41 resultados para pwd
A combination of uni- and multiplex PCR assays targeting 58 virulence genes (VGs) associated with Escherichia coli strains causing intestinal and extraintestinal disease in humans and other mammals was used to analyze the VG repertoire of 23 commensal E. coli isolates from healthy pigs and 52 clinical isolates associated with porcine neonatal diarrhea (ND) and postweaning diarrhea (PWD). The relationship between the presence and absence of VGs was interrogated using three statistical methods. According to the generalized linear model, 17 of 58 VGs were found to be significant (P < 0.05) in distinguishing between commensal and clinical isolates. Nine of the 17 genes represented by iha, hlyA, aidA, east1, aah, fimH, iroN(E).(coli), traT, and saa have not been previously identified as important VGs in clinical porcine isolates in Australia. The remaining eight VGs code for fimbriae (F4, F5, F18, and F41) and toxins (STa, STh, LT, and Stx2), normally associated with porcine enterotoxigenic E. coli. Agglomerative hierarchical algorithm analysis grouped E. coli strains into subclusters based primarily on their serogroup. Multivariate analyses of clonal relationships based on the 17 VGs were collapsed into two-dimensional space by principal coordinate analysis. PWD clones were distributed in two quadrants, separated from ND and commensal clones, which tended to cluster within one quadrant. Clonal subclusters within quadrants were highly correlated with serogroups. These methods of analysis provide different perspectives in our attempts to understand how commensal and clinical porcine enterotoxigenic E. coli strains have evolved and are engaged in the dynamic process of losing or acquiring VGs within the pig population.
Desde tempos remotos é notória a busca da humanidade para entender e conquistar a felicidade, qualidade de vida, bem-estar e saúde na sua plenitude bio-psico-social. Assim, o objetivo geral deste estudo foi analisar as relações entre percepções de suporte (social, social no trabalho e organizacional) e bem-estar no trabalho (satisfação no trabalho, envolvimento com o trabalho e comprometimento organizacional afetivo) em trabalhadores com deficiência, pois são poucas as pesquisas sobre pessoas com deficiência (PCD). O propósito em abordar o trabalho é por ser um importante elemento de integração social e por constituir um símbolo de reconhecimento social, valorizando a capacidade de estreitar contatos e de estabelecer relações sociais. Deste estudo, participaram 44 trabalhadores com algum tipo de deficiência que atuam em cargos operacionais, técnicos e administrativos. Todos foram escolhidos por conveniência, sendo 24 (54,5%) do sexo masculino e 20 (45,5%) do sexo feminino, com idade entre 18 e 65 anos. Foi possível classificar as deficiências dos participantes em quatro categorias: deficiência nos membros superiores: 9 (20,5%) trabalhadores; deficiência nos membros inferiores: 11 (25%) trabalhadores; deficiência auditiva: 21 (47,7%) trabalhadores; deficiência visual: 3 (6,8%) trabalhadores. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizado questionário de auto-preenchimento, composto de seis escalas que avaliam satisfação no trabalho, envolvimento com o trabalho e comprometimento organizacional, além de suporte social, suportes social no trabalho e organizacional. Foram realizadas análises estatísticas descritivas, testadas diferenças entre médias, bem como calculados coeficientes de correlação entre variáveis. Os resultados apontam que em termos de satisfação no trabalho, não revelam discrepâncias entre estudos realizados com trabalhadores sem deficiências (considerados normais ). Também foi possível observar que as PCD declaram ter orgulho da empresa em que trabalham, além de estarem contentes, entusiasmadas, interessadas e animadas com a organização empregadora. O estudo revelou que as PCD obtêm de sua rede social, ajuda emocional que lhes proporciona sentimento de apoio frente às dificuldades ou carências afetivas, pois provavelmente entendam que podem contar com essa rede para comemorar realizações e sucessos, da mesma forma que receber carinho e consolo quando se frustram ou passam por algum momento triste. É possível afirmar que as PCD percebem que essa mesma rede seria capaz de lhes prover algum apoio prático, como receber informações acerca de sua saúde, talvez reabilitação, também informações para atualização profissional ou até acompanhamento do seu desenvolvimento, inclusive busca de novas oportunidades e desafios para crescimento pessoal e profissional. Os resultados desta pesquisa indicam que as PCD tendem a manter uma forte convicção de que a empresa em que trabalham preocupa-se com seu bem-estar e está disposta a oferecer ajuda diante uma necessidade. Demais resultados sinalizam que as PCD tendem a aumentar o seu vínculo com o trabalho vivenciando mais satisfação na medida em que também aumentam os suportes ofertados pela organização, pela rede social no contexto do trabalho e fora dele. A análise de todo o conteúdo confeccionado é a grande contribuição deste estudo, por ser considerado pioneiro nesta discussão, mas futuros estudos podem vir a confirmar tais resultados e corroborar com mais informações.(AU)
