997 resultados para railway track


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A popular method used to reduce vibration transmitted from underground railways into nearby buildings is floating-slab track, whereby a concrete slab supporting the two rails is mounted on rubber bearings or steel springs to isolate it from the tunnel invert. This paper adds a track model to a previously developed three-dimensional tunnel model in order to assess the effectiveness of floating-slab track. A slab beam coupled to the tunnel in the wavenumber domain, with the slab bearings represented by an elastic layer, is examined first. A second beam representing the two rails together is then coupled to the slab, and axle masses representing a train are added to the rail beam. Power-spectral densities and RMS levels of soil vibration due to random roughness-displacement excitation between the masses and the rail beam are calculated. Analytical techniques are used to minimise the computational requirements of the model. The results demonstrate the inadequacy of simple mass-spring and Winkler-beam models with rigid foundations for the assessment of the vibration-isolation performance of railway track. They suggest that the achievable insertion loss is modest and that floating the track slab may in fact cause increased transmission of vibration under certain conditions. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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Relatório de Estágio para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil


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Transversal vibrations induced by a load moving uniformly along an infinite beam resting on a piece-wise homogeneous visco-elastic foundation are studied. Special attention is paid to the additional vibrations, conventionally referred to as transition radiations, which arise as the point load traverses the place of foundation discontinuity. The governing equations of the problem are solved by the normalmode analysis. The solution is expressed in a form of infinite sum of orthogonal natural modes multiplied by the generalized coordinate of displacement. The natural frequencies are obtained numerically exploiting the concept of the global dynamic stiffness matrix. This ensures that the frequencies obtained are exact. The methodology has restrictions neither on velocity nor on damping. The approach looks simple, though, the numerical expression of the results is not straightforward. A general procedure for numerical implementation is presented and verified. To illustrate the utility of the methodology parametric optimization is presented and influence of the load mass is studied. The results obtained have direct application in analysis of railway track vibrations induced by high-speed trains when passing regions with significantly different foundation stiffness.


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This project is based on Artificial Intelligence (A.I) and Digital Image processing (I.P) for automatic condition monitoring of sleepers in the railway track. Rail inspection is a very important task in railway maintenance for traffic safety issues and in preventing dangerous situations. Monitoring railway track infrastructure is an important aspect in which the periodical inspection of rail rolling plane is required.Up to the present days the inspection of the railroad is operated manually by trained personnel. A human operator walks along the railway track searching for sleeper anomalies. This monitoring way is not more acceptable for its slowness and subjectivity. Hence, it is desired to automate such intuitive human skills for the development of more robust and reliable testing methods. Images of wooden sleepers have been used as data for my project. The aim of this project is to present a vision based technique for inspecting railway sleepers (wooden planks under the railway track) by automatic interpretation of Non Destructive Test (NDT) data using A.I. techniques in determining the results of inspection.


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This report analyses the use of geosynthetics in railways for subgrade reinforcement and separation of the track layers. Cases of instrumented test sections were studied. These test sections were located in Australia (with geocomposite applications), Brazil (with geotextile and geodrid applications) and China (with geotextile and geodrid applications). Railway design methods using geosynthetics applications were analyzed as well. Based on a studied case for implementation of geosynthetics in a German railway, a railway track was simulated with and without the use of geosynthetics, respectively on PLAXIS v.8 and FERROVIA 3.0 softwares. The performance benefits of the geosynthetics applications in railways were, therefore, confirmed, based on the simulation results


