985 resultados para ranking method
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
BACKGROUND: Pain associated with routine procedures in NICUs is often inadequately managed. Barriers to more appropriate pain management are nurses' and physicians' knowledge and the challenges of collaborative decision-making. Few studies describe the differing perceptions of procedural pain intensity among nurses and physicians in NICUs which could complicate common decision-making. This study set out to explore the factors influencing pain intensity assessment and to gain insight into a possible pain intensity classification of routine procedures in the NICU. METHOD: A survey was conducted among 431 neonatal health care professionals from 4 tertiary level NICUs. Each routine procedure was assessed on a 10-point visual analogue scale (VAS) assuming absence of analgesia. RESULTS: Multiple ANCOVA models showed that nurses rated 19 of the 27 procedures as significantly more painful than did physicians (p<0.05). We found no differences in pain assessment based on professional experience, gender or age. Of the 27 procedures listed, 70% were rated as painful and 44% were judged very painful. Ranking and classification of the pain intensity of routine procedures were drawn up. The general ranking of the median across all procedures shows that "insertion of a thoracic drain" is assessed as the most painful procedure. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of routine procedures in an NICU are considered to be painful. Nurses generally rate procedures as more painful than do physicians. This difference in assessment deserves exploration in regard to its impact on collaborative decision-making in neonate pain management.
This paper proposes a method of landscape characterisation and assessment of public works associated with fluvial landscapes, which is validated in the middle section of the Tajo River. In this method, a set of criteria is identified that unifies various characteristics of the landscape associated to the infrastructures. A specific weight is then assigned to each criterion in such a way as to produce a semi-quantitative value ranging from a minimum value of 0 to a maximum value of 10. Taken together, these criteria enable us to describe and assess the value of the public works selected for study, in this case helping us to evaluate the sections of the River Tajo analysed in our study area. Accordingly, the value of all the infrastructures associated to a stretch of the river covering several hundred kilometres was determined and after dividing this stretch into sections, they were compared under equivalent conditions to provide a hierarchal ranking.
BodyMap is a human and mouse gene expression database that is based on site-directed 3′-expressed sequence tags generated at Osaka University. To date, it contains more than 300 000 tag sequences from 64 human and 39 mouse tissues. For the recent release, the precise anatomical expression patterns for more than half of the human gene entries were generated by introduced amplified fragment length polymorphism (iAFLP), which is a PCR-based high-throughput expression profiling method. The iAFLP data incorporated into BodyMap describe the relative contents of more than 12 000 transcripts across 30 tissue RNAs. In addition, a newly developed gene ranking system helps users obtain lists of genes that have desired expression patterns according to their significance. BodyMap supports complete transfer of unique data sets and provides analysis that is accessible through the WWW at http://bodymap.ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp.
Urban researchers and planners are often interested in understanding how economic activities are distributed in urban regions, what forces influence their special pattern and how urban structure and functions are mutually dependent. In this paper, we want to show how an algorithm for ranking the nodes in a network can be used to understand and visualize certain commercial activities of a city. The first part of the method consists of collecting real information about different types of commercial activities at each location in the urban network of the city of Murcia, Spain. Four clearly differentiated commercial activities are studied, such as restaurants and bars, shops, banks and supermarkets or department stores, but obviously we can study other. The information collected is then quantified by means of a data matrix, which is used as the basis for the implementation of a PageRank algorithm which produces a ranking of all the nodes in the network, according to their significance within it. Finally, we visualize the resulting classification using a colour scale that helps us to represent the business network.
This paper introduces a new mathematical method for improving the discrimination power of data envelopment analysis and to completely rank the efficient decision-making units (DMUs). Fuzzy concept is utilised. For this purpose, first all DMUs are evaluated with the CCR model. Thereafter, the resulted weights for each output are considered as fuzzy sets and are then converted to fuzzy numbers. The introduced model is a multi-objective linear model, endpoints of which are the highest and lowest of the weighted values. An added advantage of the model is its ability to handle the infeasibility situation sometimes faced by previously introduced models.
Selecting the best alternative in a group decision making is a subject of many recent studies. The most popular method proposed for ranking the alternatives is based on the distance of each alternative to the ideal alternative. The ideal alternative may never exist; hence the ranking results are biased to the ideal point. The main aim in this study is to calculate a fuzzy ideal point that is more realistic to the crisp ideal point. On the other hand, recently Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is used to find the optimum weights for ranking the alternatives. This paper proposes a four stage approach based on DEA in the Fuzzy environment to aggregate preference rankings. An application of preferential voting system shows how the new model can be applied to rank a set of alternatives. Other two examples indicate the priority of the proposed method compared to the some other suggested methods.
