981 resultados para progettazione web cloud gestionale


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I sistemi di autenticazione con secondo fattore permettono una migliore protezione dell'identità digitale degli utenti. Questo lavoro descrive l'analisi e progettazione della soluzione di autenticazione a più fattori da integrare nel sistema di Ateneo, conclusasi con lo sviluppo del modulo di integrazione tra il servizio di autenticazione Web Single Sign-On dell'Università di Bologna (ADFS 3.0) e la piattaforma scelta per la fornitura (Time4ID). L'integrazione è stata effettuata programmando un Authentication Provider, costituito da una libreria di integrazione scritta in C#, capace di integrarsi con la piattaforma cloud-based di verifica del secondo fattore.


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Sviluppo di una web application multipiattaforma per un'azienda, per l'elaborazione e la visualizzazione di dati commerciali.


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Il potenziale che il Web ha raggiunto in termini di accessibilità, gestione e flessibilità, ha spinto i più svariati settori ad approcciarsi ad esso e ad adottarlo all’interno delle proprie organizzazioni. É stato quindi necessario applicare alle tradizionali applicazioni web, nuove soluzioni al fine di integrare gli elementi di workflow management con il modello dei dati di navigazione e di presentazione. In questo lavoro di tesi, si affrontano gli aspetti legati ai processi di business, con riferimento alla progettazione e allo sviluppo di applicazioni Web. Verranno introdotti standard di modellazione come UML e BPMN per poi descrivere soluzioni e casi di studio esistenti. Nella seconda parte dell'elaborato invece, verranno presentate le tecnologie utilizzate per il design e lo sviluppo di un framework, a supporto delle process-aware Web applications.


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Este trabajo contiene el estudio de las tecnologías que se están usando actualmente en web, tratando de explicar cuáles son sus principales componentes, su objetivo y funcionamiento. En base a un supuesto teórico de un montaje para un servicio web con un número muy alto de usuarios, y basándose en las tecnologías estudiadas, se propone un posible montaje completo de un sistema, que sería capaz de gestionar correctamente todas las peticiones, evitando fallos y tiempos de indisponibilidad. Se a~nade un análisis teórico de los costes deribados de la implantación del sistema, comparándolo con un sistema web convencional, y otro análisis con el funcionamiento de una caché y los benéficos, en carga, derivados de su uso.---ABSTRACT---This work contains a study about new web technologies. Its objective is to explain the web technologies componentes with their particular usage and performance. Based on a theorical postulation about a preparation of a web service with a large number of users, and working with the studied technologies, a complete system assembling is proposed. This system will be able to attend all the incoming requests, without failures nor downtimes. It is attached a theorical study of the derivative costs associated to the system implementation, compared to a traditional one. In addition, another study is included with the work ow of a cache and the benefits derived of its usage in work terms.


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Cloud computing can be defined as a distributed computational model by through resources (hardware, storage, development platforms and communication) are shared, as paid services accessible with minimal management effort and interaction. A great benefit of this model is to enable the use of various providers (e.g a multi-cloud architecture) to compose a set of services in order to obtain an optimal configuration for performance and cost. However, the multi-cloud use is precluded by the problem of cloud lock-in. The cloud lock-in is the dependency between an application and a cloud platform. It is commonly addressed by three strategies: (i) use of intermediate layer that stands to consumers of cloud services and the provider, (ii) use of standardized interfaces to access the cloud, or (iii) use of models with open specifications. This paper outlines an approach to evaluate these strategies. This approach was performed and it was found that despite the advances made by these strategies, none of them actually solves the problem of lock-in cloud. In this sense, this work proposes the use of Semantic Web to avoid cloud lock-in, where RDF models are used to specify the features of a cloud, which are managed by SPARQL queries. In this direction, this work: (i) presents an evaluation model that quantifies the problem of cloud lock-in, (ii) evaluates the cloud lock-in from three multi-cloud solutions and three cloud platforms, (iii) proposes using RDF and SPARQL on management of cloud resources, (iv) presents the cloud Query Manager (CQM), an SPARQL server that implements the proposal, and (v) comparing three multi-cloud solutions in relation to CQM on the response time and the effectiveness in the resolution of cloud lock-in.


