999 resultados para pre-dose
Objective: The present study was aimed at evaluating the viability of replacing 18F with 99mTc in dose calibrator linearity testing. Materials and Methods: The test was performed with sources of 99mTc (62 GBq) and 18F (12 GBq) whose activities were measured up to values lower than 1 MBq. Ratios and deviations between experimental and theoretical 99mTc and 18F sources activities were calculated and subsequently compared. Results: Mean deviations between experimental and theoretical 99mTc and 18F sources activities were 0.56 (± 1.79)% and 0.92 (± 1.19)%, respectively. The mean ratio between activities indicated by the device for the 99mTc source as measured with the equipment pre-calibrated to measure 99mTc and 18F was 3.42 (± 0.06), and for the 18F source this ratio was 3.39 (± 0.05), values considered constant over the measurement time. Conclusion: The results of the linearity test using 99mTc were compatible with those obtained with the 18F source, indicating the viability of utilizing both radioisotopes in dose calibrator linearity testing. Such information in association with the high potential of radiation exposure and costs involved in 18F acquisition suggest 99mTc as the element of choice to perform dose calibrator linearity tests in centers that use 18F, without any detriment to the procedure as well as to the quality of the nuclear medicine service.
AbstractObjective:In the present study, the authors investigated the in vitrobehavior of radio-resistant breast adenocarcinoma (MDA-MB-231) cells line and radiosensitive peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), as a function of different radiation doses, dose rates and postirradiation time kinetics, with a view to the interest of clinical radiotherapy.Materials and Methods:The cells were irradiated with Co-60, at 2 and 10 Gy and two different exposure rates, 339.56 cGy.min–1 and the other corresponding to one fourth of the standard dose rates, present over a 10-year period of cobalt therapy. Post-irradiation sampling was performed at pre-established kinetics of 24, 48 and 72 hours. The optical density response in viability assay was evaluated and a morphological analysis was performed.Results:Radiosensitive PBMC showed decrease in viability at 2 Gy, and a more significant decrease at 10 Gy for both dose rates. MDAMB- 231 cells presented viability decrease only at higher dose and dose rate. The results showed MDA-MB-231 clone expansion at low dose rate after 48–72 hours post-radiation.Conclusion:Low dose rate shows a possible potential clinical impact involving decrease in management of radio-resistant and radiosensitive tumor cell lines in cobalt therapy for breast cancer.
Objectif : Abstract Le but de cette étude consiste à étudier un éventuel lien entre le dosage du traitement de substitution par la Méthadone® pendant la grossesse et les issues obstétricales (rupture prématurée des membranes, menace d'accouchement prématuré), ainsi que néonatales (telles que le retard de croissance intrautérin, l'adaptation néonatale, le sevrage néonatal aux opiacés et l'hypoglycémie néonatale). Nous évaluerons également le développement psychomoteur de l'enfant à court terme (jusqu'à 18 mois de vie) via l'échelle de Griffiths. Méthode : Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective sur 50 femmes enceintes sous Méthadone® suivies au CHUV et ayant accouché entre les années 2000 et 2010, ainsi que sur leurs enfants suivis par l'Unité du Développement du CHUV et évalués moyennant l'échelle du développement psychomoteur appelée Griffiths (il s'agit de 26 enfants entre 6-9 mois et 20 entre 18-19 mois). Pour ce faire, nous avons parcouru les différentes archives du CHUV (informatiques et papiers) dans un premier temps. Ces données ont été ensuite saisies dans un tableau Excel avant d'être analysées via STATA. Résumé des résultats : En fonction du dosage de la Méthadone®, 27% (dose plus faible) à 47 % (dose plus élevée) des femmes de notre collectif accouchent prématurément (p = 0.139). 48 % de leurs nouveau-nés présentent un retard de croissance intra-utérin (RCIU). Ce risque est d'autant plus élevé que la Méthadone est faiblement dosée (p = 0.073). Inversement au RCIU, le risque d'hypoglycémie néonatale croît avec la dose maternelle de Méthadone® (p = 0.148). La survenue du syndrome de sevrage néonatal aux opiacés ainsi que sa durée sont significativement plus importantes lorsque le dosage maternel de Méthadone est élevé (p = 0.022 ; p = 0.0118) ou lors de la prise concomitante de benzodiazépines (p = 0.004 ; p = 0.0129). La prise d'autres substances illicites a elle aussi tendance à prolonger le sevrage (p = 0.065). Entre 6-9 mois de vie, il y a plus de microcéphalie (périmètre crânien inférieur au P10) lorsque les enfants reçoivent une dose plus faible in utéro (p = 0.005). Le développement psychomoteur est quant à lui plus favorable lorsque le traitement de substitution est fortement dosé (p = 0.039) et que l'enfant vit chez sa mère biologique (p = 0.050) ou bénéficie d'un contact maternel régulier (p = 0.008). L'effet du dosage de la Méthadone® (p = 0.683) et du lieu de vie (p = 0.211) sur le développement psychomoteur ont néanmoins tendance à s'estomper entre 18-19 mois de vie. Conclusions : Bien qu'un traitement de substitution par la Méthadone hautement dosé augmente la survenue et la durée du syndrome de sevrage néonatal aux opiacés, il y a maintenant des indices pour un meilleur outcome de l'enfant lorsque la substitution est importante (moins de RCIU, de microcéphalie et un développement psychomoteur plus favorable). A propos de l'issue néonatale, tous les enfants nés de mères toxicodépendantes semblent être à risque d'hypoglycémie néonatale. Implications pratiques : Il serait désormais préférable d'augmenter les doses de substitution des futures mères toxicomanes d'autant plus lorsque celles-ci le réclament et tous leurs enfants devraient bénéficier d'une alimentation précoce et de contrôles glycémiques, même s'ils sont eutrophiques.