The research aims to answer a fundamental question: which of the disability models currently in use is optimal for creating “accessible tourism-oriented” amenities, as well as more detailed problems: (1) what is disability and what determines different disability models? (2) what types of tourism market supply available for the disabled do the different disability models suggest? (3) are the disability models complementary or mutually exclusive? (4) is the idea of social integration and inclusion of people with disabilities (PWD) while on tourist trips supported of the society? Data sources comprise selected literature and results of a survey conducted using the face-to-face method and the SurveyMonkey website from May 2013 to July 2014. The surveyed group included 619 people (82% were Polish, the other 18% were foreigners from: Russia, Germany, Portugal, Slovakia, Canada, Tunisia and the United Kingdom). The research showed that the different disability models – medical, social, geographical and economic – are useful when creating the tourism supply for the PWD. Using the research results, the authors suggested a model of “diversification of tourism market supply structure available for the disabled”, which includes different types of supply – from specialist to universal. This model has practical usage and can help entrepreneurs with the segmentation of tourism offers addressed to the PWD. The work is innovative, both in its theoretical approach (the review of disability models and their practical application in creating tourism supply) and empirical values – it provides current data for the social attitude towards the development of PWD tourism. Especially the presentation of a wide range of perception of disability as well as the simple classification of tourism supply that meets the varied needs of PWD, is a particular novelty of this chapter.
The aim of this paper is to show a theoretical approach to the evolution of concepts perceiving disability, taking into account the medical, social, and geographical models, as the basis for the development of principles concerning the organisation of accessible tourism for people with disabilities (PwD). The main research objective was to identify the current attitudes of future, potential employees in the tourism (tourism and recreation students at the time of the study) towards accessible tourism. The study was based on surveys performed in May 2013 at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (UAM, Poland) and the State University in Irkutsk (ИГУ, Russia), a total sample of 216 people. The main section of the survey contained four questions regarding issues such as: optimal ways to organise tourism products for people with a disability; attitudes towards spending leisure time together with people with a disability; and specific requirements concerning the introduction of various types of improvements in tourism products aimed at people with a disability. In both cases, the results revealed that future tourism employees hold attitudes which are prevailingly open and positive towards the needs of tourists with disabilities. However, the hypothesis that the main factor influencing a reluctance to enter into contact with PwD is a lack of experience in this area, resulting in insufficient knowledge of what conditions the behaviour of PwD was also confirmed. This is a highly significant conclusion which should consider if mandatory educational programmes in the field of tourism and recreation studies are to be improved.
La exclusión del mercado de trabajo de las personas con discapacidad es un problema social que debe ser abordado por el profesional en Trabajo Social, para que intervenga en el proceso de incorporación al mundo laboral, ya sea demandando, sensibilizando o diseñando mecanismos como la capacitacióntanto a las empresas como a las PCDpara evitar su exclusión social y laboral. Se empezarádefiniendo el concepto sobre discapacidad, su clasificación en el Ecuador, estadísticas en los diferentes contextos, y aspectos sobre la inclusión laboral de las personas con discapacidad. También se recopilará las leyes vigentes que amparan la inclusión laboral de personas con discapacidad, a nivel internacional, nacional y local. Se pretende además socializar la intervención de los profesionales en Trabajo Social, de las distintas empresas públicas y privadas como: Graiman, Indurama, Pasamanería Tosi, Municipio, Etapa y el Ministerio de Obras Públicas, debido a sus experiencias dentro del proceso de inclusión laboral de las personas con discapacidad, a través del análisis e interpretación de los resultados de las entrevistas aplicadas. Finalmente se expone la realización de una propuesta de capacitación, la cual oriente en los diferentes procesos de intervención del Trabajador Social con las personas con discapacidad dentro del ámbito laboral, como un referente a ser considerado y adoptado para la mejora de su calidad en la inclusión laboral, valorándolos como seres humanos trabajadores que aportan de manera productiva al crecimiento de la empresa y del país.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia, 2016.
