937 resultados para post-school options


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O presente estudo teve como objetivos: (i) analisar as redes de suporte e experiências na comunidade estabelecidas no processo de transição para a vida pós escolar de alunos com necessidades adicionais de suporte - considerando o ponto de vista dos professores de educação especial e dos próprios; (ii) e explorar em que medida o perfil de necessidades de apoio providenciado pela Escala de Intensidade de Apoios (SIS-C), poderá basear planos de suportes que promovam respostas mais orientadas para a participação social – tendo por base o processo de dois dos jovens em circunstâncias de transição para a vida pós-escolar. Para o efeito, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa por inquérito, obtendo resposta de 50 professores de educação especial a um questionário vocacionado para o mapeamento das redes de suporte e das experiências na comunidade no processo de transição. Foi também conduzido um estudo de caso, onde se procedeu à entrevista de 2 jovens, suas famílias e equipas de suporte, e à análise documental dos seus processos, a fim de aferir a utilidade da SIS-C no processo de planeamento das respostas educativas. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que as redes sociais de suporte no processo de transição são essencialmente compostas por elementos dos contextos familiar e escolar, com necessidade de ampliar o envolvimento da comunidade. A participação cívica, e o envolvimento em atividades de recreação (como visitar amigos, passear/ conviver) são também experiências em necessidade de expansão. No estudo de caso, a SIS-C possibilitou uma maior orientação dos processos de avaliação e intervenção para a participação, bem como, uma identificação mais ampla de estratégias ambientais a implementar


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Objective: To assess the relationship between education and the intake of a variety of individual foods, as well as groups of foods, for Australian men and women in different age groups.

Design: Cross-sectional national survey of free-living men and women. Subjects: A sample of 2501 men and 2739 women aged 18 years and over who completed the National Nutrition Survey (NNS) 1995.

Methods: Information about the frequency of consumption of 88 food items was obtained using a food-frequency questionnaire in a nation-wide nutrition survey. Irregular and regular consumers of foods were identified according to whether they consumed individual foods less than or more than once per month. The relationship between single foods and an index of education (no post-school qualifications, vocational, university) was analysed via contingency table chi-square statistics for men and women. Food group variety scores were derived by assigning individual foods to conventional food group taxonomies, and then summing the dichotomised intake scores for individual foods within each food group. Two-way analyses of variance (education by age groups) were performed on food variety scores for men and women, separately.

Results: While university-educated men and women consumed many individual foods more regularly than less-educated people, they were less likely to be regular consumers of several meat products. The relationship between education and food consumption was less apparent when individual food scores were aggregated into food group scores. University-educated men and women exhibited higher scores on total food group variety than the other educational groups.

Conclusions: Higher education is associated with the regular consumption of a wider variety of foods. Aggregation of individual food consumption indices into food variety scores may mask the apparent effects of educational background on food consumption.


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Accepting that scientific literacy is the primary purpose of science in the compulsory years of schooling leads to the question 'What does scientific literacy mean in a particular community?' This paper reports a study designed to provide some insight into that question. Data were gathered through interviews with a sample of community leaders, in the state of Victoria, Australia, about their views of the purposes of school science.

The data reveal that, although most of those interviewed had no formal post-school science education, their life experiences provided them with useful insights into the question raised. The wisdom of such people could make an important contribution during the initial stages of curriculum development in science.

As people successful in their own fields, the study participants were lifelong learners. Consequently, their responses suggest that a primary focus of school science must be to provide students with a framework that will enable them to continue learning beyond schooling. This is not just a matter of knowledge or skills, but of feeling comfortable with science.

The methods used provide a useful example of how views about education can be gathered from thoughtful, non-expert community members. In this instance, they allowed a reconceptualization of the purposes of school science. These community leaders argued for an education for 'science in life' rather than an education about science.


