938 resultados para power spectral density, frequency, motor output variability, Triceps surae, steadiness


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Assessment of brain connectivity among different brain areas during cognitive or motor tasks is a crucial problem in neuroscience today. Aim of this research study is to use neural mass models to assess the effect of various connectivity patterns in cortical EEG power spectral density (PSD), and investigate the possibility to derive connectivity circuits from EEG data. To this end, two different models have been built. In the first model an individual region of interest (ROI) has been built as the parallel arrangement of three populations, each one exhibiting a unimodal spectrum, at low, medium or high frequency. Connectivity among ROIs includes three parameters, which specify the strength of connection in the different frequency bands. Subsequent studies demonstrated that a single population can exhibit many different simultaneous rhythms, provided that some of these come from external sources (for instance, from remote regions). For this reason in the second model an individual ROI is simulated only with a single population. Both models have been validated by comparing the simulated power spectral density with that computed in some cortical regions during cognitive and motor tasks. Another research study is focused on multisensory integration of tactile and visual stimuli in the representation of the near space around the body (peripersonal space). This work describes an original neural network to simulate representation of the peripersonal space around the hands, in basal conditions and after training with a tool used to reach the far space. The model is composed of three areas for each hand, two unimodal areas (visual and tactile) connected to a third bimodal area (visual-tactile), which is activated only when a stimulus falls within the peripersonal space. Results show that the peripersonal space, which includes just a small visual space around the hand in normal conditions, becomes elongated in the direction of the tool after training, thanks to a reinforcement of synapses.


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Introduction: As a previous study revealed, arts speech therapy (AST) affects cardiorespiratory interaction [1]. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether AST also has effects on brain oxygenation and hemodynamics measured non-invasively using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Material and methods: NIRS measurements were performed on 17 subjects (8 men and 9 women, mean age: 35.6 ± 12.7 y) during AST. Each measurement lasted 35 min, comprising 8 min pre-baseline, 10 min recitation and 20 min post-baseline. For each subject, measurements were performed for three different AST recitation tasks (recitation of alliterative, hexameter and prose verse). Relative concentration changes of oxyhemoglobin (Δ[O2Hb]) and deoxyhemoglobin (Δ[HHb]) as well as the tissue oxygenation index (TOI) were measured using a Hamamatsu NIRO300 NIRS device and a sensor placed on the subjects forehead. Movement artifacts were removed using a novel method [2]. Statistical analysis (Wilcoxon test) was applied to the data to investigate (i) if the recitation causes changes in the median values and/or in the Mayer wave power spectral density (MW-PSD, range: 0.07–0.13 Hz) of Δ[O2Hb], Δ[HHb] or TOI, and (ii) if these changes vary between the 3 recitation forms. Results: For all three recitation styles a significant (p < 0.05) decrease in Δ[O2Hb] and TOI was found, indicating a decrease in blood flow. These decreases did not vary significantly between the three styles. MW-PSD increased significantly for Δ[O2Hb] when reciting the hexameter and prose verse, and for Δ[HHb] and TOI when reciting alliterations and hexameter, representing an increase in Mayer waves. The MW-PSD increase for Δ[O2Hb] was significantly larger for the hexameter verse compared to alliterative and prose verse Conclusion: The study showed that AST affects brain hemodynamics (oxygenation, blood flow and Mayer waves). Recitation caused a significant decrease in cerebral blood flow for all recitation styles as well as an increase in Mayer waves, particularly for the hexameter, which may indicate a sympathetic activation. References 1. D. Cysarz, D. von Bonin, H. Lackner, P. Heusser, M. Moser, H. Bettermann. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 287 (2) (2004), pp. H579–H587 2. F. Scholkmann, S. Spichtig, T. Muehlemann, M. Wolf. Physiol Meas, 31 (5) (2010), pp. 649–662


