60 resultados para postprocessing


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SAFT techniques are based on the sequential activation, in emission and reception, of the array elements and the post-processing of all the received signals to compose the image. Thus, the image generation can be divided into two stages: (1) the excitation and acquisition stage, where the signals received by each element or group of elements are stored; and (2) the beamforming stage, where the signals are combined together to obtain the image pixels. The use of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), which are programmable devices with a high level of parallelism, can accelerate the computations of the beamforming process, that usually includes different functions such as dynamic focusing, band-pass filtering, spatial filtering or envelope detection. This work shows that using GPU technology can accelerate, in more than one order of magnitude with respect to CPU implementations, the beamforming and post-processing algorithms in SAFT imaging. ©2009 IEEE.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Cartográficas - FCT


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In vitro production has been employed in bovine embryos and quantification of lipids is fundamental to understand the metabolism of these embryos. This paper presents a unsupervised segmentation method for histological images of bovine embryos. In this method, the anisotropic filter was used in the differents RGB components. After pre-processing step, the thresholding technique based on maximum entropy was applied to separate lipid droplets in the histological slides in different stages: early cleavage, morula and blastocyst. In the postprocessing step, false positives are removed using the connected components technique that identify regions with excess of dye near pellucid zone. The proposed segmentation method was applied in 30 histological images of bovine embryos. Experiments were performed with the images and statistical measures of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were calculated based on reference images (gold standard). The value of accuracy of the proposed method was 96% with standard deviation of 3%.


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[EN] In the last years we have developed some methods for 3D reconstruction. First we began with the problem of reconstructing a 3D scene from a stereoscopic pair of images. We developed some methods based on energy functionals which produce dense disparity maps by preserving discontinuities from image boundaries. Then we passed to the problem of reconstructing a 3D scene from multiple views (more than 2). The method for multiple view reconstruction relies on the method for stereoscopic reconstruction. For every pair of consecutive images we estimate a disparity map and then we apply a robust method that searches for good correspondences through the sequence of images. Recently we have proposed several methods for 3D surface regularization. This is a postprocessing step necessary for smoothing the final surface, which could be afected by noise or mismatch correspondences. These regularization methods are interesting because they use the information from the reconstructing process and not only from the 3D surface. We have tackled all these problems from an energy minimization approach. We investigate the associated Euler-Lagrange equation of the energy functional, and we approach the solution of the underlying partial differential equation (PDE) using a gradient descent method.


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The goal of this thesis is the application of an opto-electronic numerical simulation to heterojunction silicon solar cells featuring an all back contact architecture (Interdigitated Back Contact Hetero-Junction IBC-HJ). The studied structure exhibits both metal contacts, emitter and base, at the back surface of the cell with the objective to reduce the optical losses due to the shadowing by front contact of conventional photovoltaic devices. Overall, IBC-HJ are promising low-cost alternatives to monocrystalline wafer-based solar cells featuring front and back contact schemes, in fact, for IBC-HJ the high concentration doping diffusions are replaced by low-temperature deposition processes of thin amorphous silicon layers. Furthermore, another advantage of IBC solar cells with reference to conventional architectures is the possibility to enable a low-cost assembling of photovoltaic modules, being all contacts on the same side. A preliminary extensive literature survey has been helpful to highlight the specific critical aspects of IBC-HJ solar cells as well as the state-of-the-art of their modeling, processing and performance of practical devices. In order to perform the analysis of IBC-HJ devices, a two-dimensional (2-D) numerical simulation flow has been set up. A commercial device simulator based on finite-difference method to solve numerically the whole set of equations governing the electrical transport in semiconductor materials (Sentuarus Device by Synopsys) has been adopted. The first activity carried out during this work has been the definition of a 2-D geometry corresponding to the simulation domain and the specification of the electrical and optical properties of materials. In order to calculate the main figures of merit of the investigated solar cells, the spatially resolved photon absorption rate map has been calculated by means of an optical simulator. Optical simulations have been performed by using two different methods depending upon the geometrical features of the front interface of the solar cell: the transfer matrix method (TMM) and the raytracing (RT). The first method allows to model light prop-agation by plane waves within one-dimensional spatial domains under the assumption of devices exhibiting stacks of parallel layers with planar interfaces. In addition, TMM is suitable for the simulation of thin multi-layer anti reflection coating layers for the reduction of the amount of reflected light at the front interface. Raytracing is required for three-dimensional optical simulations of upright pyramidal textured surfaces which are widely adopted to significantly reduce the reflection at the front surface. The optical generation profiles are interpolated onto the electrical grid adopted by the device simulator which solves the carriers transport equations coupled with Poisson and continuity equations in a self-consistent way. The main figures of merit are calculated by means of a postprocessing of the output data from device simulation. After the validation of the simulation methodology by means of comparison of the simulation result with literature data, the ultimate efficiency of the IBC-HJ architecture has been calculated. By accounting for all optical losses, IBC-HJ solar cells result in a theoretical maximum efficiency above 23.5% (without texturing at front interface) higher than that of both standard homojunction crystalline silicon (Homogeneous Emitter HE) and front contact heterojuction (Heterojunction with Intrinsic Thin layer HIT) solar cells. However it is clear that the criticalities of this structure are mainly due to the defects density and to the poor carriers transport mobility in the amorphous silicon layers. Lastly, the influence of the most critical geometrical and physical parameters on the main figures of merit have been investigated by applying the numerical simulation tool set-up during the first part of the present thesis. Simulations have highlighted that carrier mobility and defects level in amorphous silicon may lead to a potentially significant reduction of the conversion efficiency.


