963 resultados para racial discrimination act


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Taking an interdisciplinary approach unmatched by any other book on this topic, this thoughtful Handbook considers the international struggle to provide for proper and just protection of Indigenous intellectual property (IP). In light of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 2007, expert contributors assess the legal and policy controversies over Indigenous knowledge in the fields of international law, copyright law, trademark law, patent law, trade secrets law, and cultural heritage. The overarching discussion examines national developments in Indigenous IP in the United States, Canada, South Africa, the European Union, Australia, New Zealand, and Indonesia. The Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the historical origins of conflict over Indigenous knowledge, and examines new challenges to Indigenous IP from emerging developments in information technology, biotechnology, and climate change. Practitioners and scholars in the field of IP will learn a great deal from this Handbook about the issues and challenges that surround just protection of a variety of forms of IP for Indigenous communities. Preface The Legacy of David Unaipon Matthew Rimmer Introduction: Mapping Indigenous Intellectual Property Matthew Rimmer PART I INTERNATIONAL LAW 1. The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: A Human Rights Framework for Indigenous Intellectual Property Mauro Barelli 2. The WTO, The TRIPS Agreement and Traditional Knowledge Tania Voon 3. The World Intellectual Property Organization and Traditional Knowledge Sara Bannerman 4. The World Indigenous Network: Rio+20, Intellectual Property, Indigenous Knowledge, and Sustainable Development Matthew Rimmer PART II COPYRIGHT LAW AND RELATED RIGHTS 5. Government Man, Government Painting? David Malangi and the 1966 One-Dollar Note Stephen Gray 6. What Wandjuk Wanted Martin Hardie 7. Avatar Dreaming: Indigenous Cultural Protocols and Making Films Using Indigenous Content Terri Janke 8. The Australian Resale Royalty for Visual Artists: Indigenous Art and Social Justice Robert Dearn and Matthew Rimmer PART III TRADE MARK LAW AND RELATED RIGHTS 9. Indigenous Cultural Expression and Registered Designs Maree Sainsbury 10. The Indian Arts and Crafts Act: The Limits of Trademark Analogies Rebecca Tushnet 11. Protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions within the New Zealand Intellectual Property Framework: A Case Study of the Ka Mate Haka Sarah Rosanowski 12 Geographical Indications and Indigenous Intellectual Property William van Caenegem PART IV PATENT LAW AND RELATED RIGHTS 13. Pressuring ‘Suspect Orthodoxy’: Traditional Knowledge and the Patent System Chidi Oguamanam, 14. The Nagoya Protocol: Unfinished Business Remains Unfinished Achmad Gusman Siswandi 15. Legislating on Biopiracy in Europe: Too Little, too Late? Angela Daly 16. Intellectual Property, Indigenous Knowledge, and Climate Change Matthew Rimmer PART V PRIVACY LAW AND IDENTITY RIGHTS 17. Confidential Information and Anthropology: Indigenous Knowledge and the Digital Economy Sarah Holcombe 18. Indigenous Cultural Heritage in Australia: The Control of Living Heritages Judith Bannister 19. Dignity, Trust and Identity: Private Spheres and Indigenous Intellectual Property Bruce Baer Arnold 20. Racial Discrimination Laws as a Means of Protecting Collective Reputation and Identity David Rolph PART VI INDIGENOUS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: REGIONAL PERSPECTIVES 21. Diluted Control: A Critical Analysis of the WAI262 Report on Maori Traditional Knowledge and Culture Fleur Adcock 22. Traditional Knowledge Governance Challenges in Canada Jeremy de Beer and Daniel Dylan 23. Intellectual Property protection of Traditional Knowledge and Access to Knowledge in South Africa Caroline Ncube 24. Traditional Knowledge Sovereignty: The Fundamental Role of Customary Law in Protection of Traditional Knowledge Brendan Tobin Index


