963 resultados para professional reassigned time
El present treball constitueix un estudi i una anàlisi sobre les dades obtingudes del buidatge dels manlleus recollits en dos números de la revista catalana Time Out Barcelona. L’objectiu és aprofundir en el tema dels préstecs i extreure algunes conclusions sobre els tipus d’unitats manllevades i el seu tractament.
L’objectiu que pretén aquest treball final de Grau en Ciències de l’Activitat Física i l’Esport, és fer una aproximació inicial a la caracterització dels professors d’Educació Física en la secundària i la identitat docent que se’n deriva per les característiques de l’alumnat d’aquesta etapa i d’organització de les matèries. Alhora pretén reflexionar sobre la importància dels elements relacionals i soci - emocionals que ha de conrear tot docent que treballa en les etapes de l’adolescència. Per aconseguir aquest objectiu he enquestat a diferents professors/es i, a una desena d’alumnes de cada professor/a per tal d’analitzar les diferents característiques de cadascú i identificar les més recurrents i/o més eficaces que defineixen a un/a bon/a professor/a de secundària. Després d’aquest anàlisi de contingut de les respostes dels alumnes i les enquestes i entrevistes dels propis professors/es, podem concloure que hi ha quatre variables importants a tenir en compte; el perfil personal, la metodologia que utilitza cada professor/a en les seves classes, la convivència amb el grup – classe i la societat i, la formació del professorat.
Considering teams as complex adaptive systems (CAS) this study deals with changes in team effectiveness over time in a specific context: professional basketball. The sample comprised 23 basketball teams whose outcomes were analysed over a 12-year period according to two objective measures. The results reveal that all the teams showed chaotic dynamics, one of the key characteristics of CAS. A relationship was also found between teams showing low-dimensional chaotic dynamics and better outcomes, supporting the idea of healthy variability in organizational behaviour. The stability of the squad was likewise found to influence team outcomes, although it was not associated with the chaotic dynamics in team effectiveness. It is concluded that studying teams as CAS enables fluctuations in team effectiveness to be explained, and that the techniques derived from nonlinear dynamical systems, developed specifically for the study of CAS, are useful for this purpose.
OBJECTIVE: Assertive community treatment (ACT) failed to develop in Europe, and its efficacy is debated. In Lausanne, Switzerland, ACT focuses on difficult-to-engage patients and aims to facilitate linkage with outpatient care through time-limited interventions. This study aimed to evaluate the applicability and efficiency of time-limited ACT. METHODS: We retrospectively assessed social, clinical, and functional outcomes and motivation for treatment in 75 consecutively seen subjects treated between 2000 and 2002. RESULTS: With 70% of the interventions lasting less than 6 months, we observed significant improvement in most clinical and social problems, in collaboration, in motivation for treatment, and in social network support, despite high baseline levels of clinical and social problems. The number of hospitalizations decreased significantly. CONCLUSIONS: Time-limited ACT is a useful treatment for difficult-to-engage patients with severe clinical and social problems, and it facilitates linkage to care. This narrower target for ACT may facilitate its implementation in Europe.
INTRODUCTION: In alpine skiing, chronometry analysis is currently the most common tool to assess performance. It is widely used to rank competitors during races, as well as to manage athletes training and to evaluate material. Usually, this measurement is accurately realized using timing cells. Nevertheless, these devices are too complex and expensive to allow chronometry of every gates crossing. On the other side, differential GPS can be used for measuring gate crossing time (Waegli et al). However, this is complex (e.g. recording gate position with GPS) and mainly used in research applications. The aim of the study was to propose a wearable system to time gates crossing during alpine skiing slalom (SL), which is suitable for routine uses. METHODS: The proposed system was composed of a 3D accelerometer (ADXL320®, Analog Device, USA) placed at the sacrum of the athlete, a matrix of force sensors (Flexiforce®, Tekscan, USA) fixed on the right shin guard and a data logger (Physilog®, BioAGM, Switzerland). The sensors were sampled at 500 Hz. The crossing time were calculated in two phases. First, the accelerometer was used to detect the curves by considering the maximum of the mediolateral peak acceleration. Then, the force sensors were used to detect the impacts with the gates by considering maximum force variation. In case of non impact, the detection was realized based on the acceleration and features measured at the other gates. In order to assess the efficiency of the system, two different SL were monitored twice for two world cup level skiers, a male SL expert and a female downhill expert. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The combination of the accelerometer and force sensors allowed to clearly identify the gate crossing times. When comparing the runs of the SL expert and the downhill expert, we noticed that the SL expert was faster. For example for the first SL, the overall difference between the best run of each athlete was of 5.47s. At each gate, the SL expert increased the time difference slower at the beginning (0.27s/gate) than at the end (0.34s/gate). Furthermore, when comparing the runs of the SL expert, a maximum time difference of 20ms at each gate was noticed. This showed high repeatability skills of the SL expert. In opposite, the downhill expert with a maximum difference time of 1s at each gate was clearly less repeatable. Both skiers were not disturbed by the system. CONCLUSION: This study proposed a new wearable system to automatically time gates crossing during alpine skiing slalom combining force and accelerometer sensors. The system was evaluated with two professional world cup skiers and showed a high potential. This system could be extended to time other parameters. REFERENCES Waegli A, Skaloud J (2007). Inside GNSS, Spring, 24-34.