The benefit promoted by ectomycorrhizal depends on the interaction between symbionts and phosphorus (P) contents. Phosphorus effect on ectomycorrhizal formation and the effectiveness of these in promoting plant growth for fungal pre-selection were assessed under in vitro conditions. For P effect evaluation, Eucalyptus urophylla seedlings inoculated with four Pisolithus sp. isolates and others non-inoculated were grown on substrate containing 0.87, 1.16 and 1.72 mg P per plant. For evaluation of effectiveness and fungal pre-selection, other 30 isolates of Pisolithus sp., Pisolithus microcarpus ITA06 isolate, Amanita muscaria AM16 isolate, Scleroderma areolatum SC129 isolate were studied. D26 isolate promoted the highest plant heights for the three P doses, D51 at the lower dose and D72 at the intermediate dose. P doses did not influenced shoot fresh weight and fungal colonization. In the pre-selection of fungi, 14 isolates of Pisolithus sp., P. microcarpus ITA06 isolate and S. areolatum SC129isolate increased plant height and fresh weight. D82 isolate of Pisolithus sp. had effect singly on plant height while D17 and D58 on fresh weight. Of these, only D15, D17, D58 and ITA06 had typical ectomycorrhizae. The cultivation in vitro has shown adequate for pre-selection of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Colonization and benefits depend on species and isolate. D15, D17 and D58 of Pisolithus sp. and P. microcarpus isolate ITA06 are the most promising for nursery studies.
Field trial was conducted with the aim of utilizing allelopathic crop residues to reduce the use of synthetic herbicides in broad bean (Vicia faba) fields. Sunflower residue at 600 and 1,400 g m-2 and Treflan (trifluralin) at 50, 75 and 100% of recommended dose were incorporated into the soil alone or in combination with each other. Untreated plots were maintained as a control. Herbicide application in plots amended with sunflower residue had the least total weed count and biomass, which was even better than herbicide used alone. Integration of recommended dose of Treflan with sunflower residue at 1,400 g m-² produced maximum (987.5 g m-2) aboveground biomass of broad bean, which was 74 and 36% higher than control and recommended herbicide dose applied alone, respectively. Combination of herbicide and sunflower residue appeared to better enhance pod number and yield per unit area than herbicide alone. Application of 50% dose of Treflan in plots amended with sunflower residue resulted in similar yield advantage as was noticed with 100% herbicide dose. Chromatographic analysis of residue-infested field soil indicated the presence of several phytotoxic compounds of phenolic nature. Periodic data revealed that maximum suppression in weed density and dry weight synchronized with peak values of phytotoxins observed 4 weeks after incorporation of sunflower residues. Integration of sunflower residues with lower herbicide rates can produce effective weed suppression without compromising yield as a feasible and environmentally sound approach in broad bean fields.