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Der technische Fortschritt konfrontiert die medizinische Bildgebung wie keine andere Sparte der Medizin mit einem rasanten Anstieg zu speichernder Daten. Anschaffung, Wartung und Ausbau der nötigen Infrastruktur entwickeln sich zunehmend zu einem ökonomischen Faktor. Ein Verfahren, welches diesem Trend etwas entgegensetzten könnte ist die irreversible Bilddatenkompression. Sie ist seit über 10 Jahren Gegenstand vieler Studien, deren Ergebnisse sich wiederum in Empfehlungen zum Einsatz irreversibler Kompression mehrerer nationaler und internationaler Organisation, wie CAR, DRG, RCR und ESR wiederspiegeln. Tenor dieser Empfehlungen ist, dass der Einsatz von moderater irreversibler Bilddatenkompression sicher und sinnvoll ist. Teil dieser Empfehlungen sind auch Angaben über das Maß an Kompression, ausgedrückt in Kompressionsraten, welche je nach Untersuchung und anatomischer Region als sicher anwendbar gelten und keinen diagnostisch relevanten Verlust der komprimierten Bilder erzeugen.rnVerschiedene Kompressionsalgorithmen wurden vorgeschlagen. Letztendlich haben sich vor allem die beiden weit verbreiteten Algorithmen JPEG und JPEG2000 bewährt. Letzterer erfährt in letzter Zeit zunehmen Anwendung, aufgrund seiner einfacheren Handhabung und seiner umfangreichen Zusatzfunktionen.rnAufgrund rechtlich-ethischer Bedenken hat die irreversible Kompression keine breite praktische Anwendung finden können. Dafür verantwortlich ist unter anderem auch die Unklarheit, wie sich irreversible Kompression auf Nach- und Weiterverarbeitung (sog. Postprocessing) medizinischer Bilder, wie Segmentierung, Volumetrie oder 3D-Darstellung, auswirkt. Bisherige Studien zu diesem Thema umfassen vier verschiedene Postprocessing-Algorithmen. Die untersuchten Algorithmen zeigten sich bei verlustbehafteter Kompression im Bereich der erwähnten, publizierten Kompressionsraten weitgehend unbeeinflusst. Lediglich die computergestützte Messung von Stenosegraden in der digitalen Koronarangiographie kollidiert mit den in Großbritannien geltenden Empfehlungen. Die Verwendung unterschiedlicher Kompressionsalgorithmen schränkt die allgemeinernAussagekraft dieser Studienergebnisse außerdem ein.rnZur Erweiterung der Studienlage wurden vier weitere Nach- und Weiterverarbeitungsalgorithmen auf ihre Kompressionstoleranz untersucht. Dabei wurden die Kompressionsraten von 8:1, 10:1 und 15:1 verwendet, welche um die empfohlenen Kompressionsraten von CAR, DRG, RCR und ESR liegen und so ein praxisnahes Setting bieten. Als Kompressionsalgorithmus wurde JPEG2000 verwendet, aufgrund seiner zunehmenden Nutzung in Studien sowie seiner bereits erwähnten Vorzüge in Sachen Handhabung und Zusatzfunktionen. Die vier Algorithmen umfassten das 3D-Volume rendering von CT-Angiographien der Becken-Bein-Gefäße, die Computer-assistierte Detektion von Lungenrundherden, die automatisierte Volumetrie von Leberrundherden und die funktionelle Bestimmung der Ejektionsfraktion in computertomographischen Aufnahmen des Herzens.rnAlle vier Algorithmen zeigten keinen Einfluss durch irreversibler Bilddatenkompression in denrngewählten Kompressionsraten (8:1, 10:1 und 15:1). Zusammen mit der bestehenden Literatur deuten die Ergebnisse an, dass moderate irreversible Kompression im Rahmen aktueller Empfehlungen keinen Einfluss auf Nach- und Weiterverarbeitung medizinischer Bilder hat. Eine explizitere Vorhersage zu einem bestimmten, noch nicht untersuchten Algorithmus ist jedoch aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Funktionsweisen und Programmierungen nicht sicher möglich.rnSofern ein Postprocessing Algorithmus auf komprimiertes Bildmaterial angewendet werden soll, muss dieser zunächst auf seine Kompressionstoleranz getestet werden. Dabei muss der Test eine rechtlich-ethische Grundlage für den Einsatz des Algorithmus bei komprimiertem Bildmaterial schaffen. Es sind vor allem zwei Optionen denkbar, die Testung institutsintern, eventuell unter Zuhilfenahme von vorgefertigten Bibliotheken, oder die Testung durch den Hersteller des Algorithmus.