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Aims To establish predictors of age 21 alcohol-related harm from prior drinking patterns, current levels of alcohol consumption and use of controlled drinking strategies.
Participants One thousand, five hundred and ninety-six students recruited from an initial sample of 3300 during their final year of high school in 1993.
Design Longitudinal follow-up across five waves of data collection.
Setting Post high school in Victoria, Australia.
Measurements Self-administered surveys examining a range of health behaviours, including alcohol consumption patterns and related behaviour.
Findings Drinking behaviours at age 21 were found to be strongly predicted by drinking trajectories established through the transition from high school. Multivariate regression analysis revealed that alcohol-related harms at age 21 were reduced where current levels of alcohol use fell within limits recommended in Australian national guidelines. After controlling for this effect it was found that the range of strategies employed by participants to control alcohol use maintained a small protective influence. Post-high-school drinking trajectories continued to demonstrate a significant effect after controlling for current behaviours. Findings revealed that over one quarter of males and females drank alcohol, but on a less-than-weekly basis. This pattern of alcohol use demonstrated considerable stability through the post-school transition and was associated with a low level of subsequent harm at age 21.
Conclusions Future research should investigate whether encouraging more Australian adolescents to drink alcohol on a less-than-weekly basis may be a practical intervention target for reducing alcohol-related harms.


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Aims To establish predictors of age 21 alcohol-related harm from prior drinking patterns, current levels of alcohol consumption and use of controlled drinking strategies.

Participants One thousand, five hundred and ninety-six students recruited from an initial sample of 3300 during their final year of high school in 1993.

Design Longitudinal follow-up across five waves of data collection.

Setting Post high school in Victoria, Australia.

Measurements Self-administered surveys examining a range of health behaviours, including alcohol consumption patterns and related behaviour.

Findings Drinking behaviours at age 21 were found to be strongly predicted by drinking trajectories established through the transition from high school. Multivariate regression analysis revealed that alcohol-related harms at age 21 were reduced where current levels of alcohol use fell within limits recommended in Australian national guidelines. After controlling for this effect it was found that the range of strategies employed by participants to control alcohol use maintained a small protective influence. Post-high-school drinking trajectories continued to demonstrate a significant effect after controlling for current behaviours. Findings revealed that over one quarter of males and females drank alcohol, but on a less-than-weekly basis. This pattern of alcohol use demonstrated considerable stability through the post-school transition and was associated with a low level of subsequent harm at age 21.

Conclusions Future research should investigate whether encouraging more Australian adolescents to drink alcohol on a less-than-weekly basis may be a practical intervention target for reducing alcohol-related harms.


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Using a sample of 446 secondary students who had participated in a vocational education and training in school (VETiS) program, this study compares the experiences and perceptions of students who had undertaken a work placement with those who had not. The study shows that students who had participated in work placement enjoyed the VETiS experience more than those who had not, and that the work placement had assisted them in their decision whether to stay at school or not. A factor analysis of results showed a factor associated with self-confidence about employability, and a factor associated with assistance in achieving specific post-school employment. Students who had completed a work placement were significantly higher on both these factors than students who had not.

These results are consistent with other research in the field, and it is argued that the work placement experience plays a considerable part in developing student agency in the decisions and the journey that they make in their transition from school to work.


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It is often argued that economically marginalized young women occupy a school and post-school underclass, and that this underclass has a particular culture associated with it. Such views provoke a profound ambivalence in many of those who work with such young people. On the one hand, they are anxious to acknowledge the culture of the communities to which marginalized young women belong. On the other hand, they wish to avoid the pernicious implications of underclass theories that suggest disadvantage is the result of the culture and values of marginalized social groupings. This paper offers an overview and feminist critique of the structuralist and cultural or behaviourist strands of underclass theory. It focuses particularly on the work of Charles Murray, a major proponent of the culturalist perspective and the representation of the single mother in this discourse. It then considers how a less punitive theorization of marginalized cultures might be achieved by drawing on and adapting concepts from Pierre Bourdieu's sociology. The paper reflects on how such ideas might serve as a way of exploring how gender impacts on the forms of cultural capital available to young women in difficult economic circumstances.


