967 resultados para pathogenicity to mice


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A model of skin infection with Leishmania amazonensiswith low doses of parasites is compared to infection with high doses of L. amazonensis and low and high doses of Leishmania major. C57BL/6 mice were infected with 10³ or 10(6) parasites in the ear and the outcome of infection was assessed. The appearance of lesions in mice infected with 10³ parasites was delayed compared to mice infected with 10(6) Leishmania and parasites were detectable at the infection site before lesions became apparent. Mice infected with L. amazonensisdisplayed persistent lesions, whereas infection with L. major spontaneously healed in all groups, although lymphocytes persisted at the site of infection after healing. Macrophages persisted only in L. amazonensis-infected mice. High-dose L. amazonensis-infected mice produced lower levels of IFN-γ and TNF than mice infected with L. major. No correlation between the persistence of parasites and IL-10 levels and the production of nitric oxide or urea by macrophages was found. We conclude that infection with low doses of L. amazonensisin the dermis changes the course of infection by delaying the appearance of lesions. However, low-dose infection does not change the outcomes of susceptibility and cytokine production described for subcutaneous infection with high numbers of parasites.


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Tissue transglutaminase (TG2) is a protein cross-linking enzyme known to be expressed by hepatocytes and to be induced during the in vivo hepatic apoptosis program. TG2 is also a G protein that mediates intracellular signaling by the alpha-1b-adrenergic receptor (AR) in liver cells. Fas/Fas ligand interaction plays a crucial role in various liver diseases, and administration of agonistic anti-Fas antibodies to mice causes both disseminated endothelial cell apoptosis and fulminant hepatic failure. Here we report that an intraperitoneal dose of anti-Fas antibodies, which is sublethal for wild-type mice, kills all the TG2 knock-out mice within 20 hours. Although TG2-/- thymocytes exposed to anti-Fas antibodies die at the same rate as wild-type mice, TG2-/- hepatocytes show increased sensitivity toward anti-Fas treatment both in vivo and in vitro, with no change in their cell surface expression of Fas, levels of FLIP(L) (FLICE-inhibitory protein), or the rate of I-kappaBalpha degradation, but a decrease in the Bcl-xL expression. We provide evidence that this is the consequence of the impaired AR signaling that normally regulates the levels of Bcl-xL in the liver. In conclusion, our data suggest the involvement of adrenergic signaling pathways in the hepatic regeneration program, in which Fas ligand-induced hepatocyte proliferation with a simultaneous inhibition of the Fas-death pathway plays a determinant role.


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Purpose: Cardiac 18F-FDG PET is considered as the gold standard to assess myocardial metabolism and infarct size. The myocardial demand for glucose can be influenced by fasting and/or following pharmacological preparation. In the rat, it has been previously shown that fasting combined with preconditioning with acipimox, a nicotinic acid derivate and lipidlowering agent, increased dramatically 18F-FDG uptake in the myocardium. Strategies aimed at reducing infarct scar are evaluated in a variety of mouse models. PET would particularly useful for assessing cardiac viability in the mouse. However, prior knowledge of the best preparation protocol is a prerequisite for accurate measurement of glucose uptake in mice. Therefore, we studied the effect of different protocols on 18F-FDG uptake in the mouse heart.Methods: Mice (n = 15) were separated into three treatment groups according to preconditioning and underwent a 18FDG PET scan. Group 1: No preconditioning (n = 3); Group 2: Overnight fasting (n = 8); and Group 3: Overnight fasting and acipimox (25mg/kg SC) (n = 4). MicroPET images were processed with PMOD to determine 18F-FDG mean standard uptake value (SUV) at 30 min for the whole left ventricle (LV) and for each region of the 17-segments AHA model. For comparisons, we used Mann-Whitney test and multilevel mixed-effects linear regression (Stata 11.0).Results: In total, 27 microPET were performed successfully in 15 animals. Overnight fasting led to a dramatic increase in LV-SUV compared to mice without preconditioning (8.6±0.7g/mL vs. 3.7±1.1g/mL, P<0.001). In addition, LV-SUV was slightly but not significantly higher in animals treated with acipimox compared to animals with overnight fasting alone (10.2±0.5 g/mL, P = 0.06). Fastening increased segmental SUV by 5.1±0.5g/mL as compared to free-feeding mice (from 3.7±0.8g/mL to 8.8±0.4g/mL, P<0.001); segmental-SUV also significantly increased after administration of acipimox (from 8.8±0.4g/mL to 10.1±0.4g/mL, P<0.001).Conclusion: Overnight fasting led to myocardial glucose deprivation and increases 18F-FDG myocardial uptake. Additional administration of acipimox enhances myocardial 18F-FDG uptake, at least at the segmental level. Thus, preconditioning with acipimox may provide better image quality that may help for assessing segmental myocardial metabolism.


