei, so the system forms a two-source interferometer. At low transverse momenta, the two amplitudes interfere destructively, suppressing rho(0) production. Since the rho(0) decays before the production amplitudes from the two sources can overlap, the two-pion system can only be described with an entangled nonlocal wave function, and is thus an example of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox. We observe this suppression in 200 GeV per nucleon-pair gold-gold collisions. The interference is 87%+/- 5%(stat.)+/- 8%(syst.) of the expected level. This translates into a limit on decoherence due to wave function collapse or other factors of 23% at the 90% confidence level.
Elastic scattering of (8)B, (7)Be, and (6)Li on a (58)Ni target has been measured at energies near the Coulomb barrier. Optical-model fits were made to the experimental angular distributions, and total reaction cross sections were deduced. A comparison with other systems provides striking evidence for proton-halo effects on (8)B reactions. As opposed to the situation for the neutron-halo nucleus (6)He, for which particle transfer dominates, the ""extra"" cross section observed for (8)B appears to result entirely from projectile breakup.
Precise quasielastic and alpha-transfer excitation functions, at theta(lab) = 161 degrees, have been measured at energies near the Coulomb barrier for the (16)O + (63)Cu system. This is the first time reported quasielastic barrier distribution for a medium odd-A nucleus target deduced from the data. Additional elastic scattering angular distributions data available in the literature for this system were also used in the investigation of the role of several individual channels in the reaction dynamics, by comparing the data with free-parameter coupled-channels calculations. In order to do so, the nucleus-nucleus bare potential has a double-folding potential as the real component and only a very short-range imaginary potential. The quasielastic barrier distribution has been shown to be a powerful tool in this analysis at the barrier region. A high collectivity of the (63)Cu was observed, mainly due to the strong influence of its 5/2-and 7/2-states on all reaction channels investigated. A striking influence of the reorientation of the ground-state target-spin on the elastic cross sections, taken at backward angles, was also observed.
Angular distributions for the (9)Be((8)Li, (9)Be) (8)Li elastic-transfer reaction have been measured with a 27-MeV (8)Li radioactive nuclear beam. Spectroscopic factors for the <(9)Be vertical bar(8)Li + p > bound system were obtained from the comparison between the experimental differential cross sections and finite-range distorted-wave Born approximation calculations made with the code FRESCO. The spectroscopic factors so obtained are compared with shell-model calculations and other experimental values. Using the present value for the spectroscopic factors, cross sections and reaction rates for the (8)Li(p,gamma) (9)Be direct proton-capture reaction of astrophysical interest were calculated in the framework of the potential model.
Angular distributions for the elastic scattering of (8)B, (7)Be, and (6)Li on a (12)C target have been measured at E(lab) = 25.8, 18.8, and 12.3 MeV, respectively. The analyses of these angular distributions have been performed in terms of the optical model using Woods-Saxon and double-folding type potentials. The effect of breakup in the elastic scattering of (8)B + (12)C is investigated by performing coupled-channels calculations with the continuum discretized coupled-channel method and cluster-model folding potentials. Total reaction cross sections were deduced from the elastic-scattering analysis and compared with published data on elastic scattering of other weakly and tightly bound projectiles on (12)C, as a function of energy. With the exception of (4)He and (16)O, the data can be described using a universal function for the reduced cross sections.
A full dimensional quasiclassical trajectory study of the OH+SO reaction is presented with the aim of investigating the role of the reactants rotational energy in the reactivity. Different energetic combinations with one and both reactants rotationally excited are studied. A passive method is used to correct zero-point-energy leakage in the classical calculations. The reactive cross sections, for each combination, are calculated and fitted to a capturelike model combined with a factor accounting for recrossing effects. Reactivity decreases as rotational energy is increased in any of both reactants. This fact provides a theoretical support for the experimental dependence of the rate constant on temperature.