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High altitude periodic breathing (PB) shares some common pathophysiologic aspects with sleep apnea, Cheyne-Stokes respiration and PB in heart failure patients. Methods that allow quantifying instabilities of respiratory control provide valuable insights in physiologic mechanisms and help to identify therapeutic targets. Under the hypothesis that high altitude PB appears even during physical activity and can be identified in comparison to visual analysis in conditions of low SNR, this study aims to identify PB by characterizing the respiratory pattern through the respiratory volume signal. A number of spectral parameters are extracted from the power spectral density (PSD) of the volume signal, derived from respiratory inductive plethysmography and evaluated through a linear discriminant analysis. A dataset of 34 healthy mountaineers ascending to Mt. Muztagh Ata, China (7,546 m) visually labeled as PB and non periodic breathing (nPB) is analyzed. All climbing periods within all the ascents are considered (total climbing periods: 371 nPB and 40 PB). The best crossvalidated result classifying PB and nPB is obtained with Pm (power of the modulation frequency band) and R (ratio between modulation and respiration power) with an accuracy of 80.3% and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 84.5%. Comparing the subjects from 1(st) and 2(nd) ascents (at the same altitudes but the latter more acclimatized) the effect of acclimatization is evaluated. SaO(2) and periodic breathing cycles significantly increased with acclimatization (p-value < 0.05). Higher Pm and higher respiratory frequencies are observed at lower SaO(2), through a significant negative correlation (p-value < 0.01). Higher Pm is observed at climbing periods visually labeled as PB with > 5 periodic breathing cycles through a significant positive correlation (p-value < 0.01). Our data demonstrate that quantification of the respiratory volume signal using spectral analysis is suitable to identify effects of hypobaric hypoxia on control of breathing.


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Damage identification under real operating conditions of the structure during its daily use would be suitable and attractive to civil engineers due to the difficulty and problems of carrying out controlled forced excitation tests on this kind of structures. In this case, output-only response measurements would be available, and an output-only damage identification procedure should be implemented. Transmissibility, defined on an output-to-output relationship, is getting increased attention in damage detection applications because of its dependence with output-only data and its sensitivity to local structural changes. In this paper, a method based on the power spectrum density transmissibility (PSDT) is proposed to detect structural damage.


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This paper explores a new method of analysing muscle fatigue within the muscles predominantly used during microsurgery. The captured electromyographic (EMG) data retrieved from these muscles are analysed for any defining patterns relating to muscle fatigue. The analysis consists of dynamically embedding the EMG signals from a single muscle channel into an embedded matrix. The muscle fatigue is determined by defining its entropy characterized by the singular values of the dynamically embedded (DE) matrix. The paper compares this new method with the traditional method of using mean frequency shifts in the EMG signal's power spectral density. Linear regressions are fitted to the results from both methods, and the coefficients of variation of both their slope and point of intercept are determined. It is shown that the complexity method is slightly more robust in that the coefficient of variation for the DE method has lower variability than the conventional method of mean frequency analysis.


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A broadly tunable master-oscillator power-amplifier (MOPA) picosecond optical pulse source is demonstrated, consisting of an external cavity passively mode-locked laser diode with a tapered semiconductor amplifier. By employing chirped quantum-dot structures on both the oscillator's gain chip and amplifier, a wide tunability range between 1187 and 1283 nm is achieved. Under mode-locked operation, the highest output peak power of 4.39 W is achieved from the MOPA, corresponding to a peak power spectral density of 31.4 dBm/nm. © 1989-2012 IEEE.


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Wavelength bistability between 1245nm and 1295nm is demonstrated in a multi-section quantum-dot laser, controlled via the reverse bias on the saturable absorber. Continuous-wave or mode-locked regimes are achieved (output power up to 25mW and 17mW). © OSA/CLEO 2011.


