996 resultados para police training


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This research applied qualitative and narrative methodology to investigate police officers' professional practice and learning. Analysis of the data revealed three thematic frameworks of power-knowledge relations, practice and knowledge, and gender and (dis)embodied practice that harboured doubtful matters (aporias) and blind spots (lacunae). The potential for change and the possibility of different perspectives and new learning was evident. Paradigmatic shifts in thinking, learning and practice are needed for police officers to develop reflexive practice that is social, relational, agential, and embodied, however, limitations and constraints exist based on the strength and resilience of dominant pedagogies influenced by social, cultural, institutional and occupational practices and discourses.


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The main focus of the research is on the genealogy of women's same-sex fornication in Finnish criminal law from 1889/1894 to 1971. Why were women included in the concept of same-sex fornication in Finland and why, where, and when was the law put into effect? Which women were tried, how did the trial proceedings evolve, and what kind of effects did the trials have afterwards? Which concepts were used? These questions have been approached through the analysis of the Finnish Penal Code, the criminal law science and four trial proceedings in Eastern Finland during the 1950s. The research draws on the epistemology of the closet and the concept of heteronormativity adapted from queer theories. It is method critical in utilising ethnography, micro history and feminist ethical self-reflection. The research consists of six scientific refereed articles (see appendix) and of a theoretical introduction. The main results of the research are: 1) The genealogy of Finnish decency [Sittlichkeit] can not be researched without oral histories, due to the late modernisation of Finnish society and the legal system, which does not follow the pattern of English, French and German societies. 2) The inclusion of women's same-sex fornication in the Finnish Penal Code is not incomprehensible when compared to the early modern European legislations and court practices. Women have been punished for the sins of Sodom, though not directly under the 1734 Swedish law. 3) Fornication and decency were ambivalent concepts in the 1889/1894 law, and juridical authorities offered controversial interpretations of them during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. 4) A peak in women's convictions occurred in the 1950s, and most of the trial proceedings took place in rural Eastern Finland. Neither the state nor the police were active in prosecuting; instead, the trial proceedings began "by accident". 5) From 1940 to 1960 police training lacked instructions concerning the interrogation of women suspected of same-sex fornication. 6) The figure of the penitent woman was produced in the chiasmic encounter of confession and police interrogation which moulded and was moulded by the epistemological matrix of shame, honour, and decency. Women's speech acts were judicialised as confessions which enabled the disciplinary tampering with the women's bodies. 7) Gender and personality, more than sexuality, or "criminality" defined the status of the convicted women in their village communities after the trials. 8) Relations between police training, sexuality, and decency have not been well researched in Finland. 9) Decriminalisation in 1971 did not mark the end of homophobic legal discourse, even though the 1999 reform of sexual crimes took the form of gender neutral conceptualisation


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This master dissertation is to bring a contribution to the reflection on the need to strengthen cross-border cooperation, among the various entities applying the law with a view to building a European security culture through police training. On this basis, it proposes a reflection on the new security paradigm, focused on the demanding and informed security needs by the citizen due to an increasingly transnational crime throughout the different States. This development, coupled with globalization itself, led to the definition of strategies to gear the work of the police in preventing and combating new criminal phenomena such as the European Internal Security Strategy. However, without a true safety culture, which fosters trust among the various actors and ensures a coordinated and uniform action of the police, it will not be easy to achieve the desired effectiveness in protecting the fundamental rights that underpin European integration. Against this background, attempts to explain that the implementation of a common European training program for the police (LETS) is the way forward, with a view to a more effective security in the Union, based on values that embody a genuine European security culture, coveted by all, based on an idea of governance held at different levels of intervention, European, regional and national levels.