Singlet molecular oxygen O(2)((1)Delta(g)) is a potent oxidant that can react with different biomolecules, including DNA, lipids and proteins. Many polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons have been studied as O(2)((1)Delta(g)) chemical traps. Nevertheless, a suitable modification in the polycyclic aromatic ring must be made to increase the yield of O(2)((1)Delta(g)) chemical trapping. With this goal, an anthracene derivative, diethyl-3,3 '-(9,10-anthracenediyl)bisacrylate (DADB), was obtained from the reaction of 9,10-dibromoanthracene and ethyl acrylate through the Heck coupling reaction. The coupling of ethyl acrylate with the anthracene ring produced a new lipophilic, esterified, fluorescent probe reactive toward O(2)((1)Delta(g)). This compound reacts with O(2)((1)Delta(g)) at a rate of k(r) = 1.69 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1) forming a stable endoperoxide (DADBO(2)), which was characterized by UV-Vis, fluorescence, HPLC/MS and (1)H and (13)C NMR techniques. The photophysical, photochemical and thermostability features of DADB were also evaluated. Furthermore, this compound has the potential for great application in biological systems because it is easily synthetized in large amount and generates specific endoperoxide (DADBO(2)), which can be easily detected by HPLC tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS/MS).
The low-lying doublet and quartet electronic states of the species SeF correlating with the first dissociation channel are investigated theoretically at a high-level of electronic correlation treatment, namely, the complete active space self-consistent field/multireference single and double excitations configuration interaction (CASSCF/MRSDCI) using a quintuple-zeta quality basis set including a relativistic effective core potential for the selenium atom. Potential energy curves for (Lambda+S) states and the corresponding spectroscopic properties are derived that allows for an unambiguous assignment of the only spectrum known experimentally as due to a spin-forbidden X (2)Pi-a (4)Sigma(-) transition, and not a A (2)Pi-X (2)Pi transition as assumed so far. For the bound excited doublets, yet unknown experimentally, this study is the first theoretical characterization of their spectroscopic properties. Also the spin-orbit coupling constant function for the X (2)Pi state is derived as well as the spin-orbit coupling matrix element between the X (2)Pi and a (4)Sigma(-) states. Dipole moment functions and vibrationally averaged dipole moments show SeF to be a very polar species. An overview of the lowest-lying spin-orbit (Omega) states completes this description. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3426315]
Early reports stated that Au was a catalyst of choice for the BOR because it would yield a near complete faradaic efficiency. However, it has recently been suggested that gold could yield to some extent the heterogeneous hydrolysis of BH(4)(-),therefore lowering the electron count per BH(4)(-), especially at low potential. Actually, the blur will exist regarding the BOR mechanism on Au as long as no physical proof regarding the reaction intermediates is not put forward. In that frame, in situ physical techniques like FTIR exhibit some interest to study the BOR. Consequently, in situ infrared reflectance spectroscopy measurements (SPAIRS technique) have been performed in 1 M NaOH/1 M NaBH(4) on a gold electrode with the aim to detect the intermediate species. We monitored several bands in B-H ((nu) over bar similar to 1180,1080 and 972 cm(-1)) and B-O bond regions ((nu) over bar =1325 and similar to 1425cm(-1)), which appear sequentially as a function of the electrode polarization. These absorption bands are assigned to BH(3), BH(2) and BO(2)(-) species. At the light of the experimental results, possible initial elementary steps of the BOR on gold electrode have been proposed and discussed according to the relevant literature data.
