985 resultados para perception processes


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This thesis explores the possibilities of spatial hearing in relation to sound perception, and presents three acousmatic compositions based on a musical aesthetic that emphasizes this relation in musical discourse. The first important characteristic of these compositions is the exclusive use of sine waves and other time invariant sound signals. Even though these types of sound signals present no variations in time, it is possible to perceive pitch, loudness, and tone color variations as soon as they move in space due to acoustic processes involved in spatial hearing. To emphasize the perception of such variations, this thesis proposes to divide a tone in multiple sound units and spread them in space using several loudspeakers arranged around the listener. In addition to the perception of sound attribute variations, it is also possible to create rhythm and texture variations that depend on how sound units are arranged in space. This strategy permits to overcome the so called "sound surrogacy" implicit in acousmatic music, as it is possible to establish cause-effect relations between sound movement and the perception of sound attribute, rhythm, and texture variations. Another important consequence of using sound fragmentation together with sound spatialization is the possibility to produce diffuse sound fields independently from the levels of reverberation of the room, and to create sound spaces with a certain spatial depth without using any kind of artificial sound delay or reverberation.


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When developing software for autonomous mobile robots, one has to inevitably tackle some kind of perception. Moreover, when dealing with agents that possess some level of reasoning for executing their actions, there is the need to model the environment and the robot internal state in a way that it represents the scenario in which the robot operates. Inserted in the ATRI group, part of the IEETA research unit at Aveiro University, this work uses two of the projects of the group as test bed, particularly in the scenario of robotic soccer with real robots. With the main objective of developing algorithms for sensor and information fusion that could be used e ectively on these teams, several state of the art approaches were studied, implemented and adapted to each of the robot types. Within the MSL RoboCup team CAMBADA, the main focus was the perception of ball and obstacles, with the creation of models capable of providing extended information so that the reasoning of the robot can be ever more e ective. To achieve it, several methodologies were analyzed, implemented, compared and improved. Concerning the ball, an analysis of ltering methodologies for stabilization of its position and estimation of its velocity was performed. Also, with the goal keeper in mind, work has been done to provide it with information of aerial balls. As for obstacles, a new de nition of the way they are perceived by the vision and the type of information provided was created, as well as a methodology for identifying which of the obstacles are team mates. Also, a tracking algorithm was developed, which ultimately assigned each of the obstacles a unique identi er. Associated with the improvement of the obstacles perception, a new algorithm of estimating reactive obstacle avoidance was created. In the context of the SPL RoboCup team Portuguese Team, besides the inevitable adaptation of many of the algorithms already developed for sensor and information fusion and considering that it was recently created, the objective was to create a sustainable software architecture that could be the base for future modular development. The software architecture created is based on a series of di erent processes and the means of communication among them. All processes were created or adapted for the new architecture and a base set of roles and behaviors was de ned during this work to achieve a base functional framework. In terms of perception, the main focus was to de ne a projection model and camera pose extraction that could provide information in metric coordinates. The second main objective was to adapt the CAMBADA localization algorithm to work on the NAO robots, considering all the limitations it presents when comparing to the MSL team, especially in terms of computational resources. A set of support tools were developed or improved in order to support the test and development in both teams. In general, the work developed during this thesis improved the performance of the teams during play and also the e ectiveness of the developers team when in development and test phases.


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Painterly rendering (non-photorealistic rendering or NPR) aims at translating photographs into paintings with discrete brush strokes, simulating certain techniques (im- or expressionism) and media (oil or watercolour). Recently, our research into visual perception and models of processes in the visual cortex resulted in a new rendering scheme, in which detected lines and edges at different scales are translated into brush strokes of different sizes. In order to prepare a version which is suitable for many users, including children, the design of the interface in terms of window and menu system is very important. Discussions with artists and non-artists led to three design criteria: (1) the interface must reflect the procedures and possibilities that real painters follow and use, (2) it must be based on only one window, and (3) the menu system must be very simple, avoiding a jungle of menus and sub-menus. This paper explains the interface that has been developed.