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Just over a decade ago the authors set out to select and follow a range of young people from the age of 12 and their end of primary or first days in secondary school, to the age of 18 when most of them had embarked on the first steps of the post-school lives. Students from four different types of schools were chosen: a Melbourne high school, a high school in a Victorian regional city, a large non-government school, and a secondary school that had once been a technical school. The students were interviewed twice a year about their views of self, of school, of the future. In this article the authors discuss two aspects of the study: what sense did they get of schools and their effects on the subjectivities being formed by young people today? And, what sense did the authors get of how gender is working in young lives now? The article outlines some of the findings in relation to these two issues.


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Background This study explored 'loneliness' as experienced by adults with intellectual disability, with 'intermittent' to 'limited' support needs.

Method A measure of loneliness was piloted, and qualitative techniques used to develop a greater understanding of the participants' experience.

Results The Loneliness Scale proved valid and reliable and the participants reported loneliness in ways comparable with the general population.

Conclusions The findings demonstrate the effectiveness of combining quantitative and qualitative techniques to enhance understanding of people's perspective when developing support systems to promote their quality of life. Based on participant perspectives, recommendations are made concerning the issues and types of support families and professionals could consider when seeking to assist people with intellectual disability address loneliness. Further investigation of the effects of differing educational and vocational opportunities on people's post-school social networks appears warranted.


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Background: Obesity is a well-known cause of cardiovascular disease burden and premature death, but effects on depressive symptoms remain equivocal. Depressive symptoms may be more common among the obese individuals who perceive themselves as overweight, rather than those who perceive themselves as having an acceptable weight. Our aim was to determine whether weight status and weight perceptions are independently associated with psychological distress.

Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study using data from the Australian National Health Survey 2004–2005 (N=17 253). All variables were collected by self-report. Adjusted multinomial logistic regression analysis was conducted to generate prevalence odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) for medium (Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) scores of 20–29) and high (K10 scores of 30–50) psychological distress (compared with K10 scores of 10–19 as the reference) associated with weight status (standard body mass index (BMI) cutoffs for underweight, overweight and obesity vs normal weight), weight perception (perceived underweight and overweight vs acceptable weight) and weight misperception (incorrect with BMI vs correct with BMI) adjusting for numerous important covariates.

Results: Overweight and underweight perception increased the odds of medium (40 and 50%) and high (50 and 120%) psychological distress, whereas weight status and weight misperception were not associated with psychological distress in adjusted analysis. Gender, alcohol consumed per week and post-school education were not significant covariates (at P<0.10 level).

Conclusions: Overweight and underweight perception rather than weight status or weight misperception are significant risk factors associated with medium and high psychological distress prevalence and effects appear to be uniform for men and women. Well-designed prospective studies are still needed to determine whether weight perceptions cause psychological distress, and if so, whether symptoms are significantly reduced following effective intervention.


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Investigates educational disadvantage for students completing their secondary education in rural schools. For these students rural location has contributed reduced exposure to a broad range of literacy practices, and involvement in student cohorts with lower levels of socio-economic status, less extensive cultural knowledge and lower post-school aspirations.


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We estimate the causal labour market impacts of disability onset by gender, age and education levels up to 4 years after onset using longitudinal data from the Household Income and Labour Dynamics Australia survey and difference-in-difference propensity score matching techniques. We find lasting negative impacts on employment, especially full-time employment, which is due more to reduced movement into full-time employment than downshifting from full-time to part-time work following onset. Those without post-school education qualifications are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of onset and are more likely to be out of work and on income support than those with qualifications up to 4 years after onset, due in part because they have greater difficulty adjusting.


