79 resultados para prodrugs


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Colon-residing bacteria, such as vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis and Bacteroides fragilis, can cause a range of serious clinical infections. Photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy (PACT) may be a novel treatment option for these multidrug resistant organisms. The aim of this study was to formulate a Eudragit®-based drug delivery system, via hot melt extrusion (HME), for targeting colonic release of photosensitizer. The susceptibility of E. faecalis and B. fragilis to PACT mediated by methylene blue (MB), meso-tetra(N-methyl-4-pyridyl)porphine tetra-tosylate (TMP), or 5-aminolevulinic acid hexyl-ester (h-ALA) was determined, with tetrachlorodecaoxide (TCDO), an oxygen-releasing compound, added in some studies. Results show that, for MB, an average of 30% of the total drug load was released over a 6-h period. For TMP and h-ALA, these values were 50% and 16% respectively. No drug was released in the acidic media. Levels of E. faecalis and B. fragilis were reduced by up to 4.67 and 7.73 logs, respectively, on PACT exposure under anaerobic conditions, with increased kill associated with TCDO. With these formulations, photosensitizer release could potentially be targeted to the colon, and colon-residing pathogens killed by PACT. TCDO could be used in vivo to generate oxygen, which could significantly impact on the success of PACT in the clinic.


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Suitable ester prodrugs of 17b-estradiol are identified, thus permitting effective sustained and controlled estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) from an elastomeric, silicone intravaginal ring (IVR). IVR devices of reservoir design were prepared by blending silicone elastomer base with n-propylorthosilicate (cross-linker) and 10% w/w of 17b-estradiol or an ester prodrug, the mix being activated with 0.5% w/w stannous octoate and cured at 808C for 2 min. A rate-controlling membrane was similarly prepared, without the active agent. IVR devices were of cross-sectional diameter 9 mm, outer diameter 54 mm, with core cross-sectional diameter of 2 mm and core length varied as required. Sink conditions were evident for the 17b-estradiol esters in 1.0% aqueous benzalkonium chloride solution. The low release rates into 0.9% w/v saline of the lipophilic valerate and benzoate esters were due to their intrinsically low aqueous solubilities. In vivo, these esters failed to raise plasma estradiol above baseline levels in postmenopausal human volunteers, despite good in vitro release characteristics under sink conditions. The best release rates under sink conditions, in combination with substantial aqueous solubilities as indicated by the release rates into saline, were observed for the acetate and propionate esters. A
combination of drug release characteristics, short plasma half-life and a toxicologically acceptable hydrolysis product indicated that 17b-estradiol-3-acetate was the prodrug of choice for IVR delivery of ERT. In vivo, an IVR device releasing
100 mg/day of estradiol as its 3-acetate ester maintained over 84 days a circulating plasma concentration in the region of 300 pmol l , within the clinically desirable range for ERT.


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A series of acyl phosphonamidates, the synthetic precursors to bisphosphonates, have been readily prepared from phosphoramidite type reagents and a range of acid chlorides. These reactions were performed using solventless conditions, where purification was easily achieved using column chromatography with yields ranging from 71-90%. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that these acyl phosphonamidates could be used for the preparation of unsymmetrical bisphosphonates, which do date are scarcely reported in the literature.


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Despite the advances in prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment, current therapies are not curative in a significant proportion of patients. Gene-directed enzyme prodrug therapy (GDEPT), when combined with radiation therapy, could improve the outcome of treatment for prostate cancer, the second leading cause of cancer death in the western world. GDEPT involves the introduction of a therapeutic transgene, which can be targeted to the tumour cells. A prodrug is administered systemically and is converted to its toxic form only in those cells containing the transgene, resulting in cell kill. This review will discuss the clinical trials which have investigated the potential of GDEPT at various stages of prostate cancer progression. The advantages of using GDEPT in combination with radiotherapy will be examined, as well as some of the recent advances which enhance the potential utility of GDEPT.


