827 resultados para provider


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Tutkielman tavoitteena oli suunitella markkina-analyysi ja sitä käyttäen määritellä Danzasin Solutions liiketoimintayksikön mahdollisuuksia laajentaa toimintaansa Suomen terveydenhuolto/ lääke- ja elektroniikka/ telekommunikaatiosektoreilla. Danzas Solutions toimisi logistiikkaintegraattorina toimittamalla kokonaisvaltaisia logistisia ratkaisuja. Tutkimus tehtiin haastattelemalla neljää Danzasin asiakasta. Mahdollisimman laajan ja yleistettävän tuloksen saamiseksi haastateltavat valitiin logistiikan ulkoistamisasteeltaan vaihteleviksi. Tutkimus tehtiin ensin tutkimalla sekundääristä informaatiota markkinoilta ja täydentämällä sitä haastatteluista saadulla kvalitatiivisella primääri informaatiolla ja case yrityksen sisäisellä analyysillä. Painopiste tutkimuksessa oli selvittää yritysten ulkoistamiseen ja logistiikkakumppanin valintaan vaikuttavia kriteereitä. Logistiikkaintegraattorille suurimmat mahdollisuudet löytyvät elektroniikka/ telekommunikaatiosektorilta. Logistiikka tällä sektorilla on vaativaa ja yrityksillä ei ole resursseja hallita sitä itse. Terveydenhuolto/ lääkesektorilla yrityksillä on yleensä muut keinot jakeluketjun hallintaan ja ne eivät tarvitse logistiikkaintegraattorin palveluita.


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International partnership has received growing interest in the literature during the past decades due to globalization, increased technological approaches and rapid changes in competitive environments. The study specifically determines the support provided by international partners on promotion of e-learning in East Africa, assess the motives of partner selection criteria, the determinants of selecting partners, partner models and partner competence of e-learning provider. The study also evaluates obstacles of e-learning partnering strategy in East Africa learning institutions. The research adopts a descriptive survey design. Target population involved East Africa learning institutions with a list of potential institutions generated from the Ministry of Higher Education database. Through a targeted reduction of the initial database, consisting of all learning institutions, both public and private, the study created a target sample base of 200 learning institutions. Structured questionnaires scheduled were used to collect primary data. Study findings showed the approach way East African communities in selecting their e-learning partners depend on international reputation of partners, partner with ability to negotiate with foreign governments, partner with international and local experiences, nationality of foreign partner and partners with local market knowledge.


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In a business environment that is characterized by intense competition, building customer loyalty has become a key area of focus for most financial institutions. The explosion of the services sector, changing customer demographics and deregulation and emergence of new technology in the financial services industry have had a critical impact on consumers’ financial services buying behaviour. The changes have forced banks to modify their service offerings to customers so as to ensure high levels of customer satisfaction and also high levels of customer retention. Banks have historically had difficulty distinguishing their products from one another because of their relative homogeneity; with increasing competition,the problem has only intensified with no coherent distinguishing theme. Rising wealth, product proliferation, regulatory changes and newer technologies are together making bank switching easier for customers. In order to remain competitive, it is important for banks to retain their customer base. The financial services sector is the foundation for any economy and plays the role of mobilization of resources and their allocation. The retail banking sector in India has emerged as one of the major drivers of the overall banking industry and has witnessed enormous growth. Switching behaviour has a negative impact on the banks’ market share and profitability as the costs of acquiring customers are much higher than the costs of retaining. When customers switch, the business loses the potential for additional profits from the customer the initial costs invested in the customer by the business get . The Objective of the thesis was to examine the relationship among triggers that customers experience, their perceptions of service quality, consumers’ commitment and behavioral intentions in the contemporary India retail banking context through the eyes of the customer. To understand customers’ perception of these aspects, data were collected from retail banking customers alone for the purpose of analysis, though the banks’ views were considered during the qualitative work carried out prior to the main study. No respondent who is an employee of a banking organization was considered for the final study to avoid the possibility of any bias that could affect the results adversely. The data for the study were collected from customers who have switched banks and from those who were non switchers. The study attempted to develop and validate a multidimensional construct of service quality for retail banking from the consumer’s perspective. A major conclusion from the empirical research was the confirmation of the multidimensional construct for perceived service quality in the banking context. Switching can be viewed as an optimization problem for customers; customers review the potential gains of switching to another service provider against the costs of leaving the service provider. As banks do not provide tangible products, their service quality is usually assessed through service provider’s relationship with customers. Thus, banks should pay attention towards their employees’ skills and knowledge; assessing customers’ needs and offering fast and efficient services.