The weed Borreria densiflora is a management issue in soybean and sugarcane crops from North and Northeastern Brazil. Knowledge upon chemical control of B. densiflora contributes to the integrated management of this weed species, especially when active ingredient options become reduced due to the selection of herbicide resistant or tolerant weed species. Experiments in pre- and post-emergence of B. densiflora were conducted in greenhouse, in a randomized block design and four replications. In pre-emergence, the dose-response curve methodology was used and 7 herbicides were tested. In post-emergence, 9 herbicides at the recommended rate and 4 herbicide mixtures were tested. For pre and post-emergence conditions, evaluations were conducted at 60 and 21 days after treatment (DAT), respectively, and the variables analyzed were weed control and dry weight (%). The results showed options of pre-emergent herbicides that can be used for controlling B. densiflora, especially in sugarcane, where chemical weed control is mainly based on pre-emergent applications. In the current glyphosate resistance scenario, one should consider the use of pre-emergent herbicides within an integrated management of B. densiflora. For satisfactory post-emergence control, B. densiflora plants should be sprayed at the phenological stage of up to three pairs of leaves. Herbicide mixtures have been and will continue to be an important tool in chemical weed management, broadening the spectrum of weed control, while diversifying herbicide mechanisms of action, which helps to prevent or delay the appearance of herbicide resistance.
The human anti-rabies pre-exposure treatment currently used in Brazil, employing a 1-ml dose of suckling mouse brain vaccine (SMBV) administered on days 0, 2, 4 and 28, was compared to an alternative treatment with two 1 ml-doses on day 0, and one 1 ml-dose injected on days 7 and 21. The latter induced higher virus-neutralizing antibody (VNA) titers on day 21. Both Brazilian rabies vaccines produced with PV or CVS rabies virus strains were tested. Two additional volunteer vaccinee groups, receiving the pre-exposure and the abbreviated post-exposure schedules recommended by the WHO using cell-culture vaccine (CCV) produced with PM rabies virus strain, were included as reference. The VNA were measured against both PV and CVS strains on days 21, 42 and 180 by the cell-culture neutralization microtest. The PV-SMBV elicited higher seroconversion rates and VNA by day 21 than the CVS-SMBV. Both, however, failed to induce a long-term immunity, since VNA titers were <0.5 IU/ml on day 180, regardless of the schedule used. Cell-culture vaccine always elicited very high VNA on all days of collection. When serum samples from people receiving mouse brain tissue were titrated against the PV and CVS strains, the VNA obtained were similar, regardless of the vaccinal strain and the virus used in the neutralization test. These results contrast with those obtained with sera from people receiving PM-CCV, whose VNA were significantly higher when tested against the CVS strain.
The cellular uptake of PMOs (phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomers) can be enhanced by their conjugation to arginine-rich CPPs (cell-penetrating peptides). Here, we discuss our recent findings regarding (R-Ahx-R)(4)AhxB (Ahx is 6-aminohexanoic acid and B is beta-alanine) CPP-PMO conjugates in DMD (Duchenne muscular dystrophy) and murine coronavirus research. An (R-Ahx-R)(4)AhxB-PMO conjugate was the most effective compound in inducing the correction of mutant dystrophin transcripts in myoblasts derived from a canine model of DMD. Similarly, normal levels of dystrophin expression were restored in the diaphragms of mdx mice, with treatment starting at the neonatal stage, and protein was still detecTable 22 weeks after the last dose of an (R-Ahx-R)(4)AhxB-PMO conjugate. Effects of length, linkage and carbohydrate modification of this CPP on the delivery of a PMO were investigated in a coronavirus mouse model. An (R-Ahx-R)(4)AhxB-PMO conjugate effectively inhibited viral replication, in comparison with other peptides conjugated to the same PMO. Shortening the CPP length, modifying it with a mannosylated serine moiety or replacing it with the R(9)F(2) CPP significantly decreased the efficacy of the resulting PPMO (CPP-PMO conjugate). We attribute the success of this CPP to its stability in serum and its capacity to transport PMO to RNA targets in a manner superior to that of poly-arginine CPPs.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: We have previously shown that a single 75-mg tablet of clopidogrel, taken before carotid endarterectomy, significantly reduces postoperative embolization, a marker of thromboembolic stroke. This study explores the antiplatelet effect of this submaximal dose. METHODS: Fifty-six patients on long-term aspirin (150 mg) were randomized to 75 mg clopidogrel or placebo before carotid endarterectomy. Blood samples were taken pre- and postdrug administration and at the end of surgery to measure platelet activation and adenosine diphosphate (ADP) response by flow cytometry and aggregometry. RESULTS: Surgery produced a significant rise in platelet activation in vivo as evidenced by a rise in the percentage of monocyte-platelet aggregates in patients given placebo, but this was not seen in patients receiving clopidogrel. Before surgery, clopidogrel produced a significant reduction in the platelet response to ADP; for example, with 10(-6)M ADP, 77.32+/-2.3% bound fibrinogen in placebo group compared with 67.16+/-3.1% after clopidogrel (P=0.01). This was accentuated after surgery when the percentage of platelets binding fibrinogen in response to ADP was 76.53+/-2.2% in patients given placebo and 62.84+/-3.3% in the clopidogrel group (P=0.002). Similar differences were seen over a range of ADP concentrations and by aggregometry. Platelet responsiveness before treatment was highly variable and was positively correlated with the inhibitory effect of clopidogrel; patients with the highest baseline response to ADP showed the greatest response to clopidogrel. A negative correlation was seen between the effect of clopidogrel and patients' weight (r=0.57; P=0.002). CONCLUSIONS: These results explain how a single 75-mg dose of clopidogrel produces a significant clinical impact on embolization.
The optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signal within quartz may be enhanced by thermal transfer during pre-heating. This may occur via a thermally induced charge transfer from low temperature traps to the OSL traps. Thermal transfer may affect both natural and artificially irradiated samples. The effect, as empirically measured via recuperation tests, is typically observed to be negligible for old samples (<1% of natural signal). However, thermal transfer remains a major concern in the dating of young samples as thermal decay and transfers of geologically unstable traps (typically in the TL range 160–280°C) may be incomplete. Upon pre-heating such a sample might undergo thermal transfer to the dating trap and result in a De overestimate. As a result, there has been a tendency for workers to adopt less rigorous pre-heats for young samples. We have investigated the pre-heat dependence of 23 young quartz samples from various depositional environments using pre-heats between 170°C and 300°C, employing the single aliquot regeneration (SAR) protocol. SAR De's were also calculated for 25 additional young quartz samples of different depositional environments and compared with previous multiple aliquot additive dose (MAAD) data. Results demonstrate no significant De dependence upon pre-heat temperatures. A close correspondence between MAAD data and the current SAR data for the samples tested is also illustrated.
The evolution of fungicide resistance in the cereal pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici, is a serious threat to the sustainability and profitability of wheat production in Europe. Application of azole fungicides has been shown to affect fitness of Z. tritici variants differentially, so it has been hypothesised that combinations of azoles could slow the evolution of resistance. This work was initiated to assess the effects of dose, mixtures and alternations of two azoles on selection for isolates with reduced sensitivity and on disease control. Naturally infected field trials were carried out at six sites across Ireland and the sensitivity of Z. tritici isolates monitored pre- and post-treatment. The azoles epoxiconazole and metconazole were applied as solo products, in alternation with each other and as a pre-formulated mixture. Full and half label doses were tested. The two azoles were partially cross-resistant, with a common azole resistance principal component accounting for 75% of the variation between isolates. Selection for isolates with reduced azole sensitivity was correlated with disease control. Decreased doses were related to decreases in sensitivity but the effect was barely significant (P = 0.1) and control was reduced. Single applications of an active ingredient (a.i.) caused smaller decreases in sensitivity than double applications. Shifts in sensitivity to the a.i. applied to a plot were greater than to the a.i. not applied, and the decrease in sensitivity was greater to the a.i. applied at the second timing. These results confirm the need to mix a.i.s with different modes of action.
Dietary management of the human gut microbiota towards a more beneficial composition is one approach that may improve host health. To date, a large number of human intervention studies have demonstrated that dietary consumption of certain food products can result in significant changes in the composition of the gut microbiota i.e. the prebiotic concept. Thus the prebiotic effect is now established as a dietary approach to increase beneficial gut bacteria and it has been associated with modulation of health biomarkers and modulation of the immune system. Promitor™ Soluble Corn Fibre (SCF) is a well-known maize-derived source of dietary fibre with potential selective fermentation properties. Our aim was to determine the optimum prebiotic dose of tolerance, desired changes to microbiota and fermentation of SCF in healthy adult subjects. A double-blind, randomised, parallel study was completed where volunteers (n = 8/treatment group) consumed 8, 14 or 21 g from SCF (6, 12 and 18 g/fibre delivered respectively) over 14-d. Over the range of doses studied, SCF was well tolerated Numbers of bifidobacteria were significantly higher for the 6 g/fibre/day compared to 12g and 18g/fibre delivered/day (mean 9.25 and 9.73 Log10 cells/g fresh faeces in the pre-treatment and treatment periods respectively). Such a numerical change of 0.5 Log10 bifidobacteria/g fresh faeces is consistent with those changes observed for inulin-type fructans, which are recognised prebiotics. A possible prebiotic effect of SCF was therefore demonstrated by its stimulation of bifidobacteria numbers in the overall gut microbiota during a short-term intervention.