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During one week, beginning 18 days after transplantation, nude mice bearing human colon carcinoma ranging from 115 to 943 mm3 (mean 335 mm3) were treated by repeated intravenous injections of either iodine-131-(131I) labeled intact antibodies or 131I-labeled corresponding F(ab')2 fragments of a pool of four monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) directed against distinct epitopes of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). Complete tumor remission was observed in 8 of 10 mice after therapy with F(ab')2 and 6 of the animals survived 10 mo in good health. In contrast, after treatment with intact MAbs, tumors relapsed in 7 of 8 mice after remission periods of 1 to 3.5 mo despite the fact that body weight loss and depression of peripheral white blood cells, symptoms of radiation toxicity, and the calculated radiation doses for liver, spleen, bone, and blood were increased or equal in these animals as compared to mice treated with F(ab')2.


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Surface molecules of Staphylococcus aureus are involved in the colonization of vascular endothelium which is a crucial primary event in the pathogenesis of infective endocarditis (IE). The ability of these molecules to also launch endothelial procoagulant and proinflammatory responses, which characterize IE, is not known. In the present study we investigated the individual capacities of three prominent S. aureus surface molecules; fibronectin-binding protein A (FnBPA) and B (FnBPB) and clumping factor A (ClfA), to promote bacterial adherence to cultured human endothelial cells (ECs) and to activate phenotypic and functional changes in these ECs. Non-invasive surrogate bacterium Lactococcus lactis, which, by gene transfer, expressed staphylococcal FnBPA, FnBPB or ClfA molecules were used. Infection of ECs increased 50- to 100-fold with FnBPA- or FnBPB-positive recombinant lactococci. This coincided with EC activation, interleukin-8 secretion and surface expression of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 and concomitant monocyte adhesion. Infection with ClfA-positive lactococci did not activate EC. FnBPA-positive L. lactis also induced a prominent tissue factor-dependent endothelial coagulation response that was intensified by cell-bound monocytes. Thus S. aureus FnBPs, but not ClfA, confer invasiveness and pathogenicity to non-pathogenic L. lactis organisms indicating that bacterium-EC interactions mediated by these adhesins are sufficient to evoke inflammation as well as procoagulant activity at infected endovascular sites.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Priming of T cells by dendritic cells (DCs) in the intestinal mucosa and associated lymphoid tissues helps maintain mucosal tolerance but also contributes to the development of chronic intestinal inflammation. Chemokines regulate the intestinal immune response and can contribute to pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases. We investigated the role of the chemokine CCL17, which is expressed by conventional DCs in the intestine and is up-regulated during colitis. METHODS: Colitis was induced by administration of dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) to mice or transfer of T cells to lymphopenic mice. Colitis activity was monitored by body weight assessment, histologic scoring, and cytokine profile analysis. The direct effects of CCL17 on DCs and the indirect effects on differentiation of T helper (Th) cells were determined in vitro and ex vivo. RESULTS: Mice that lacked CCL17 (Ccl17(E/E) mice) were protected from induction of severe colitis by DSS or T-cell transfer. Colonic mucosa and mesenteric lymph nodes from Ccl17-deficient mice produced lower levels of proinflammatory cytokines. The population of Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells (Tregs) was expanded in Ccl17(E/E) mice and required for long-term protection from colitis. CCR4 expression by transferred T cells was not required for induction of colitis, but CCR4 expression by the recipients was required. CCL17 promoted Toll-like receptor-induced secretion of interleukin-12 and interleukin-23 by DCs in an autocrine manner, promoted differentiation of Th1 and Th17 cells, and reduced induction of Foxp3(+) Treg cells. CONCLUSIONS: The chemokine CCL17 is required for induction of intestinal inflammation in mice. CCL17 has an autocrine effect on DCs that promotes production of inflammatory cytokines and activation of Th1 and Th17 cells and reduces expansion of Treg cells.


