249 resultados para prion
The PrPC prion protein contains 250 amino acids with some variation among species and is expressed in several cell types. PrPC is converted to PrPSc by a post-translational process in which it acquires amino acid sequences of three-dimensional conformation of -sheets. Variations in the prion protein gene were observed among 16 genera of New World primates (Platyrrhini), and resulted in amino acid substitutions when compared with the human sequence. Seven substitutions not yet described in the literature were found: W R at position 31 in Cebuella, T A at position 95 in Cacajao and Chiropotes, N S at position 100 in Brachyteles, L Q at position 130 in Leontopithecus (in the sequence responsible for generating the -sheet 1), D E at position 144 in Lagothrix (in the sequence responsible for the -helix 1), D G at position 147 in Saguinus (also located in the -helix 1 region), and M I at position 232 in Alouatta. The phylogenetic trees generated by parsimony, neighbor-joining and Bayesian analyses strongly support the monophyletic status of the platyrrhines, but did not resolve relationships among families. However, the results do corroborate previous findings, which indicate that the three platyrrhine families radiated rapidly from an ancient split.
No presente trabalho implantou-se como modelo experimental para estudos de neurodegeneração crônica a doença prion induzida pelo agente ME7 em fêmea adulta no camundongo Suíço albino. As alterações comportamentais e neuropatológicas seguem de perto as previamente descritas para o camundongo C57BL/6j com duas exceções: 1) o septum ao invés do hipocampo é a região onde se detectou mais precocemente o maior número de microglias ativadas e astrócitos reativos e onde houve a maior redução de redes perineuronais nos estágios iniciais da doença; 2) Em relação ao C57BL/6j o curso temporal da doença é em média 4 semanas mais longo (26 semanas) e os sintomas iniciais começam a aparecer 4 semanas mais tarde (16 semanas) na variedade Suíça albina. Semelhante ao encontrado no C57BL/6j não se encontrou diferença nas estimativas do número de neurônios nos animais inoculados com o agente ME7 em relação aos inoculados com homogenado cerebral normal 15 e 1 8 semanas após a inoculação. A análise comparada do número de microglias ativadas astrócitos reativos e redes perineuronais empregando o fracionador óptico revelou diferenças significativas nos animais sacrificados na 15ª em relação aos sacrificados na 18ª semana pós-inoculação, com aumento do número das primeiras e redução do número das últimas na 18ª semana (teste T, bi-caudal p<0.05). A análise de cluster seguida da análise discriminante dos resultados dos testes comportamentais da variedade Suíça albina aplicada a cada quinzena ao longo do curso temporal da doença, revelou que a remoção de comida é a única variável discriminante para detecção de dois grupos distintos: um grupo menor (em torno de 40%, n=4), mais sensível, onde a doença cursa mais rápido e os animais atingem a fase terminal em 22 semanas, e outro maior (em torno de 60%, n=6), menos sensível, onde os animais atingem a fase terminal em 26 semanas. Os resultados são importantes para estudos comparativos de imunopatologia dentro da mesma e entre variedades de modelos murinos de neurodegeneração crônica na doença prion induzida pelo agente ME7.
Já está bem estabelecido que um estilo de vida sedentário é fator de risco para uma série de doenças crônicas, dentre elas a doença de Alzheimer. A neuropatologia da doença de Alzheimer é caracterizada por depósitos amilóides, perda neuronal, gliose reativa e vacuolização da neurópila. A doença príon tem sido amplamente utilizada como modelo experimental para estudar aspectos celulares e moleculares da neurodegeneração crônica em muito semelhante àquela descrita na doença de Alzheimer. O ambiente empobrecido das gaiolas padrão de laboratório tem sido usado para mimetizar um estilo de vida sedentário enquanto que o ambiente enriquecido tem sido empregado para mimetizar um estilo de vida ativo. Para testar a hipótese de que o ambiente enriquecido pode contribuir para desacelerar o curso temporal da neurodegeneração crônica associada à doença príon em modelo murino induzimos a doença príon em vinte camundongos fêmeas da variedade suíça albina que tinham sido alojadas aos seis meses de idade em ambiente enriquecido (EE) ou em ambiente padrão (SE) durante cinco meses. Após esse peródo foram realizadas cirurgias para injeção estereotáxica intracerebral bilateral de homogendao de cérebro de camundongo normal (NBH, n=10) ou de camundongo com sinais clínicos de doença príon terminal (ME7, n=10). Os animais foram devolvidos as suas gaiolas e condições de alojamento originais formando os seguintes grupos experimentais: NBH SE=5, NBH EE=5, ME7 SE=5, ME7 EE=5. Após três semanas foi