37 resultados para primordium


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The cultivated tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) has a unipinnate compound leaf. In the developing leaf primordium, major leaflet initiation is basipetal, and lobe formation and early vascular differentiation are acropetal. We show that engineered alterations in the expression of a tomato homeobox gene, LeT6, can cause dramatic changes in leaf morphology. The morphological states are variable and unstable and the phenotypes produced indicate that the tomato leaf has an inherent level of indeterminacy. This is manifested by the production of multiple orders of compounding in the leaf, by numerous shoot, inflorescence, and floral meristems on leaves, and by the conversion of rachis-petiolule junctions into “axillary” positions where floral buds can arise. Overexpression of a heterologous homeobox transgene, kn1, does not produce such phenotypic variability. This indicates that LeT6 may differ from the heterologous kn1 gene in the effects manifested on overexpression, and that 35S-LeT6 plants may be subject to alterations in expression of both the introduced and endogenous LeT6 genes. The expression patterns of LeT6 argue in favor of a fundamental role for LeT6 in morphogenesis of leaves in tomato and also suggest that variability in homeobox gene expression may account for some of the diversity in leaf form seen in nature.


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A monogenic dominant mutant of white clover (Trifolium repens L.), designated Mortal, which is defective in the formation of adventitious nodal roots, is described. Mortal plants grown at temperatures ranging from 10 to 25°C do not initiate nodal root primordium development. However, all other aspects of plant development are normal, including the formation of lateral roots and wound-induced adventitious roots. In some genetic backgrounds, the Mortal mutation has a temperature-sensitive conditional phenotype. Mortal plants shifted from growing conditions of 20 to 30°C for 2 to 3 d form nodal root meristems. However, new nodes that develop after plants are returned to 20°C exhibit the mutant phenotype. The capacity to form nodal roots on cuttings placed in water is also influenced by the genetic background of the Mortal mutation. Genetic analysis established that the physiological reversion of Mortal to nodal root formation is controlled by at least two separate dominant genetic loci, one for Nodal water response (Now) and one for Nodal temperature response (Not); the Now locus has a dominant epistatic interaction with the Not locus. The conditional nature of Mortal should provide opportunities for the identification of genetic and physiological mechanisms that influence the development of nodal roots.


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Two zygotic genes, twist and snail, are indispensable for the correct establishment of the mesoderm primordium in the early Drosophila embryo. They are also needed for morphogenesis and differentiation of the mesoderm. Both genes code for transcription factors with different, albeit complementary, functions. Therefore, to understand the early development of the mesoderm, it will be necessary to identify and study the genes regulated by twist and snail. We have searched for downstream genes using a subtractive cDNA library enriched in sequences expressed in the mesoderm. We have isolated sequences that correspond to 13 novel early mesoderm genes. These novel genes show a variety of expression patterns and also differ in their dependence on twist and snail functions. This indicates that the regulation of early gene activity in the mesoderm is more complex than previously thought.


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Disruptions of the genes encoding endothelin 3 (EDN3) and its receptor endothelin-B receptor (EDNRB) in the mouse result in defects of two neural crest (NC)-derived lineages, the melanocytes, and the enteric nervous system. To assess the mechanisms through which the EDN3/EDNRB signaling pathway can selectively act on these NC derivatives, we have studied the spatiotemporal expression pattern of the EDNRB gene in the avian embryo, a model in which NC development has been extensively studied. For this purpose, we have cloned the quail homologue of the mammalian EDNRB cDNA. EDNRB transcripts are present in NC cells before and during their emigration from the neural tube at all levels of the neuraxis. At later developmental stages, the receptor remains abundantly expressed in the peripheral nervous system including the enteric nervous system. In a previous study, we have shown that EDN3 enhances dramatically the proliferation of NC cells when they are at the pluripotent stage. We propose that the selective effect of EDN3 or EDNRB gene inactivation is due to the fact that both melanocytes and enteric nervous system precursors have to colonize large embryonic areas (skin and bowel) from a relatively small population of precursors that have to expand considerably in number. It is therefore understandable that a deficit in one of the growth-promoting pathways of NC cells has more deleterious effects on long-range migrating cells than on the NC derivatives which develop close to the neural primordium like the sensory and sympathetic ganglia.


