988 resultados para predictive maintenance


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Nos sistemas elétricos de potência, os reatores em derivação são os equipamentos responsáveis pela redução ou mesmo anulação dos efeitos capacitivos indesejáveis na operação das linhas. Percebe-se, então, a importância desses equipamentos e a necessidade de mantê-los em perfeito funcionamento, pois uma falha grave gera um elevado custo de manutenção corretiva, queda nos indicadores de desempenho, além de multas por parte da agência reguladora - Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica - ANEEL. O ciclo de vida de um reator em derivação envolve oito etapas - Planejamento, Especificação, Aquisição, Fabricação, Instalação, Comissionamento, Exploração e Desclassificação. Neste trabalho serão abordados apenas aspectos relativos à gestão da fase de exploração, que contempla o conjunto de processos de operação e manutenção de acordo com as perspectivas da empresa onde este estudo foi realizado. O processo de envelhecimento do reator pode ocorrer de diversas maneiras, no entanto o tempo de vida útil de um reator é condicionado essencialmente por dois fatores: a velocidade de envelhecimento e perda de robustez dos seus materiais e componentes e, as condições de funcionamento a que está sujeito ao longo do tempo. Para evitar danos aos reatores, as empresas de energia elétrica têm adotado procedimentos de manutenção preventivo e preditivo, que quando baseados em diagnósticos de diferentes métodos de avaliação tem um impacto fundamental na vida útil e confiabilidade dos reatores. Sendo a condição de degradação de um reator um processo contínuo no tempo, este pode ser classificado em cinco estágios: Novo, Normal, Anormal, Defeituoso e Falhado. Um índice de condição (IC) pode ser atribuído a cada um destes estágios de degradação, de acordo com os resultados de um conjunto de testes de diagnósticos para análise do estado de operação do reator e estimação da sua posição atual em relação ao seu ciclo de vida. Esta dissertação trata do desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para sistematizar a análise com a combinação de catorze diferentes métodos de diagnósticos e mapear os resultados em um modelo de condição que oriente o ciclo de vida do reator. A metodologia foi aplicada em dez reatores de 500 kV em duas subestações da Eletrobras-Eletronorte no Sistema de Transmissão do Pará, empresa na qual foi realizado este estudo.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS


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This work has as objective to show the vibrational analysis as a method of predictive maintenance as an auxiliar procedure in the fail detection in equipments, most specifically in the rotative ones, and with that help the maintenance team to have conditions to foresee the right time to do the swap of the components of the systems, what would lead to failures. Knowing the exact moment the resources of people and money can be focused in the critic operations to the plant. This technic has been already studied for more then 30 years and was widely used in this work, not only as an equipment condition verification method, but also, after the equipment replacement, was used to prove that the new fan was operating under the best work conditions and with that maintenance could return to contol the vibration level of the equipment, not being necessary any kind of intervention


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Acceleration is a key parameter for engineering and is becoming increasingly important because of the need for companies to become more competitive in the market. Both applying new technologies to their products and optimizing their process lines with predictive maintenance and robotic automation. This study aims to analyze the quality of the signals obtained from a capacitive accelerometer. To do that a test rig was mounted, which consist of a shaker, fed by a signal generator, a linear potentiometer and a capacitive accelerometer; for the signal acquisition was used a acquisition board and the Labview software, in order to integrate twice the signal from the accelerometer and compare it with the sign of the potentiometer. This work also demonstrates the impact of acquired signal processing as well as techniques of pre and post processing of signal via software GNU/Octave


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The intended purpose of this paper is to present the main commissioning tests for power transformers and the most used techniques in industrial segment, it is also discussed your results and consequences in the equipment’s normal operation. Also in this text, it is given specific information concerning a maintenance plan compatible to power transformers, with elements of preventive and predictive maintenance, exposing essential components, tests and the regulations current, showing how analyze and interpreted the results from this maintenance resources. Also in this paper is submitted the economic impact of damage to transformers and how the correct maintenance method can minimize them. The objective of this text is demonstrate the importance of the equipment and the benefits of proper maintenance, much of in financial terms as in electric system reliability


