970 resultados para peripheral nerve block


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The suprascapular nerve (SSN) block is frequently performed for different shoulder pain conditions and for perioperative and postoperative pain control after shoulder surgery. Blind and image-guided techniques have been described, all of which target the nerve within the supraspinous fossa or at the suprascapular notch. This classic target point is not always ideal when ultrasound (US) is used because it is located deep under the muscles, and hence the nerve is not always visible. Blocking the nerve in the supraclavicular region, where it passes underneath the omohyoid muscle, could be an attractive alternative.


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Objectiveâ To develop an ultrasound-guided technique for retrobulbar nerve block in horses, and to compare the distribution of three different volumes of injected contrast medium (CM) (4, 8 and 12âƒmL), with the hypothesis that successful placement of the needle within the retractor bulbi muscle cone would lead to the most effective dispersal of CM towards the nerves leaving the orbital fissure. Study designâ Prospective experimental cadaver study. Animalsâ Twenty equine cadavers. Methodsâ Ultrasound-guided retrobulbar injections were performed in 40 cadaver orbits. Ultrasound visualization of needle placement within the retractor bulbi muscle cone and spread of injected CM towards the orbital fissure were scored. Needle position and destination of CM were then assessed using computerized tomography (CT), and comparisons performed between ultrasonographic visualization of orbital structures and success rate of injections (intraconal needle placement, CM reaching the orbital fissure). Resultsâ Higher scores for ultrasound visualization resulted in a higher success rate for intraconal CM injection, as documented on the CT images. Successful intraconal placement of the needle (22/34 orbits) resulted in CM always reaching the orbital fissure. CM also reached the orbital fissure in six orbits where needle placement was extraconal. With 4, 8 and 12âƒmL CM, the orbital fissure was reached in 16/34, 23/34 and 28/34 injections, respectively. Conclusion and clinical relevanceâ The present study demonstrates the use of ultrasound for visualization of anatomical structures and needle placement during retrobulbar injections in equine orbits. However, this approach needs to be repeated in controlled clinical trials to assess practicability and effectiveness in clinical practice.


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REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Evidence-based information is limited on distribution of local anaesthetic solution following perineural analgesia of the palmar (Pa) and palmar metacarpal (PaM) nerves in the distal aspect of the metacarpal (Mc) region ('low 4-point nerve block'). OBJECTIVES: To demonstrate the potential distribution of local anaesthetic solution after a low 4-point nerve block using a radiographic contrast model. METHODS: A radiodense contrast medium was injected subcutaneously over the medial or the lateral Pa nerve at the junction of the proximal three-quarters and distal quarter of the Mc region (Pa injection) and over the ipsilateral PaM nerve immediately distal to the distal aspect of the second or fourth Mc bones (PaM injection) in both forelimbs of 10 mature horses free from lameness. Radiographs were obtained 0, 10 and 20 min after injection and analysed subjectively and objectively. Methylene blue and a radiodense contrast medium were injected in 20 cadaver limbs using the same techniques. Radiographs were obtained and the limbs dissected. RESULTS: After 31/40 (77.5%) Pa injections, the pattern of the contrast medium suggested distribution in the neurovascular bundle. There was significant proximal diffusion with time, but the main contrast medium patch never progressed proximal to the mid-Mc region. The radiological appearance of 2 limbs suggested that contrast medium was present in the digital flexor tendon sheath (DFTS). After PaM injections, the contrast medium was distributed diffusely around the injection site in the majority of the limbs. In cadaver limbs, after Pa injections, the contrast medium and the dye were distributed in the neurovascular bundle in 8/20 (40%) limbs and in the DFTS in 6/20 (30%) of limbs. After PaM injections, the contrast and dye were distributed diffusely around the injection site in 9/20 (45%) limbs and showed diffuse and tubular distribution in 11/20 (55%) limbs. CONCLUSIONS AND POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Proximal diffusion of local anaesthetic solution after a low 4-point nerve block is unlikely to be responsible for decreasing lameness caused by pain in the proximal Mc region. The DFTS may be penetrated inadvertently when performing a low 4-point nerve block.


