942 resultados para rational numbers
The main part of this thesis describes a method of calculating the massless two-loop two-point function which allows expanding the integral up to an arbitrary order in the dimensional regularization parameter epsilon by rewriting it as a double Mellin-Barnes integral. Closing the contour and collecting the residues then transforms this integral into a form that enables us to utilize S. Weinzierl's computer library nestedsums. We could show that multiple zeta values and rational numbers are sufficient for expanding the massless two-loop two-point function to all orders in epsilon. We then use the Hopf algebra of Feynman diagrams and its antipode, to investigate the appearance of Riemann's zeta function in counterterms of Feynman diagrams in massless Yukawa theory and massless QED. The class of Feynman diagrams we consider consists of graphs built from primitive one-loop diagrams and the non-planar vertex correction, where the vertex corrections only depend on one external momentum. We showed the absence of powers of pi in the counterterms of the non-planar vertex correction and diagrams built by shuffling it with the one-loop vertex correction. We also found the invariance of some coefficients of zeta functions under a change of momentum flow through these vertex corrections.
The Hasse-Minkowski theorem concerns the classification of quadratic forms over global fields (i.e., finite extensions of Q and rational function fields with a finite constant field). Hasse proved the theorem over the rational numbers in his Ph.D. thesis in 1921. He extended the research of his thesis to quadratic forms over all number fields in 1924. Historically, the Hasse-Minkowski theorem was the first notable application of p-adic fields that caught the attention of a wide mathematical audience. The goal of this thesis is to discuss the Hasse-Minkowski theorem over the rational numbers and over the rational function fields with a finite constant field of odd characteristic. Our treatments of quadratic forms and local fields, though, are more general than what is strictly necessary for our proofs of the Hasse-Minkowski theorem over Q and its analogue over rational function fields (of odd characteristic). Our discussion concludes with some applications of the Hasse-Minkowski theorem.
Paper submitted to Euromicro Symposium on Digital Systems Design (DSD), Belek-Antalya, Turkey, 2003.
We describe an integration of the SVC decision procedure with the HOL theorem prover. This integration was achieved using the PROSPER toolkit. The SVC decision procedure operates on rational numbers, an axiomatic theory for which was provided in HOL. The decision procedure also returns counterexamples and a framework has been devised for handling counterexamples in a HOL setting.
This research aimed to investigate the possibility to develop the process of teaching and learning of the division of rational numbers with guided tasks in interpretation of measure. Adopted as methodology the Didactic Engineering and a didactic sequence in order to develop the work with students of High School. Participated of training sessions twelve students of one state school of Porto Barreiro city - Paran´a. The results of application of the didactic engineering suggest the importance of utilization of guided tasks in interpretation of measure, since strengthened the understanding, on the part of students, the concept of division of fractional rational numbers and contributed for them develop the comprehension of others questions associated to the concept of rational numbers, such as order, equivalence and density.
In this paper, we study the behavior of the positive solutions of the system of two difference equations [GRAPHICS] where p >= 1, r >= 1, s >= 1, A >= 0, and x(1-r), x(2-r),..., x(0), y(1-max) {p.s},..., y(0) are positive real numbers. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Includes bibliographical references.
"No. 72."
Vol. 2 has special t.-p.; separate pagination.
The decomposition of Feynman integrals into a basis of independent master integrals is an essential ingredient of high-precision theoretical predictions, that often represents a major bottleneck when processes with a high number of loops and legs are involved. In this thesis we present a new algorithm for the decomposition of Feynman integrals into master integrals with the formalism of intersection theory. Intersection theory is a novel approach that allows to decompose Feynman integrals into master integrals via projections, based on a scalar product between Feynman integrals called intersection number. We propose a new purely rational algorithm for the calculation of intersection numbers of differential $n-$forms that avoids the presence of algebraic extensions. We show how expansions around non-rational poles, which are a bottleneck of existing algorithms for intersection numbers, can be avoided by performing an expansion in series around a rational polynomial irreducible over $\mathbb{Q}$, that we refer to as $p(z)-$adic expansion. The algorithm we developed has been implemented and tested on several diagrams, both at one and two loops.
