981 resultados para polarized absorption spectra
Quasar (QSO) absorption spectra provide an extremely useful probe of possible cosmological variation in various physical constants. Comparison of H i 21-cm absorption with corresponding molecular (rotational) absorption spectra allows us to constrain variation in , where α is the fine-structure constant and gp is the proton g-factor. We analyse spectra of two QSOs, PKS 1413+135 and TXS 0218+357, and derive values of at absorption redshifts of and 0.6847 by simultaneous fitting of the H i 21-cm and molecular lines. We find and respectively, indicating an insignificantly smaller y in the past. We compare our results with other constraints from the same two QSOs given recently by Drinkwater et al. and Carilli et al., and with our recent optical constraints, which indicated a smaller α at higher redshifts.
We study the effects of driving a two-level atom by two intense field modes that have equal frequencies but are otherwise distinguishable; the intensity of one mode is also assumed to be greater than that of the other. We calculate first the dressed states of the system, and then its resonance fluorescence and Autler-Townes absorption spectra. We find that the energy spectrum of the doubly dressed atom consists of a ladder of doublet continua. These continua manifest themselves in the fluorescence spectrum, where they produce continua at the positions of the Mellow sideband frequencies omega(L)+/-2 Omega of the strong field, and in the Autler-Townes absorption spectrum, which becomes a two-continuum doublet.
Polarized absorption and emission spectra of trigonal single crystals of an Er(III) complex coordinated to a heptadentate tripodal ligand are reported at temperatures between 8 and 298 K. The assigned energy levels below the onset of ligand absorption (< 25 000 cm(-1)) are fitted to a parametrized electronic Hamiltonian. The C-3 site symmetry of the Er(HI) ion requires eight parameters for a full description of the ligand field within a one-electron operator description. This compound shows unusually large splittings of the multiplets, and the fitted parameters imply that this heptadentate ligand imparts the largest ligand field reported for an Er(III) complex. The ligand field was also interpreted within the angular overlap model (AOM). We derive the AOM matrix to include both sigma and anisotropic pi bonding and show that a useful description of the C-3 ligand field can be made using only five parameters. The success of the AOM description is encouraging for applications on isomorphous complexes within the lanthanide series and in describing the ligand field of low-symmetry complexes with less parameters than in the usual spherical harmonic expansion.
Optical absorption spectra and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations on InGaAs/InP layers under compressive strain are reported. From the band¿gap energy dispersion, the magnitude of the strain inhomogeneities. Is quantified and its microscopic origin is analyzed in view of the layer microstructure. TEM observations reveal a dislocation network at the layer interface the density of which correlates with ¿¿. It is concluded that local variations of dislocation density are responsible for the inhomogeneous strain field together with another mechanism that dominates when the dislocation density is very low.
Impurity free eluission spectra of HCCCHO and DCCCHO have been rephotographed using the electronic-energy-exchange method with benzene as a carrier gas. The near ultraviolet spectra of ReeCHO and DCCCHO were photographed in a sorption under conditions of high resolution with absorption path lengths up to 100 meters. The emission and absorption spectra of Propynal resulting from 3 n 1 t 1\ - A excitation has been reanalyzed in som.e detail. Botrl of the eH out-of-plane wagging modes were found to have negative anharmonicity. A barrier height of 56.8/0.0 cm- 1 and a nonplanar oft , , equilibrium angle of 17 3 /30 are calculated for the V 10/ lJ 11 modes. The in-plane and out-of-plane v1. brational modes in the 3A." and 1a~. ' elec ronic states of Propynal were subjected to a normal coordinate treatment in the approximat :on of tIle Urey-Bradley force field. From the relative oscillator strengths of the trans1·t1·0ns connect i ng t he v ibrat1•0n1ess lA' , state and t,he V1· bron1·C 3· if levels of the A state, the differences in equilibrium configuration were evaluated from an approximate Franck-Condon analysis based on the ground state normal coordinates. As this treatment gave 512 possible geometrical structures for the upper state, it 4 was necessary to resort to a comparison of the observed and calculated moments of inertia along with chemical intuition to isolate the structure. A test of the correctness of the calculated structure change and the vibrational assignment was raade by evaluating the intensities of the inplane and out-oi-plane fundarnental, sequence, and cross sequellce transitions y the exact Franck-Condon method.