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Currently, there is an increased interest in γ-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) and its effects onsleep. This compound, sometimes referred to as 'rape drug', was recently approved as atreatment for the sleep disorder narcolepsy. Although several studies suggest that GHBinduces slow-wave sleep duration and improves sleep quality by increasing EEG slow-waveactivity, others question its ability to induce physiological sleep. GHB's mechanism of actionis still unclear, although in vivo and in vitro it seems to act at high doses as a low-affinityagonist of GABAB receptors. Furthermore, the role GABAB receptors play in sleep and theelectroencephalogram (EEG) is largely unknown.The aim of this project was therefore to investigate the effects of GHB on sleep and EEG, theinvolvement of GABAB receptors in mediating these effects, as well as the intrinsic role ofeach GABAB receptor subunit in the regulation of sleep. Thus, we administered GHB andbaclofen (BAC, a high-affinity agonist at GABAB receptor) to mice lacking the different GABABreceptor subunits and to healthy human volunteers.Our results, both in mice and humans, showed that GHB produced slow waves exclusivelythrough the stimulation of GABAB receptors, but did not induce physiological sleepnecessary to reduce sleep need and to increase cognitive performance. Unlike GHB, BACaffected the homeostatic regulation of sleep (sleep need) and induced a delayedhypersomnia. Finally, GABAB receptor and its subunits seem to play an important role insleep and in particular its circadian distribution.


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Thalidomide has been shown to selectively inhibit TNF-a production in vitro by lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated monocytes. TNF-a has been shown to play a pivotal role in the pathophysiology of endotoxic shock. Using a mouse model of LPS-induced shock, we investigated the effects of thalidomide on the production of TNF-a and other cytokines and on animal survival. After injection of 100-350 µg LPS into mice, cytokines including TNF-a, IL-6, IL-10, IL-1ß, GM-CSF and IFN-g were measured in the serum. Administration of 200 mg/kg thalidomide to mice before LPS challenge modified the profile of LPS-induced cytokine secretion. Serum TNF-a levels were reduced by 93%, in a dose-dependent manner, and TNF-a mRNA expression in the spleens of mice was reduced by 70%. Serum IL-6 levels were also inhibited by 50%. Thalidomide induced a two-fold increase in serum IL-10 levels. Thalidomide treatment did not interfere with the production of GM-CSF, IL-1ß or IFN-g. The LD50 of LPS in this model was increased by thalidomide pre-treatment from 150 µg to 300 µg in 72 h. Thus, at otherwise lethal doses of LPS, thalidomide treatment was found to protect animals from death


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The rodent endometrium undergoes remarkable modifications during pregnancy, resulting from a redifferentiation of its fibroblasts. During this modification (decidualization), the fibroblasts transform into large, polyhedral cells that establish intercellular junctions. Decidualization proceeds from the subepithelial stroma towards the deep stroma situated next to the myometrium and creates regions composed of cells in different stages of differentiation. We studied by autoradiography whether cells of these different regions have different levels of macromolecular synthesis. Radioactive amino acids or radioactive sulfate were administered to mice during estrus or on different days of pregnancy. The animals were killed 30 min after injection of the precursors and the uteri were processed for light microscope autoradiography. Silver grains were counted over cells of different regions of the endometrium and are reported as the number of silver grains per area. Higher levels of incorporation of amino acids were found in pregnant animals as compared to animals in estrus. In pregnant animals, the region of decidual cells or the region of fibroblasts transforming into decidual cells showed the highest levels of synthesis. Radioactive sulfate incorporation, on the other hand, was generally higher in nonpregnant animals. Animals without decidual cell transformation (nonpregnant and 4th day of pregnancy) showed a differential incorporation by subepithelial and deep stroma fibroblasts. This study shows that regional differences in synthetic activity exist in cells that are in different stages of transformation into decidual cells as well as in different regions of the endometrium of nonpregnant mice