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A autoavaliação do estado de saúde (AAS) é um indicador de saúde amplamente utilizado e influenciado por uma grande variedade de fatores. Em particular, existem evidências crescentes de que a discriminação racial é um importante fator de risco para eventos mórbidos em saúde e seu impacto na saúde da população brasileira ainda é pouco explorado. No primeiro artigo, o objetivo principal é investigar a associação entre AAS e fatores sociodemográficos, comportamentais e de morbidade. No segundo artigo, o objetivo é estimar a associação entre discriminação racial e diferentes desfechos em saúde, a saber, AAS, morbidade física e depressão ajustando por variáveis sociodemográficas, comportamentos relacionados à saúde e Índice de Massa Corporal, na população de pretos e pardos. O presente estudo possui delineamento seccional, baseado nos dados do inquérito de abrangência nacional Pesquisa Dimensão Social das Desigualdades. Os entrevistados responderam a questionários estruturados e suas medidas antropométricas foram aferidas. No primeiro artigo, foram avaliados 12.324 indivíduos, entre chefes de família e cônjuges, com idade maior ou igual a 20 anos. No segundo artigo, foram avaliados 3.863 chefes de família que responderam a pergunta sobre discriminação racial e que se classificaram como pretos e pardos. AAS foi avaliada por meio de pergunta obtida do instrumento de qualidade de vida SF-36 e, para o primeiro artigo, foi analisada de forma dicotômica em AAS boa (categorias de resposta excelente, muito boa e boa) e AAS ruim (categorias de resposta razoável e ruim). No segundo artigo, esse desfecho foi analisado utilizando-se as 5 categorias de resposta. As análises foram realizadas utilizando-se modelos de regressão logística uni e multivariados, para dados binários (artigo 1) ou ordinais (artigo 2). Os resultados foram apresentados na forma de Odds Ratios com os respectivos intervalos de 95% de confiança. Maior faixa etária, analfabetismo, tabagismo, obesidade e doenças crônicas estiveram associados a maior chance de AAS ruim. Para cada incremento na faixa de renda, observou-se uma redução de 20% na chance de relatar AAS ruim. Atividade física esteve associada a menor chance de AAS ruim. No segundo artigo, exposição à discriminação racial esteve associada com aumento na chance de relato de pior AAS, de morbidade física e de depressão. O presente estudo identificou a influência de diversos fatores sociais, demográficos, comportamentos relacionados à saúde e morbidade física na AAS. O estudo demonstrou ainda que a discriminação racial está associada negativamente aos três desfechos em saúde avaliados (AAS, morbidade física e depressão). Esses resultados podem traçar um perfil de subgrupos populacionais mais vulneráveis, ou seja, com maior risco de contrair doenças ou de procurar o serviço de saúde por uma doença já existente, auxiliando na definição de populações-alvo para o adequado planejamento de políticas e de programas de promoção de saúde.


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Até meados da década de 1970 buscou-se decifrar o lugar social ocupado pelo pardo na sociedade brasileira. Contudo, os estudos mais recentes se caracterizaram, com algumas exceções, pelo silenciamento em torno das especificidades desse grupo. Pretos e pardos têm sido agrupados em uma mesma categoria para fins de análise de desigualdades e discriminação racial. No entanto, se os pardos estão extremamente próximos dos pretos no que toca os seus índices socioeconômicos, chances de mobilidade social e vitimização pela discriminação, eles estão muito distantes dos pretos em sua percepção do preconceito e da discriminação de que são vítimas. Para esse grupo, o nexo entre a cor e a discriminação não parece nem um pouco evidente. A presente tese retoma os pardos como tema de reflexão e investiga as razões pelas quais eles parecem ser discriminados em intensidade próxima à dos pretos, mas não reportam a discriminação no mesmo grau. A partir da produção de análises originais de dados quantitativos e surveys sobre racismo, encontro respaldo para algumas explicações não mutuamente excludentes para esse fenômeno: (1) o binarismo das linguagens racista e antirracista no Brasil, que exclui os pardos do debate público, (2) os problemas metodológicos dos surveys sobre discriminação racial, (3) a presença ideário da morenidade na identidade e autoimagem dos brasileiros pardos, (4) as peculiaridades da sociabilidade entre pretos, pardos e brancos, (5) o caráter ambivalente dos estereótipos que incidem sobre os pardos e, finalmente, (6) uma porosidade maior das elites brancas em relação a esses indivíduos. A partir da elaboração de um modelo alternativo de mensuração da percepção da discriminação, baseado na Escala de Discriminação Cotidiana, demonstro que pretos e pardos de classes mais baixas têm percepções mais parecidas de atitudes discriminatórias, enquanto aqueles que atingem as classes médias e elites passam a divergir: os pretos passam a reportar mais intensamente a discriminação, enquanto os pardos praticamente cessam de senti-la. Sustento que o racismo ambivalente brasileiro funciona de modo a barrar a mobilidade social tanto de pretos como de pardos, mas que os estereótipos e atitudes a que ele está relacionado penalizam mais severamente os pretos que ascendem socialmente do que os pardos.