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It is shown by numerical simulations that a significant increase in the spectral density of a 40-Gb/s wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) system can be obtained by controlling the phase of adjacent WDM channels. These simulations are confirmed experimentally at 40 Gb/s using a coherent,comb source. This technique allows the spectral density of a nonreturn-to-zero WDM system to be increased from 0.4 to 1 b/s/Hz in a single polarization. Optical filter optimization is required to minimize power crosstalk, and appropriate strategies are discussed in this letter. Index Terms-Filtering, optical communication terminals, phase control, wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM).


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Cardiotocographic data provide physicians information about foetal development and permit to assess conditions such as foetal distress. An incorrect evaluation of the foetal status can be of course very dangerous. To improve interpretation of cardiotocographic recordings, great interest has been dedicated to foetal heart rate variability spectral analysis. It is worth reminding, however, that foetal heart rate is intrinsically an uneven series, so in order to produce an evenly sampled series a zero-order, linear or cubic spline interpolation can be employed. This is not suitable for frequency analyses because interpolation introduces alterations in the foetal heart rate power spectrum. In particular, interpolation process can produce alterations of the power spectral density that, for example, affects the estimation of the sympatho-vagal balance (computed as low-frequency/high-frequency ratio), which represents an important clinical parameter. In order to estimate the frequency spectrum alterations of the foetal heart rate variability signal due to interpolation and cardiotocographic storage rates, in this work, we simulated uneven foetal heart rate series with set characteristics, their evenly spaced versions (with different orders of interpolation and storage rates) and computed the sympatho-vagal balance values by power spectral density. For power spectral density estimation, we chose the Lomb method, as suggested by other authors to study the uneven heart rate series in adults. Summarising, the obtained results show that the evaluation of SVB values on the evenly spaced FHR series provides its overestimation due to the interpolation process and to the storage rate. However, cubic spline interpolation produces more robust and accurate results. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The main goal of this research is to design an efficient compression al~ gorithm for fingerprint images. The wavelet transform technique is the principal tool used to reduce interpixel redundancies and to obtain a parsimonious representation for these images. A specific fixed decomposition structure is designed to be used by the wavelet packet in order to save on the computation, transmission, and storage costs. This decomposition structure is based on analysis of information packing performance of several decompositions, two-dimensional power spectral density, effect of each frequency band on the reconstructed image, and the human visual sensitivities. This fixed structure is found to provide the "most" suitable representation for fingerprints, according to the chosen criteria. Different compression techniques are used for different subbands, based on their observed statistics. The decision is based on the effect of each subband on the reconstructed image according to the mean square criteria as well as the sensitivities in human vision. To design an efficient quantization algorithm, a precise model for distribution of the wavelet coefficients is developed. The model is based on the generalized Gaussian distribution. A least squares algorithm on a nonlinear function of the distribution model shape parameter is formulated to estimate the model parameters. A noise shaping bit allocation procedure is then used to assign the bit rate among subbands. To obtain high compression ratios, vector quantization is used. In this work, the lattice vector quantization (LVQ) is chosen because of its superior performance over other types of vector quantizers. The structure of a lattice quantizer is determined by its parameters known as truncation level and scaling factor. In lattice-based compression algorithms reported in the literature the lattice structure is commonly predetermined leading to a nonoptimized quantization approach. In this research, a new technique for determining the lattice parameters is proposed. In the lattice structure design, no assumption about the lattice parameters is made and no training and multi-quantizing is required. The design is based on minimizing the quantization distortion by adapting to the statistical characteristics of the source in each subimage. 11 Abstract Abstract Since LVQ is a multidimensional generalization of uniform quantizers, it produces minimum distortion for inputs with uniform distributions. In order to take advantage of the properties of LVQ and its fast implementation, while considering the i.i.d. nonuniform distribution of wavelet coefficients, the piecewise-uniform pyramid LVQ algorithm is proposed. The proposed algorithm quantizes almost all of source vectors without the need to project these on the lattice outermost shell, while it properly maintains a small codebook size. It also resolves the wedge region problem commonly encountered with sharply distributed random sources. These represent some of the drawbacks of the algorithm proposed by Barlaud [26). The proposed algorithm handles all types of lattices, not only the cubic lattices, as opposed to the algorithms developed by Fischer [29) and Jeong [42). Furthermore, no training and multiquantizing (to determine lattice parameters) is required, as opposed to Powell's algorithm [78). For coefficients with high-frequency content, the positive-negative mean algorithm is proposed to improve the resolution of reconstructed images. For coefficients with low-frequency content, a lossless predictive compression scheme is used to preserve the quality of reconstructed images. A method to reduce bit requirements of necessary side information is also introduced. Lossless entropy coding techniques are subsequently used to remove coding redundancy. The algorithms result in high quality reconstructed images with better compression ratios than other available algorithms. To evaluate the proposed algorithms their objective and subjective performance comparisons with other available techniques are presented. The quality of the reconstructed images is important for a reliable identification. Enhancement and feature extraction on the reconstructed images are also investigated in this research. A structural-based feature extraction algorithm is proposed in which the unique properties of fingerprint textures are used to enhance the images and improve the fidelity of their characteristic features. The ridges are extracted from enhanced grey-level foreground areas based on the local ridge dominant directions. The proposed ridge extraction algorithm, properly preserves the natural shape of grey-level ridges as well as precise locations of the features, as opposed to the ridge extraction algorithm in [81). Furthermore, it is fast and operates only on foreground regions, as opposed to the adaptive floating average thresholding process in [68). Spurious features are subsequently eliminated using the proposed post-processing scheme.