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Résumé: La thèse que nous présentons s'intéresse aux phénomènes d'attribution d'intentions hostiles. Dodge (1980) observe que les individus agressifs ont tendance, en situation ambiguë, à sur-attribuer des intentions hostiles à leurs pairs, ce qui induit des réponses agressives. Pour l'auteur, l'attribution d'intentions hostiles est un médiateur entre certaines caractéristiques personnelles (l'agressivité) des individus, et le type de réponses qu'ils apportent aux situations. Cependant, les informations concernant l'appartenance groupale des "pairs" ne sont jamais prises en compte dans leurs études. Si ce processus est perméable à l'influence des normes et croyances (Bègue et Muller, 2006), aucune étude ne met en évidence quel serait l'impact d'informations groupales sur l'élaboration des réponses aux situations, dans le cadre de ce modèle. L'objectif de cette thèse est de montrer que l'attribution d'intentions hostiles peut être envisagée comme un processus agissant également à un niveau intergroupes et donc prenant en compte des informations groupales sur les individus. En s'inspirant du modèle de Dodge, nous avons émis l'hypothèse que les logiques intergroupes intervenaient dans l'interprétation des intentions des acteurs impliqués dans les interactions, afin de produire une réponse adaptée aux logiques intergroupes. Afin de tester cette hypothèse, nous avons suivi trois axes de recherches: Dans le premier de ces axes, nous avons introduit, dans le paradigme de Dodge, des informations .sur l'appartenance groupale des protagonistes de l'interaction (endogroupe vs exogroupe). Nous avons montré que le type de situation (ambiguë vs hostile) est moins important que l'information groupale dans la production d'une réponse à la situation (Étude 1). En outre, nous avons mis en évidence des processus différents selon la position des individus dans leur groupe (Étude 2). Dans le second axe, nous avons montré que si les différences de statut entre groupes n'influençaient pas directement le modèle de Dodge, elles interagissaient avec l'appartenance groupale et la clarté de la situation au niveau de l'attribution d'intentions hostiles (étude 3) et des intentions comportementales (Ettide 4). Dans le troisième et deriúer axe, nous avons introduit l'attribution d'intentions hostiles dans un processus de dévalorisation d'une cible expliquant un échec par la discrimination (Kaiser et Miller, 2001; 2003). Nous avons alors montré que l'attribution d'intentions hostiles médiatisait le lien entre l'attribution mobilisée pour expliquer l'événement et l'évaluation de la cible (Étude 5), et que ce type d'attribution était spécifique, aux intentions comportementales agressives (Études 6). Nous avons alors conclu sur la dimension sociale de l'attribution d'intentions hostiles et sur le fait qu'il s'agissait d'un élément permettant la construction d'une représentation des interactions sociales. Abstract The present thesis focuses on the phenomena of hostile intents attribution. Dodge (1980) observes that in ambiguous situations, aggressive people tend to over attribute hostile intents to others. This attribution leads them to respond aggressively. According to the author, hostile intents attribution mediates the link between some personal characteristics (aggressiveness for example) of individuals and their responses to the situation. However information related to participants group membership is always neglected in these studies. Begue and Muller (2006) showed that some beliefs could moderate the interaction between aggressiveness and hostile intents attribution on behaviors, but no study exhibited evidence of a similar effect with social information. The aim of this thesis is to show that hostile intents attribution needs to be considered at an intergroup level by taking into account people's group ineinbership. Based on the Dodge model, we formulated the hypothesis that intergroup strategies had an impact on actors' intents interpretations which in return should lead to different but adapted reactions to the situation. To test this hypothesis, three lines of research were developed. In the first line, we introduced, in the Dodge's paradigm, some information about the participants group membership (ingroup vs outgroup). We showed that when elaborating a response to a specific situation its nature (ambiguous vs hostile) had less impact than group membership information (Study 1). In addition, we highlighted some different processes according to the position of individuals in their group (Study 2). In the second line, we showed that if the differences between groups status didn't influence the Dodge model, they interacted with group membership and situation nature to influence hostile intents attribution (Study 3) and behaviors intents (Study 4). In the last line of research, we introduced hostile intents attribution within the process of derogation of a target explaining its failure by discrimination (Kaiser and Miller, 2001; 2003). We showed that hostile intents attribution mediated the link between the attibution mobilized to explain the failure and the derogation of the target (Study 5), and that this attribution type was specifically linked to aggressive behavior intents (Study 6). We finally concluded that hostile intents attribution imply an important social dimension which needs to be taken into account because involved in the construction of a representation of social interactions.