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Oral tolerance is a phenomenon that may occur in animals exposed to protein antigens for the first time by the oral route. They become unable to produce immune responses at the levels normally observed when they are immunized parenterally with antigen in the presence of adjuvants. Lipids have been used as adjuvants for both parenteral and oral immunization. In the present study we coupled ovalbumin with palmitate residues by incubating the protein with the N-hydroxysuccinimide palmitate ester and tested the preparation for its ability to induce oral tolerance. This was performed by giving 20 mg of antigen to mice by the oral route 7 days prior to parenteral immunization in the presence of Al(OH)3. Mice were bled one week after receiving a booster that was given 2 weeks after primary immunization. Specific antibodies were detected by ELISA. Despite the fact that the conjugates are as immunogenic as the unmodified protein when parenterally injected in mice, they failed to induce oral tolerance. This discrepancy could be explained by differences in the intestinal absorption of the two forms of the antigen. In fact, when compared to the non-conjugated ovalbumin, a fast and high absorption of the lipid-conjugated form of ovalbumin was observed by "sandwich" ELISA.


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Sepsis, the leading cause of death in intensive care units, is associated with overproduction of nitric oxide (NO) due to inducible NO synthase (iNOS), responsible for some of the pathologic changes. Aminoguanidine (AG) is a selective iNOS inhibitor with reported inconsistent actions in sepsis. To investigate the influence of iNOS, we studied models of acute bacterial sepsis using acute challenges with aerobic (Escherichia coli) and anaerobic (Bacteroides fragilis) bacteria in the presence of AG. Six-week-old, 23 g, male and female BALB/c and C57Bl/6j mice, in equal proportions, were inoculated (ip) with bacteria in groups of 4 animals for each dose and each experiment in the absence or presence of AG (50 mg/kg, ip, starting 24 h before challenge and daily until day 6) and serum nitrate was measured by chemiluminescence. Both types of bacteria were lethal to mice, with an LD50 of 6 nephelometric units (U) for E. coli and 8 U for B. fragilis. Nitrate production peaked on the second day after E. coli inoculation with 8 and 6 U (P < 0.05), but was absent after non-lethal lower doses. After challenge with B. fragilis this early peak occurred at all tested doses after 24 h, including non-lethal ones (P < 0.05). AG-treated mice challenged with E. coli presented higher survival (P < 0.05) and increased LD50. AG-treated mice challenged with B. fragilis had lower LD50 and higher mortality. Control AG-treated animals presented no toxic effects. The opposite effect of iNOS blockade by AG in these models could be explained by restriction of oxygen for immune cells or an efficient action of NO in anaerobic localized infections. The antagonic role of NO production observed in our bacterial models could explain the reported discrepancy of NO action in sepsis.


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Previous studies on Combretum leprosum, a tree growing in the Northeastern states of Brazil, have shown antinociceptive effects of the ethanol extract of its leaves and bark, but studies examining its constituents are rare. The objective of this study was to evaluate the antinociceptive effect of the hydroalcoholic fraction (HF) of one of its constituents, the flavonoid (-) epicatechin (EPI), administered orally to mice (20-30 g) in models of chemical nociception, and the possible mechanisms involved. Different doses of HF (62.5 to 500 mg/kg) and EPI (12.5 to 50 mg/kg) were evaluated in models of abdominal writhing, glutamate, capsaicin, and formalin in animals pretreated with different antagonists: naloxone, ondansetron, yohimbine, ketanserin, pindolol, atropine, and caffeine in the abdominal writhing test. To determine the role of nitric oxide, the animals were pretreated with L-arginine (600 mg/kg, ip) in the glutamate test. The HF was effective (P < 0.05) in all protocols at different doses and EPI was effective in the abdominal writhing, capsaicin and glutamate tests (P < 0.05) at doses of 25 and 50 mg/kg. However, in the formalin test it was only effective in the second phase at a dose of 25 mg/kg. The antinociceptive effect of HF was inhibited when HF was associated with yohimbine (0.15 mg/kg), ketanserine (0.03 mg/kg), and L-arginine (600 mg/kg), but not with the other antagonists. HF and EPI were effective in models of chemical nociception, with the suggested participation of the adrenergic, serotonergic and nitrergic systems in the antinociceptive effect of HF.