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Satellite image classification involves designing and developing efficient image classifiers. With satellite image data and image analysis methods multiplying rapidly, selecting the right mix of data sources and data analysis approaches has become critical to the generation of quality land-use maps. In this study, a new postprocessing information fusion algorithm for the extraction and representation of land-use information based on high-resolution satellite imagery is presented. This approach can produce land-use maps with sharp interregional boundaries and homogeneous regions. The proposed approach is conducted in five steps. First, a GIS layer - ATKIS data - was used to generate two coarse homogeneous regions, i.e. urban and rural areas. Second, a thematic (class) map was generated by use of a hybrid spectral classifier combining Gaussian Maximum Likelihood algorithm (GML) and ISODATA classifier. Third, a probabilistic relaxation algorithm was performed on the thematic map, resulting in a smoothed thematic map. Fourth, edge detection and edge thinning techniques were used to generate a contour map with pixel-width interclass boundaries. Fifth, the contour map was superimposed on the thematic map by use of a region-growing algorithm with the contour map and the smoothed thematic map as two constraints. For the operation of the proposed method, a software package is developed using programming language C. This software package comprises the GML algorithm, a probabilistic relaxation algorithm, TBL edge detector, an edge thresholding algorithm, a fast parallel thinning algorithm, and a region-growing information fusion algorithm. The county of Landau of the State Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany was selected as a test site. The high-resolution IRS-1C imagery was used as the principal input data.


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Investigates multiple processing parameters, includingpolymer type, filler type, processing technique, severity of SSSP (Solid-state shear pulverization)processing, and postprocessing, of SSSP. HDPE and LLDPE polymers with pristine clay and organo-clay samples are explored. Effects on crystallization, high-temperature behavior, mechanicalproperties, and gas barrier properties are examined. Thermal, mechanical, and morphological characterization is conducted to determine polymer/filler compatibility and superior processing methods for the polymer-clay nanocomposites.