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Recently, our study group demonstrated the usefulness of ultrasonographic guidance in ilioinguinal/iliohypogastric nerve blocks in children. As a consequence, we designed a follow-up study to evaluate the optimal volume of local anesthetic for this regional anesthetic technique. Using a modified step-up-step-down approach, with 10 children in each study group, a starting dose of 0.2 mL/kg of 0.25% levobupivacaine was administered to perform an ilioinguinal/iliohypogastric nerve block under ultrasonographic guidance. After each group of 10 patients, the results were analyzed, and if all blocks were successful, the volume of local anesthetic was decreased by 50%, and a further 10 patients were enrolled into the study. Failure to achieve a 100% success rate within a group subjected patients to an automatic increase of half the previous volume reduction to be used in the subsequent group. Using 0.2 and 0.1 mL/kg of 0.25% levobupivacaine, the success rate was 100%. With a volume of 0.05 mL/kg of 0.25% levobupivacaine, 4 of 10 children received additional analgesia because of an inadequate block. Therefore, according to the protocol, the amount was increased to 0.075 mL/kg of 0.25% levobupivacaine, where the success rate was again 100%. We conclude that ultrasonographic guidance for ilioinguinal/iliohypogastric nerve blocks in children allowed a reduction of the volume of local anesthetic to 0.075 mL/kg.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of continuously released BDNF on peripheral nerve regeneration in a rat model. Initial in vitro evaluation of calcium alginate prolonged-release-capsules (PRC) proved a consistent release of BDNF for a minimum of 8 weeks. In vivo, a worst case scenario was created by surgical removal of a 20-mm section of the sciatic nerve of the rat. Twenty-four autologous fascia tubes were filled with calcium alginate spheres and sutured to the epineurium of both nerve ends. The animals were divided into 3 groups. In group 1, the fascial tube contained plain calcium alginate spheres. In groups 2 and 3, the fascial tube contained calcium alginate spheres with BDNF alone or BDNF stabilized with bovine serum albumin, respectively. The autocannibalization of the operated extremity was clinically assessed and documented in 12 additional rats. The regeneration was evaluated histologically at 4 weeks and 10 weeks in a blinded manner. The length of nerve fibers and the numbers of axons formed in the tube was measured. Over a 10-week period, axons have grown significantly faster in groups 2 and 3 with continuously released BDNF compared to the control. The rats treated with BDNF (groups 2 and 3) demonstrated significantly less autocannibalization than the control group (group 1). These results suggest that BDNF may not only stimulate faster peripheral nerve regeneration provided there is an ideal, biodegradable continuous delivery system but that it significantly reduces the neuropathic pain in the rat model.


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A number of different neurorehabilitation strategies include manipulation of the somatosensory system, e.g. in the form of training by passive movement. Recently, peripheral electrical nerve stimulation has been proposed as a simple, painless method of enhancing rehabilitation of motor deficits. Several physiological studies both in animals and in humans indicate that a prolonged period of patterned peripheral electrical stimulation induces short-term plasticity at multiple levels of the motor system. Small-scale studies in humans indicate that these plastic changes are linked with improvement in motor function, particularly in patients with chronic motor deficits after stroke. Somatosensory-mediated disinhibition of motor pathways is a possible underlying mechanism and might explain why peripheral electrical stimulation is more effective when combined with active training. Further large-scale studies are needed to identify the optimal stimulation protocol and the patient groups that stand to benefit the most from this technique.