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A novel method of matching stiffness and continuous variable damping of an ECAS (electronically controlled air suspension) based on LQG (linear quadratic Gaussian) control was proposed to simultaneously improve the road-friendliness and ride comfort of a two-axle school bus. Taking account of the suspension nonlinearities and target-height-dependent variation in suspension characteristics, a stiffness model of the ECAS mounted on the drive axle of the bus was developed based on thermodynamics and the key parameters were obtained through field tests. By determining the proper range of the target height for the ECAS of the fully-loaded bus based on the design requirements of vehicle body bounce frequency, the control algorithm of the target suspension height (i.e., stiffness) was derived according to driving speed and road roughness. Taking account of the nonlinearities of a continuous variable semi-active damper, the damping force was obtained through the subtraction of the air spring force from the optimum integrated suspension force, which was calculated based on LQG control. Finally, a GA (genetic algorithm)-based matching method between stepped variable damping and stiffness was employed as a benchmark to evaluate the effectiveness of the LQG-based matching method. Simulation results indicate that compared with the GA-based matching method, both dynamic tire force and vehicle body vertical acceleration responses are markedly reduced around the vehicle body bounce frequency employing the LQG-based matching method, with peak values of the dynamic tire force PSD (power spectral density) decreased by 73.6%, 60.8% and 71.9% in the three cases, and corresponding reduction are 71.3%, 59.4% and 68.2% for the vehicle body vertical acceleration. A strong robustness to variation of driving speed and road roughness is also observed for the LQG-based matching method.


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Turning points for transitions between the electrostatic and electromagnetic discharge modes in low-frequency (∼ 500 kHz) inductively coupled plasmas have been identified and cross-referenced using time-resolved measurements of the plasma optical emission intensities, RF coil current, and ion saturation current collected by a single RF-compensated Langmuir probe. This enables one to monitor the variation of the plasma parameters, power transfer efficiency, which accompany the discharge hysteresis. The excitation conditions for the pure and hybrid modes in the plasma are considered, and the possibility of the TMmnl → TEm'n'l' transitions at higher frequencies are discussed.


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A method is presented to find nonstationary random seismic excitations with a constraint on mean square value such that the response variance of a given linear system is maximized. It is also possible to incorporate the dominant input frequency into the analysis. The excitation is taken to be the product of a deterministic enveloping function and a zero mean Gaussian stationary random process. The power spectral density function of this process is determined such that the response variance is maximized. Numerical results are presented for a single-degree system and an earth embankment modeled as shear beam.