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A large variety of social signals, such as facial expression and body language, are conveyed in everyday interactions and an accurate perception and interpretation of these social cues is necessary in order for reciprocal social interactions to take place successfully and efficiently. The present study was conducted to determine whether impairments in social functioning that are commonly observed following a closed head injury, could at least be partially attributable to disruption in the ability to appreciate social cues. More specifically, an attempt was made to determine whether face processing deficits following a closed head injury (CHI) coincide with changes in electrophysiological responsivity to the presentation of facial stimuli. A number of event-related potentials (ERPs) that have been linked specifically to various aspects of visual processing were examined. These included the N170, an index of structural encoding ability, the N400, an index of the ability to detect differences in serially presented stimuli, and the Late Positivity (LP), an index of the sensitivity to affective content in visually-presented stimuli. Electrophysiological responses were recorded while participants with and without a closed head injury were presented with pairs of faces delivered in a rapid sequence and asked to compare them on the basis of whether they matched with respect to identity or emotion. Other behavioural measures of identity and emotion recognition were also employed, along with a small battery of standard neuropsychological tests used to determine general levels of cognitive impairment. Participants in the CHI group were impaired in a number of cognitive domains that are commonly affected following a brain injury. These impairments included reduced efficiency in various aspects of encoding verbal information into memory, general slower rate of information processing, decreased sensitivity to smell, and greater difficulty in the regulation of emotion and a limited awareness of this impairment. Impairments in face and emotion processing were clearly evident in the CHI group. However, despite these impairments in face processing, there were no significant differences between groups in the electrophysiological components examined. The only exception was a trend indicating delayed N170 peak latencies in the CHI group (p = .09), which may reflect inefficient structural encoding processes. In addition, group differences were noted in the region of the N100, thought to reflect very early selective attention. It is possible, then, that facial expression and identity processing deficits following CHI are secondary to (or exacerbated by) an underlying disruption of very early attentional processes. Alternately the difficulty may arise in the later cognitive stages involved in the interpretation of the relevant visual information. However, the present data do not allow these alternatives to be distinguished. Nonetheless, it was clearly evident that individuals with CHI are more likely than controls to make face processing errors, particularly for the more difficult to discriminate negative emotions. Those working with individuals who have sustained a head injury should be alerted to this potential source of social monitoring difficulties which is often observed as part of the sequelae following a CHI.