Traditional content-based filtering methods usually utilize text extraction and classification techniques for building user profiles as well as for representations of contents, i.e. item profiles. These methods have some disadvantages e.g. mismatch between user profile terms and item profile terms, leading to low performance. Some of the disadvantages can be overcome by incorporating a common ontology which enables representing both the users' and the items' profiles with concepts taken from the same vocabulary. We propose a new content-based method for filtering and ranking the relevancy of items for users, which utilizes a hierarchical ontology. The method measures the similarity of the user's profile to the items' profiles, considering the existing of mutual concepts in the two profiles, as well as the existence of "related" concepts, according to their position in the ontology. The proposed filtering algorithm computes the similarity between the users' profiles and the items' profiles, and rank-orders the relevant items according to their relevancy to each user. The method is being implemented in ePaper, a personalized electronic newspaper project, utilizing a hierarchical ontology designed specifically for classification of News items. It can, however, be utilized in other domains and extended to other ontologies.
The problem of a finding of ranging of the objects nearest to the cyclic relation set by the expert between objects is considered. Formalization of the problem arising at it is resulted. The algorithm based on a method of the consecutive analysis of variants and the analysis of conditions of acyclicity is offered.
A cikk a páros összehasonlításokon alapuló pontozási eljárásokat tárgyalja axiomatikus megközelítésben. A szakirodalomban számos értékelő függvényt javasoltak erre a célra, néhány karakterizációs eredmény is ismert. Ennek ellenére a megfelelő módszer kiválasztása nem egy-szerű feladat, a különböző tulajdonságok bevezetése elsősorban ebben nyújthat segítséget. Itt az összehasonlított objektumok teljesítményén érvényesülő monotonitást tárgyaljuk az önkonzisztencia és önkonzisztens monotonitás axiómákból kiindulva. Bemutatásra kerülnek lehetséges gyengítéseik és kiterjesztéseik, illetve egy, az irreleváns összehasonlításoktól való függetlenséggel kapcsolatos lehetetlenségi tétel is. A tulajdonságok teljesülését három eljárásra, a klasszikus pontszám eljárásra, az ezt továbbfejlesztő általánosított sorösszegre és a legkisebb négyzetek módszerére vizsgáljuk meg, melyek mindegyike egy lineáris egyenletrendszer megoldásaként számítható. A kapott eredmények új szempontokkal gazdagítják a pontozási eljárás megválasztásának kérdését. _____ The paper provides an axiomatic analysis of some scoring procedures based on paired comparisons. Several methods have been proposed for these generalized tournaments, some of them have been also characterized by a set of properties. The choice of an appropriate method is supported by a discussion of their theoretical properties. In the paper we focus on the connections of self-consistency and self-consistent-monotonicity, two axioms based on the comparisons of object's performance. The contradiction of self-consistency and independence of irrel-evant matches is revealed, as well as some possible reductions and extensions of these properties. Their satisfiability is examined through three scoring procedures, the score, generalised row sum and least squares methods, each of them is calculated as a solution of a system of linear equations. Our results contribute to the problem of finding a proper paired comparison based scoring method.
A cikk a páros összehasonlításokon alapuló pontozási eljárásokat alkalmazza svájci rendszerű sakk csapatversenyek eredményének meghatározására. Bemutatjuk a nem körmérkőzéses esetben felmerülő kérdéseket, az egyéni és csapatversenyek jellemzőit, valamint a hivatalos lexikografikus rendezések hibáit. Axiomatikus alapokon rangsorolási problémaként modellezzük a bajnokságokat, definícióinkat összekapcsoljuk a pontszám, az általánosított sorösszeg és a legkisebb négyzetek módszerének tulajdonságaival. A javasolt eljárást két sakkcsapat Európa-bajnokság részletes elemzésével illusztráljuk. A végső rangsorok összehasonlítását távolságfüggvények segítségével végezzük el, majd a sokdimenziós skálázás révén ábrázoljuk azokat. A hivatalos sorrendtől való eltérés okait a legkisebb négyzetek módszerének dekompozíciójával tárjuk fel. A sorrendeket három szempont, az előrejelző képesség, a mintailleszkedés és a robusztusság alapján értékeljük, és a legkisebb négyzetek módszerének alkalmas eredménymátrixszal történő használata mellett érvelünk. ____ The paper uses paired comparison-based scoring procedures in order to determine the result of Swiss system chess team tournaments. We present the main challenges of ranking in these tournaments, the features of individual and team competitions as well as the failures of official lexicographical orders. The tournament is represented as a ranking problem, our model is discussed with respect to the properties of the score, generalised row sum and least squares methods. The proposed method is illustrated with a detailed analysis of the two recent chess team European championships. Final rankings are compared through their distances and visualized by multidimensional scaling (MDS). Differences to official ranking are revealed due to the decomposition of least squares method. Rankings are evaluated by prediction accuracy, retrodictive performance, and stability. The paper argues for the use of least squares method with an appropriate generalised results matrix favouring match points.