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Os únicos complexos metálicos presentemente utilizados em quimioterapia compreendem exclusivamente compostos de platina, com as desvantagens de apresentarem um leque de acção restrito e de provocarem sérios efeitos secundários. Na constante procura por novos fármacos antineoplásicos metálicos, os complexos de ruténio têm sido apresentados como uma alternativa adequada e existem já dois complexos de Ru(III) em ensaios clínicos. Estes são descritos como pró-fármacos, postulando-se que o seu mecanismo de acção envolva redução in vivo para originar complexos de Ru(II) activos. Assim, o actual desenvolvimento de fármacos antitumorais baseados em ruténio passará por criar novos complexos de Ru(II). O trabalho aqui descrito enquadra-se neste objectivo, tendo sido sintetizados complexos de ruténio(II)-tritiaciclononano com ligandos biologicamente activos, e avaliada a sua actividade antitumoral in vitro. Os ligandos utilizados compreendem um hidroxifenilpirazole, aminoácidos e derivados, flavonóides e quinonas. No primeiro capítulo do trabalho são apresentados os actuais desafios no desenvolvimento de complexos metálicos para quimioterapia e é ilustrada a importância dos complexos de Ru(II) aqui descritos no panorama actual de investigação. No capítulo dois, é apresentada uma descrição pormenorizada dos procedimentos experimentais, materiais e equipamentos utilizados na síntese, caracterização e ensaios biológicos. O capítulo três é dividido em duas sub-secções, a primeira analisando os resultados das sínteses e a caracterização estrutural dos complexos, e a segunda apresentando os resultados da sua actividade antiproliferativa. Foram obtidos onze novos complexos de ruténio(II)-tritiaciclononano, com rendimentos razoáveis. São apresentadas propostas das suas estruturas moleculares, sendo que estas mostram uma variedade interessante de modos de coordenação de acordo com os diferentes ligandos, ou seja, N, N,O, O,O e O. A actividade antiproliferativa dos complexos e dos respectivos ligandos foi avaliada em quatro linhas celulares tumorais, representativas de três tipos de cancro: osso (MG-63), próstata (PC-3) e mama (MCF-7 e MDA-MB-231). Quatro dos novos complexos demonstraram uma actividade antiproliferativa promissora, ou seja, aqueles que apresentam um hidroxifenilpirazole, a 3,7-dihidroxiflavona, a plumbagina ou a juglona na sua esfera de coordenação. Entre estes resultados, destacam-se os valores de IC50 para a linha celular MDA-MB-231 por se apresentarem inferiores ao apresentado pelo complexo de Ru(II)-tritiaciclononano mais activo descrito na literatura.


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Tese de mestrado, Biologia Molecular e Genética, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Engineering and Technology Sciences, Biotechnology


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This Account provides an overview of strategies that have been reported from our laboratories for the synthesis of targets of therapeutic interest, namely carbohydrates, and prodrugs for the treatment of melanoma. These programmes have involved the development of new synthetic methodologies including the regio- and stereoselective synthesis of specific carbohydrate isomers, and new protecting group methodologies. This review provides an insight into the progress of these research themes, and suggests some applications for the targets that are currently being explored.


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A simple and easy synthesis of ten arylamidoximes from arylnitriles and hydroxylamine is described. The formation of the arylamides has been observed to a much lesser extent in the present work. A new mechanism for the formation of arylamidoximes, as well as arylamides, from arylnitriles and hydroxylamine is suggested. Quantum mechanical calculations have been carried out to support this mechanism. The enthalpy of formation in conjunction with atomic charges of the reactants and intermediates helped to understand more about the generation of the products.