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Il lavoro sviluppato deriva dalla creazione, in sede di tirocinio, di un piccolo database, creato a partire dalla ricerca dei dati fino alla scelta di informazioni di rilievo e alla loro conseguente archiviazione. L’obiettivo dell’elaborato è rappresentato dalla volontà di ampliare quella conoscenza basilare posseduta sul mondo dell’informazione dal punto di vista gestionale. Infatti, considerando lo scenario odierno, si può affermare che lo studio del cliente attraverso delle informazioni rilevanti, di vario tipo, è una delle conoscenze fondamentali nel mondo dell’ingegneria gestionale. Il metodo di studio utilizzato è basato sulla comprensione delle diverse tipologie di dati presenti nel mondo aziendale e, di conseguenza, al loro legame con il mondo del web e soprattutto con i metodi di archiviazione più moderni e più utilizzati oggi sia dalle aziende, che non dai privati stessi; le piattaforme cloud. L’elaborato si suddivide in tre argomenti differenti ma strettamente collegati tra loro; la prima parte tratta di come l’informazione più basilare vada raccolta ed analizzata, la sezione centrale è legata al tema chiave dell’internet come mezzo di archiviazione e non più solo come piattaforma di ricerca del dato, mentre nel capitolo finale viene chiarito il concetto di cloud computing, comodo veloce ed efficiente, considerato da qualche anno il punto d’incontro fra i primi due argomenti. Nello specifico si andranno a presentare alcuni di applicazione reale del cloud da parte di aziende come Amazon, Google e Facebook, multinazionali che ad oggi sono riuscite a fare dell’archiviazione e della manipolazione dei dati, a scopi industriali, una delle loro fonti di guadagno. Il risultato è rappresentato da una panoramica sul funzionamento e sulle tecniche di utilizzo dell’informazione, partendo dal dato più irrilevante fino ad arrivare ai database condivisi utilizzati, se non addirittura controllati, dalle più rinomate aziende nazionali ed internazionali.


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In questo progetto di tesi vengono descritte le fasi che hanno portato alla creazione di una web application per automatizzare campagne pubblicitarie attraverso Google Shopping. Partendo dall'analisi dello stato dell'arte del web advertising, vengono successivamente trattate le fasi di progettazione ed implementazione. Infine vengono valutati i risultati ottenuti e discussi i possibili sviluppi futuri.


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Information overload has become a serious issue for web users. Personalisation can provide effective solutions to overcome this problem. Recommender systems are one popular personalisation tool to help users deal with this issue. As the base of personalisation, the accuracy and efficiency of web user profiling affects the performances of recommender systems and other personalisation systems greatly. In Web 2.0, the emerging user information provides new possible solutions to profile users. Folksonomy or tag information is a kind of typical Web 2.0 information. Folksonomy implies the users‘ topic interests and opinion information. It becomes another source of important user information to profile users and to make recommendations. However, since tags are arbitrary words given by users, folksonomy contains a lot of noise such as tag synonyms, semantic ambiguities and personal tags. Such noise makes it difficult to profile users accurately or to make quality recommendations. This thesis investigates the distinctive features and multiple relationships of folksonomy and explores novel approaches to solve the tag quality problem and profile users accurately. Harvesting the wisdom of crowds and experts, three new user profiling approaches are proposed: folksonomy based user profiling approach, taxonomy based user profiling approach, hybrid user profiling approach based on folksonomy and taxonomy. The proposed user profiling approaches are applied to recommender systems to improve their performances. Based on the generated user profiles, the user and item based collaborative filtering approaches, combined with the content filtering methods, are proposed to make recommendations. The proposed new user profiling and recommendation approaches have been evaluated through extensive experiments. The effectiveness evaluation experiments were conducted on two real world datasets collected from Amazon.com and CiteULike websites. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed user profiling and recommendation approaches outperform those related state-of-the-art approaches. In addition, this thesis proposes a parallel, scalable user profiling implementation approach based on advanced cloud computing techniques such as Hadoop, MapReduce and Cascading. The scalability evaluation experiments were conducted on a large scaled dataset collected from Del.icio.us website. This thesis contributes to effectively use the wisdom of crowds and expert to help users solve information overload issues through providing more accurate, effective and efficient user profiling and recommendation approaches. It also contributes to better usages of taxonomy information given by experts and folksonomy information contributed by users in Web 2.0.


