874 resultados para patient decision aids


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Various in-vitro chemosensitivity and resistance assays (CSRAs) have been demonstrated to be helpful decision aids for non-neurological tumors. Here, we evaluated the performance characteristics of two CSRAs for glioblastoma (GB) cells. The chemoresponse of fresh GB cells from 30 patients was studied in vitro using the ATP tumor chemoresponse assay and the chemotherapy resistance assay (CTR-Test). Both assay platforms provided comparable results. Of seven different chemotherapeutic drugs and drug combinations tested in vitro, treosulfan plus cytarabine (TARA) was the most effective, followed by nimustine (ACNU) plus teniposide (VM26) and temozolomide (TMZ). Whereas ACNU/VM26 and TMZ have proven their clinical value for malignant gliomas in large randomized studies, TARA has not been successful in newly diagnosed gliomas. This seeming discrepancy between in vitro and clinical result might be explained by the pharmacological behavior of treosulfan. Our results show reasonable agreement between two cell-based CSRAs. They appear to confirm the clinical effectiveness of drugs used in GB treatment as long as pharmacological preconditions such as overcoming the blood-brain barrier are properly considered.


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Histoplasmosis is a rare but serious fungal infection commonly presenting as mucosal ulceration of the oral cavity. It is increasingly recognized in Australia but the source of infection remains obscure and it is likely to be under-diagnosed. We report a case of chronic mucosal ulceration which failed to fully respond to periodontal therapy. Histology and culture of a gingival biopsy was consistent with histoplasmosis, and the patient responded favourably to treatment with oral itraconazole. Histoplasmosis may present to general dental practitioners as chronic mucosal ulceration and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of such lesions. Diagnosis is best made by culture and histology of biopsy specimens.


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BACKGROUND: Shared decision-making has become the standard of care for most medical treatments. However, little is known about physician communication practices in the decision making for unstable critically ill patients with known end-stage disease. OBJECTIVE: To describe communication practices of physicians making treatment decisions for unstable critically ill patients with end-stage cancer, using the framework of shared decision-making. DESIGN: Analysis of audiotaped encounters between physicians and a standardized patient, in a high-fidelity simulation scenario, to identify best practice communication behaviors. The simulation depicted a 78-year-old man with metastatic gastric cancer, life-threatening hypoxia, and stable preferences to avoid intensive care unit (ICU) admission and intubation. Blinded coders assessed the encounters for verbal communication behaviors associated with handling emotions and discussion of end-of-life goals. We calculated a score for skill at handling emotions (0-6) and at discussing end of life goals (0-16). SUBJECTS: Twenty-seven hospital-based physicians. RESULTS: Independent variables included physician demographics and communication behaviors. We used treatment decisions (ICU admission and initiation of palliation) as a proxy for accurate identification of patient preferences. Eight physicians admitted the patient to the ICU, and 16 initiated palliation. Physicians varied, but on average demonstrated low skill at handling emotions (mean, 0.7) and moderate skill at discussing end-of-life goals (mean, 7.4). We found that skill at discussing end-of-life goals was associated with initiation of palliation (p = 0.04). CONCLUSIONS: It is possible to analyze the decision making of physicians managing unstable critically ill patients with end-stage cancer using the framework of shared decision-making.


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This paper addresses the crucial problem of wayfinding assistance in the Virtual Environments (VEs). A number of navigation aids such as maps, agents, trails and acoustic landmarks are available to support the user for navigation in VEs, however it is evident that most of the aids are visually dominated. This work-in-progress describes a sound based approach that intends to assist the task of 'route decision' during navigation in a VE using music. Furthermore, with use of musical sounds it aims to reduce the cognitive load associated with other visually as well as physically dominated tasks. To achieve these goals, the approach exploits the benefits provided by music to ease and enhance the task of wayfinding, whilst making the user experience in the VE smooth and enjoyable.


