49 resultados para pyridoxine


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Palladium and platinum complexes of pyridoxamine, pyridoxine and pyridoxal have been prepared. The structures of the complexes PtCI2PM.H20, trans-PdC12 (PN)2 and [PLH+ ]2[PtC16] 2- ,H20 have been determined by use of single crystal x-ray studies. The compounds PdC12PH, trans-PdC12 (PN) 2 , cis-PdCI2 (PN)2 and cis PdC12 (PL)2 were also studied by use of carbon-13 nmr spectroscopy. All the complexes have also been characterised by use of infrared spectral studies. In the complexes, PtCI2PM.H20 and PdC12PM, the ligand pyridoxamine is chela ted to the metal through the aminomethyl nitrogen and the phenolate oxygen atoms whereas in the complexes, trans-PdCI2 (PN)2' cis-PdCI2 (PN)2 and cis-PdC12 (PL)2 the vitamin B6 ligands are coordinated to the metal through the pyridine ring nitrogen. The compounds [PLH+ ]2[PtCI6] 2- .H20 and [PMH2] 2+ [PdCI4] 2- .H20have no direct metal-ligand bonding, In all the complexes, the metal maintains a square planar coordination except in [PLH +] 2[PtCI6] 2- ,H20 where the metal is octahedrally coordinated. PH pyridoxamine [PMH ] 2+ = diprotonated pyridoxamine 2 PN = pyridoxine PL pyridoxal PLH+ protonated pyridoxal


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Fish oil replacement in aquaculture feeds results in major modifications to the fatty acid makeup of cultured fish. Therefore, in vivo fatty acid biosynthesis has been a topic of considerable research interest. Evidence suggests that pyridoxine (vitamin B6) plays a role in fatty acid metabolism, and in particular, the biosynthesis of LC-PUFA has been demonstrated in mammals. However, there is little information on the effects of dietary pyridoxine availability in fish fed diets lacking LC-PUFA. This study demonstrates a relationship between dietary pyridoxine supplementation and fatty acid metabolism in rainbow trout. In particular, the dietary pyridoxine level was shown to modulate and positively stimulate the activity of the fatty acid elongase and Δ-6 and Δ-5 desaturase enzymes, deduced by the whole-body fatty acid balance method. This activity was insufficient to compensate for a diet lacking in LC-PUFA but does highlight potential strategies to maximize this activity in cultured fish, especially when fish oil is replaced with vegetable oils.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present study evaluated the hepatoprotective effect of an N-acetyl or-methionine + choline chloride + caffeine + thiamine hydrochloride + nicotinamide + pyridoxine hydrochloride compound at doses of 0.2, 0.6 and 1.0 mL/kg of b.w., and the assessment was done by the investigation of serum-enzymatic activity, metabolic functions of the liver and histophatological changes in female Wistar rats, which were subjected to experimental intoxication with CCl4. One hundred and nineteen rats were randomly distributed into 17 groups, performing five different treatments, being evaluated seven animals per treatment in four periods: 2, 4, 6 and 8 days after CCl4-induced intoxication. Treated rats with the hepatoprotective medicine (HM) presented a significant reduction in infiltration of inflammatory cells, steatosis, necrosis and liver congestion when compared to non-treated rats (control). Beside these results, the treatment showed a positive effect on circulatory alterations in the intoxicated animals, with reduction of spleen and renal congestion, as well as, promotion of a significant improvement in ALT, AST, LDH, ALP, GGT enzymatic serum activity reduction and in recovering liver function regarding the metabolism of urea, triglycerides and glucose. These findings indicate therapeutic usefulness of the compound when administered at dose 0.6 and 1.0 mL/kg of b.w. in female Wistar rats. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Os autores definem mastalgia cíclica pré-menstrual, (MCPM), repassam os principais mecanismos do ciclo celular da mama, e com base nestes conhecimentos propõem a sua classificação em três tipos, segundo a fisiologia do ciclo mamário: tipo 1 - caracterizado pela distensão localizada de ductos e adensamento do tecido conjuntivo em volta de pequenas dilatações. tipo II - caracterizado pelo edema intersticial, e tipo III - caracterizado pela combinação dos dois processos etiopatogênicos. OBJETIVO: Por meio de estudo prospectivo, aleatório, triplo cego e controlado, comparar a ação de placebo com associação de vitaminas A-D-E e doses baixas de ácido acetilsalicílico. MÉTODOS: Foram observadas 259 portadoras de MCPM, acompanhadas durante seis meses para estudo comparativo das drogas empregadas no alívio da dor. Destas, foram selecionadas 81 pacientes por critérios rigorosos, divididas em três grupos de 27, que receberam, respectivamente, aspirina, associação de vitaminas e placebo. A dor foi classificada em grau I (sem dor), grau II (dor moderada) e grau III (dor intensa). Os métodos estatísticos realizados mostraram que o número de pacientes em cada grupo era satisfatório. Foi empregado o teste de Tukey para comparação dos resultados e significância a 5%. RESULTADOS: As características clínicas, idade, peso, altura e IMC, antecedentes obstétricos e duração da amamentação foram semelhantes nos três grupos. Houve redução de intensidade da dor nos três grupos, principalmente naquele que recebeu placebo. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo realizado, segundo metodologia aceitável, porque foi prospectivo, controlado, triplo cego e aleatório, não mostrou diferenças significativas no tratamento da mastalgia cíclica pré-menstrual entre aspirina e associação de vitaminas, mas revelou superioridade do placebo.