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Emerging from the challenge to reduce energy consumption in buildings is the need for energy simulation to be used more effectively to support integrated decision making in early design. As a critical response to a Green Star case study, we present DEEPA, a parametric modeling framework that enables architects and engineers to work at the same semantic level to generate shared models for energy simulation. A cloud-based toolkit provides web and data services for parametric design software that automate the process of simulating and tracking design alternatives, by linking building geometry more directly to analysis inputs. Data, semantics, models and simulation results can be shared on the fly. This allows the complex relationships between architecture, building services and energy consumption to be explored in an integrated manner, and decisions to be made collaboratively.


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The growth of APIs and Web services on the Internet, especially through larger enterprise systems increasingly being leveraged for Cloud and software-as-a-service opportuni- ties, poses challenges to improving the efficiency of integration with these services. Interfaces of enterprise systems are typically larger, more complex and overloaded, with single operation having multiple data entities and parameter sets, supporting varying requests, and reflecting versioning across different system releases, compared to fine-grained operations of contemporary interfaces. We propose a technique to support the refactoring of service interfaces by deriving business entities and their relationships. In this paper, we focus on the behavioural aspects of service interfaces, aiming to discover the sequential dependencies of operations (otherwise known as protocol extraction) based on the entities and relationships derived. Specifically, we propose heuristics according to these relationships, and in turn, deriving permissible orders in which operations are invoked. As a result of this, service operations can be refactored on business entity CRUD lines, with explicit behavioural protocols as part of an interface definition. This supports flexible service discovery, composition and integration. A prototypical implementation and analysis of existing Web services, including those of commercial logistic systems (Fedex), are used to validate the algorithms proposed through the paper.


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Cloud-based infrastructure essentially comprises two offerings, cloud-based compute and cloud-based storage. These are perhaps best typified for most people by the two main components of the Amazon Web Services (AWS)1 public cloud offer, the Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)2 and the Simple Storage Service (S3)3, though, of course, there are many other related services offered by Amazon and many other providers of similar public cloud infrastructure across the Internet.


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Assessing how the University of the West of England (UWE) made large savings and improved the student experience through cloud email.


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Muchos de los servicios que hasta hace relativamente poco tiempo eran ofertados únicamente por los operadores de telecomunicaciones, han pasado en la actualidad a ser prestados por terceros gracias al modelo de servicios en la nube, impulsando el auge de este modelo frente al tradicional. Esto trae consigo un incremento en la complejidad en la implantación por parte del proveedor de políticas para la gestión de la QoS demandada por el cliente.En este nuevo escenario, el concepto de calidad de servicio ha venido evolucionando desde su definición clásica, entendida como el análisis objetivo de los indicadores intrínsecos de calidad que definen el rendimiento de un servicio, hacia una visión subjetiva centrada en el punto de vista del cliente respecto a dicho servicio. En este contexto, organismos de estandarización como la ITU, a través de sus grupos de trabajo, están fomentando el interesante planteamiento de abordar los servicios de telecomunicaciones ampliamente asentados y más que estudiados desde la vertiente clásica de la QoS, desde este nuevo prisma enfocado al cliente, en el que poder establecer una metodología de estudio de la QoE en dichos servicios. En particular, el trabajo presentado en este documento se asienta en la validación del draft de la recientemente aprobada recomendación ITU-T P.1501 (Metodología de test subjetiva para el servicio de navegación web), así como en la contribución a la recomendación G.1031 (Factores de QoE en el servicio de navegación web).


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Nearly one billion smart mobile devices are now used for a growing number of tasks, such as browsing the web and accessing online services. In many communities, such devices are becoming the platform of choice for tasks traditionally carried out on a personal computer. However, despite the advances, these devices are still lacking in resources compared to their traditional desktop counterparts. Mobile cloud computing is seen as a new paradigm that can address the resource shortcomings in these devices with the plentiful computing resources of the cloud. This can enable the mobile device to be used for a large range of new applications hosted in the cloud that are too resource demanding to run locally. Bringing these two technologies together presents various difficulties. In this paper, we examine the advantages of the mobile cloud and the new approaches to applications it enables. We present our own solution to create a positive user experience for such applications and describe how it enables these applications.