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An 8-year-old crossbred dog was presented with a one-month history of progressive weakness, respiratory impairment and abdominal distension. Surgical exploration revealed the presence of a splenic mass that infiltrated the mesentery and was adherent to the stomach and pancreas. The mass was composed of highly cellular areas of spindle-shaped cells arranged in interlacing bundles, streams, whorls and storiform patterns (Antoni A pattern) and less cellular areas with more loosely arranged spindle to oval cells (Antoni B pattern). The majority of neoplastic cells expressed vimentin, S-100 and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), but did not express desmin, alpha-smooth muscle actin or factor VIII. These morphological and immunohistochemical findings characterized the lesion as a malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour (PNST). Primary splenic PNST has not been documented previously in the dog.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the clinical usefulness, in terms of analgesic efficacy and safety, of ultrasound-guided pudendal nerve block performed with bupivacaine in cats undergoing perineal urethrostomy. Eighteen client-owned male cats scheduled for perineal urethrostomy were enrolled in the study and assigned to one of two treatment groups. The pudendal nerve block was performed under general anaesthesia as described elsewhere, with 0.3 ml/kg of either saline (group C) or 0.5% bupivacaine (group B) - the total injection volume being split equally on the two sites of injection (left and right). Intra-operatively, assessment of nociception was based on the rescue analgesics requirement, as well as on the evaluation of changes in physiological parameters in comparison with the baseline values. Post-operative pain assessment was performed using three different pain scales at recovery and then 1, 2 and 3 h after recovery. Cats in group B showed lower heart rates and required fewer analgesics during surgery than group C. Post-operatively, group B had lower pain scores and needed less rescue buprenorphine than group C. Iatrogenic block-related complications were not observed. In conclusion, the ultrasound-guided pudendal nerve block can be considered clinically useful in feline medicine as it provides reliable analgesia in cats undergoing perineal urethrostomy.


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Abnormal expression of heat shock proteins (HSPs) has been observed in many human neoplasms and such expression has prognostic, predictive and therapeutic implications. The aim of this study was to evaluate immunohistochemically the expression of HSP 27, HSP 32 and HSP 90 in normal canine peripheral nerves and in four benign and 15 malignant canine peripheral nerve sheath tumours (PNSTs). In normal nerve, all of the HSPs were detected in axons, epineurial fibroblasts and scattered Schwann cell bodies. Cytoplasmic expression of HSP 27 was more widespread and intense in benign PNSTs compared with malignant PNSTs (P <0.05). Widespread and intense nuclear expression of HSP 32 was also associated with benign tumours (P <0.01), while high HSP 90 immunoreactivity was detected in all tumours, suggesting that HSP 90 might represent a new therapeutic target.


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The objective of this prospective experimental cadaveric study was to develop an ultrasound-guided technique to perform an anaesthetic pudendal nerve block in male cats. Fifteen fresh cadavers were used for this trial. A detailed anatomical dissection was performed on one cat in order to scrutinise the pudendal nerve and its ramifications. In a second step, the cadavers of six cats were used to test three different ultrasonographic approaches to the pudendal nerve: the deep dorso-lateral, the superficial dorso-lateral and the median transperineal. Although none of the approaches allowed direct ultrasonographical identification of the pudendal nerve branches, the deep dorso-lateral was found to be the most advantageous one in terms of practicability and ability to identify useful and reliable landmarks. Based on these findings, the deep dorso-lateral approach was selected as technique of choice for tracer injections (0.1 ml 1% methylene blue injected bilaterally) in six cat cadavers distinct from those used for the ultrasonographical study. Anatomical dissection revealed a homogeneous spread of the tracer around the pudendal nerve sensory branches in all six cadavers. Finally, computed tomography was performed in two additional cadavers after injection of 0.3 ml/kg (0.15 ml/kg per each injection sites, left and right) contrast medium through the deep dorso-lateral approach in order to obtain a model of volume distribution applicable to local anaesthetics. Our findings in cat cadavers indicate that ultrasound-guided pudendal nerve block is feasible and could be proposed to provide peri-operative analgesia in clinical patients undergoing perineal urethrostomy.