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3`-Azido-3`-deoxythymidine (zidovudine, AZT), a synthetic analog of natural nucleoside thymidine, has been used extensively in AIDS treatments. We report here the synthesis. X-ray crystal and molecular structure, NMR, IR and Raman spectra and the thermal behavior of a novel carbonate of AZT [(AZT-O)(2)C=O], prepared by the reaction of zidovudine with carbonyldiimidazole. The carbonate compound, C(21)H(24)N(10)O(9), crystallizes in the tetragonal space group P4(1)2(1)2 with a = b = 15.284(1), c = 21.695(1) angstrom, and Z = 8 molecules per unit cell. It consists of two AZT moieties of closely related conformations which are bridged by a carbonyl group to adopt a folded Z-like shape. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The oxazaphosphorines including cyclophosphamide (CPA), ifosfamide (IFO), and trofosfamide represent an important group of therapeutic agents due to their substantial antitumor and immuno-modulating activity. CPA is widely used as an anticancer drug, an immunosuppressant, and for the mobilization of hematopoetic progenitor cells from the bone marrow into peripheral blood prior to bone marrow transplantation for aplastic anemia, leukemia, and other malignancies. New oxazaphosphorines derivatives have been developed in an attempt to improve selectivity and response with reduced toxicity. These derivatives include mafosfamide (NSC 345842), glufosfamide (D19575, β-D-glucosylisophosphoramide mustard), NSC 612567 (aldophosphamide perhydrothiazine), and NSC 613060 (aldophosphamide thiazolidine). This review highlights the metabolism and transport of these oxazaphosphorines (mainly CPA and IFO, as these two oxazaphosphorine drugs are the most widely used alkylating agents) and the clinical implications. Both CPA and IFO are prodrugs that require activation by hepatic cytochrome P450 (CYP)-catalyzed 4-hydroxylation, yielding cytotoxic nitrogen mustards capable of reacting with DNA molecules to form crosslinks and lead to cell apoptosis and/or necrosis. Such prodrug activation can be enhanced within tumor cells by the CYP-based gene directed-enzyme prodrug therapy (GDEPT) approach. However, those newly synthesized oxazaphosphorine derivatives such as glufosfamide, NSC 612567 and NSC 613060, do not need hepatic activation. They are activated through other enzymatic and/or non-enzymatic pathways. For example, both NSC 612567 and NSC 613060 can be activated by plain phosphodiesterase (PDEs) in plasma and other tissues or by the high-affinity nuclear 3'-5' exonucleases associated with DNA polymerases, such as DNA polymerases and ε. The alternative CYP-catalyzed inactivation pathway by N-dechloroethylation generates the neurotoxic and nephrotoxic byproduct chloroacetaldehyde (CAA). Various aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDHs) and glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are involved in the detoxification of oxazaphosphorine metabolites. The metabolism of oxazaphosphorines is auto-inducible, with the activation of the orphan nuclear receptor pregnane X receptor (PXR) being the major mechanism. Oxazaphosphorine metabolism is affected by a number of factors associated with the drugs (e.g., dosage, route of administration, chirality, and drug combination) and patients (e.g., age, gender, renal and hepatic function). Several drug transporters, such as breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP), multidrug resistance associated proteins (MRP1, MRP2, and MRP4) are involved in the active uptake and efflux of parental oxazaphosphorines, their cytotoxic mustards and conjugates in hepatocytes and tumor cells. Oxazaphosphorine metabolism and transport have a major impact on pharmacokinetic variability, pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationship, toxicity, resistance, and drug interactions since the drug-metabolizing enzymes and drug transporters involved are key determinants of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of oxazaphosphorines. A better understanding of the factors that affect the metabolism and transport of oxazaphosphorines is important for their optional use in cancer chemotherapy.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Purpose: This paper focuses on the characterization of polymeric micelle-forming tuberculostatic prodrugs and the antimycobacterial activity of these prodrugs.Method: By the condensation of hydroxymethylpyrazinamide, isoniazid and rifampin with free carboxyl groups on the copolymer poly(ethyleneglycol)-poly(aspartic acid), micelle-forming carrier-drug conjugates were obtained. These micelles were characterized by dynamic light scattering, to measure the micelle diameter; by acid-base titration, to determine the percentage of carboxylic groups occupied by the tuberculostatic; by Sudan III solubility tests, to estimate the critical micelle concentration (CMC); and visual control and spectrophotometric measurement, to determine the stability of micelles. These micelles were tested in vitro against several Mycobacterium strains.Results: As expected, the size and distribution of the micelle-forming tuberculostatic prodrugs found to be small (78.2nm, 84.2nm and 98.9 nm) while the level of the drug conjugated was high (65.02-85.7%). Furthermore, the micelles were stable in vitro, exhibiting a low level of CMC and stronger antimycobacterial activity than the original drugs.Conclusion: the results demonstrate that polymeric micelles can be used as efficient carriers for drugs, which alone, exhibit undesired pharmacokinetics, poor solubility, and low stability. The synthesized micelle-forming tuberculostatic prodrugs opens a perspective of alternative prodrugs that prolong action and decrease the toxicity of the tuberculostatic drugs of choice.