iniciado teste semanal empregando o burrowing, uma tarefa sensível ao dano hipocampal e 18 semanas após as inoculações realizou-se os testes de memória de reconhecimento de objetos. Encerrados os testes sacrificou-se os animais realizando-se o processamento histológico do tecido nervoso visando a imunomarcação astrocítica das áreas de interesse. A redução progressiva da atividade de burrowing teve início na décima terceira semana pós injeção no grupo ME7 SE e somente na décima quinta semana no grupo ME7 EE. A habilidade de reconhecer o objeto deslocado no teste de memória espacial foi comprometida no grupo ME7 SE, mas se manteve normal nos demais grupos experimentais. O teste de discriminação entre o objeto novo e o familiar não revelou alterações. As análises quantitativas sem viés dos astrócitos imunomarcados para proteína fibrilar ácida (GFAP) foram realizadas no stratum radiatum de CA3 e na camada polimórfica do giro denteado dorsal. As estimativas estereológicas do número total de astrócitos e do volume do corpo celular revelaram que em CA3 somente ocorre hipertrofia dos corpos celulares em animais dos grupos ME7 SE e ME7 EE em relação aos respectivos controles, sendo o volume médio dos corpos celulares do grupo ME7 EE menor que aquele do grupo ME7 SE. Na camada polimórfica houve significativo aumento do número de astrócitos no grupo ME7 SE em relação ao NBH SE e do grupo NBH EE em relação ao NBH SE. O volume do corpo celular também foi significativamente maior nos grupos ME7 em relação aos respectivos controles dos grupos NBH. As análises morfométricas tridimensionais revelaram importante aumento de volume e área de superfície dos segmentos das árvores astrocíticas nos grupos doentes em comparação aos controles. O enriquecimento ambiental reduziu o aumento de volume dos ramos observado no grupo ME7 e aumentou o número de intersecções dos ramos distais no grupo NBH EE em relação ao NBH SE e nos ramos proximais no grupo ME7 EE em relação ao ME7 SE. O emprego da análise de cluster e discriminante permitiu a identificação dos parâmetros morfométricos que mais contribuíram para a distinção entre os grupos. Para testar a hipótese de existirem subfamílias de astrócitos morfologicamente distintos dentro de cada grupo experimental, foi realizada análise de conglomerados que resultou na formação de duas famílias distintas no grupo NBH SE, três famílias nos grupos NBH EE e ME7 EE e quatro famílias no grupo ME7 SE. As bases celulares e moleculares que conduzem a formação de novas famílias de astrócitos e a neuroproteção associada ao ambiente enriquecido que diminui a velocidade de progressão da doença permanecem por serem investigadas.
Prion protein (PrP) can be considered a pivotal molecule because it interacts with several partners to perform a diverse range of critical biological functions that might differ in embryonic and adult cells. In recent years, there have been major advances in elucidating the putative role of PrP in the basic biology of stem cells in many different systems. Here, we review the evidence indicating that PrP is a key molecule involved in driving different aspects of the potency of embryonic and tissue-specific stem cells in self-perpetuation and differentiation in many cell types. It has been shown that PrP is involved in stem cell self-renewal, controlling pluripotency gene expression, proliferation and neural and cardiomyocyte differentiation. PrP also has essential roles in distinct processes that regulate tissue-specific stem cell biology in nervous and hematopoietic systems and during muscle regeneration. Results from our own investigations have shown that PrP is able to modulate self-renewal and proliferation in neural stem cells, processes that are enhanced by PrP interactions with stress inducible protein 1 (STI1). Thus, the available data reveal the influence of PrP in acting upon the maintenance of pluripotent status or the differentiation of stem cells from the early embryogenesis through adulthood.
Considerable efforts have been directed toward the identification of small-ruminant prion diseases, i.e., classical and atypical scrapie as well as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Here we report the in-depth molecular analysis of the proteinase K-resistant prion protein core fragment (PrP(res)) in a highly scrapie-affected goat flock in Greece. The PrP(res) profile by Western immunoblotting in most animals was that of classical scrapie in sheep. However, in a series of clinically healthy goats we identified a unique C- and N-terminally truncated PrP(res) fragment, which is akin but not identical to that observed for atypical scrapie. These findings reveal novel aspects of the nature and diversity of the molecular PrP(res) phenotypes in goats and suggest that these animals display a previously unrecognized prion protein disorder.