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The current study extends debate and research on the important role of practice in promoting and sustaining complex skills in investigative interviewing. Specifically, we explored the use of self-initiated practice as one avenue for facilitating ongoing development of professionals who interview children about abuse. A group of 40 investigative interviewers were required to organise and administer their own practice opportunities and to document these sessions in a diary. The professionals were aware of the important role of practice and what constitutes best-practice interview guidelines; however no instruction was given about the desired format, structure and timing of the practice sessions. A combination of quantitative and qualitative analyses revealed poor adherence to self-initiated practice, and the practice (among those who adhered to this model) had negligible impact on performance. Overall, these findings highlight the need for careful monitoring and evaluation of all interviewer practice tasks.


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Research on the topic of investigative interviewing of suspected sex offenders is still in its infancy, with the majority of work to date focusing on developing theories underlying confessions, and reflecting on the value of specific interview techniques that have been observed in the field. This paper provides a synthesis of the literature in order to produce a preliminary guide to best practice for the interviewing of this particular interviewee group. Specifically, this review is structured around five elements that should be considered when planning for and administering the interview. These elements include: (a) establishing rapport, (b) introducing the topic of concern, (c) eliciting narrative detail, (d) clarification/specific questions and (e) closure. The unique contribution of this paper is its practical focus, and its synthesis of findings across a variety of streams, including the general eyewitness memory literature, legislation and case law, therapeutic literature, and research specifically related to the interviewing of offenders (including confessions). At the conclusion of the review, recommendations are offered for further research.


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This study provides one of the first objective evaluations of the performance of a group of Australian police officers when conducting interviews about child abuse. The interviews included 136 videotaped child witness statements, conducted between 2001 and 2007 by police officers from two jurisdictions of Australia. The results indicated many positive aspects of the interviewers' performance, including the use of ground rules at the outset of the interview, commencement of the free-narrative account by seeking the children's understanding of the purpose of the interview, and avoidance of suggestive questions. But the interviewers tended to raise issues of contention when the child did not provide an initial disclosure, and the proportion of open-ended questions was low relative to specific cued-recall and closed questions. Further many closed questions raised specific details not yet mentioned by the child. These behaviours were exhibited irrespective of the recency of interview or time since training. The implications of these findings are discussed.


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Recent research has established that investigative interviewers have difficulty adhering to openended questions and instead ask specific questions when interviewing children about abuse. The current study aims to examine the themes in abuse-related interviews that trigger investigators to ask specific questions. Twenty police officers who were authorised to conduct investigative interviews with children completed a mock interview with an expert in child abuse interviewing who had been trained to play the role of an abused child. During the interview, the officers were stopped by a researcher and asked to reflect on why they had asked specific questions. Overall, the results revealed five areas where the officers deviated from open-ended questions. These related to: (1) the identity of the alleged offender; (2) the meaning of terms used by the child to describe genitals; (3) whether or not penetration occurred; (4) the offender's intent and motives; and (5) the timing of the abuse and where it occurred. Each of these themes is discussed, along with the implications for trainers and researchers in child abuse interviewing.


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The implementation of the first iteration of a curriculum for an applied learning programme for police trainers received a hostile response from participants. It was perceived as irrelevant and supplanting, rather than augmenting, trainers’ fixed and untested training practices. This paper presents the reflections on my journey as a nonpolice person straddling an outsider-insider position while challenging that which is taken-for-granted and introducing an educative intent, as opposed to a doctrinal, technical intent, to police training. On a daily basis I simultaneously work within and against the prevailing D/discourses and dominant subcultures, while establishing and nurturing relationships with police trainers: being teacher, coach and ‘critical friend’. The response to the second and now third iterations of the learning programme has been increasingly positive, revealing shifts in trainers’ thinking and practice.