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Objetivo: descrever caso clínico de um lactente com insuficiência renal crônica terminal, causada por hiperoxalúria primária.Método: após revisão da literatura, verifica-se a raridade da doença; na França, a prevalência é de 1,05/milhão, com taxa de incidência de 0,12/milhão/ano. Pesquisa abordando centros especializados mundiais detectou, em 1999, 78 casos em lactentes; destes, em 14% o quadro inicial foi de uremia. A gravidade e a raridade da doença sugerem o relato deste caso.Resultados: criança de sexo feminino, com quadro de vômitos e baixo ganho de peso desde os primeiros meses de vida, desenvolveu insuficiência renal terminal aos 6 meses de idade, sendo mantida em tratamento dialítico desde então. Aos 8 meses, foi encaminhada para esclarecimento diagnóstico, apresentando déficit pôndero-estatural grave e os seguintes exames laboratoriais: uréia= 69 mg/dl, creatinina=2,2 mg/dl e clearance de creatinina= 12,5 ml/min/1.73m²SC. O exame de urina foi normal, a ultra-sonografia renal revelou tamanho normal e hiperecogenicidade de ambos os rins. A dosagem de oxalato urinário foi de 9,2mg/kg/dia ou 0,55 mmol/1.73m²SC, e a relação oxalato:creatinina, de 0,42. A biópsia renal diagnosticou presença de grande quantidade de depósitos de cristais de oxalato de cálcio no parênquima renal. A radiografia de ossos longos evidenciou sinais sugestivos de osteopatia oxalótica, e a fundoscopia indireta, sinais de retinopatia por oxalato. A criança foi mantida em diálise peritoneal ambulatorial contínua, tendo sido iniciado tratamento com piridoxina.Conclusões: a hiperoxalúria primária deve ser considerada como um dos diagnósticos diferenciais de insuficiência renal crônica em lactentes, especialmente na ausência de história sugestiva de outras patologias.


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The effects of some B vitamins on chemical nociception in mice or paw edema in rats were investigated. A combination of thiamine (B1), pyridoxine (B6) and cyanocobalamin (B12), in doses of 100,100 and 5mg/kg, i.p., respectively, potentiated the inhibition by diclofenac or thalidomide of paw edema induced by carrageenin in rat. Antinociceptive effects of diclofenac and thalidomide inhibition of abdominal contortion were also potentiated by the combination of the vitamins B1, B6 and B12. Thiamine, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin given singly were effective in potentiating antinociceptive effects of thalidomide, but only cyanocobalamin potentiated these effects of diclofenac, probably reflecting the differing mechanisms of action of the two drugs. The results document the positive influence of B vitamins on antinociceptive effects of diclofenac or thalidomide and support the use of B vitamins to shorten the treatment time and reduce the daily dose of anti-inflammatories.