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La perception est décrite comme l’ensemble des processus permettant au cerveau de recueillir et de traiter l’information sensorielle. Un traitement perceptif atypique se retrouve souvent associé au phénotype autistique habituellement décrit en termes de déficits des habilités sociales et de communication ainsi que par des comportements stéréotypés et intérêts restreints. Les particularités perceptives des autistes se manifestent à différents niveaux de traitement de l’information; les autistes obtiennent des performances supérieures à celles des non autistes pour discriminer des stimuli simples, comme des sons purs, ou encore pour des tâches de plus haut niveau comme la détection de formes enchevêtrées dans une figure complexe. Spécifiquement pour le traitement perceptif de bas niveau, on rapporte une dissociation de performance en vision. En effet, les autistes obtiennent des performances supérieures pour discriminer les stimuli définis par la luminance et inférieures pour les stimuli définis par la texture en comparaison à des non autistes. Ce pattern dichotomique a mené à l’élaboration d’une hypothèse suggérant que l’étendue (ou complexité) du réseau de régions corticales impliquées dans le traitement des stimuli pourrait sous-tendre ces différences comportementales. En effet, les autistes obtiennent des performances supérieures pour traiter les stimuli visuels entièrement décodés au niveau d’une seule région corticale (simples) et inférieures pour les stimuli dont l’analyse requiert l’implication de plusieurs régions corticales (complexes). Un traitement perceptif atypique représente une caractéristique générale associée au phénotype autistique, avec de particularités rapportées tant dans la modalité visuelle qu’auditive. Étant donné les parallèles entre ces deux modalités sensorielles, cette thèse vise à vérifier si l’hypothèse proposée pour expliquer certaines particularités du traitement de l’information visuelle peut possiblement aussi caractériser le traitement de l’information auditive dans l’autisme. Le premier article (Chapitre 2) expose le niveau de performance des autistes, parfois supérieur, parfois inférieur à celui des non autistes lors du traitement de l’information auditive et suggère que la complexité du matériel auditif à traiter pourrait être en lien avec certaines des différences observées. Le deuxième article (Chapitre 3) présente une méta-analyse quantitative investiguant la représentation au niveau cortical de la complexité acoustique chez les non autistes. Ce travail confirme l’organisation fonctionnelle hiérarchique du cortex auditif et permet d’identifier, comme en vision, des stimuli auditifs pouvant être définis comme simples et complexes selon l’étendue du réseau de régions corticales requises pour les traiter. Le troisième article (Chapitre 4) vérifie l’extension des prédictions de l’hypothèse proposée en vision au traitement de l’information auditive. Spécifiquement, ce projet compare les activations cérébrales sous-tendant le traitement des sons simples et complexes chez des autistes et des non autistes. Tel qu’attendu, les autistes montrent un patron d’activité atypique en réponse aux stimuli complexes, c’est-à-dire ceux dont le traitement nécessitent l’implication de plusieurs régions corticales. En bref, l’ensemble des résultats suggèrent que les prédictions de l’hypothèse formulée en vision peuvent aussi s’appliquer en audition et possiblement expliquer certaines particularités du traitement de l’information auditive dans l’autisme. Ce travail met en lumière des différences fondamentales du traitement perceptif contribuant à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes d’acquisition de l’information dans cette population.


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Peu de femmes atteignent la recommandation internationale d’un allaitement exclusif d’une durée minimale de 6 mois malgré ses nombreux bienfaits pour l’enfant et pour la mère. Une raison fréquemment mentionnée pour la cessation précoce de l’allaitement ou l’introduction de préparations commerciales pour nourrissons est l’insuffisance de lait. L’origine de cette perception maternelle demeure toujours inexpliquée bien que sa prévalence dans les écrits soit bien documentée. L’insuffisance lactée relève-t-elle de pratiques d’allaitement qui contreviennent au processus physiologique de la lactation ou relève-t-elle d’un manque de confiance maternelle dans sa capacité d’allaiter? Une meilleure compréhension des déterminants de la perception d’insuffisance lactée (PIL) s’avère primordiale, un manque d’interventions infirmières permettant de prévenir, dépister et soutenir les femmes allaitant percevant une insuffisance lactée ayant été identifié. Cette étude visait à déterminer l’apport explicatif de variables biologiques et psychosociales de 252 femmes primipares allaitant sur une PIL. Une modélisation de facteurs associés à la PIL a été développée à l’aide de l’approche synthèse théorique comportant les variables suivantes: les événements entourant la naissance, les capacités infantiles et maternelles, la supplémentation, le sentiment maternel d’efficacité en allaitement, la PIL et les pratiques d’allaitement. Afin de mieux comprendre comment se développe et évolue la PIL, un devis prédictif confirmatif longitudinal a été privilégié de la naissance à la 6e semaine postnatale. Au T1, soit le premier 24 heures suivant la naissance, les participantes ont complété un questionnaire concernant leur intention d’initier et de maintenir un allaitement exclusif pour une durée de 6 mois. Au T2, soit la 3e journée postpartum, les femmes complétaient un 2e questionnaire regroupant les différentes mesures utilisées pour l’étude des variables de la modélisation PIL, incluant le prélèvement d’un échantillon de lait maternel. À la 2e semaine, soit le T3, les femmes complétaient un questionnaire similaire à celui du T2, lequel était envoyé par la poste. Finalement, au T4, soit à la 6e semaine, une entrevue téléphonique semi-dirigée concernant les pratiques d’allaitement a été réalisée. La vérification des hypothèses s’est faite principalement à l’aide de tests de corrélations de Pearson, d’analyses de régressions et d’équations structurelles. Les résultats indiquent une influence simultanée des capacités infantiles et du sentiment maternel d’efficacité en allaitement sur la PIL au T2 et au T3; le sentiment maternel d’efficacité en allaitement exerçant de surcroit un effet médiateur entre les capacités infantiles et la perception d’insuffisance lactée au T2 et au T3. Au T2, la fréquence des tétées est associée à une diminution du taux de Na+ du lait maternel, marqueur biologique de l’établissement de la lactogenèse II. Des interventions ciblant le développement d’un sentiment maternel élevé d’efficacité en allaitement devraient être privilégiées.