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El lenguado de California Paralichthys californicus es una especie con alto valor comercial debido a su gran tamaño y calidad de su carne. Esta especie presenta dimorfismo sexual en el crecimiento donde las hembras crecen más rápido que los machos, por lo tanto el cultivo monosexual de hembras resulta favorable para la producción. En el presente estudio se registró el proceso de diferenciación sexual mediante cortes histológicos de las larvas y gónadas del lenguado de California asimismo se probó el efecto de diferentes concentraciones de 17β-estradiol (E2) (2.5, 5 y 10 mg/kg) a través de la dieta para incrementar la proporción de hembras en el cultivo. A los 25 días después de la eclosión (DDE) se observó el primordio gonadal en ejemplares con una longitud total promedio de 6.96 ± 0.92 mm, hasta el día 75 DDE (37.58 ± 6.58 mm) se observó una gónada indiferenciada evidenciada por la presencia de células germinales primordiales. La primera evidencia de diferenciación se registró a los 115 DDE (55.93 ± 14.67 mm) donde se observó la cavidad ovárica y posteriormente a los 180 DDE (115.70 ± 17.02 mm) se evidencian ovarios con ovocitos en crecimiento y testículos con espermátidas. Por lo tanto, el periodo lábil para la diferenciación sexual se encuentra entre los días 75 y 115 después de la eclosión. Por otro lado, el suministro de E2 a través de la dieta a concentraciones de 2.5, 5 y 10 mg/kg incrementó el porcentaje de hembras de 26.67% (control, no adición de E2) a un 100% en todos los tratamientos. Se encontraron diferencias en la proporción de los tipos celulares (ovogonias, ovocitos primarios en fase I y II) entre el control y los tratamientos mientras que no se registraron alteraciones histológicas como atrofia gonadal en ninguno de los casos.


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Background and Aims Plants regulate their architecture strongly in response to density, and there is evidence that this involves changes in the duration of leaf extension. This questions the approximation, central in crop models, that development follows a fixed thermal time schedule. The aim of this research is to investigate, using maize as a model, how the kinetics of extension of grass leaves change with density, and to propose directions for inclusion of this regulation in plant models. • Methods Periodic dissection of plants allowed the establishment of the kinetics of lamina and sheath extension for two contrasting sowing densities. The temperature of the growing zone was measured with thermocouples. Two-phase (exponential plus linear) models were fitted to the data, allowing analysis of the timing of the phase changes of extension, and the extension rate of sheaths and blades during both phases. • Key Results The duration of lamina extension dictated the variation in lamina length between treatments. The lower phytomers were longer at high density, with delayed onset of sheath extension allowing more time for the lamina to extend. In the upper phytomers—which were shorter at high density—the laminae had a lower relative extension rate (RER) in the exponential phase and delayed onset of linear extension, and less time available for extension since early sheath extension was not delayed. • Conclusions The relative timing of the onset of fast extension of the lamina with that of sheath development is the main determinant of the response of lamina length to density. Evidence is presented that the contrasting behaviour of lower and upper phytomers is related to differing regulation of sheath ontogeny before and after panicle initiation. A conceptual model is proposed to explain how the observed asynchrony between lamina and sheath development is regulated.


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Gonadal development is an ideal model to study organogenesis because a variety of developmental processes can be studied during the differentiation of the bipotential primordium into testis or ovary. To better understand this process, Representational Difference Analysis of cDNA was used to identify genes that are differentially expressed in mouse gonads at 13.5 days post-coitus. The analysis led to the identification of three testis specific genes and a sequence that was only expressed in the ovary. The male genes identified: renin, Col9a3, and a novel gene termed tescalcin had patterns of expression that suggested a role in testis determination. ^ Studies of the tescalcin gene revealed that it is organized into eight exons and seven introns. The gene was located at 64 cM in mouse chromosome 5, where it spans approximately 35 Kb. Three mRNA variants resulting from alternative splicing of intron 5 were identified in mouse tissues. Gel mobility shift assays demonstrated that Sp1 and Sp3 from Y-1, msc-1, and MIN-6 cells nuclear extracts bind the GC-boxes within the tescalcin proximal promoter. Bisulfite sequencing analysis of tescalcin CpG island revealed that it is differentially methylated in male and female mouse embryonic gonads, and that hypermethylation of this region represses expression of tescalcin in the β-TC3 cell line. ^ The major tescalcin mRNA encodes a protein with 214 amino acids that contains a consensus EF-hand Ca2+-binding domain and an N-myristoylation motif. The amino acid sequence of tescalcin is highly conserved among various species, and it showed the highest homology with calcineurin B homologous proteins 1 and 2, and calcineurin B. Western blot analysis using antibodies generated against the tescalcin protein confirmed its presence in specific mouse tissues and cell lines. Immunohistochemical analysis of mouse embryos confirmed the pattern of expression of tescalcin mRNA in fetal testis. Using pull-down assays, glyceraidehydes-3-phosphate dehydrogenase was identified as an interacting and potential functional partner of tescalcin. ^ The identification and characterization of tescalcin as a novel embryonic testicular marker will contribute to the elucidation of the genetic pathways involved in testis development and likely to the understanding of pathological conditions such as sex reversal and infertility. ^