Many audio watermarking schemes divide the audio signal into several blocks such that part of the watermark is embedded into each of them. One of the key issues in these block-oriented watermarking schemes is to preserve the synchronisation, i.e. to recover the exact position of each block in the mark recovery process. In this paper, a novel time domain synchronisation technique is presented together with a new blind watermarking scheme which works in the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT or FFT) domain. The combined scheme provides excellent imperceptibility results whilst achieving robustness against typical attacks. Furthermore, the execution of the scheme is fast enough to be used in real-time applications. The excellent transparency of the embedding algorithm makes it particularly useful for professional applications, such as the embedding of monitoring information in broadcast signals. The scheme is also compared with some recent results of the literature.
PURPOSE: This study aimed to determine the neuro-mechanical and metabolic adjustments in the lower limbs induced by the running anaerobic sprint test (the so-called RAST). METHODS: Eight professional football players performed 6 × 35 m sprints interspersed with 10 s of active recovery on artificial turf with their football shoes. Sprinting mechanics (plantar pressure insoles), root mean square activity of the vastus lateralis (VL), rectus femoris (RF), and biceps femoris (BF) muscles (surface electromyography, EMG) and VL muscle oxygenation (near-infrared spectroscopy) were monitored continuously. RESULTS: Sprint time, contact time and total stride duration increased from the first to the last repetition (+17.4, +20.0 and +16.6 %; all P < 0.05), while flight time and stride length remained constant. Stride frequency (-13.9 %; P < 0.001) and vertical stiffness decreased (-27.2 %; P < 0.001) across trials. Root mean square EMG activities of RF and BF (-18.7 and -18.1 %; P < 0.01 and 0.001, respectively), but not VL (-1.2 %; P > 0.05), decreased over sprint repetitions and were correlated with the increase in running time (r = -0.82 and -0.90; both P < 0.05). Together with a better maintenance of RF and BF muscles activation levels over sprint repetitions, players with a better repeated-sprint performance (lower cumulated times) also displayed faster muscle de- (during sprints) and re-oxygenation (during recovery) rates (r = -0.74 and -0.84; P < 0.05 and 0.01, respectively). CONCLUSION: The repeated anaerobic sprint test leads to substantial alterations in stride mechanics and leg-spring behaviour. Our results also strengthen the link between repeated-sprint ability and the change in neuromuscular activation as well as in muscle de- and re-oxygenation rates.
This paper describes the fluctuations of temporal criteria dynamics in the context of professional sport. Specifically, we try to verify the underlying deterministic patterns in the outcomes of professional basketball players. We use a longitudinal approach based on the analysis of the outcomes of 94 basketball players over ten years, covering practically players" entire career development. Time series were analyzed with techniques derived from nonlinear dynamical systems theory. These techniques analyze the underlying patterns in outcomes without previous shape assumptions (linear or nonlinear). These techniques are capable of detecting an intermediate situation between randomness and determinism, called chaos. So they are very useful for the study of dynamic criteria in organizations. We have found most players (88.30%) have a deterministic pattern in their outcomes, and most cases are chaotic (81.92%). Players with chaotic patterns have higher outcomes than players with linear patterns. Moreover, players with power forward and center positions achieve better results than other players. The high number of chaotic patterns found suggests caution when appraising individual outcomes, when coaches try to find the appropriate combination of players to design a competitive team, and other personnel decisions. Management efforts must be made to assume this uncertainty.
Staying satisfied and healthy in the face of a complex and uncertain professional world is a priority for individuals. This article examines the contribution of personality traits, career adaptability, and prior well-being as predictors of well-being over 1 year in four different professional trajectory groups: those who remained employed, those who experienced a professional change, those who moved from unemployment to employment, and those who remained unemployed. Results show meaningful differences between these groups in terms of well-being over 1 year. Employed individuals have higher life satisfaction and self-rated health than unemployed individuals. Regaining employment contributes to improved well-being. Different professional situations correspond to varying levels of career adaptability, suggesting it may be a precursor for career changes. Personality traits and career adaptability predict well-being over time, but the strongest predictor of future well-being is prior well-being. Results are discussed in light of career development, personality, and well-being theory.
Abstract This work has had as objective to analyze the skills acquired through internships in business companies by students of the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University Pompeu Fabra. The internship is a basic item in order to obtain a hard connection between the University and social-economic world where University and Enterprises develop their activity. In this study we want to know about two aspects. The first one, we want to know the profit that is obtained from the Student as a consequence of internship and mentoring. Also, we want to study about the importance of mentoring as a principal element that establishes the relationship between the Student and the Company. Moreover, it has sought to analyze if certain factors such as the size of the company where the practices has been performed, the study rank level that was achieved or the fact of being a man or a woman, were among the determining factors at the time of acquiring the skills. The results presented here indicate that the size of the company that have been making the practices and the gender of the student are related to the acquisition of certain skills. There was not a statistically significant relationship related to the rank level have by the students in the practice. In the future we are going to study if the labor market Integration is easier if the Student has performed work placement. Keywords Skills; employability; internship; meatoring.