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This article studies the static pricing problem of a network service provider who has a fixed capacity and faces different types of customers (classes). Each type of customers can have its own capacity constraint but it is assumed that all classes have the same resource requirement. The provider must decide a static price for each class. The customer types are characterized by their arrival process, with a price-dependant arrival rate, and the random time they remain in the system. Many real-life situations could fit in this framework, for example an Internet provider or a call center, but originally this problem was thought for a company that sells phone-cards and needs to set the price-per-minute for each destination. Our goal is to characterize the optimal static prices in order to maximize the provider's revenue. We note that the model here presented, with some slight modifications and additional assumptions can be used in those cases when the objective is to maximize social welfare.


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Las comunicaciones móviles, no aparecen a nivel comercial sino hasta finales del siglo XX. Las redes móviles terrestres se iniciaron en ámbitos restringidos para el establecimiento de comunicaciones en tareas de despacho, para la gestión de las actividades de flotas de vehículos en aplicaciones tales como servicios de policía, mantenimiento de servicios públicos de distribución de agua, gas, electricidad, servicios de emergencia, ambulancias, etc. Radiobúsquedas, redes móviles privadas o Trunking, y sistemas de telefonía móvil mejorados fueron el siguiente paso. Después llegó la telefonía móvil digital, las agendas personales, miniordenadores, laptops y un sinfín de dispositivos dispuestos a conectarse vía radio con otros dispositivos o redes. Y finalmente la unión entre comunicaciones móviles e Internet, el verdadero punto de inflexión tanto para uno como para otro. En la actualidad, las técnicas digitales para las comunicaciones móviles, permiten la utilización de nuevos métodos de acceso, como son las de acceso múltiple por división en el tiempo (Time Division Multiple Access, TDMA), con técnicas de banda estrecha, y el acceso múltiple por división de código (Code Division Multiple Access, CDMA) con técnicas de espectro ensanchado. Las primeras sufren un conocido problema denominado propagación multi-trayectoria Básicamente este fenómeno consiste en que la señal que llega al receptor se compone de la suma de un conjunto de señales idénticas en amplitud pero con fases distintas. En el peor caso la señal en el receptor puede llegar a ser nula, produciéndose un fenómeno de fading importante. Las técnicas de espectro ensanchado (CDMA) no sufren este tipo de problemas.


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Objectives: The overall objective of the research was to assess the impact of provider diversity on quality and innovation in the English NHS. The aims were to map the extent of diverse provider activity, identify the differences in performance between Third Sector Organisations (TSOs), for-profit private enterprises, and incumbent organisations within the NHS, and the factors that affect the entry and growth of new private and TSOs. Methods: Case studies of four Local Health Economies (LHEs). Data included: semi-structured interviews with 48 managerial and clinical staff from NHS organizations and providers from the private and Third Sector; some documentary evidence; a focus group with service users; and routine data from the Care Quality Commission and Companies House. Data collection was mainly between November 2008 and November 2009. Results: Involvement of diverse providers in the NHS is limited. Commissioners’ local strategies influence degrees of diversity. Barriers to the entry for TSOs include lack of economies of scale in the bidding process. Private providers have greater concern to improve patient pathways and patient experience, whereas TSOs deliver quality improvements by using a more holistic approach and a greater degree of community involvement. Entry of new providers drives NHS Trusts to respond by making improvements. Information sharing diminishes as competition intensifies. Conclusions: There is scope to increase the participation of diverse providers in the NHS, but care must be taken not to damage public accountability, overall productivity, equity and NHS providers (especially acute hospitals, which are likely to remain in the NHS) in the process.