Neuropsychiatric Symptoms (NPS) are ubiquitous in dementia and are often treated pharmacologically. The objectives of this study were to describe the use of psychotropic, anti-cholinergic, and deliriogenic medications and to identify the prevalence of polypharmacy and psychotropic polypharmacy, among older hospitalized patients in Ireland, with and without dementia. All older patients (≥ 70 years old) that had elective or emergency admissions to six Irish study hospitals were eligible for inclusion in a longitudinal observational study. Of 676 eligible patients, 598 patients were recruited and diagnosed as having dementia, or not, by medical experts. These 598 patients were assessed for delirium, medication use, co-morbidity, functional ability, and nutritional status. We conducted a retrospective cross-sectional analysis of medication data on admission for 583/598 patients with complete medication data, and controlled for age, sex, and co-morbidity. Of 149 patients diagnosed with dementia, only 53 had a previous diagnosis. At hospital admission, 458/583 patients experienced polypharmacy (≥ 5 medications). People with dementia (PwD) were significantly more likely to be prescribed at least one psychotropic medication than patients without dementia (99/147 vs. 182/436; p < 0.001). PwD were also more likely to experience psychotropic polypharmacy (≥ two psychotropics) than those without dementia (54/147 vs. 61/436; p < 0.001). There were no significant differences in the prescribing patterns of anti-cholinergics (23/147 vs. 42/436; p = 0.18) or deliriogenics (79/147 vs. 235/436; p = 0.62). Polypharmacy and psychotropic drug use is highly prevalent in older Irish hospitalized patients, especially in PwD. Hospital admission presents an ideal time for medication reviews in PwD.
Background: Pine wilt disease (PWD) is a worldwide threat to pine forests, and is caused by the pine wood nematode (PWN) Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. Bacteria are known to be associated with PWN and may have an important role in PWD. Serratia sp. LCN16 is a PWN-associated bacterium, highly resistant to oxidative stress in vitro, and which beneficially contributes to the PWN survival under these conditions. Oxidative stress is generated as a part of the basal defense mechanism used by plants to combat pathogenic invasion. Here, we studied the biology of Serratia sp. LCN16 through genome analyses, and further investigated, using reverse genetics, the role of two genes directly involved in the neutralization of H2O2, namely the H2O2 transcriptional factor oxyR; and the H2O2-targeting enzyme, catalase katA. Results: Serratia sp. LCN16 is phylogenetically most closely related to the phytosphere group of Serratia, which includes S. proteamaculans, S. grimessi and S. liquefaciens. Likewise, Serratia sp. LCN16 shares many features with endophytes (plant-associated bacteria), such as genes coding for plant polymer degrading enzymes, iron uptake/ transport, siderophore and phytohormone synthesis, aromatic compound degradation and detoxification enzymes. OxyR and KatA are directly involved in the high tolerance to H2O2 of Serratia sp. LCN16. Under oxidative stress, Serratia sp. LCN16 expresses katA independently of OxyR in contrast with katG which is under positive regulation of OxyR. Serratia sp. LCN16 mutants for oxyR (oxyR::int(614)) and katA (katA::int(808)) were sensitive to H2O2 in relation with wild-type, and both failed to protect the PWN from H2O2-stress exposure. Moreover, both mutants showed different phenotypes in terms of biofilm production and swimming/swarming behaviors. Conclusions: This study provides new insights into the biology of PWN-associated bacteria Serratia sp. LCN16 and its extreme resistance to oxidative stress conditions, encouraging further research on the potential role of this bacterium in interaction with PWN in planta environment.