En qualsevol disciplina els canvis en el vocabulari són importants pel fet que hi ha una evolució en la disciplina mateixa. Pel que fa a la discapacitat i la diversitat funcional no només hi ha un canvi de paraules sinó un canvi conceptual que genera substitucions de vocabulari però no com a sinònims. Els canvis de paradigma als quals fem referència en la darrera dècada comencen a prendre rellevància a molts nivells, com l’acadèmic, el social i el polític, com si fossin un engranatge en què, quan hi ha canvis en una peça, convé també plantejar-los en les altres. Des d’aquest punt de vista alteracions de la concepció de discapacitat i diversitat funcional generen canvis significatius en la manera de generar serveis si calgués. Però a més adquireixen molta importància les novetats a nivell actitudinal i de relació que estableixen els professionals de l’educació social o del treball social sobre les persones amb diversitat funcional.
Amb l’objectiu de conèixer les relacions existents entre la força, el rendiment esportiu i la lesionabilitat en un equip masculí de bàsquet professional, es realitza un estudi prospectiu, observacional i descriptiu d’anàlisis d’estadístiques (71 partits), test de mig esquat (n = 7) i patologia lesional, monitoritzant la temporada 09/10, on es relacionen les dades obtingudes de cada jugador referents al rendiment esportiu per partit (valoració estadística), les mitjanes de força, velocitat i potència de cada mesocicle i la lesionabilitat. La tècnica estadística utilitzada ha estat la correlació a partir del paràmetre rho de Spearman. Aquestes correlacions entre força i lesionabilitat mostren que a valors de força més elevats hi ha més lesions: amb 80 kg són molt significatives per a lesions totals (LT) i potència (rho = 0,898; p = 0,006), i significatives per força (rho = 0,823; p = 0,023) i velocitat (rho = 0,774; p = 0,041); la velocitat amb 90 kg es relaciona amb lesions time loss (TL) (rho = 0,878; p = 0,009), i la potència amb 100 kg, amb lesions totals (LT) (rho = 0,805; p = 0,029) i V100 (rho = 0,898; p = 0,006) molt significativament. I la relació entre força i rendiment és significativament negativa en 5 dels 7 mesocicles, és a dir, a menys força, més rendiment. En conclusió, durant l’execució del mig esquat, hi ha valors de força adients per rendir millor i lesionar-se menys: de 800 N a 1.050 N i amb càrregues de 80 kg a 90 kg.
Delays in the justice system have been undermining the functioning and performance of the court system all over the world for decades. Despite the widespread concern about delays, the solutions have not kept up with the growth of the problem. The delay problem existing in the justice courts processes is a good example of the growing need and pressure in professional public organizations to start improving their business process performance.This study analyses the possibilities and challenges of process improvement in professional public organizations. The study is based on experiences gained in two longitudinal action research improvement projects conducted in two separate Finnish law instances; in the Helsinki Court of Appeal and in the Insurance Court. The thesis has two objectives. First objective is to study what kinds of factors in court system operations cause delays and unmanageable backlogs and how to reduce and prevent delays. Based on the lessons learned from the case projects the objective is to give new insights on the critical factors of process improvement conducted in professional public organizations. Four main areas and factors behind the delay problem is identified: 1) goal setting and performance measurement practices, 2) the process control system, 3) production and capacity planning procedures, and 4) process roles and responsibilities. The appropriate improvement solutions include tools to enhance project planning and scheduling and monitoring the agreed time-frames for different phases of the handling process and pending inventory. The study introduces the identified critical factors in different phases of process improvement work carried out in professional public organizations, the ways the critical factors can be incorporated to the different stages of the projects, and discusses the role of external facilitator in assisting process improvement work and in enhancing ownership towards the solutions and improvement. The study highlights the need to concentrate on the critical factors aiming to get the employees to challenge their existing ways of conducting work, analyze their own processes, and create procedures for diffusing the process improvement culture instead of merely concentrating of finding tools, techniques, and solutions appropriate for applications from the manufacturing sector
With the objective to stimulate the use of irrigation and the electric energy fee reduction during night time program granted by the 2004 Federal law, the Government of the state of Paraná, Brazil launched the Night Irrigation Program - NPI. Beyond this discount, the farmer that adheres to NPI will get additional benefits, as completion of the electric grid without cost, subsidized financing of equipment, technical assistance, support with environmental farm compliance, and the possibility of replacing the entire pump energy matrix. As part of the NPI strategy of action, installation of learning centers for irrigation technology was planned in agricultural schools, thus contributing both to improve technical professional training in agriculture, and for the dissemination of knowledge in irrigated agriculture, in order to increase agricultural productivity.