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Este trabalho tem como proposta pensar os processos identitários da afrodiáspora, a partir dos diálogos com a Capoeira Angola e as narrativas de suas/seus praticantes. Apresentamos a Capoeira Angola como prática cultural de matriz africana, significada por um processo histórico de luta e resistência das populações negras na diáspora. Procuramos discutir quais identidades são reivindicadas, tecidas e enunciadas nessa prática, com especial atenção às identidades angoleiras, às identidades negras e ao pertencimento etnicorracial enunciado por suas/seus praticantes. O processo histórico de escravização das populações negras no Brasil resultou na discriminação racial de mulheres e homens negras/os e na visibilização estereotipada das suas práticas e epistemologias, produzindo diferenciações hierárquicas. A cultura como enunciação e diferença permite através do ato enunciativo, a produção de novos sentidos e significados para as populações negras, que ressignificam suas identidades e tensionam às lógicas e racionalidades hegemônicas. As identidades são compreendidas como processos de identificação, permitidos pelo dinamismo da cultura e pelas práticas discursivas. O agenciamento coletivo reivindica outras identificações, de modo que o ato enunciativo pode produzir novos sentidos para às significações atribuídas às populações negras, sendo a linguagem um importante mecanismo de circulação da palavra e o indicador mais sensível de transformações sociais.


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The Equality Act 2010, in keeping with the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, excludes those identified as drug and alcohol ‘addicted’ from the scope of provisions prohibiting discrimination against disabled people. This article addresses the significance of, and justification for, this exclusion. It begins with a legislative background to the relevant limitation and subsequently examines its rationale according to prevailing legal, medical and sociological discourses. The article then considers the relevance of the discussion for disability rights. Although ‘addiction’, or the preferred term, ‘substance dependence’, is classified as a disability for international systems of disease classification, the relevance of substance dependence for discussion on disability rights, and of disability for discussion on substance dependence, has largely escaped critical comment.


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Earlier this year the Age Discrimination Act 2004 was passed by the Commonwealth government. This paper provides an overview of the Age Discrimination Act 2004 and critically examines whether it is likely to be successful in eradicating compulsory retirement and age discrimination within the workforce. Empirical studies suggesting that law reform alone is insufficient to eliminate ageist employer behaviour are discussed as is the need for public awareness campaigns. Given that compliance with the law is closely linked with normative belief, this paper also considers whether a moral duty to refrain from age discrimination can be grounded within the natural law ethic.


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This paper examines the use of the Disability Discrimination Act (Commonwealth of Australia, 1992) by parents seeking access for their deaf children to native sign language in the classroom. It reviews a number of cases in which Australian parents have claimed indirect discrimination by educational authorities over their children's lack of access to instruction through Australian Sign Language (Auslan) and discusses the outcomes of such litigation. The policies endorsed by deafness organizations are contrasted with those of state educational authorities. The author discusses the limitations of a complaints-based system to address systemic discrimination and suggests the need for legislation to protect the linguistic rights of deaf children.


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In July 2014 the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) released the findings of its national review into pregnancy and return to work discrimination in the workplace1 which it conducted following a request from the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department.2 The review comes 15 years after the commission’s first inquiry into pregnancy discrimination in the workplace.3Federal law has prohibited pregnancy discrimination in the workplace since the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) (SDA) came into force.4 It is now unlawful in every state and territory.5 Discrimination on the basis of breastfeeding and family or carer’s responsibilities is also prohibited.6 Since 2009 the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FW Act) has prohibited workplace discrimination based on pregnancy and family or carer’s responsibilities7 and the Act gives employees additional entitlements relating to their parental and caring responsibilities. Male and female employees who are the primary caregiver for a child are entitled to 12 months unpaid parental leave upon the birth or adoption of the child and can request an additional 12 months leave.8 Upon returning to work, they can request flexible working conditions9 and they are protected from adverse action, such as dismissal, for exercising these rights.10 Yet despite these legal protections, the findings of the national review show that employees continue to experience discrimination during pregnancy, when taking parental leave and upon re-entering the workforce. This note presents the main findings from the surveys and consultations that were held with employers and employees as part of the review and the review’s recommendations for addressing the prevalence of what it terms ‘pregnancy/return to work discrimination’.


