49 resultados para pariente


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Se especula una nueva teor??a sobre el parentesco que une a Cervantes con Isabel de Saavedra, su supuesta hija. En contraposici??n a la teor??a de Fran??ois Maret y otros bi??grafos de Cervantes, que aceptan la injuriosa teor??a de que Cervantes vendi?? su hija a Juan de Urbina, Miguel Herrero aboga por la hip??tesis de que Isabel no era su hija, sino su sobrina, de una relaci??n entre su hermana soltera Magdalena y Juan de Urbina, casado con otra mujer, lo que explicar??a las relaciones entre todos los personajes, y concuerda con el car??cter quijotesco de Cervantes.


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Estudiar la sociedad vasca, las estructuras del parentesco que se proyectan en la sociedad. El contexto socio-cultural del País Vasco ha sido pluriforme. La institución familiar vasca busca conservar su integridad. Los usos y costumbres más que normas directrices, son respuestas a situaciones concretas. La familia iniciaba su existencia con el matrimonio, que se hallaba basado en necesidades económicas y estaba encauzado en gran parte por los padres de los cónyuges. A veces, se establecía patrilocalmente, otras matrilocalmente. El caserío, es algo más que un concepto jurídico: es como un organismo vivo alrededor del cual se articula toda la vida de la familia. Lo individual del marido y de la mujer, y la educación de los hijos, están integrados en una comunicación y hermandad mutua, que a su vez está integrada en una comunidad familiar cuyo pilar es el tronco familiar. La comunicación y hermandad de vida y de bienes, la libertad de donar y testar y la troncalidad se entrecruzan entre sí para constituir la familia vizcaína.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Este texto analiza la primera fase del proyecto político de Revolución Ciudadana liderado por Rafael Correa; período que se inicia el momento en que asumió la presidencia en enero de 2007 y que culmina el septiembre de 2010. Es mi contención que este período corresponde al momento constituyente, de refundación constituyente, del proyecto político. En este lapso, el correísmo irrumpió en escenario nacional y se consolidó en el poder, con una propuesta de refundación y transformación radical de la sociedad. Luego de los hechos del 30 septiembre de 2010, ubico un momento de ruptura importante en el ejercicio del gobierno de Rafael Correa en que se detiene la dinámica refundacional y constituyente de esta primera fase y su proyecto político ingresa en una lógica que calificaría de deconstituyente. El presente trabajo, por tanto, debe ser visto como una parte de un estudio de mayor alcance sobre el correísmo. Su hipótesis y conclusiones se limitan al período señalado y no deberían extrapolarse. Parto, como opción conceptual y metodológica, de entender el correísmo como una versión, como un pariente de la extensa familia del populismo latinoamericano; más exactamente, como hijo putativo de lo que la literatura contemporánea define como el populismo radical andino. Esta caracterización no será, posiblemente, del todo feliz de las complejidades de este proyecto político. Como todas las opciones de este tipo, ésta nos abre y cierra puertas para interpretarlo. A manera de conclusión, se define de Estado populista a la construcción institucional surgida de la dinámica de refundación constituyente puesta en marcha por la Revolución Ciudadana entre 2007 y 2010. Este tipo de Estado ha sido producto de un régimen político que, igualmente, podría caracterizarse de autoritarismo plebiscitario, basado en un fuerte liderazgo carismático y cuyo modelo de legitimación opera en una lógica predominantemente carismática, pero apoyada por orientaciones racionales y materiales de legitimación. Se presenta esta conclusión como una hipótesis de trabajo a ser investigada en el futuro.