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The overall objective of the research project has been to assess the impact of provider diversity on quality and innovation in the NHS. The specific research aims were to identify the differences in performance between non-profit Third Sector organisations, for-profit private enterprises, and incumbent public sector institutions within the NHS as providers of health care services, as well as the factors that affect the entry and growth of new private and Third Sector providers. The study used both qualitative and quantitative methods based on case studies of four Local Health Economies (LHEs). Qualitative methods included documentary analysis and interviews with key informants and managers of both commissioning and provider organisations. To provide a focus to the study, two tracer conditions were followed: orthopaedic surgery and home health care for frail older people. In the case of hospital inpatient care, data on patient characteristics were also collected from the HES database. The analysis of this data provided preliminary estimates of the effects of provider type on quality, controlling for client characteristics and case mix. In addition, a survey of patient experience in diverse provider organisations was analysed to compare the different dimensions of quality of provision of acute services between incumbent NHS organisations and new independent sector treatment centres. The research has shown that, in respect of inpatient hospital services, diverse providers supply health services of at least as good quality as traditional NHS providers, and that there is ample opportunity to expand their scale and scope as providers of services commissioned by the NHS. The research used patient experience survey data to investigate whether hospital ownership affects the quality of services reported by NHS patients in areas other than clinical quality. The raw survey data appear to show that private hospitals provide higher quality services than the public hospitals. However, further empirical analysis leads to a more nuanced understanding of the performance differences. Firstly, the analysis shows that each sector offers greater quality in certain specialties. Secondly, the analysis shows that differences in the quality of patients’ reported experience are mainly attributable to patient characteristics, the selection of patients into each type of hospital, and the characteristics of individual hospitals, rather than to hospital ownership as such. Controlling for such differences, NHS patients are on average likely to experience a similar quality of care in a public or privately-run hospital. Nevertheless, for specific groups of patients and for specific types of treatments, especially the more straightforward ones, the private sector provides an improved patient experience compared to the public sector. Elsewhere, the NHS continues to provide a high quality service and outperforms the private sector in a range of services and for a range of clients.


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Life other small business owners, family child care providers need adequate life, health, and disability insurance to protect their families from the loss of their income. However, child care providers also face unique risks. Perhaps the most important of these risks is the financial loss that would result if the provider were found liable or responsible for the injury or death of a child or a child's parent. If a claim were filed against you as a provider, three different types of financial losses are possible: medical expenses, damages awarded to the victim or his/her family after a lawsuit, and court costs related to your defense. This booklet will help you to: (1) evaluate options for insuring a family child care operation, and (2) evaluate available liability insurance policies.


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Progettazione ed implementazione di una strategia di migrazione da IPv4 a IPv6 in una realtà complessa come quella del consorzio interuniversitario CINECA. Sono stati presi in considerazione sia i livelli di rete e trasporto, sia il livello applicativo, cercando di fornire una visione completa delle problematiche incontrate. La strategia di migrazione scelta comprende le scelte tecniche fino ad ora implementate dal CINECA e i successivi passi che verranno intrapresi in futuro.