Optical absorption studies of free base and rare earth incorporated phthalocyanine doped borate glass matrix are reported for the first lime. The absorption spectra recorded in the UV- VIS region show two well defined absorption bands of phthalocyanine (Pc) molecule, namely the Soret band (B) and the Q band. The Q band always shows its characteristic splitting in all the doped glass matrices and the intensities of these components are found to vary from one Pc to another. Some of the important optical parameters, namely optical absorption coefficient (a), molar extinction coefficient (ε), absorption cross section (σa), oscillator strength (f), electric dipole strength (q2), absorption half bandwidth (Δλ) of the principal optical transitions have also been evaluated. Moreover, the spectral dependence of refractive index (n) and thereby the optical dielectric constant (ε) on wavelength yielded values of carrier concentration to effective mass ratio (N/m*) of the phthalocyanine molecule in the present glassy systems. Optical band gap (Eg) and width of the band tail (Et) are computed and their variations among the prepared samples are also discussed.
Absorption spectra of formaldehyde molecule in the gas phase have been recorded using photoacoustic (PA) technique with pulsed dye laser at various power levels. The spectral profiles at higher power levels are found to be different from that obtained at lower laser powers. Two photon absorption (TPA) is found to be responsible for the photoacoustic signal at higher laser power while the absorption at lower laser power level is attributed to one photon absorption (OPA) process. Probable assignments for the different transitions are given in this paper.
The absorption cross-sections of Cl2O6 and Cl2O4 have been obtained using a fast flow reactor with a diode array spectrometer (DAS) detection system. The absorption cross-sections at the wavelengths of maximum absorption (lambda(max)) determined in this study are those of Cl2O6: (1.47 +/- 0.15) x 10(-17) cm(2) molecule(-1), at lambda(max) = 276 nm and T = 298 K; and Cl2O4: (9.0 +/- 2.0) x 10(-19) cm(2) molecule(-1), at lambda(max) = 234 nm and T = 298 K. Errors quoted are two standard deviations together with estimates of the systematic error. The shapes of the absorption spectra were obtained over the wavelength range 200-450 nm for Cl2O6 and 200-350 nm for Cl2O4, and were normalized to the absolute cross-sections obtained at lambda(max) for each oxide, and are presented at 1 nm intervals. These data are discussed in relation to previous measurements. The reaction of O with OCIO has been investigated with the objective of observing transient spectroscopic absorptions. A transient absorption was seen, and the possibility is explored of identifying the species with the elusive sym-ClO3 or ClO4, both of which have been characterized in matrices, but not in the gas-phase. The photolysis of OCIO was also re-examined, with emphasis being placed on the products of reaction. UV absorptions attributable to one of the isomers of the ClO dimer, chloryl chloride (ClClO2) were observed; some Cl2O4 was also found at long photolysis times, when much of the ClClO2 had itself been photolysed. We suggest that reports of Cl2O6 formation in previous studies could be a consequence of a mistaken identification. At low temperatures, the photolysis of OCIO leads to the formation of Cl2O3 as a result of the addition of the ClO primary product to OCIO. ClClO2 also appears to be one product of the reaction between O-3 and OCIO, especially when the reaction occurs under explosive conditions. We studied the kinetics of the non-explosive process using a stopped-flow technique, and suggest a value for the room-temperature rate coefficient of (4.6 +/- 0.9) x 10(-19) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1) (limit quoted is 2sigma random errors). The photochemical and thermal decomposition of Cl2O6 is described in this paper. For photolysis at k = 254 nm, the removal of Cl2O6 is not accompanied by the build up of any other strong absorber. The implications of the results are either that the photolysis of Cl2O6 produces Cl-2 directly, or that the initial photofragments are converted rapidly to Cl-2. In the thermal decomposition of Cl2O6, Cl2O4 was shown to be a product of reaction, although not necessarily the major one. The kinetics of decomposition were investigated using the stopped-flow technique. At relatively high [OCIO] present in the system, the decay kinetics obeyed a first-order law, with a limiting first-order rate coefficient of 0.002 s(-1). (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The