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Diarrhea caused by Cryptosporidium sp is frequent in patients with AIDS, but involvement of other organs of the digestive tract is uncommon. We report a case of Cryptosporidium-associated obstruction of the biliary tract mimicking cancer of the head of the pancreas in a 43-year-old woman with AIDS.


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A severely immune-suppressed AIDS patient was suspected of suffering from BK virus (BKV) meningoencephalitis, after being studied for common causes of neurological complications of co-infectious origin. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequence analysis of cerebrospinal fluid and brain samples, confirmed the presence of BKV. His clinical condition improved along with the regression of brain lesions, after modifications on his antiretroviral regime. Five months after discharge, the patient was readmitted because of frequent headaches, and a marked inflammatory reaction was evidenced by a new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The symptoms paralleled a rising CD4+ lymphocyte count, and immune reconstitution syndrome was suspected. This is the first non-postmortem report of BKV meningoencephalitis in an AIDS patient, showing clinical and radiographic improvement solely under HAART.


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Abstract Bakgrund: Totalt har nästan 30 miljoner avlidit sedan första AIDS- fallet diagnostiserades år 1981. Ovissheten och hotet om sjukdom och för tidig död innebär stora psykiska påfrestningar på individen. Sjuksköterskans attityder och sätt att vara spelar en viktig roll för etablering av en terapeutisk relation. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa sjuksköterskans attityder till patienter med HIV- infektion. Metod: Genom en litteraturstudie av tidigare forskning har 16 vetenskapliga artiklar granskats. Dessa fann vi på databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. Resultat: Sjuksköterskor upplevde rädsla vid omvårdnad av patienter med HIV/AIDS på grund av dess smittrisk. De ansåg att de behövde mer utbildning och support och professionell support mellan kollegor för att orka med sitt arbete. Från forskarnas observationer sågs ett fysiskt undvikande av patienter, som att vårdpersonalen inte svarade på patientens ringningar, de undvek att gå in till patienten. Sjuksköterskestuderande som hade en rädsla för HIV/AIDS har mer homofobier, de ansåg att det var ett straff för deras oordnade sexliv och att de förtjänade sitt öde. Slutsats: Vi anser att många av dessa attityder skulle kunna undvikas om personalen får mer kunskap om smitta, sexuallitet och droger, hur sjukdomsförloppet ser ut, och vilka funderingar en HIV/AIDS smittad kan ha. Detta skulle bidra till att sjuksköterskor/vårdpersonal vågar möta patienten och utveckla en god relation till denne.