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En la actualidad gran parte de las industrias utilizan o desarrollan plataformas, las cuales integran un número cada vez más elevado de sistemas complejos. El mantenimiento centralizado permite optimizar el mantenimiento de estas plataformas, por medio de la integración de un sistema encargado de gestionar el mantenimiento de todos los sistemas de la plataforma. Este Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM) desarrolla el concepto de mantenimiento centralizado para sistemas complejos, aplicable a plataformas formadas por sistemas modulares. Está basado en la creciente demanda de las diferentes industrias en las que se utilizan este tipo de plataformas, como por ejemplo la industria aeronáutica, del ferrocarril y del automóvil. Para ello este TFM analiza el Estado del Arte de los sistemas de mantenimiento centralizados en diferentes industrias, además desarrolla los diferentes tipos de arquitecturas de sistemas, las técnicas de mantenimiento aplicables, así como los sistemas y técnicas de mantenimiento basados en funciones de monitorización y auto diagnóstico denominadas Built-In-Test Equipment (BITE). Adicionalmente, este TFM incluye el desarrollo e implementación de un modelo de un Entorno de Mantenimiento Centralizado en LabVIEW. Este entorno está formado por el modelo de un Sistema Patrón, así como el modelo del Sistema de Mantenimiento Centralizado y la interfaces entre ellos. El modelo del Sistema de Mantenimiento Centralizado integra diferentes funciones para el diagnóstico y aislamiento de los fallos. Así mismo, incluye una función para el análisis estadístico de los datos de fallos almacenados por el propio sistema, con el objetivo de proporcionar capacidades de mantenimiento predictivo a los sistemas del entorno. Para la implementación del modelo del Entorno de Mantenimiento Centralizado se han utilizado recursos de comunicaciones vía TCP/IP, modelización y almacenamiento de datos en ficheros XML y generación automática de informes en HTML. ABSTRACT. Currently several industries are developing or are making use of multi system platforms. These platforms are composed by many complex systems. The centralized maintenance allows the maintenance optimization, integrating a maintenance management system. This system is in charge of managing the maintenance dialog with the different and multiple platforms. This Master Final Project (TFM) develops the centralized maintenance concept for platforms integrated by modular and complex systems. This TFM is based on the demand of the industry that uses or develops multi system platforms, as aeronautic, railway, and automotive industries. In this way, this TFM covers and analyzes several aspects of the centralized maintenance systems like the State of the Art, for several industries. Besides this work develops different systems architecture types, maintenance techniques, and techniques and systems based on Built-in-test Equipment functions. Additionally, this TFM includes a LabVIEW Centralized System Environment model. This model is composed by a Standard System, the Centralized Maintenance System and the corresponding interfaces. Several diagnostic and fault isolation functions are integrated on the Centralized Maintenance Systems, as well a statistic analysis function, that provides with predictive maintenance capacity, based on the failure data stored by the system. Among others, the following resources have been used for the Centralized System Environment model development: TCP/IP communications, XML file data modelization and storing, and also automatic HTML reports generation.


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Esta tesis se ha llevado a cabo persiguiendo dos objetivos principales: uno de ellos es el desarrollo y la aplicación de modelos para el mantenimiento predictivo de sensores en centrales nucleares, y el otro es profundizar en el entendimiento de los fenómenos que tienen influencia en el ruido de la señal de los detectores de neutrones de los reactores de agua a presión con ayuda de herramientas de simulación 3D. Para el desarrollo de los trabajos se ha contado con medidas de ruido de reactores PWR actualmente en operación registradas en el curso de la tesis. El análisis de estas medidas ha permitido desarrollar los modelos de los sensores a partir de sus señales reales y comparar lo obtenido en las simulaciones con la realidad. El estudio de los sensores y la elaboración de los modelos se han llevado a cabo mediante la aplicación de técnicas autorregresivas a las señales tomadas en planta. Para la reproducción de los fenómenos que tienen lugar en el núcleo del reactor y que pueden influir en el ruido neutrónico se ha contado con códigos neutrónicos ampliamente utilizados en la industria y con modelos actualizados y validados de las plantas. ABSTRACT There are two goals in this thesis. The first one is the development of models and its application for predictive maintenance of sensors in nuclear power plants. The second one is to improve the understanding of the phenomena that influence the neutron noise in pressurized water reactors by using 3D simulators. Real plant measurements recorded during this thesis have been used to achieve such goals. The information provided by the data led the development of the models and the comparison of the results provided by the computational simulations. Sensor models were obtained by applying autorregresive techniques to the signals recorded in the plant. Wide known codes in the nuclear industry as well as updated and validated models have been used for the reproduction of the phenomena that take place in the core an may influence the neutron noise.


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With the heavy use of bearings in various segments of the industry, there are a large number of necessary interruptions in industrial processes to perform maintenance on these devices, with the case study wind turbines. The growth of the wind energy sector, encouraged to conduct research that helps to solve this problem. To contribute to predictive maintenance has been carried out a signal analysis using techniques which allow detection and location of the problem in order to prevent accidents caused and losses due to unexpected equipment failures, whereas low system rotation complicates the detection of the failure. To work around this problem, there was the indication of standard signals for defects in the bearings, making diagnosis of possible failures. With this diagnosis can be performed predictive maintenance, identifying the failure of the system that were tested, such as the introduction of grains of sand in the bearing, wear on the outer race of the bearing and bearing rust. By processing signals it is possible to construct graphs developing a mapping of defects by different peaks in the frequency band.


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The increasing demand in electricity and decrease forecast, increasingly, of fossil fuel reserves, as well as increasing environmental concern in the use of these have generated a concern about the quality of electricity generation, making it well welcome new investments in generation through alternative, clean and renewable sources. Distributed generation is one of the main solutions for the independent and selfsufficient generating systems, such as the sugarcane industry. This sector has grown considerably, contributing expressively in the production of electricity to the distribution networks. Faced with this situation, one of the main objectives of this study is to propose the implementation of an algorithm to detect islanding disturbances in the electrical system, characterized by situations of under- or overvoltage. The algorithm should also commonly quantize the time that the system was operating in these conditions, to check the possible consequences that will be caused in the electric power system. In order to achieve this it used the technique of wavelet multiresolution analysis (AMR) for detecting the generated disorders. The data obtained can be processed so as to be used for a possible predictive maintenance in the protection equipment of electrical network, since they are prone to damage on prolonged operation under abnormal conditions of frequency and voltage.