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The effects of a combination of some B vitamins and diclofenac or nimesulide on chemical nociception in mice or paw edema in rats were investigated. While the vitamins alone had no effect, combination of thiamine (B1), pyridoxine (B6) and cyanocobalamin (B12), given i.p. in doses of 100mg and 5mg/kg, respectively, potentiated the inhibition by nimesulide (5mg/kg) of paw edema induced by carrageenin in rats. Antinociceptive effects of diclofenac and nimesulide (inhibition of abdominal writhing induced by acetic acid in mice) were also potentiated by the combination of the vitamins B1, B6 and B12. Thiamine, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin given singly were effective in potentiating antinociceptive effects of nimesulide, but only cyanocobalamin potentiated these effects of diclofenac, probably reflecting the differing mechanisms of action of the two drugs. The results document the positive influence of B vitamins on the antinociceptive effects of diclofenac or nimesulide and support the use of B vitamins to shorten the treatment time and reduce the daily dose of anti-inflammatories.


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The aims of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of hepatoprotective treatments with a compound prepared by the association of N-Acetyl DL-Methionine (5%) + Choline chloride (2%) + Caffeine (1%) + Thiamine hydrochloride (1%) + Nicotinamida (0,5%)+ Pyridoxine hydrochloride (0.04%), administered through intramuscular (IM) route, at doses of 0.2, 0.6 and 1.0 mL/kg of BW, through the study of leukocytes responses in rats submitted to acute intoxication with CCl4. 147 females were randomized into 21 groups, performing five different treatments, which were evaluated seven animals in four periods: two, four, six and eight days after CCl4-induced intoxication. In this study, it was observed absolute eosinophilia and monocytosis in animals untreated and treated with the lowest dose of 0.2 mL. These responses were significantly better in animals treated with 0.6 and 1.0 mL/ kg BW. The untreated animals showed thrombocytopenia, when compared to treated animals. Absolute neutropenia and lymphocytosis was observed in all rats intoxicated with CCl4, there is no difference among treatments. The analysis of white blood cells demonstrated that the hepatoprotective treatments favored the leukocyte response, by act beneficially on the population of these cells, supporting the hypothesis that these events may reduce the deleterious effects in liver tissue after intoxication by CCl4.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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OBJECTIVES: Clinical-laboratory and evolutionary analysis of twenty-eight patients with Wilson's disease. METHODS: Twenty-eight children (twelve females and sixteen males) with Wilson's disease were evaluated retrospectively between 1987 and 2009, with a follow-up of 72 months (1 -240 months). The clinical, laboratory, and histologic features at diagnosis were recorded at the end of the study. RESULTS: The median age at diagnosis was 11 years (2 -18 years). Twelve patients were asymptomatic, seven had hepatitis symptoms, five had raised aminotransferase levels, three had hepatomegaly associated with neurological disorders, one had fulminant hepatitis with hemolytic anemia, and six patients presented with a Kayser-Fleischer ring. A histological analysis revealed that six children had chronic hepatitis, seven had cirrhosis, two had steatosis, one had portal fibrosis, and one had massive necrosis. The treatment consisted of D-penicillamine associated with pyridoxine for 26 patients. Adverse effects were observed in the other two patients: one presented with uncontrollable vomiting and the other demonstrated elastosis perforans serpiginosa. At the end of the study, all 26 treated patients were asymptomatic. Twenty-four of the patients were treated with D-penicillamine and pyridoxine, and two were treated with trientine and zinc sulfate. A liver transplant was performed in one patient with fulminant hepatitis, but the final patient died 48 hours after admission to the intensive care unit. CONCLUSIONS: Family screenings associated with early treatment are important in preventing Wilson's disease symptoms and potentially fatal disease progression. The study suggests that Wilson's disease must be ruled out in children older than two years presenting with abnormal levels of hepatic enzymes because of the heterogeneity of symptoms and the encouraging treatment results obtained so far.


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Trabajo realizado por Sergio Sañudo-Wilhelmy, Danielle Monteverde and Laura Gomez-Consarnau