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The present study aims to investigate the conceptions of teachers and management team of the Colégio Nossa Senhora das Neves - Natal / RN about curriculum, school architecture and possible relationships established between these components. To develop the study, we rely on the theoretical contributions of Viñao Frago (2001), Escolano (2001); Benconstta (2005), among others, about the architecture school, and with regard to curriculum, ancoramo us in theoretical reflections Silva (2000, 2006, 2008). We assume that the school place is a social construct and as such, reflects the interests of certain groups, to organize, establish ways to condition their unctions and uses. In this space, people's lives is planned, both those who work there, as those who study there. Thus, the architecture school promotes, through representations, signs, symbols and shapes, certain charges that impact the ways of being and acting subjects by establishing appropriation and expropriation of rights and legitimate forms of inclusion and exclusion. Thus, it is an expression of power. A power that is expressed in the form of lead the way people should behave in a certain space. Clarity on these aspects of the architecture school is important, since in the same way that the opinion of several experts is important to discuss the adequacy of school architecture (environmentalists, architects, engineers, planners), the / the teacher / and the / as managers / must also meet the educational nature of the architecture school, so as to present its share of contribution in order to make the post-school conducive to learning multiple. From this perspective, we analyze the concepts of four teachers and eight individuals who are part of the management team of the CNSN, whose views were seized through participant observation, semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis. The construction of the data indicated levels of conceptual curriculum varied, ranging from those rooted in traditional theories of curriculum as those regarding the curriculum tied to discursive and contextual aspects. The conceptions of architecture school, predominantly focused on the aspects of the architecture school materials and most established subject, differently, relations between curriculum and school architecture


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Esta dissertação consiste em uma etnografia do cotidiano escolar, orientada conceitualmente a partir dos marcadores de diferenciação cor/raça, gênero e classe social. A motivação da pesquisa que iniciou a produção deste trabalho partiu da seguinte indagação: processos ofensivos verbais são processos identitários que se constroem a partir de referencias pedagógicos e de discursos docentes em cada escola? Com base em uma trajetória de pesquisa iniciada em 2006, realizada inicialmente na Escola Alexandre Zacharias de Assumpção e posteriormente estendida ao Colégio Madre Zarife Sales, no bairro do Guamá, periferia de Belém do Pará, tento discutir o alcance destas instituições no cotidiano educacional vivido fora delas por seus discentes, ao identificar práticas dinâmicas de viver os espaços urbanos da cidade a partir do ir e voltar da escola. As duas escolas são definidas como escolas de referência no bairro, pois simbolizam, para as clientelas de estudantes por elas atendidas, a possibilidade de sucesso profissional pós-escola entre muitas famílias no bairro. Por outro lado, tento mostrar as contradições internas nas duas escolas para sugerir a ocorrência de acessos diferenciados aos serviços educacionais e ao próprio capital cultural docente conforme o turno em que se estuda. Discuto destacadamente a ocorrência de trocas de ofensas verbais raciais e não-raciais entre os estudantes conforme os marcadores de diferenciação assinalados, para tentar responder a problematização da pesquisa. Depois tento identificar as várias modalidades simbólicas do discurso de mestiçagem como um discurso abrangente que é por mim concebido como a face inversa das ofensas verbais raciais e do não-reconhecimento do racismo nelas existentes pelo corpo institucional, isto é, por docentes, funcionários e gestores.


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This article describes a collaborative and cross-curricula initiative undertaken in the School of Education at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. The project involved developing an integrated approach to providing professional year pre-service secondary teacher education students with experiences that would assist them to develop their knowledge and skills to teach students with special needs in their classrooms. These experiences were undertaken in the authentic teaching and learning context of a post-school literacy program for young adults with intellectual disabilities. In preliminary interviews pre-service teachers revealed that they lacked experience, knowledge and understanding related to teaching students with special needs, and felt that their teacher education program lacked focus in this field. This project was developed in response to these expressed needs. Through participating in the project, pre-service teachers' knowledge and understanding about working with students with diverse learning needs were developed as they undertook real and purposeful tasks in an authentic context.