The pathobiology of atypical scrapie, a prion disease affecting sheep and goats, is still poorly understood. In a previous study, we demonstrated that atypical scrapie affecting small ruminants in Switzerland differs in the neuroanatomical distribution of the pathological prion protein (PrP(d)). To investigate whether these differences depend on host-related vs. pathogen-related factors, we transmitted atypical scrapie to transgenic mice over-expressing the ovine prion protein (tg338). The clinical, neuropathological, and molecular phenotype of tg338 mice is similar between mice carrying the Swiss atypical scrapie isolates and the Nor98, an atypical scrapie isolate from Norway. Together with published data, our results suggest that atypical scrapie is caused by a uniform type of prion, and that the observed phenotypic differences in small ruminants are likely host-dependant. Strikingly, by using a refined SDS-PAGE technique, we established that the prominent proteinase K-resistant prion protein fragment in atypical scrapie consists of two separate, unglycosylated peptides with molecular masses of roughly 5 and 8 kDa. These findings show similarities to those for other prion diseases in animals and humans, and lay the groundwork for future comparative research.
BACKGROUND The variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease incidence peaked a decade ago and has since declined. Based on epidemiologic evidence, the causative agent, pathogenic prion, has not constituted a tangible contamination threat to large-scale manufacturing of human plasma-derived proteins. Nonetheless, manufacturers have studied the prion removal capabilities of various manufacturing steps to better understand product safety. Collectively analyzing the results could reveal experimental reproducibility and detect trends and mechanisms driving prion removal. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association member companies collected more than 200 prion removal studies on plasma protein manufacturing steps, including precipitation, adsorption, chromatography, and filtration, as well as combined steps. The studies used a range of model spiking agents and bench-scale process replicas. The results were grouped based on key manufacturing variables to identify factors impacting removal. The log reduction values of a group are presented for comparison. RESULTS Overall prion removal capacities evaluated by independent groups were in good agreement. The removal capacity evaluated using biochemical assays was consistent with prion infectivity removal measured by animal bioassays. Similar reduction values were observed for a given step using various spiking agents, except highly purified prion protein in some circumstances. Comparison between combined and single-step studies revealed complementary or overlapping removal mechanisms. Steps with high removal capacities represent the conditions where the physiochemical differences between prions and therapeutic proteins are most significant. CONCLUSION The results support the intrinsic ability of certain plasma protein manufacturing steps to remove prions in case of an unlikely contamination, providing a safeguard to products.
A total of 167 sheep belonging to the Estonian whiteheaded mutton, Estonian blackheaded mutton, Lithuanian coarsewool native, Lithuanian blackface and Latvian darkheaded mutton breeds, and a population of sheep kept isolated on the Estonian island of Ruhnu, were sequence-analysed for polymorphisms in the prion protein (PrP) gene, to determine their genotype and the allele frequencies of polymorphisms in PrP known to confer resistance to scrapie. A 939 base pair fragment of exon 3 from the PrP gene was amplified by pcr and analysed by direct sequencing. For animals showing polymorphism at two nucleotide positions, both haplotypes of these double-heterozygous genotypes were further verified by pcr cloning and sequence analysis. Known polymorphisms were observed at codons 136, 154 and 171, and six different haplotypes (arr, ahq, arh, ahr, arq and vrq) were determined. On the basis of these polymorphisms, the six populations of sheep possessed the resistant arr haplotype at different frequencies. The high-risk arq haplotype occurred in high frequencies in all six populations, but vrq, the haplotype carrying the highest risk, occurred at low frequencies and in only three of the populations.
Linear models were used to analyse the relationships between the prion protein genotypes and the height at the withers and rump, the heart girth and the length of the trunk of 440 East Friesian milk sheep. Significant associations were found between the ARR allele and the height of the withers and rump, and heart girth. The average height at the withers of the homozygous ARR/ARR sheep was 1.9 cm less than that of ARQ/ARQ sheep and 1.6 cm less than in sheep heterozygous for ARR; the height at the rump, length of the trunk and heart girth were similarly smaller. In the ARR/ARR ewes, the average height at the withers was 2.6 cm less and the height at the rump was 1.9 cm less than in the ARQ/ARQ ewes.
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are a group of neurodegenerative diseases that can occur spontaneously or can be caused by infection or mutations within the prion protein gene PRNP. Nonsynonymous DNA polymorphisms within the PRNP gene have been shown to influence susceptibility/resistance to infection in sheep and humans. Analysis of DNA polymorphisms within the core promoter region of the PRNP gene in four major German bovine breeds resulted in the identification of both SNPs and insertion/deletion (indel) polymorphisms. Comparative genotyping of both controls and animals that tested positive for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) revealed a significantly different distribution of two indel polymorphisms and two SNPs within Braunvieh animals, suggesting an association of these polymorphisms with BSE susceptibility. The functional relevance of these polymorphisms was analyzed using reporter gene constructs in neuronal cells. A specific haplotype near exon 1 was identified that exhibited a significantly lower expression level. Genotyping of nine polymorphisms within the promoter region and haplotype calculation revealed that the haplotype associated with the lowest expression level was underrepresented in the BSE group of all breeds compared to control animals, indicating a correlation of reduced PRNP expression and increased resistance to BSE.