Pine wilt disease (PWD) results from the interaction of three elements: the pathogenic nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus; the insect-vector, Monochamus sp.; and the host tree, mostly Pinus species. Bacteria isolated from B. xylophilus may be a fourth element in this complex disease. However, the precise role of bacteria in this interaction is unclear as both plant-beneficial and as plant-pathogenic bacteria may be associated with PWD. Using whole genome sequencing and phenotypic characterization, we were able to investigate in more detail the genetic repertoire of Serratia marcescens PWN146, a bacterium associated with B. xylophilus. We show clear evidence that S. marcescens PWN146 is able to withstand and colonize the plant environment, without having any deleterious effects towards a susceptible host (Pinus thunbergii), B. xylophilus nor to the nematode model C. elegans. This bacterium is able to tolerate growth in presence of xenobiotic/organic compounds, and use phenylacetic acid as carbon source. Furthermore, we present a detailed list of S. marcescens PWN146 potentials to interfere with plant metabolism via hormonal pathways and/or nutritional acquisition, and to be competitive against other bacteria and/or fungi in terms of resource acquisition or production of antimicrobial compounds. Further investigation is required to understand the role of bacteria in PWD. We have now reinforced the theory that B. xylophilus-associated bacteria may have a plant origin.
Monochamus beetles are the dispersing vectors of the nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, the causative agent of pine wilt disease (PWD). PWD inflicts significant damages in Eurasian pine forests. Symbiotic microorganisms have a large influence in insect survival. The aim of this study was to characterize the bacterial community associated to PWD vectors in Europe and East Asia using a culture-independent approach. Twenty-three Monochamus galloprovincialiswere collected in Portugal (two different locations); twelve Monochamus alternatus were collected in Japan. DNA was extracted from the insects’ tracheas for 16S rDNA analysis through denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and barcoded pyrosequencing. Enterobacteriales, Pseudomonadales, Vibrionales and Oceanospirilales were present in all samples. Enterobacteriaceae was represented by 52.2% of the total number of reads. Twenty-three OTUs were present in all locations. Significant differences existed between the microbiomes of the two insect species while for M. galloprovincialis there were no significant differences between samples from different Portuguese locations. This study presents a detailed description of the bacterial community colonizing the Monochamus insects’ tracheas. Several of the identified bacterial groups were described previously in association with pine trees and B. xylophilus, and their previously described functions suggest that they may play a relevant role in PWD.
This thesis reports five studies that may contribute to understand how weaning affects the immune and intestinal microbiota maturation of the piglet and proposes some possible nutritional strategies to attenuate its negative effects. The first study showed that weaning is associated in Payer’s patches with the activation of MHC response against class I antigens and that related to the stimulation to IFN-γ and showed, for the first time, that their blood at weaning remains dominated by immature blood cells. In the second study we tested if the use of a live vaccine against a conditionally but also genetically based intestinal disease, like PWD, could have an impact on the growth performance of pigs and their intestinal microbiota and if it could provide a model to test the response to nutritional strategies under conditions of an immune and intestinal stimulation for animals susceptible to ETEC type. In this study, we demonstrated how a vaccinal strain of F4/F18 E. coli can affect the gut microbial composition of piglets, regardless of their genetic susceptibility to ETEC infection. In the third study we evidenced how a nucleotide supplementation can favor the proliferation of jejunal Peyer patches and anticipate the maturation of the fecal microbiota. In the fourth study we reported how xylanase can favor the proliferation of Lactobacillus reuteri. Finally, we showed some first results on the muscles fiber development in fast- and slow-growing suckling pigs and the relationship with the intestinal microbiota. Taken together, the results presented in this thesis provide new insight about the interplay between the host-genetics, gut microbial composition, and host physiological status. Furthermore, it provides confirmation that the use of known genetic markers for ETEC F4 and F18 could represent a potential tool to stratify the animals in the trials both in healthy or challenge-based protocols.