A páronként összehasonlított alternatívák rangsorolásának problémája egyaránt felmerül a szavazáselmélet, a statisztika, a tudománymetria, a pszichológia és a sport területén. A nemzetközi szakirodalom alapján részletesen áttekintjük a megoldási lehetőségeket, bemutatjuk a gyakorlati alkalmazások során fellépő kérdések kezelésének, a valós adatoknak megfelelő matematikai környezet felépítésének módjait. Kiemelten tárgyaljuk a páros összehasonlítási mátrix megadását, az egyes pontozási eljárásokat és azok kapcsolatát. A tanulmány elméleti szempontból vizsgálja a Perron-Frobenius tételen alapuló invariáns, fair bets, PageRank, valamint az irányított gráfok csúcsainak rangsorolásra javasolt internal slackening és pozíciós erő módszereket. A közülük történő választáshoz az axiomatikus megközelítést ajánljuk, ennek keretében bemutatjuk az invariáns és a fair bets eljárások karakterizációját, és kitérünk a módszerek vitatható tulajdonságaira. _____ The ranking of the alternatives or selecting the best one are fundamental issues of social choice theory, statistics, psychology and sport. Different solution concepts, and various mathematical models of applications are reviewed based on the international literature. We are focusing on the de¯nition of paired comparison matrix, on main scoring procedures and their relation. The paper gives a theoretical analysis of the invariant, fair bets and PageRank methods, which are founded on Perron-Frobenius theorem, as well as the internal slackening and positional power procedures used for ranking the nodes of a directed graph. An axiomatic approach is proposed for the choice of an appropriate method. Besides some known characterizations for the invariant and fair bets methods, we also discuss the violation of some properties, meaning their main weakness.
The paper uses paired comparison-based scoring procedures for ranking the participants of a Swiss system chess team tournament. We present the main challenges of ranking in Swiss system, the features of individual and team competitions as well as the failures of official lexicographical orders. The tournament is represented as a ranking problem, our model is discussed with respect to the properties of the score, generalized row sum and least squares methods. The proposed procedure is illustrated with a detailed analysis of the two recent chess team European championships. Final rankings are compared by their distances and visualized with multidimensional scaling (MDS). Differences to official ranking are revealed by the decomposition of least squares method. Rankings are evaluated by prediction accuracy, retrodictive performance, and stability. The paper argues for the use of least squares method with a results matrix favoring match points.
A search query, being a very concise grounding of user intent, could potentially have many possible interpretations. Search engines hedge their bets by diversifying top results to cover multiple such possibilities so that the user is likely to be satisfied, whatever be her intended interpretation. Diversified Query Expansion is the problem of diversifying query expansion suggestions, so that the user can specialize the query to better suit her intent, even before perusing search results. We propose a method, Select-Link-Rank, that exploits semantic information from Wikipedia to generate diversified query expansions. SLR does collective processing of terms and Wikipedia entities in an integrated framework, simultaneously diversifying query expansions and entity recommendations. SLR starts with selecting informative terms from search results of the initial query, links them to Wikipedia entities, performs a diversity-conscious entity scoring and transfers such scoring to the term space to arrive at query expansion suggestions. Through an extensive empirical analysis and user study, we show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art diversified query expansion and diversified entity recommendation techniques.
Object recognition has long been a core problem in computer vision. To improve object spatial support and speed up object localization for object recognition, generating high-quality category-independent object proposals as the input for object recognition system has drawn attention recently. Given an image, we generate a limited number of high-quality and category-independent object proposals in advance and used as inputs for many computer vision tasks. We present an efficient dictionary-based model for image classification task. We further extend the work to a discriminative dictionary learning method for tensor sparse coding. In the first part, a multi-scale greedy-based object proposal generation approach is presented. Based on the multi-scale nature of objects in images, our approach is built on top of a hierarchical segmentation. We first identify the representative and diverse exemplar clusters within each scale. Object proposals are obtained by selecting a subset from the multi-scale segment pool via maximizing a submodular objective function, which consists of a weighted coverage term, a single-scale diversity term and a multi-scale reward term. The weighted coverage term forces the selected set of object proposals to be representative and compact; the single-scale diversity term encourages choosing segments from different exemplar clusters so that they will cover as many object patterns as possible; the multi-scale reward term encourages the selected proposals to be discriminative and selected from multiple layers generated by the hierarchical image segmentation. The experimental results on the Berkeley Segmentation Dataset and PASCAL VOC2012 segmentation dataset demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of our object proposal model. Additionally, we validate our object proposals in simultaneous segmentation and detection and outperform the state-of-art performance. To classify the object in the image, we design a discriminative, structural low-rank framework for image classification. We use a supervised learning method to construct a discriminative and reconstructive dictionary. By introducing an ideal regularization term, we perform low-rank matrix recovery for contaminated training data from all categories simultaneously without losing structural information. A discriminative low-rank representation for images with respect to the constructed dictionary is obtained. With semantic structure information and strong identification capability, this representation is good for classification tasks even using a simple linear multi-classifier.