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Anti-GM1 antibodies are present in some patients with autoimmune neurological disorders. These antibodies are most frequently associated with acute immune neuropathy called Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). Some clinical studies associate the presence of these antibodies with poor recovery in GBS. The patients with incomplete recovery have failure of nerve repair, particularly axon regeneration. Our previous work indicates that monoclonal antibodies can inhibit axon regeneration by engaging cell surface gangliosides (Lehmann et al., 2007). We asked whether passive transfer of human anti-GM1 antibodies from patients with GBS modulate axon regeneration in an animal model. Human anti-GM1 antibodies were compared with other GM1 ligands, cholera toxin B subunit and a monoclonal anti-GM1 antibody. Our results show that patient derived anti-GM1 antibodies and cholera toxin beta subunit impair axon regeneration/repair after PNS injury in mice. Comparative studies indicated that the antibody/ligand-mediated inhibition of axon regeneration is dependent on antibody/ligand characteristics such as affinity-avidity and fine specificity. These data indicate that circulating immune effectors such as human autoantibodies, which are exogenous to the nervous system, can modulate axon regeneration/nerve repair in autoimmune neurological disorders such as GBS.


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OBJECTIVE To describe the nerve stimulator-guided sciatic-femoral nerve block in raptors undergoing surgical treatment of pododermatitis. STUDY DESIGN Prospective clinical trial. ANIMALS Five captive raptors (Falco peregrinus) aged 6.7 ± 1.3 years. METHODS Anaesthesia was induced and maintained with isoflurane in oxygen. The sciatic-femoral nerve block was performed with 2% lidocaine (0.05 mL kg(-1) per nerve) as the sole intra-operative analgesic treatment. Intraoperative physiological variables were recorded every 10 minutes from endotracheal intubation until the end of anaesthesia. Assessment of intraoperative nociception was based on changes in physiological variables above baseline values, while evaluation of postoperative pain relied on species-specific behavioural indicators. RESULTS The sciatic-femoral nerve block was feasible in raptors and the motor responses following electrical stimulation of both nerves were consistent with those reported in mammalian species. During surgery no rescue analgesia was required. The anaesthesia plane was stable and cardiorespiratory variables did not increase significantly in response to surgical stimulation. Iatrogenic complications, namely nerve damage and local anaesthetic toxicity, did not occur. Recovery was smooth and uneventful. The duration (mean ± SD) of the analgesic effect provided by the nerve block was 130 ± 20 minutes. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE The sciatic-femoral nerve block as described in dogs and rabbits can be performed in raptors as well. Further clinical trials with a control groups are required to better investigate the analgesic efficacy and the safety of this technique in raptors.


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We have studied the in vivo signaling mechanisms involved in nociceptin/orphanin FQ (Noci)-induced pain responses by using a flexor-reflex paradigm. Noci was 10,000 times more potent than substance P (SP) in eliciting flexor responses after intraplantar injection into the hind limb of mice, but the action of Noci seems to be mediated by SP. Mice pretreated with an NK1 tachykinin receptor antagonist or capsaicin, or mice with a targeted disruption of the tachykinin 1 gene no longer respond to Noci. The action of Noci appears to be mediated by the Noci receptor, a pertussis toxin-sensitive G proteinâcoupled receptor that stimulates inositol trisphosphate receptor and Ca2+ influx. These findings suggest that Noci indirectly stimulates nerve endings of nociceptive primary afferent neurons through a local SP release.