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L’università di Bologna, da sempre attenta alle nuove tecnologie e all’innovazione, si è dotata nel 2010 di un Identity Provider (IDP), ovvero un servizio per la verifica dell’identità degli utenti dell’organizzazione tramite username e password in grado di sollevare le applicazioni web (anche esterne all’organizzazione) dall’onere di verificare direttamente le credenziali dell’utente delegando totalmente la responsabilità sul controllo dell’identità digitale all’IDP. La soluzione adottata (Microsoft ADFS) si è dimostrata generalmente semplice da configurare e da gestire, ma ha presentato problemi di integrazione con le principali federazioni di identità regionali e italiane (FedERa e IDEM) a causa di una incompatibilità con il protocollo SAML 1.1, ancora utilizzato da alcuni dei servizi federati. Per risolvere tale incompatibilità il "CeSIA – Area Sistemi Informativi e Applicazioni" dell’Università di Bologna ha deciso di dotarsi di un Identity Provider Shibboleth, alternativa open source ad ADFS che presenta funzionalità equivalenti ed è in grado di gestire tutte le versioni del protocollo SAML (attualmente rilasciato fino alla versione 2.0). Il mio compito è stato quello di analizzare, installare, configurare e integrare con le federazioni IDEM e FedERa un’infrastruttura basata sull’IDP Shibboleth prima in test poi in produzione, con la collaborazione dei colleghi che in precedenza si erano occupati della gestione della soluzione Microsoft ADFS. Il lavoro che ho svolto è stato suddiviso in quattro fasi: - Analisi della situazione esistente - Progettazione della soluzione - Installazione e configurazione di un Identity Provider in ambiente di test - Deploy dell’Identity Provider in ambiente di produzione


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La presente tesi nasce da un tirocinio avanzato svolto presso l’azienda CTI (Communication Trend Italia) di Milano. Gli obiettivi dello stage erano la verifica della possibilità di inserire gli strumenti automatici nel flusso di lavoro dell’azienda e l'individuazione delle tipologie testuali e delle combinazioni linguistiche a cui essi sono applicabili. Il presente elaborato si propone di partire da un’analisi teorica dei vari aspetti legati all’utilizzo della TA, per poi descriverne l’applicazione pratica nei procedimenti che hanno portato alla creazione dei sistemi custom. Il capitolo 1 offre una panoramica teorica sul mondo della machine translation, che porta a delineare la modalità di utilizzo della TA ad oggi più diffusa: quella in cui la traduzione fornita dal sistema viene modificata tramite post-editing oppure il testo di partenza viene ritoccato attraverso il pre-editing per eliminare gli elementi più ostici. Nel capitolo 2, partendo da una panoramica relativa ai principali software di traduzione automatica in uso, si arriva alla descrizione di Microsoft Translator Hub, lo strumento scelto per lo sviluppo dei sistemi custom di CTI. Nel successivo passaggio, l’attenzione si concentra sull’ottenimento di sistemi customizzati. Un ampio approfondimento è dedicato ai metodi per reperire ed utilizzare le risorse. In seguito viene descritto il percorso che ha portato alla creazione e allo sviluppo dei due sistemi Bilanci IT_EN e Atto Costitutivo IT_EN in Microsoft Translator Hub. Infine, nel quarto ed ultimo capitolo gli output che i due sistemi forniscono vengono rivisti per individuarne le caratteristiche e analizzati tramite alcuni tool di valutazione automatica. Grazie alle informazioni raccolte vengono poi formulate alcune previsioni sul futuro uso dei sistemi presso l’azienda CTI.


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Out-of-hospital emergency physicians in Austria need mandatory emergency physician training, followed by biennial refresher courses. Currently, both standardized ERC advanced life support (ALS) provider courses and conventional refresher courses are offered. This study aimed to compare the retention of ALS-knowledge of out-of-hospital emergency physicians depending on whether they had or had not participated in an ERC-ALS provider course since 2005.


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Switzerland does not have a concrete legal framework dealing with rights and obligations of ISPs; however, legal doctrine and practice apply similar principles as stated in the E-Commerce Directive of the EU. The liability of ISPs depends on the “closeness” to the content. Whereas in cases of solely transmitting services the risk of liability for illegal information is remote and the duty of ISPs is limited to a take-down, content, host and link providers (in cases of moder- ated newsgroups) can become liable if the information made available is not controlled.