Despite the valuable contributions of robotics and high-throughput approaches to protein crystallization, the role of an experienced crystallographer in the evaluation and rationalization of a crystallization process is still crucial to obtaining crystals suitable for X-ray diffraction measurements. In this work, the difficult task of crystallizing the flavoenzyme l-amino-acid oxidase purified from Bothrops atrox snake venom was overcome by the development of a protocol that first required the identification of a non-amorphous precipitate as a promising crystallization condition followed by the implementation of a methodology that combined crystallization in the presence of oil and seeding techniques. Crystals were obtained and a complete data set was collected to 2.3 A resolution. The crystals belonged to space group P2(1), with unit-cell parameters a = 73.64, b = 123.92, c = 105.08 A, beta = 96.03 degrees. There were four protein subunits in the asymmetric unit, which gave a Matthews coefficient V (M) of 2.12 A3 Da-1, corresponding to 42% solvent content. The structure has been solved by molecular-replacement techniques.
Background: In a number of malaria endemic regions, tourists and travellers face a declining risk of travel associated malaria, in part due to successful malaria control. Many millions of visitors to these regions are recommended, via national and international policy, to use chemoprophylaxis which has a well recognized morbidity profile. To evaluate whether current malaria chemo-prophylactic policy for travellers is cost effective when adjusted for endemic transmission risk and duration of exposure. a framework, based on partial cost-benefit analysis was used Methods: Using a three component model combining a probability component, a cost component and a malaria risk component, the study estimated health costs avoided through use of chemoprophylaxis and costs of disease prevention (including adverse events and pre-travel advice for visits to five popular high and low malaria endemic regions) and malaria transmission risk using imported malaria cases and numbers of travellers to malarious countries. By calculating the minimal threshold malaria risk below which the economic costs of chemoprophylaxis are greater than the avoided health costs we were able to identify the point at which chemoprophylaxis would be economically rational. Results: The threshold incidence at which malaria chemoprophylaxis policy becomes cost effective for UK travellers is an accumulated risk of 1.13% assuming a given set of cost parameters. The period a travellers need to remain exposed to achieve this accumulated risk varied from 30 to more than 365 days, depending on the regions intensity of malaria transmission. Conclusions: The cost-benefit analysis identified that chemoprophylaxis use was not a cost-effective policy for travellers to Thailand or the Amazon region of Brazil, but was cost-effective for travel to West Africa and for those staying longer than 45 days in India and Indonesia.
Using a quasitoroidal set of coordinates with coaxial circular magnetic surfaces, Vlasov equation is solved for collisionless plasmas in drift approach and a perpendicular dielectric tensor is found for large aspect ratio tokamaks in a low frequency band. Taking into account plasma rotation and charge separation parallel electric field, it is found that an ion geodesic effect deform Alfveacuten wave continuum producing continuum minimum at the rational magnetic surfaces, which depends on the plasma rotation and poloidal mode numbers. In kinetic approach, the ion thermal motion defines the geodesic effect but the mode frequency also depends on electron temperature. A geodesic ion Alfveacuten mode predicted below the continuum minimum has a small Landau damping in plasmas with Maxwell distribution but the plasma rotation may drive instability.
Using a quasi-toroidal set of coordinates in plasmas with coaxial circular magnetic surfaces, the Vlasov equation is solved, and dielectric tensor is found for large aspect ratio tokamaks in a low frequency band. Taking into account the q-profile and drift effects, Alfven wave continuum deformation by geodesic effects is analyzed. It is shown that the Alfven continuum has a minimum defined by the ion thermal velocity at the rational magnetic surfaces q(s)=-M/N, where M and N are the poloidal and toroidal mode numbers, respectively, and the parallel wave number is zero. Low frequency global Alfven waves are found below the continuum minimum. In hot ion plasmas, the geodesic term changes sign, provoking some deformation of Alfven velocity by a factor (1+q(2))(-1/2), and the continuum minimum disappears. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.