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El sector ferroviario ha experimentado en los últimos años un empuje espectacular acaparando las mayores inversiones en construcción de nuevas líneas de alta velocidad. Junto a esta inversión inicial no se debe perder de vista el coste de mantenimiento y gestión de las mismas y para ello es necesario avanzar en el conocimiento de los fenómenos de interacción de la vía y el material móvil. En los nuevos trazados ferroviarios, que hacen del ferrocarril un modo de transporte competitivo, se produce un notable aumento en la velocidad directamente relacionado con la disminución de los tiempos de viaje, provocando por ello elevados esfuerzos dinámicos, lo que exige una elevada calidad de vía para evitar el rápido deterioro de la infraestructura. Resulta primordial controlar y minimizar los costes de mantenimiento que vienen generados por las operaciones de conservación de los parámetros de calidad y seguridad de la vía férrea. Para reducir las cargas dinámicas que actúan sobre la vía deteriorando el estado de la misma, debido a este aumento progresivo de las velocidades, es necesario reducir la rigidez vertical de la vía, pero igualmente este aumento de velocidades hace necesarias elevadas resistecias del emparrillado de vía y mejoras en las plataformas, por lo que es necesario buscar este punto de equilibrio en la elasticidad de la vía y sus componentes. Se analizan las aceleraciones verticales medidas en caja de grasa, identificando la rigidez vertical de la vía a partir de las frecuencias de vibración vertical de las masas no suspendidas, correlacionándola con la infraestructura. Estas aceleraciones verticales se desprenden de dos campañas de medidas llevadas a cabo en la zona de estudio. En estas campañas se colocaron varios acelerómetros en caja de grasa obteniendo un registro de aceleraciones verticales a partir de las cuales se ha obteniendo la variación de la rigidez de vía de unas zonas a otras. Se analiza la rigidez de la vía correlacionándola con las distintas tipologías de vía y viendo la variación del valor de la rigidez a lo largo del trazado ferroviario. Estos cambios se manifiestan cuando se producen cambios en la infraestructura, de obras de tierra a obras de fábrica, ya sean viaductos o túneles. El objeto principal de este trabajo es profundizar en estos cambios de rigidez vertical que se producen, analizando su origen y las causas que los provocan, modelizando el comportamiento de los mismos, para desarrollar metodologías de análisis en cuanto al diseño de la infraestructura. Igualmente se analizan los elementos integrantes de la misma, ahondando en las características intrínsecas de la rigidez vertical global y la rigidez de cada uno de los elementos constituyentes de la sección tipo ferroviaria, en cada una de las secciones características del tramo en estudio. Se determina en este trabajo si se produce y en qué medida, variación longitudinal de la rigidez de vía en el tramo estudiado, en cada una de las secciones características de obra de tierra y obra de fábrica seleccionadas analizando las tendencias de estos cambios y su homogeneidad a lo largo del trazado. Se establece así una nueva metodología para la determinación de la rigidez vertical de la vía a partir de las mediciones de aceleraciones verticales en caja de grasa así como el desarrollo de una aplicación en el entorno de Labview para el análisis de los registros obtenidos. During the last years the railway sector has experienced a spectacular growth, focusing investments in the construction of new high-speed lines. Apart from the first investment the cost of maintaining and managing them has to be considered and this requires more knowledge of the process of interaction between track and rolling stock vehicles. In the new high-speed lines, that make of the railway a competitive mode of transport, there is a significant increase in speed directly related to the shorten in travel time, and that produces high dynamic forces. So, this requires a high quality of the track to avoid quickly deterioration of infrastructure. It is essential to control and minimize maintenance costs generated by maintenance operations to keep the quality and safety parameters of the railway track. Due to this gradual increase of speed, and to reduce the dynamic loads acting on the railway track causing its deterioration, it is necessary to reduce the vertical stiffness of the track, but on the other hand this speed increase requires high resistance of the railway track and improvements of the railway platform, so we must find the balance between the elasticity of the track and its components. Vertical accelerations in axle box are measured and analyzed, identifying the vertical stiffness of the railway track obtained from the vertical vibration frequency of the unsprung masses, correlating with the infrastructure. These vertical accelerations are the result of two measurement campaigns carried out in the study area with the placement of several accelerometers located in the axle box. From these vertical accelerations the variation of the vertical stiffness from one area to another is obtained. The track stiffness is analysed relating with the different types of infrastructure and the change in the value of the stiffness along the railway line. These changes are revealed when changes in infrastructure occurs, for instance; earthworks to bridges or tunnels. The main purpose of this paper is to examine these vertical stiffness changes, analysing its origins and causes, modelling their behaviour, developing analytical methodologies for the design of infrastructure. In this thesis it is also reviewed the different elements of the superstructure, paying special attention to the vertical stiffness of each one. In this study is determined, if it happens and to what extent, the longitudinal variation in the stiffness of track along the railway line studied in every selected section; earthwork, bridges and tunnels. They are also analyzed trends of these changes and homogeneity along the path. This establishes a new method for determining the vertical stiffness of the railway track from the vertical accelerations measured on axle box as well as an application developed in LabView to analyze the recordings obtained.