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OBJECTIVE: Besides DNA, dental radiographs play a major role in the identification of victims in mass casualties or in corpses with major postmortem alterations. Computed tomography (CT) is increasingly applied in forensic investigations and is used to scan the dentition of deceased persons within minutes. We investigated different restoration materials concerning their radiopacity in CT for dental identification purposes. METHODS: Extracted teeth with different filling materials (composite, amalgam, ceramic, temporary fillings) were CT scanned. Radiopacities of the filling materials were analyzed in extended CT scale images. RESULTS: Radiopacity values ranged from 6000-8500HU (temporary fillings), 4500-17000HU (composite fillings) and >30710HU (Amalgam and Gold). The values were used to define presets for a 3D colored volume rendering software. CONCLUSIONS: The effects of filling material caused streak artifacts could be distinctively reduced for the assessment of the dental status and a postprocessing algorithm was introduced that allows for 3D color encoded visualization and discrimination of different dental restorations based on postmortem CT data.


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Dental radiographs play the major role in the identification of victims in mass casualties besides DNA. Under circumstances such as those caused by the recent tsunami in Asia, it is nearly impossible to document the entire dentition using conventional x-rays as it would be too time consuming. Multislice computed tomography can be used to scan the dentition of a deceased within minutes, and the postprocessing software allows visualization of the data adapted to every possible antemortem x-ray for identification. We introduce the maximum intensity projection of cranial computed tomography data for the purpose of dental identification exemplarily in a case of a burned corpse. As transportable CT scanners already exist, these could be used to support the disaster victim identification teams in the field.


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Invasive "body-opening" autopsy represents the traditional means of postmortem investigation in humans. However, modern cross-sectional imaging techniques can supplement and may even partially replace traditional autopsy. Computed tomography (CT) is the imaging modality of choice for two- and three-dimensional documentation and analysis of autopsy findings including fracture systems, pathologic gas collections (eg, air embolism, subcutaneous emphysema after trauma, hyperbaric trauma, decomposition effects), and gross tissue injury. Various postprocessing techniques can provide strong forensic evidence for use in legal proceedings. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging has had a greater impact in demonstrating soft-tissue injury, organ trauma, and nontraumatic conditions. However, the differences in morphologic features and signal intensity characteristics seen at antemortem versus postmortem MR imaging have not yet been studied systematically. The documentation and analysis of postmortem findings with CT and MR imaging and postprocessing techniques ("virtopsy") is investigator independent, objective, and noninvasive and will lead to qualitative improvements in forensic pathologic investigation. Future applications of this approach include the assessment of morbidity and mortality in the general population and, perhaps, routine screening of bodies prior to burial.


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The delayed Gadolinium Enhanced MRI of Cartilage (dGEMRIC) technique has shown promising results in pilot clinical studies of early osteoarthritis. Currently, its broader acceptance is limited by the long scan time and the need for postprocessing to calculate the T1 maps. A fast T1 mapping imaging technique based on two spoiled gradient echo images was implemented. In phantom studies, an appropriate flip angle combination optimized for center T1 of 756 to 955 ms yielded excellent agreement with T1 measured using the inversion recovery technique in the range of 200 to 900 ms, of interest in normal and diseased cartilage. In vivo validation was performed by serially imaging 26 hips using the inversion recovery and the Fast 2 angle T1 mapping techniques (center T1 756 ms). Excellent correlation with Pearson correlation coefficient R2 of 0.74 was seen and Bland-Altman plots demonstrated no systematic bias.


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The COSMIC-2 mission is a follow-on mission of the Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate (COSMIC) with an upgraded payload for improved radio occultation (RO) applications. The objective of this paper is to develop a near-real-time (NRT) orbit determination system, called NRT National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) system, to support COSMIC-2 in atmospheric applications and verify the orbit product of COSMIC. The system is capable of automatic determinations of the NRT GPS clocks and LEO orbit and clock. To assess the NRT (NCTU) system, we use eight days of COSMIC data (March 24-31, 2011), which contain a total of 331 GPS observation sessions and 12 393 RO observable files. The parallel scheduling for independent GPS and LEO estimations and automatic time matching improves the computational efficiency by 64% compared to the sequential scheduling. Orbit difference analyses suggest a 10-cm accuracy for the COSMIC orbits from the NRT (NCTU) system, and it is consistent as the NRT University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (URCA) system. The mean velocity accuracy from the NRT orbits of COSMIC is 0.168 mm/s, corresponding to an error of about 0.051 μrad in the bending angle. The rms differences in the NRT COSMIC clock and in GPS clocks between the NRT (NCTU) and the postprocessing products are 3.742 and 1.427 ns. The GPS clocks determined from a partial ground GPS network [from NRT (NCTU)] and a full one [from NRT (UCAR)] result in mean rms frequency stabilities of 6.1E-12 and 2.7E-12, respectively, corresponding to range fluctuations of 5.5 and 2.4 cm and bending angle errors of 3.75 and 1.66 μrad .