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In the last years of research, I focused my studies on different physiological problems. Together with my supervisors, I developed/improved different mathematical models in order to create valid tools useful for a better understanding of important clinical issues. The aim of all this work is to develop tools for learning and understanding cardiac and cerebrovascular physiology as well as pathology, generating research questions and developing clinical decision support systems useful for intensive care unit patients. I. ICP-model Designed for Medical Education We developed a comprehensive cerebral blood flow and intracranial pressure model to simulate and study the complex interactions in cerebrovascular dynamics caused by multiple simultaneous alterations, including normal and abnormal functional states of auto-regulation of the brain. Individual published equations (derived from prior animal and human studies) were implemented into a comprehensive simulation program. Included in the normal physiological modelling was: intracranial pressure, cerebral blood flow, blood pressure, and carbon dioxide (CO2) partial pressure. We also added external and pathological perturbations, such as head up position and intracranial haemorrhage. The model performed clinically realistically given inputs of published traumatized patients, and cases encountered by clinicians. The pulsatile nature of the output graphics was easy for clinicians to interpret. The manoeuvres simulated include changes of basic physiological inputs (e.g. blood pressure, central venous pressure, CO2 tension, head up position, and respiratory effects on vascular pressures) as well as pathological inputs (e.g. acute intracranial bleeding, and obstruction of cerebrospinal outflow). Based on the results, we believe the model would be useful to teach complex relationships of brain haemodynamics and study clinical research questions such as the optimal head-up position, the effects of intracranial haemorrhage on cerebral haemodynamics, as well as the best CO2 concentration to reach the optimal compromise between intracranial pressure and perfusion. We believe this model would be useful for both beginners and advanced learners. It could be used by practicing clinicians to model individual patients (entering the effects of needed clinical manipulations, and then running the model to test for optimal combinations of therapeutic manoeuvres). II. A Heterogeneous Cerebrovascular Mathematical Model Cerebrovascular pathologies are extremely complex, due to the multitude of factors acting simultaneously on cerebral haemodynamics. In this work, the mathematical model of cerebral haemodynamics and intracranial pressure dynamics, described in the point I, is extended to account for heterogeneity in cerebral blood flow. The model includes the Circle of Willis, six regional districts independently regulated by autoregulation and CO2 reactivity, distal cortical anastomoses, venous circulation, the cerebrospinal fluid circulation, and the intracranial pressure-volume relationship. Results agree with data in the literature and highlight the existence of a monotonic relationship between transient hyperemic response and the autoregulation gain. During unilateral internal carotid artery stenosis, local blood flow regulation is progressively lost in the ipsilateral territory with the presence of a steal phenomenon, while the anterior communicating artery plays the major role to redistribute the available blood flow. Conversely, distal collateral circulation plays a major role during unilateral occlusion of the middle cerebral artery. In conclusion, the model is able to reproduce several different pathological conditions characterized by heterogeneity in cerebrovascular haemodynamics and can not only explain generalized results in terms of physiological mechanisms involved, but also, by individualizing parameters, may represent a valuable tool to help with difficult clinical decisions. III. Effect of Cushing Response on Systemic Arterial Pressure. During cerebral hypoxic conditions, the sympathetic system causes an increase in arterial pressure (Cushing response), creating a link between the cerebral and the systemic circulation. This work investigates the complex relationships among cerebrovascular dynamics, intracranial pressure, Cushing response, and short-term systemic regulation, during plateau waves, by means of an original mathematical model. The model incorporates the pulsating heart, the pulmonary circulation and the systemic circulation, with an accurate description of the cerebral circulation and the intracranial pressure dynamics (same model as in the first paragraph). Various regulatory mechanisms are included: cerebral autoregulation, local blood flow control by oxygen (O2) and/or CO2 changes, sympathetic and vagal regulation of cardiovascular parameters by several reflex mechanisms (chemoreceptors, lung-stretch receptors, baroreceptors). The Cushing response has been described assuming a dramatic increase in sympathetic activity to vessels during a fall in brain O2 delivery. With this assumption, the model is able to simulate the cardiovascular effects experimentally observed when intracranial pressure is artificially elevated and maintained at constant level (arterial pressure increase and bradicardia). According to the model, these effects arise from the interaction between the Cushing response and the baroreflex response (secondary to arterial pressure increase). Then, patients with severe head injury have been simulated by reducing intracranial compliance and cerebrospinal fluid reabsorption. With these changes, oscillations with plateau waves developed. In these conditions, model results indicate that the Cushing response may have both positive effects, reducing the duration of the plateau phase via an increase in cerebral perfusion pressure, and negative effects, increasing the intracranial pressure plateau level, with a risk of greater compression of the cerebral vessels. This model may be of value to assist clinicians in finding the balance between clinical benefits of the Cushing response and its shortcomings. IV. Comprehensive Cardiopulmonary Simulation Model for the Analysis of Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure We developed a new comprehensive cardiopulmonary model that takes into account the mutual interactions between the cardiovascular and the respiratory systems along with their short-term regulatory mechanisms. The model includes the heart, systemic and pulmonary circulations, lung mechanics, gas exchange and transport equations, and cardio-ventilatory control. Results show good agreement with published patient data in case of normoxic and hyperoxic hypercapnia simulations. In particular, simulations predict a moderate increase in mean systemic arterial pressure and heart rate, with almost no change in cardiac output, paralleled by a relevant increase in minute ventilation, tidal volume and respiratory rate. The model can represent a valid tool for clinical practice and medical research, providing an alternative way to experience-based clinical decisions. In conclusion, models are not only capable of summarizing current knowledge, but also identifying missing knowledge. In the former case they can serve as training aids for teaching the operation of complex systems, especially if the model can be used to demonstrate the outcome of experiments. In the latter case they generate experiments to be performed to gather the missing data.