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This thesis work covered the fabrication and characterisation of impedance sensors for biological applications aiming in particular to the cytotoxicity monitoring of cultured cells exposed to different kind of chemical compounds and drugs and to the identification of different types of biological tissue (fat, muscles, nerves) using a sensor fabricated on the tip of a commercially available needle during peripheral nerve block procedures. Gold impedance electrodes have been successfully fabricated for impedance measurement on cells cultured on the electrode surface which was modified with the fabrication of gold nanopillars. These nanostructures have a height of 60nm or 100nm and they have highly ordered layout as they are fabricated through the e-beam technique. The fabrication of the threedimensional structures on the interdigitated electrodes was supposed to improve the sensitivity of the ECIS (electric cell-substrate impedance sensing) measurement while monitoring the cytotoxicity effects of two different drugs (Antrodia Camphorata extract and Nicotine) on three different cell lines (HeLa, A549 and BALBc 3T3) cultured on the impedance devices and change the morphology of the cells growing on the nanostructured electrodes. The fabrication of the nanostructures was achieved combining techniques like UV lithography, metal lift-off, evaporation and e-beam lithography techniques. The electrodes were packaged using a pressure sensitive, medical grade adhesive double-sided tape. The electrodes were then characterised with the aid of AFM and SEM imaging which confirmed the success of the fabrication processes showing the nanopillars fabricated with the right layout and dimensions figures. The introduction of nanopillars on the impedance electrodes, however, did not improve much the sensitivity of the assay with the exception of tests carried out with Nicotine. HeLa and A549 cells appeared to grow in a different way on the two surfaces, while no differences where noticed on the BALBc 3T3 cells. Impedance measurements obtained with the dead cells on the negative control electrodes or the test electrodes with the drugs can be compared to those done on the electrodes containing just media in the tested volume (as no cells are attached and cover the electrode surface). The impedance figures recorded using these electrodes were between 1.5kΩ and 2.5 kΩ, while the figures recorded on confluent cell layers range between 4kΩ and 5.5kΩ with peaks of almost 7 kΩ if there was more than one layer of cells growing on each other. There was then a very clear separation between the values of living cell compared to the dead ones which was almost 2.5 - 3kΩ. In this way it was very easy to determine whether the drugs affected the cells normal life cycle on not. However, little or no differences were noticed in the impedance analysis carried out on the two different kinds of electrodes using cultured cells. An increase of sensitivity was noticed only in a couple of experiments carried out on A549 cells growing on the nanostructured electrodes and exposed to different concentration of a solution containing Nicotine. More experiments to achieve a higher number of statistical evidences will be needed to prove these findings with an absolute confidence. The smart needle project aimed to reduce the limitations of the Electrical Nerve Stimulation (ENS) and the Ultra Sound Guided peripheral nerve block techniques giving the clinicians an additional tool for performing correctly the peripheral nerve block. Bioimpedance, as measured at the needle tip, provides additional information on needle tip location, thereby facilitating detection of intraneural needle placement. Using the needle as a precision instrument and guidance tool may provide additional information as to needle tip location and enhance safety in regional anaesthesia. In the time analysis, with the frequency fixed at 10kHz and the samples kept at 12°C, the approximate range for muscle bioimpedance was 203 â 616 Ω, the approximate bioimpedance range for fat was 5.02 - 17.8 kΩ and the approximate range for connective tissue was 790 Ω â 1.55 kΩ. While when the samples were heated at 37°C and measured again at 10kHz, the approximate bioimpedance range for muscle was 100-175Ω. The approximate bioimpedance range of fat was 627 Ω - 3.2 kΩ and the range for connective tissue was 221-540Ω. In the experiments done on the fresh slaughtered lamb carcass, replicating a scenario close to the real application, the impedance values recorded for fat were around 17 kΩ, for muscle and lean tissue around 1.3 kΩ while the nervous structures had an impedance value of 2.9 kΩ. With the data collected during this research, it was possible to conclude that measurements of bioimpedance at the needle tip location can give valuable information to the clinicians performing a peripheral nerve block procedure as the separation (in terms of impedance figures) was very marked between the different type of tissues. It is then feasible to use an impedance electrode fabricated on the needle tip to differentiate several tissues from the nerve tissue. Currently, several different methods are being studied to fabricate an impedance electrode on the surface of a commercially available needle used for the peripheral nerve block procedure.