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Introduction: Early warning of future hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic events can improve the safety of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients. The aim of this study is to design and evaluate a hypoglycemia / hyperglycemia early warning system (EWS) for T1DM patients under sensor-augmented pump (SAP) therapy. Methods: The EWS is based on the combination of data-driven online adaptive prediction models and a warning algorithm. Three modeling approaches have been investigated: (i) autoregressive (ARX) models, (ii) auto-regressive with an output correction module (cARX) models, and (iii) recurrent neural network (RNN) models. The warning algorithm performs postprocessing of the models′ outputs and issues alerts if upcoming hypoglycemic/hyperglycemic events are detected. Fusion of the cARX and RNN models, due to their complementary prediction performances, resulted in the hybrid autoregressive with an output correction module/recurrent neural network (cARN)-based EWS. Results: The EWS was evaluated on 23 T1DM patients under SAP therapy. The ARX-based system achieved hypoglycemic (hyperglycemic) event prediction with median values of accuracy of 100.0% (100.0%), detection time of 10.0 (8.0) min, and daily false alarms of 0.7 (0.5). The respective values for the cARX-based system were 100.0% (100.0%), 17.5 (14.8) min, and 1.5 (1.3) and, for the RNN-based system, were 100.0% (92.0%), 8.4 (7.0) min, and 0.1 (0.2). The hybrid cARN-based EWS presented outperforming results with 100.0% (100.0%) prediction accuracy, detection 16.7 (14.7) min in advance, and 0.8 (0.8) daily false alarms. Conclusion: Combined use of cARX and RNN models for the development of an EWS outperformed the single use of each model, achieving accurate and prompt event prediction with few false alarms, thus providing increased safety and comfort.


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BACKGROUND A precise detection of volume change allows for better estimating the biological behavior of the lung nodules. Postprocessing tools with automated detection, segmentation, and volumetric analysis of lung nodules may expedite radiological processes and give additional confidence to the radiologists. PURPOSE To compare two different postprocessing software algorithms (LMS Lung, Median Technologies; LungCARE®, Siemens) in CT volumetric measurement and to analyze the effect of soft (B30) and hard reconstruction filter (B70) on automated volume measurement. MATERIAL AND METHODS Between January 2010 and April 2010, 45 patients with a total of 113 pulmonary nodules were included. The CT exam was performed on a 64-row multidetector CT scanner (Somatom Sensation, Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) with the following parameters: collimation, 24x1.2 mm; pitch, 1.15; voltage, 120 kVp; reference tube current-time, 100 mAs. Automated volumetric measurement of each lung nodule was performed with the two different postprocessing algorithms based on two reconstruction filters (B30 and B70). The average relative volume measurement difference (VME%) and the limits of agreement between two methods were used for comparison. RESULTS At soft reconstruction filters the LMS system produced mean nodule volumes that were 34.1% (P < 0.0001) larger than those by LungCARE® system. The VME% was 42.2% with a limit of agreement between -53.9% and 138.4%.The volume measurement with soft filters (B30) was significantly larger than with hard filters (B70); 11.2% for LMS and 1.6% for LungCARE®, respectively (both with P < 0.05). LMS measured greater volumes with both filters, 13.6% for soft and 3.8% for hard filters, respectively (P < 0.01 and P > 0.05). CONCLUSION There is a substantial inter-software (LMS/LungCARE®) as well as intra-software variability (B30/B70) in lung nodule volume measurement; therefore, it is mandatory to use the same equipment with the same reconstruction filter for the follow-up of lung nodule volume.