We tested if modulation in mRNA expression of cyclooxygenase isoforms (COX-1 and COX-2) can be related to protective effects of phototherapy in skeletal muscle. Thirty male Wistar rats were divided into five groups receiving either one of four laser doses (0.1, 0.3, 1.0 and 3.0 J) or a no-treatment control group. Laser irradiation (904 nm, 15 mW average power) was performed immediately before the first contraction for treated groups. Electrical stimulation was used to induce six tetanic tibial anterior muscle contractions. Immediately after sixth contraction, blood samples were collected to evaluate creatine kinase activity and muscles were dissected and frozen in liquid nitrogen to evaluate mRNA expression of COX-1 and COX-2. The 1.0 and 3.0 J groups showed significant enhancement (P < 0.01) in total work performed in six tetanic contractions compared with control group. All laser groups, except the 3.0 J group, presented significantly lower post-exercise CK activity than control group. Additionally, 1.0 J group showed increased COX-1 and decreased COX-2 mRNA expression compared with control group and 0.1, 0.3 and 3.0 J laser groups (P < 0.01). We conclude that pre-exercise infrared laser irradiation with dose of 1.0 J enhances skeletal muscle performance and decreases post-exercise skeletal muscle damage and inflammation.
It currently is unknown whether creatine supplementation is safe for people with or at risk of kidney disease. We report on the short-term effects of creatine supplementation on kidney function in a young man with a single kidney and mildly decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR). A 20-year-old man who had undergone unilateral nephrectomy and presented with mildly decreased GFR without kidney damage underwent a trial with 35 days of creatine supplementation (20 g/d for 5 days followed by 5 g/d for the next 30 days) and had his kidney function monitored. After the intervention, (51)Cr-EDTA clearance (pre, 81.6 mL/min/1.73 m(2); post, 82.0 mL/min/1.73 m(2)), proteinuria (protein excretion: pre, 130 mg/d; post, 120 mg/d), and electrolyte levels were unchanged. Albuminuria, serum urea level, and estimated creatinine clearance were decreased (pre, 4.6 mg/d; post, 2.9 mg/d; pre, 37 mg/d; post, 28 mg/dL; and pre, 88 mL/min/1.73 m(2); post, 71 mL/min/1.73 m(2), respectively), whereas serum creatinine level was slightly increased (pre, 1.03 mg/dL; post, 1.27 mg/dL), falsely suggesting kidney function impairment. This prospective report suggests that short-term creatine supplementation may not affect kidney function in an individual with a single kidney, mild decreased GFR, and ingesting a high-protein diet (ie, 2.8 g/kg/d). This finding has great relevance considering that creatine-induced kidney disease has been a growing concern, even for healthy people. Am J Kidney Dis 55: e7-e9. (C) 2010 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.
According to the global framework regarding new cases of tuberculosis, Brazil appears at the 18th place. Thus, the Ministry of Health has defined this disease as a priority in the governmental policies. As a consequence, studies concerning treatment and prevention have increased. Fixed-dose combination formulations (FDC) are recognized as beneficial and are recommended by WHO, but they present instability and loss on rifampicin bioavailability. The main purpose of this work was to carry out a pre-formulation study with the schedule 1 tuberculosis treatment drugs: rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide and ethambutol and pharmaceutical excipients (lactose, cellulose, magnesium stearate and talc), in order to develop an FDC product (150 mg of rifampicin + 75 mg of isoniazid + 400 mg of pyrazinamide + 250 mg of ethambutol). The studies consisted of the determination of particle size and distribution (Ferret s diameter) and shape through optical microscopy, as well as rheological and technological properties (bulk and tapped densities, Hausner Factor, Carr s Index, repose angle and flux rate) and interactions among drugs and drug excipient through thermal analysis (DSC, DTA, TG and your derivate). The results showed that, except isoniazid, the other drugs presented poor rheological properties, determined by the physical characteristics of the particles: small size and rod like particles shape for rifampicin; rectangular shape for pyrazinamide and ethambutol, beyond its low density. The 4 drug mixture also not presented flowability, particularly that one containing drug quantity indicated for the formulation of FDC products. In this mixture, isoniazid, that has the best flowability, was added in a lower concentration. The addition of microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate and talc to the drug mixtures improved flowability properties. In DSC analysis probable interactions among drugs were found, supporting the hypothesis of ethambutol and pyrazinamide catalysis of the rifampicin-isoniazid reaction resulting in 3- formylrifamycin isonicotinyl hydrazone (HYD) as a degradation product. In the mixtures containing lactose Supertab® DSC curves evidenced incompatibility among drugs and excipient. In the DSC curves of mixtures containing cellulose MC101®, magnesium stearate and talc, no alterations were observed comparing to the drug profiles. The TG/DTG of the binary and ternary mixtures curves showed different thermogravimetrics profiles relating that observed to the drug isolated, with the thermal decomposition early supporting the evidences of incompatibilities showed in the DSC and DTA curves