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Objectif : Cette thèse a pour but de préciser les mécanismes neuropsychologiques de la douleur, de la régulation endogène de la douleur et de l'hypoalgésie induite psychologiquement (HIP) par la synthèse de près de trente ans de recherche imagerie cérébrale fonctionnelle. Méthodologie : Étant donné l'abondance des études sur le sujet et le manque d'intégration de leurs résultats, la technique de métaanalyse quantitative basée sur les coordonnées d'activation cérébrale fut privilégiée dans cette thèse, telle qu’implémentée dans l'algorithme ALE (Activation Likelyhood Estimate). Une force supplémentaire de cette thèse repose sur la rigueur du processus de sélection des articles. En effet, les études incluses dans les métaanalyses devaient satisfaire des critères stricts d'inclusion, ceci dans le but de favoriser la précision et la validité des conclusions subséquentes. Étude 1 : Le premier article visait à identifier les aires cérébrales impliquées dans la réduction de la douleur par des méthodes psychologiques d'interventions. Les articles retenus portent sur une variété de méthodes d'intervention, telles que le placebo, l'hypnose, la méditation, la perception de contrôle sur la stimulation douloureuse et l'induction d'émotions. Les résultats indiquent que l'HIP implique un vaste réseau d'activation qui comprend le cortex cingulaire antérieur, l'insula antérieure, les zones orbitofrontale et préfrontale latérale, ainsi que les régions pariétale, temporale et souscorticales. Ces activations reflèteraient l'implication des mécanismes neuropsychologiques cognitifs et émotionnels sous-tendent les interventions psychologiques ciblées par ces études, incluant la conscience de soi et la motivation. De plus, les divergences de patron d'activation entre les approches ont été explorées, notamment pour le placebo et la distraction. Étude 2 : Le deuxième article a identifié des patrons d'activations préférentiellement associés à la perception de la douleur, à l'HIP, ainsi que des activations communément associées à la douleur et l'HIP. Les résultats indiquent que 1) la perception de la douleur est associée à l'activation d'aires somatosensorielles et motrices, ce qui pourrait être le reflet de la préparation d'une action adaptative, 2) l'HIP est liée à l'engagement de régions préfrontales antéromédianes et orbitales, possiblement en lien avec des processus motivationnels et émotionnels, et 3) la douleur et l'HIP sont associés à l'activation d'aires préfrontales dorsolatérales, de l'insula antérieure et du cortex cingulaire moyen, ce qui pourrait refléter l'engagement spontané pendant la douleur de mécanismes endogènes de régulation descendante. Conclusion : Par ces études, cette thèse fait le point sur les mécanismes cérébraux impliqués différentiellement dans la perception de la douleur, dans sa régulation endogène et dans l'hypoalgésie induite psychologiquement.


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The processes underlying the perceptual analysis of visual form are believed to have minimal interaction with those subserving the perception of visual motion (Livingstone and Hubel, 1987; Victor and Conte, 1990). Recent reports of functionally and anatomically segregated parallel streams in the primate visual cortex seem to support this hypothesis (Ungerlieder and Mishkin, 1982; VanEssen and Maunsell, 1983; Shipp and Zeki, 1985; Zeki and Shipp, 1988; De Yoe et al., 1994). Here we present perceptual evidence that is at odds with this view and instead suggests strong symmetric interactions between the form and motion processes. In one direction, we show that the introduction of specific static figural elements, say 'F', in a simple motion sequence biases an observer to perceive a particular motion field, say 'M'. In the reverse direction, the imposition of the same motion field 'M' on the original sequence leads the observer to perceive illusory static figural elements 'F'. A specific implication of these findings concerns the possible existence of (what we call) motion end-stopped units in the primate visual system. Such units might constitute part of a mechanism for signalling subjective occluding contours based on motion-field discontinuities.