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While studies investigating the health effects of racial discrimination for children and youth have examined a range of effect modifiers, to date, relationships between experiences of racial discrimination, student attitudes, and health outcomes remain unexplored. This study uniquely demonstrates the moderating effects of vicarious racism and motivated fairness on the association between direct experiences of racism and mental health outcomes, specifically depressive symptoms and loneliness, among primary and secondary school students. Across seven schools, 263 students (54.4% female), ranging from 8 to 17 years old (M = 11.2, SD = 2.2) reported attitudes about other racial/ethnic groups and experiences of racism. Students from minority ethnic groups (determined by country of birth) reported higher levels of loneliness and more racist experiences relative to the majority group students. Students from the majority racial/ethnic group reported higher levels of loneliness and depressive symptoms if they had more friends from different racial/ethnic groups, whereas the number of friends from different groups had no effect on minority students' loneliness or depressive symptoms. Direct experiences of racism were robustly related to higher loneliness and depressive symptoms in multivariate regression models. However, the association with depressive symptoms was reduced to marginal significance when students reported low motivated fairness. Elaborating on the negative health effects of racism in primary and secondary school students provides an impetus for future research and the development of appropriate interventions.


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The Localities Embracing and Accepting Diversity (LEAD) program aimed to improve the mental health of Aboriginal Victorians by addressing racial discrimination and facilitating social and economic participation. As part of LEAD, Whittlesea Council adopted the Aboriginal Employment Pathways Strategy (AEPS) to increase Aboriginal employment and retention within the organisation. The Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Training Program was developed to build internal cultural competency and skills in recruiting and retaining Aboriginal staff. Analysis of surveys conducted before (pre; n=124) and after (post; n=107) the training program indicated a significant increase in participant understanding across all program objectives and in support of organisational policies to improve Aboriginal recruitment and retention. Participants ended the training with concrete ideas about intended changes, as well as how these changes could be supported by their supervisors and the wider organisation. Significant resources have since been allocated to implementing the AEPS over 5 years. In line with principles underpinning the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2013-23, particularly the focus on addressing racism as a determinant of health, this paper explores the AEPS and training program as promising approaches to health promotion through addressing barriers to Aboriginal employment. Possible implications for other large organisations are also considered.


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Although research on discrimination and health has progressed significantly, it has tended to focus on racial discrimination and US populations. This study explored different types of discrimination, their interactions and associations with common mental disorders among Brazilian university students, in Rio de Janeiro in 2010. Associations between discrimination and common mental disorders were examined using multiple logistic regression models, adjusted for confounders. Interactions between discrimination and socio-demographics were tested. Discrimination attributed to age, class and skin color/race were the most frequently reported. In a fully adjusted model, discrimination attributed to skin color/race and class were both independently associated with increased odds of common mental disorders. The simultaneous reporting of skin color/race, class and age discrimination was associated with the highest odds ratio. No significant interactions were found. Skin color/race and class discrimination were important, but their simultaneous reporting, in conjunction with age discrimination, were associated with the highest occurrence of common mental disorders.


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This work aims at presenting the historical and social path traversed in Brazil since slavery until the implementation of affirmative public policies to promote racial equality, at the local level, in the municipality of Presidente Prudente-SP. Therefore, the starting point was the equal rights guaranteed by the Constitution. As a result, there was a brief historical path of national trajectory, starting from slavery to the so-called cordial racism, seeking to demonstrate the route of racial discrimination in the country. Later, we made notes about the necessity and debate on public policy statements of various fields, were made explicit in the text and the articles of the Constitution which prescribe the crime of racism and some of the situations that were highlighted in the national media. The focus in the city of Presidente Prudente was through historical research, interviews, photographic records and documents that informed about the presence of black people in the city. From these data, based on previous research, it was possible to trace the formation and development of the Black Movement in the city and thus point the way to the formation of this City Council for Racial Equality and the need for application of affirmative action policies for the municipality by hereby. Data from the 2000 Census and 2010 indicate the demand of Presidente Prudente as the percentage of blacks self-declared grew this decade. The main demands are paring the areas of Health since the rate of black women Administrative Region (RA) of Presidente Prudente who die in puerperium and high; Education through enhanced, by the Municipal Education Law No. 10,639, and due attention to african-Brazilian culture by respecting the religious manifestations of African origin among others... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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A presente pesquisa se baseia na teoria crítica da branquidade, especificamente no que concerne aos elementos mais evidenciados da formação da identidade Branca, para realizar uma análise, por amostra, da tendência das demandas judiciais e julgamentos jurisprudenciais acerca da conduta de discriminação racial, prevista na legislação brasileira. Tendo em vista que as decisões dos tribunais a respeito desse tema se mostram bastantes controversas, os elementos da branquidade são trazidos a esse trabalho com a finalidade de contribuir com a tarefa dos operadores do direito de realizar a interpretação sobre dúvidas, dubiedades, lacunas e questionamentos sobre a eficácia da implementação da norma em reduzir as manifestações do racismo.