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The case of a patient with a newly diagnosed HIV infection and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia is presented. Despite treatment with high-dose trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX) and prednisone with initial improvement, the patient acutely deteriorated with severe acidosis and died on the 4th day of hospitalization. Cryptococcus neoformans grew the next day in broncheoalveolar lavage (BAL) and blood culture. As simultaneous presence of more than one opportunistic infection can occur in these patients, systematic workup for other common opportunistic infections must be performed.


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Lesion detection aids ideally aim at increasing the sensitivity of visual caries detection without trading off too much in terms of specificity. The use of a dental probe (explorer), bitewing radiography and fibre-optic transillumination (FOTI) have long been recommended for this purpose. Today, probing of suspected lesions in the sense of checking the 'stickiness' is regarded as obsolete, since it achieves no gain of sensitivity and might cause irreversible tooth damage. Bitewing radiography helps to detect lesions that are otherwise hidden from visual examination, and it should therefore be applied to a new patient. The diagnostic performance of radiography at approximal and occlusal sites is different, as this relates to the 3-dimensional anatomy of the tooth at these sites. However, treatment decisions have to take more into account than just lesion extension. Bitewing radiography provides additional information for the decision-making process that mainly relies on the visual and clinical findings. FOTI is a quick and inexpensive method which can enhance visual examination of all tooth surfaces. Both radiography and FOTI can improve the sensitivity of caries detection, but require sufficient training and experience to interpret information correctly. Radiography also carries the burden of the risks and legislation associated with using ionizing radiation in a health setting and should be repeated at intervals guided by the individual patient's caries risk. Lesion detection aids can assist in the longitudinal monitoring of the behaviour of initial lesions.


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Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of randomized trials that include patient-reported outcomes (PROs) often provide crucial information for patients, clinicians and policy-makers facing challenging health care decisions. Based on emerging methods, guidance on improving the interpretability of meta-analysis of patient-reported outcomes, typically continuous in nature, is likely to enhance decision-making. The objective of this paper is to summarize approaches to enhancing the interpretability of pooled estimates of PROs in meta-analyses. When differences in PROs between groups are statistically significant, decision-makers must be able to interpret the magnitude of effect. This is challenging when, as is often the case, clinical trial investigators use different measurement instruments for the same construct within and between individual randomized trials. For such cases, in addition to pooling results as a standardized mean difference, we recommend that systematic review authors use other methods to present results such as relative (relative risk, odds ratio) or absolute (risk difference) dichotomized treatment effects, complimented by presentation in either: natural units (e.g. overall depression reduced by 2.4 points when measured on a 50-point Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression); minimal important difference units (e.g. where 1.0 unit represents the smallest difference in depression that patients, on average, perceive as important the depression score was 0.38 (95%CI 0.30 to 0.47) units less than the control group); or a ratio of means (e.g. where the mean in the treatment group is divided by the mean in the control group, the ratio of means is 1.27, representing a 27%relative reduction in the mean depression score).


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Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) - associated smooth muscle tumors (EBV-SMT) are a rare, recently recognized distinct group of mesenchymal tumors that develop exclusively in patients with immunosuppression. It is believed that tumorigenesis is, at least in part, through the activation of the Akt/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signal pathway. We describe the clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical features of a multifocal hepatic EBV-SMT in a 34-year-old acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) patient and investigate the activation status of the mTOR signal pathway in this tumor. In addition, we provide a review of the literature on the clinicopathologic findings of hepatic EBV-SMT in adult AIDS patients, and discuss their biologies and possible therapeutic strategies.