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Question: Recent research has indicated a considerable contribution of placebo effects to the outcome of acupuncture treatments: especially patients’ expectations seem to have an influence [1] and [2]. In this context it is important to better understand the patient–practitioner relationship. The aim of this study was to investigate why patients in Switzerland choose acupuncture or qigong, and what they expect from the treatment and the practitioners [3]. Methods: A qualitative survey with open questions was performed among 38 patients newly enrolled for treatment in 7 different practices for Traditional Chinese Medicine ((TCM); 6 practices for acupuncture, 1 for qigong). Questions aimed to identify reasons for choosing TCM, knowledge about its range of indications, and patients’ expectations towards method and therapist. Answers were categorised and analysed by frequency. Results: The most common reasons for choosing TCM were recommendation by acquaintances, the idea of trying a new treatment and the perception of TCM as being a gentle method. The majority of respondents had poor knowledge about the range of conditions to be treated with TCM: pain of the musculoskeletal system, headaches and chronic problems were considered as main indications. Surprisingly, gynaecological or gastro-intestinal diseases were not mentioned by the respondents. Practitioners were expected to have professional competence, provide information, empathy and understanding. Conclusions: The most striking result of this survey was the fact that patients knew very little about TCM and its indications. Thus, more precise information about TCM and other complementary methods should be offered to the general public, which would help patients to decide whether to consider TCM for the treatment of their disease. And, on the other hand, for the therapists it is important to better understand and respond to patients’ expectations in order to achieve better treatment results. The results of this qualitative survey were briefly discussed with the participating practitioners, who found them remarkable and support further quantitative studies. We plan to further investigate this topic. References 1. J. Pariente, P. White, R.S.J. Frackowiak, G. Lewith. Neuroimage, 25 (2005), pp. 1161–1167 2. M. Karst, D. Schneidewind, D. Scheinichen. Forsch Komplementmed, 17 (2010), pp. 21–27 3. S.D. Klein. Dt Ztschr f Akup, 52 (2009), pp. 18–23


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Background Recent research has indicated a considerable contribution of placebo effects to the outcome of acupuncture treatments: especially patients’ expectations seem to have an influence [1, 2]. In this context it is important to better understand the patient-practitioner relationship. The aim of this study was to investigate why patients in Switzerland choose acupuncture or qigong, and what they expect from the treatment and the practitioners [3]. Method A qualitative survey with open questions was performed among 38 patients newly enrolled for treatment in 7 different practices for Traditional Chinese Medicine ((TCM); 6 practices for acupuncture, 1 for qigong). Questions aimed to identify reasons for choosing TCM, knowledge about its range of indications, and patients’ expectations towards method and therapist. Answers were categorised and analysed by frequency. Results The most common reasons for choosing TCM were recommendation by acquaintances, the idea of trying a new treatment and the perception of TCM as being a gentle method. The majority of respondents had poor knowledge about the range of conditions to be treated with TCM: pain of the musculoskeletal system, headaches and chronic problems were considered as main indications. Surprisingly, gynaecological or gastro-intestinal diseases were not mentioned by the respondents. Practitioners were expected to have professional competence, provide information, empathy and understanding. Discussion The most striking result of this survey was the fact that patients knew very little about TCM and its indications. Thus, more precise information about TCM and other complementary methods should be offered to the general public, which would help patients to decide whether to consider TCM for the treatment of their disease. And, on the other hand, for the therapists it is important to better understand and respond to patients’ expectations in order to achieve better treatment results. The results of this qualitative survey were briefly discussed with the participating practitioners, who found them remarkable and support further quantitative studies. We plan to further investigate this topic. Literature 1 Pariente J et al., Neuroimage 2005;25:1161-67 2 Karst M et al., Forsch Komplementmed 2010;17:21-7 3 Klein SD., Dt Ztschr f Akup. 2009;52:18-23


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In order to assess the carbon flux through the deep-sea benthic boundary layer, sediment community oxygen consumption (SCOC) was measured in different months and years at the BIOTRANS area in the abyssal northeastern Atlantic. SCOC varied seasonally with a maximum in July/August. Evidence is given for a direct coupling between a substantial sedimentation of phytodetritus and the seasonal increase in SCOC. Rapid colonization, growth and decomposition rates indicate that the deep-sea benthic microbial and protozoan biota can react quickly to substantial falls of particulate organic matter. They seem to be the most important groups to generate seasonal changes in deep-sea benthic carbon flux rates.


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In this study we analyze the electrical behavior of a junction formed by an ultraheavily Ti implanted Si layer processed by a Pulsed Laser Melting (PLM) and the non implanted Si substrate. This electrical behavior exhibits an electrical decoupling effect in this bilayer that we have associated to an Intermediate Band (IB) formation in the Ti supersaturated Si layer. Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToFSIMS) measurements show a Ti depth profile with concentrations well above the theoretical limit required to the IB formation. Sheet resistance and Hall mobility measurements in the van der Pauw configuration of these bilayers exhibit a clear dependence with the different measurement currents introduced (1menor queA-1mA). We find that the electrical transport properties measured present an electrical decoupling effect in the bilayer as function of the temperature. The dependence of this effect with the injected current could be explained in terms of an additional current flow in the junction from the substrate to the IB layer and in terms of the voltage dependence in the junction with the measurement current.


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Contiene: Dia 23 de Octubre : octava de la Bienaventurada Vi[rge]n M[arí]a de aguas-vi[va]s / S[alvad]or Tudela Vallo