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A via permanente representa um elemento imprescindível na composição do transporte ferroviário e seu desempenho deve ser adequado, de forma a garantir tanto segurança quanto conforto. Assim, diversos aspectos devem ser analisados ainda na fase de projeto, através de dimensionamentos que confrontem diferentes parâmetros da resposta da via e os limites estabelecidos. Dessa forma, o conhecimento do comportamento mecânico da via, devido aos esforços impostos pela passagem do material rodante, passa a ser essencial no projeto de uma estrutura que garanta os requisitos necessários, sem ser inviável economicamente. Visto que esse comportamento mecânico é muito sensível à rigidez vertical da estrutura, o presente trabalho apresenta análises da influência desse parâmetro na resposta da via e, consequentemente, no seu dimensionamento. Nesse contexto, o trabalho abrange tanto o caso de vias em lastro solicitadas por trens de carga, quanto o caso de vias em laje solicitadas por trens de passageiros em meios urbanos. No primeiro caso são realizados estudos paramétricos, por meio de modelos clássicos e um modelo mecanicista, para a análise de momentos fletores e deflexões nos trilhos, bem como tensões verticais nas camadas de lastro, sub-lastro e subleito. Já no segundo caso, são realizados estudos paramétricos relativos à transmissibilidade e à atenuação de vibrações causadoras de ruído secundário. Também é feita uma análise da influência da rigidez vertical na amplificação dinâmica das cargas estáticas, que pode ser aplicada a ambos os casos citados e até extrapolada para casos de vias de alta velocidade. Os resultados mostraram que aumentos de rigidez vertical resultam em ganhos do ponto de vista de momentos fletores e deflexões nos trilhos, além de maior resistência e capacidade de dissipação de tensões verticais nas camadas de lastro, sub-lastro e subleito. Por outro lado, esses aumentos também levaram a maiores tensões nas camadas subjacentes à grade citadas, além de atenuações de vibrações em menores intervalos de frequência e maiores amplificações dinâmicas das cargas estáticas em vias de alta velocidade. Assim, é mostrado que a influência da rigidez vertical, tanto da via como um todo quanto de alguns elementos específicos, não deve ser analisada de forma genérica, pois, dependendo do parâmetro da resposta da via considerado no dimensionamento, seu aumento pode representar uma influência positiva ou negativa.


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Rail corrugation consists of undesirable periodic fluctuations in wear on railway track and costs the railway industry substantially for it's removal by regrinding. Much research has been performed on this problem, particularly over the past two decades, however, a reliable cure remains elusive for wear-type corrugations. Recently the growth behaviour of wear-type rail corrugation-has been investigated using theoretical and experimental models as part of the RailCRC Project (#18). A critical part of this work is the tuning and validation of these models via an extensive field testing program. Rail corrugations have been monitored for 2 years on sites throughout Australia. Measured rail surface profiles are used to determine corrugation growth rates on each site. Growth rates and other characteristics are compared with theoretical predictions from a computer model for validation. The results from several pertinent sites are presented and discussed.


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In open railway access markets, a train service provider (TSP) negotiates with an infrastructure provider (IP) for track access rights. This negotiation has been modeled by a multi-agent system (MAS) in which the IP and TSP are represented by separate software agents. One task of the IP agent is to generate feasible (and preferably optimal) track access rights, subject to the constraints submitted by the TSP agent. This paper formulates an IP-TSP transaction and proposes a branch-and-bound algorithm for the IP agent to identify the optimal track access rights. Empirical simulation results show that the model is able to emulate rational agent behaviors. The simulation results also show good consistency between timetables attained from the proposed methods and those derived by the scheduling principles adopted in practice.


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The track allocation problem (TAP) at a multi-track, multi-platform mainline railway station is defined by the station track layout and service timetable, which implies combinations of spatial and temporal conflicts. Feasible solutions are available from either traditional planning or advanced intelligent searching methods and their evaluations with respect to operational requirements are essential for the operators. To facilitate thorough analysis, a timed Coloured Petri Nets (CPN) model is presented here to encapsulate the inter-relationships of the spatial and temporal constraints in the TAP.


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Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway estimate of work done to date with an approximation of probable damage sustained by suspending the track, Aug. 22, 1854.


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Pay roll voucher for foremen, mechanics and laborers of the Welland Railway for repairs of track and sundry work for the month of September.