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Anti-cancer DNA vaccines have attracted growing interest as a simple and non-invasive method for both the treatment and prevention of tumors induced by human papillomaviruses. Nonetheless, the low immunogenicity of parenterally administered vaccines, particularly regarding the activation of cytotoxic CD8+ T cell responses, suggests that further improvements in both vaccine composition and administration routes are still required. In the present study, we report the immune responses and anti-tumor effects of a DNA vaccine (pgD-E7E6E5) expressing three proteins (E7, E6, and E5) of the human papillomavirus type 16 genetically fused to the glycoprotein D of the human herpes simplex virus type 1, which was administered to mice by the intradermal (id) route using a gene gun. A single id dose of pgD-E7E6E5 (2 µg/dose) induced a strong activation of E7-specific interferon-γ (INF-γ)-producing CD8+ T cells and full prophylactic anti-tumor effects in the vaccinated mice. Three vaccine doses inhibited tumor growth in 70% of the mice with established tumors. In addition, a single vaccine dose consisting of the co-administration of pgD-E7E6E5 and the vector encoding interleukin-12 or granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor further enhanced the therapeutic anti-tumor effects and conferred protection to 60 and 50% of the vaccinated mice, respectively. In conclusion, id administration of pgD-E7E6E5 significantly enhanced the immunogenicity and anti-tumor effects of the DNA vaccine, representing a promising administration route for future clinical trials.


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Hoodia gordonii is a plant species used traditionally in southern Africa to suppress appetite. Recently, it has been associated with a significant increase in blood pressure and pulse rate in women, suggesting sympathomimetic activity. The present study investigated the possible antidepressant-like effects of acute and repeated (15 days) administration of H. gordonii extract (25 and 50 mg/kg, po) to mice exposed to a forced swimming test (FST). Neurochemical analysis of brain monoamines was also carried out to determine the involvement of the monoaminergic system on these effects. Acute administration of H. gordonii decreased the immobility of mice in the FST without accompanying changes in general activity in the open-field test during acute treatment, suggesting an antidepressant-like effect. The anti-immobility effect of H. gordonii was prevented by pretreatment of mice with PCPA [an inhibitor of serotonin (5-HT) synthesis], NAN-190 (a 5-HT1A antagonist), ritanserin (a 5-HT2A/2C antagonist), ondansetron (a 5-HT3A antagonist), prazosin (an α1-adrenoceptor antagonist), SCH23390 (a D1 receptor antagonist), yohimbine (an α2-adrenoceptor antagonist), and sulpiride (a D2 receptor antagonist). A significant increase in 5-HT levels in the striatum was detected after acute administration, while 5-HT, norepinephrine and dopamine were significantly elevated after chronic treatment. Results indicated that H. gordonii possesses antidepressant-like activity in the FST by altering the dopaminergic, serotonergic, and noradrenergic systems.


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The objective of this study was to identify the fungi associated with the fruit and seeds of Blepharocalyx salicifolius and verify their transmission and pathogenicity to seeds and seedlings. Fungal identification on seeds was made using the blotter test and potato-dextrose-agar but only the blotter test was used for fruit. Fungal transmission to seedlings was evaluated using four replications of 50 seeds planted in vermiculite. The pathogenicity of the fungi, Colletotrichum sp., Curvularia sp., Cladosporium sp. Pestalotia sp. and Macrophomina sp. was tested. Potentially pathogenic and saprophytic fungi were found on the fruits and seeds. The transmission of Cladosporium sp. from seeds to seedlings was verified, and Cladosporium sp. Pestalotia sp. and Macrophomina sp. were found to be pathogenic to B. salicifolius seedlings.