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Evaluation processes in clinical practice have not been well, being their study focused on the technical issues concerning these processes. This study tried an approach to the evaluation processes through the analysis of perceptions from teachers and students about the methodology of evaluation considering the teachinglearning processes performed in a clinical practice of the Medicine Program –Universidad El Bosque from Bogota. With this purpose we conducted interviews with teachers and students searching the manner in which the evaluative, learning and teaching processes are done; then we analyzed the perception from both agents concerning the way these processes are related. The interviews were categorized bath deductively and inductively, and then contrasted with some current theories of learning, teaching and evaluation in medicine. The study showed that nowadays the evaluation and, in general, the educative processes are affected by several factors which are associated to the manner the professional practice is developed, and the educative process of the current teachers. We concluded there is no congrency between the approach of the evaluation, mainly conductivist, and the learning and teaching strategies mainly constructivist. This fact cause dissent in teachers and students.


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The degree to which perceived controllability alters the way a stressor is experienced varies greatly among individuals. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to examine the neural activation associated with individual differences in the impact of perceived controllability on self-reported pain perception. Subjects with greater activation in response to uncontrollable (UC) rather than controllable (C) pain in the pregenual anterior cingulate cortex (pACC), periaqueductal gray (PAG), and posterior insula/SII reported higher levels of pain during the UC versus C conditions. Conversely, subjects with greater activation in the ventral lateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) in anticipation of pain in the UC versus C conditions reported less pain in response to UC versus C pain. Activation in the VLPFC was significantly correlated with the acceptance and denial subscales of the COPE inventory [Carver, C. S., Scheier, M. F., & Weintraub, J. K. Assessing coping strategies: A theoretically based approach. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 56, 267–283, 1989], supporting the interpretation that this anticipatory activation was associated with an attempt to cope with the emotional impact of uncontrollable pain. A regression model containing the two prefrontal clusters (VLPFC and pACC) predicted 64% of the variance in pain rating difference, with activation in the two additional regions (PAG and insula/SII) predicting almost no additional variance. In addition to supporting the conclusion that the impact of perceived controllability on pain perception varies highly between individuals, these findings suggest that these effects are primarily top-down, driven by processes in regions of the prefrontal cortex previously associated with cognitive modulation of pain and emotion regulation.


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Background: The cognitive bases of language impairment in specific language impairment (SLI) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD) were investigated in a novel non-word comparison task which manipulated phonological short-term memory (PSTM) and speech perception, both implicated in poor non-word repetition. Aims: This study aimed to investigate the contributions of PSTM and speech perception in non-word processing and whether individuals with SLI and ASD plus language impairment (ALI) show similar or different patterns of deficit in these cognitive processes. Method & Procedures: Three groups of adolescents (aged 14–17 years), 14 with SLI, 16 with ALI, and 17 age and non-verbal IQ matched typically developing (TD) controls, made speeded discriminations between non-word pairs. Stimuli varied in PSTM load (two- or four-syllables) and speech perception load (mismatches on a word-initial or word-medial segment). Outcomes & Results: Reaction times showed effects of both non-word length and mismatch position and these factors interacted: four-syllable and word-initial mismatch stimuli resulted in the slowest decisions. Individuals with language impairment showed the same pattern of performance as those with typical development in the reaction time data. A marginal interaction between group and item length was driven by the SLI and ALI groups being less accurate with long items than short ones, a difference not found in the TD group. Conclusions & Implications: Non-word discrimination suggests that there are similarities and differences between adolescents with SLI and ALI and their TD peers. Reaction times appear to be affected by increasing PSTM and speech perception loads in a similar way. However, there was some, albeit weaker, evidence that adolescents with SLI and ALI are less accurate than TD individuals, with both showing an effect of PSTM load. This may indicate, at some level, the processing substrate supporting both PSTM and speech perception is intact in adolescents with SLI and ALI, but also in both there may be impaired access to PSTM resources.