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Esta dissertação teve como objetivo compreender de que maneira a cultura organizacional da polícia militar influencia o modelo de gestão da instituição. O cotidiano institucional da policia militar é repleto de situações que servem de objeto de argüição sobre o processo de construção da identidade do policial militar como resultante de um comportamento normativo e disciplinar que consolida conceitos historicamente enraizados, os quais se repassam de geração a geração. O modo de agir do policial militar configura uma cultura institucional que reforça a crise de segurança instalada na sociedade. Frente a tal realidade, a gestão institucional passa a ser um importante objeto de investigação capaz de contribuir com mudanças no trabalho policial militar, pois ainda persiste no modus operandi da segurança pública uma ação tipicamente ligada ao controle da violência mediante o uso da violência. Presumivelmente, esse papel seria exercido através do cumprimento da doutrina que atualmente é ensinada nas academias militares. No entanto, essas formulações são usadas como anteparo e reforço de valores militares rígidos, configurando a cultura organizacional da instituição, de maneira que tais preceitos e as práticas que as acompanham são as referências principais do discurso teórico e dos argumentos ideológicos da Polícia Militar. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as bases doutrinárias, transplantadas do exército brasileiro e que originaram as policias militares, persistem até os dias atuais nessa instituição e resultou na absorção da doutrina militar expressa no pensamento, símbolos, modus operandi e estrutura, o que a mantém sob controle rígido, atendendo às expectativas do Estado em detrimento do povo ou da própria policia; a cultura organizacional da polícia militar permanece quase inalterada desde suas origens, o que a coloca em dissonância com a realidade contemporânea; o modelo de gestão que a polícia militar utilizar foi construído a partir da base ideológica de suas origens, centrado na hierarquia e na disciplina, e que tem no cumprimento do regulamento o foco central da gestão; e que o modelo de gestão praticado pela polícia militar impede o cumprimento de sua missão institucional e social porque seu foco está deslocado, ou seja, ao invés de focar a solução dos problemas de segurança e defesa dos direitos da sociedade visa ao cumprimento linear, puro e simples do regulamento militar (Esse trecho está muito confuso!! Não consigo entender o que você quis dizer). A conclusão é que a cultura organizacional das polícias militares determina o modelo de gestão contemporâneo da instituição focado na militarização. É um modelo que privilegia a hierarquia e a disciplina (e ao apego ao regulamento), em detrimento do capital intelectual e da participação de seus membros e da sociedade na identificação e solUção dos seus objetivos e metas. Como resultado, a polícia militar se distanciou da solução de sua missão institucional e social, o que levou a sociedade a se ressentir de proteção e defesa de seus direitos.


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A Ciência Policial, ainda que controversa sua real existência, pode ser um importante meio de prova da verdade, destinada a produzir a convicção do julgador na decisão de um crime, sendo uma especialização recente e muito pouco explorada pela literatura técnica nacional. O presente estudo visa caracterizar a formação e o desenvolvimento profissional dos Peritos Criminais Federais, lotados no Departamento de Polícia Federal. Para isso, foi realizado trabalho de pesquisa envolvendo um embasamento teórico, o levantamento de dados colhidos a partir dos Peritos e suas chefias imediatas nos Setores Técnico-Científicos, além de entrevistas com dirigentes da Academia Nacional de Polícia, localizada em Brasília - DF. A primeira parte do trabalho apresenta uma introdução e a revisão bibliográfica, com breve histórico do Sistema de Ensino Policial no Brasil, conceitos de Educação Corporativa e desenvolvimento de competências, assim como aspectos da formação e desenvolvimento policial na Academia Nacional de Polícia, do Departamento de Polícia Federal. A segunda parte trata justamente da forma como essa pesquisa foi organizada e de sua coleta dos dados. A metodologia empregada utiliza uma abordagem transdisciplinar, característica sempre presente na própria formação e desenvolvimento do policial. A terceira, a análise dos dados, leva às conclusões do estudo realizado e elenca as principais características da formação e desenvolvimento profissional do Perito Criminal Federal. Finalmente, a conclusão encerra a dissertação, apresentando sugestões para futuras pesquisas a respeito da matéria.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Title from cover.


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Description based on: 1979-1980; title from cover.


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Bibliography: leaves 38-39.