optical absorption spectra of two samples of grossular have been measured at room temperature. An intense charge transfer band (UVCT) of iron extends to the visible and near infrared region. Some peaks associated to Fe3+ ions in tetrahedral and octahedral positions have been identified and their energy levels were computed. Mn2+ and Fe2+ ions are responsible with some bands and probably these ions occupy dodecahedral positions. No change in the intensity of optical absorption spectra were found after gamma dose, but only the 505 nm band decreases with irradiation. The OH spectra, consisting of OH overtones at 2750nm and asymmetric OH bands in the near infrared region were observed in the two samples. The heat treatment produces Fe2+ -> Fe3+ and Mn2+ -> Mn3+ by oxidation. This last was observed in sample II only. The thermally stimulated luminescence of both grossular samples has been investigated. Due to differences in iron and manganese concentration, not only a large difference has been observed in their optical absorption behavior, but also a striking difference in their thermoluminescent behavior. Actually, it is not clear whether other impurities such as Ti, Na and K that are present in quite different concentration in grossular I and II are also contributing to the thermoluminescenct properties of both samples. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Two-photon absorption spectra of a triarylamine compounds dissolved in toluene were measured using the well-known Z-scan technique, employing 120-fs laser pulse-width. According to the results, an extra band located at around 900 nm was observed only for triarylamine with azoaromatic units. On the other hand, a shift in the two-photon absorption band for triarylamine, with and without azoaromatic units, is observed when different electron donor/acceptors groups are changed. The fitting of the spectra, using sum-over-states model, allowed us to obtain the spectroscopic parameters of each molecule, which appears to be in reasonable agreement with molecules presenting similar structural moieties. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We study the relationship between the optical gap and the optical-absorption tail breadth for the case of amorphous gallium arsenide (a-GaAs). In particular, we analyze the optical-absorption spectra corresponding to some recently prepared a-GaAs samples. The optical gap and the optical-absorption tail breadth corresponding to each sample is determined. Plotting the optical gap as a function of the corresponding optical-absorption tail breadth, we note that a trend, similar to that found for the cases of the hydrogenated amorphous silicon and hydrogenated amorphous germanium, is also found for the case of a-GaAs. The impact of alloying on the optical-absorption spectrum associated with a-GaAs is also briefly examined. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.
Knowledge about nonlinear absorption spectra of materials used in photonic devices is of paramount importance in determining their optimum operation wavelengths. In this work, we have investigated the two-photon absorption (2PA) degenerate cross-section spectrum for perylene derivatives using the Z-scan technique with femtosecond laser pulses. All perylene derivatives studied present large 2PA cross-sections, only comparable to the best ones reported in the literature. The results achieved in the present investigation indicate perylene derivatives as promising materials for two-photon applications. ©2005 Optical Society of America.
The present paper is a comprehensive study concerning Fe K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) measurements, which were performed to characterize the local structure of (1 - x)Pb(Fe2/3W1/3)O 3-xPbTiO3 samples as a function of temperature and PbTiO3 content. Results obtained by the fits of extended X-ray absorption fine structure consist with rhombohedral symmetry for Pb(Fe 2/3W1/3)O3 composition at temperatures lower than room temperature. This result is in apparent disagreement with X-ray and neutron diffraction characterization which have been reported. This apparent disagreement is related to the fact that XAS probes the short-range order, whereas X-ray diffraction provides structural information about the average structure. Moreover, as the PbTiO3 content increases, a disorder has been detected at local structure of the FeO6 octahedron. Analysis of X-ray absorption near edge structure spectra did not show modifications in intensity nor energy of transitions. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.