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Background: Word deafness is a rare condition where pathologically degraded speech perception results in impaired repetition and comprehension but otherwise intact linguistic skills. Although impaired linguistic systems in aphasias resulting from damage to the neural language system (here termed central impairments), have been consistently shown to be amenable to external influences such as linguistic or contextual information (e.g. cueing effects in naming), it is not known whether similar influences can be shown for aphasia arising from damage to a perceptual system (here termed peripheral impairments). Aims: This study aimed to investigate the extent to which pathologically degraded speech perception could be facilitated or disrupted by providing visual as well as auditory information. Methods and Procedures: In three word repetition tasks, the participant with word deafness (AB) repeated words under different conditions: words were repeated in the context of a pictorial or written target, a distractor (semantic, unrelated, rhyme or phonological neighbour) or a blank page (nothing). Accuracy and error types were analysed. Results: AB was impaired at repetition in the blank condition, confirming her degraded speech perception. Repetition was significantly facilitated when accompanied by a picture or written example of the word and significantly impaired by the presence of a written rhyme. Errors in the blank condition were primarily formal whereas errors in the rhyme condition were primarily miscues (saying the distractor word rather than the target). Conclusions: Cross-modal input can both facilitate and further disrupt repetition in word deafness. The cognitive mechanisms behind these findings are discussed. Both top-down influence from the lexical layer on perceptual processes as well as intra-lexical competition within the lexical layer may play a role.  


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Although ensemble prediction systems (EPS) are increasingly promoted as the scientific state-of-the-art for operational flood forecasting, the communication, perception, and use of the resulting alerts have received much less attention. Using a variety of qualitative research methods, including direct user feedback at training workshops, participant observation during site visits to 25 forecasting centres across Europe, and in-depth interviews with 69 forecasters, civil protection officials, and policy makers involved in operational flood risk management in 17 European countries, this article discusses the perception, communication, and use of European Flood Alert System (EFAS) alerts in operational flood management. In particular, this article describes how the design of EFAS alerts has evolved in response to user feedback and desires for a hydrographic-like way of visualizing EFAS outputs. It also documents a variety of forecaster perceptions about the value and skill of EFAS forecasts and the best way of using them to inform operational decision making. EFAS flood alerts were generally welcomed by flood forecasters as a sort of ‘pre-alert’ to spur greater internal vigilance. In most cases, however, they did not lead, by themselves, to further preparatory action or to earlier warnings to the public or emergency services. Their hesitancy to act in response to medium-term, probabilistic alerts highlights some wider institutional obstacles to the hopes in the research community that EPS will be readily embraced by operational forecasters and lead to immediate improvements in flood incident management. The EFAS experience offers lessons for other hydrological services seeking to implement EPS operationally for flood forecasting and warning. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The validity of the linguistic relativity principle continues to stimulate vigorous debate and research. The debate has recently shifted from the behavioural investigation arena to a more biologically grounded field, in which tangible physiological evidence for language effects on perception can be obtained. Using brain potentials in a colour oddball detection task with Greek and English speakers, a recent study suggests that language effects may exist at early stages of perceptual integration [Thierry, G., Athanasopoulos, P., Wiggett, A., Dering, B., & Kuipers, J. (2009). Unconscious effects of language-specific terminology on pre-attentive colour perception. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106, 4567–4570]. In this paper, we test whether in Greek speakers exposure to a new cultural environment (UK) with contrasting colour terminology from their native language affects early perceptual processing as indexed by an electrophysiological correlate of visual detection of colour luminance. We also report semantic mapping of native colour terms and colour similarity judgements. Results reveal convergence of linguistic descriptions, cognitive processing, and early perception of colour in bilinguals. This result demonstrates for the first time substantial plasticity in early, pre-attentive colour perception and has important implications for the mechanisms that are involved in perceptual changes during the processes of language learning and acculturation.