The 'blue copper' enzyme bilirubin oxidase from Myrothecium verrucaria shows significantly enhanced adsorption on a pyrolytic graphite 'edge' (PGE) electrode that has been covalently modified with naphthyl-2-carboxylate functionalities by diazonium coupling. Modified electrodes coated with bilirubin oxidase show electrocatalytic voltammograms for the direct, four-electron reduction of O(2) by bilirubin oxidase with up to four times the current density of an unmodified PGE electrode. Electrocatalytic voltammograms measured with a rapidly rotating electrode (to remove effects of O(2) diffusion limitation) have a complex shape (an almost linear dependence of current on potential below pH 6) that is similar regardless of how PGE is chemically modified. Importantly, the same waveform is observed if bilirubin oxidase is adsorbed on Au(111) or Pt(111) single-crystal electrodes (at which activity is short-lived). The electrocatalytic behavior of bilirubin oxidase, including its enhanced response on chemically-modified PGE, therefore reflects inherent properties that do not depend on the electrode material. The variation of voltammetric waveshapes and potential-dependent (O(2)) Michaelis constants with pH and analysis in terms of the dispersion model are consistent with a change in rate-determining step over the pH range 5-8: at pH 5, the high activity is limited by the rate of interfacial redox cycling of the Type 1 copper whereas at pH 8 activity is much lower and a sigmoidal shape is approached, showing that interfacial electron transfer is no longer a limiting factor. The electrocatalytic activity of bilirubin oxidase on Pt(111) appears as a prominent pre-wave to electrocatalysis by Pt surface atoms, thus substantiating in a single, direct experiment that the minimum overpotential required for O(2) reduction by the enzyme is substantially smaller than required at Pt. At pH 8, the onset of O(2) reduction lies within 0.14 V of the four-electron O(2)/2H(2)O potential.
A single reaction interface flow analysis (SIFA) system for the monitoring of mannitol in pharmaceutical formulations and human urine is presented. The developed approach takes advantage of the mannitol scavenger aptitude to inhibit the chemiluminescent reaction between luminol and myoglobin in the absence of H(2)O(2). The SIFA system facilitated the fully automation of the developed methodology, allowing the in-line reproducible handling of chemical species with a very short lifetime as is the case of the hydroxyl radical generated in the abovementioned luminol/myoglobin reaction. The proposed methodology allowed the determination of mannitol concentrations between 25 mmol L(-1) and 1 mol L(-1), with good precision (R.S.D. < 4.7%, n = 3) and a sampling frequency of about 60 h(-1). The procedure was applied to the determination of mannitol in pharmaceuticals and in human urine samples Without any pretreatment process. The results obtained for pharmaceutical formulations were statistically comparable to those provided by the reference method (R.D. < 4.6%); recoveries values obtained in the analysis of spiked urine samples (between 94.9 and 105.3% of the added amount) were also satisfactory. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper, we study the generic hyperbolicity of equilibria of a reaction-diffusion system with respect to nonlinear terms in the set of C(2)-functions equipped with the Whitney Topology. To accomplish this, we combine Baire`s Lemma and the usual Transversality Theorem. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Glycerol-fatty acid esterification has been conducted with lipase from Penicillium camembertii lipase immobilized on epoxy SiO(2)-PVA in solvent-free media, with the major product being 1-monoglyceride, a useful food emulsifier. For a given set of initial conditions, the influence of reaction was measured in terms of product formation and selectivity using different fatty acids as acyl donors. Results were found to be relatively dependent of the chain length of the fatty acids, showing high specificity for both myristic and palmytic acids attaining final mixture that fulfills the requirements established by the World Health Organization to be used as food emulsifiers. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Lipases from different sources, Pseudomonas fluorescens (AK lipase), Burkholderia cepacia (PS lipase), Penicillium camembertii (lipase G) and Porcine pancreas lipase (PPL), previously immobilized on epoxy SiO(2)-PVA, were screened for the synthesis of xylitol monoesters by esterification of the protected xylitol using oleic acid as acyl donor group. Among all immobilized derivatives, the highest esterification yield was achieved by P. camembertii lipase, showing to be attractive alternative to bulk chemical routes to satisfy increasing commercial demands. Further experiments were performed to determine the influence of fatty acids chain size on the reaction yield and the feasibility of using non-conventional heating systems (microwave and ultrasound irradiations) to enhance the reaction rate. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.