984 resultados para parallel application
Stepwise uncertainty reduction (SUR) strategies aim at constructing a sequence of points for evaluating a function f in such a way that the residual uncertainty about a quantity of interest progressively decreases to zero. Using such strategies in the framework of Gaussian process modeling has been shown to be efficient for estimating the volume of excursion of f above a fixed threshold. However, SUR strategies remain cumbersome to use in practice because of their high computational complexity, and the fact that they deliver a single point at each iteration. In this article we introduce several multipoint sampling criteria, allowing the selection of batches of points at which f can be evaluated in parallel. Such criteria are of particular interest when f is costly to evaluate and several CPUs are simultaneously available. We also manage to drastically reduce the computational cost of these strategies through the use of closed form formulas. We illustrate their performances in various numerical experiments, including a nuclear safety test case. Basic notions about kriging, auxiliary problems, complexity calculations, R code, and data are available online as supplementary materials.
The MobiGuide system provides patients with personalized decision support tools, based on computerized clinical guidelines, in a mobile environment. The generic capabilities of the system will be demonstrated applied to the clinical domain of Gestational Diabetes (GD). This paper presents a methodology to identify personalized recommendations, obtained from the analysis of the GD guideline. We added a conceptual parallel part to the formalization of the GD guideline called "parallel workflow" that allows considering patient?s personal context and preferences. As a result of analysing the GD guideline and eliciting medical knowledge, we identified three different types of personalized advices (therapy, measurements and upcoming events) that will be implemented to perform patients? guiding at home, supported by the MobiGuide system. These results will be essential to determine the distribution of functionalities between mobile and server decision support capabilities.
The trend in modal extraction algorithms is to use all the available frequency response functions data to obtain a global estimate of the natural frequencies, damping ratio and mode shapes. Improvements in transducer and signal processing technology allow the simultaneous measurement of many hundreds of channels of response data. The quantity of data available and the complexity of the extraction algorithms make considerable demands on the available computer power and require a powerful computer or dedicated workstation to perform satisfactorily. An alternative to waiting for faster sequential processors is to implement the algorithm in parallel, for example on a network of Transputers. Parallel architectures are a cost effective means of increasing computational power, and a larger number of response channels would simply require more processors. This thesis considers how two typical modal extraction algorithms, the Rational Fraction Polynomial method and the Ibrahim Time Domain method, may be implemented on a network of transputers. The Rational Fraction Polynomial Method is a well known and robust frequency domain 'curve fitting' algorithm. The Ibrahim Time Domain method is an efficient algorithm that 'curve fits' in the time domain. This thesis reviews the algorithms, considers the problems involved in a parallel implementation, and shows how they were implemented on a real Transputer network.
In the field of Transition P systems implementation, it has been determined that it is very important to determine in advance how long takes evolution rules application in membranes. Moreover, to have time estimations of rules application in membranes makes possible to take important decisions related to hardware / software architectures design. The work presented here introduces an algorithm for applying active evolution rules in Transition P systems, which is based on active rules elimination. The algorithm complies the requisites of being nondeterministic, massively parallel, and what is more important, it is time delimited because it is only dependant on the number of membrane evolution rules.
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the potential application of a lightweight concrete produced with lightweight coarse aggregate made of the water treatment sludge and sawdust (lightweight composite), by determining the thermal properties and possible environmental impact of future residue of this concrete. Two types of concrete were prepared: concrete produced with the lightweight composite dosed with cement/sand/composite/water in a mass ratio of 1:2.5:0.67:0.6 and conventional concrete dosed with cement/sand/crushed stone/water in a mass ratio of 1:4.8:5.8:0.8. The thermal properties were determined by the hot wire parallel technique. The possible environmental impact was measured using the procedures and guidelines of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards - ABNT. The concrete produced with the lightweight composite presented a 23% lower thermal conductivity than the conventional concrete. The concrete produced with the lightweight composite presented a set of thermal properties suitable for the application of this concrete in non-structural sealing elements. The concentration of aluminum in the solubilized extract of the concrete produced with the lightweight composite was much lower than the concentration of aluminum in the water treatment sludge, confirming the possible reduction of environmental impact of this composite for use in concrete. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper, artificial neural networks are employed in a novel approach to identify harmonic components of single-phase nonlinear load currents, whose amplitude and phase angle are subject to unpredictable changes, even in steady-state. The first six harmonic current components are identified through the variation analysis of waveform characteristics. The effectiveness of this method is tested by applying it to the model of a single-phase active power filter, dedicated to the selective compensation of harmonic current drained by an AC controller. Simulation and experimental results are presented to validate the proposed approach. (C) 2010 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
In this and a preceding paper, we provide an introduction to the Fujitsu VPP range of vector-parallel supercomputers and to some of the computational chemistry software available for the VPP. Here, we consider the implementation and performance of seven popular chemistry application packages. The codes discussed range from classical molecular dynamics to semiempirical and ab initio quantum chemistry. All have evolved from sequential codes, and have typically been parallelised using a replicated data approach. As such they are well suited to the large-memory/fast-processor architecture of the VPP. For one code, CASTEP, a distributed-memory data-driven parallelisation scheme is presented. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
NMR spectroscopy and simulated annealing calculations have been used to determine the three-dimensional structure of NaD1, a novel antifungal and insecticidal protein isolated from the flowers of Nicotiana alata. NaD1 is a basic, cysteine-rich protein of 47 residues and is the first example of a plant defensin from flowers to be characterized structurally. Its three-dimensional structure consists of an a-helix and a triple-stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet that are stabilized by four intramolecular disulfide bonds. NaD1 features all the characteristics of the cysteine-stabilized up motif that has been described for a variety of proteins of differing functions ranging from antibacterial insect defensins and ion channel-perturbing scorpion toxins to an elicitor of the sweet taste response. The protein is biologically active against insect pests, which makes it a potential candidate for use in crop protection. NaD1 shares 31% sequence identity with alfAFP, an antifungal protein from alfalfa that confers resistance to a fungal pathogen in transgenic potatoes. The structure of NaD1 was used to obtain a homology model of alfAFP, since NaD1 has the highest level of sequence identity with alfAFP of any structurally characterized antifungal defensin. The structures of NaD1 and alfAFP were used in conjunction with structure - activity data for the radish defensin Rs-AFP2 to provide an insight into structure-function relationships. In particular, a putative effector site was identified in the structure of NaD1 and in the corresponding homology model of alfAFP. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
High-level parallel languages offer a simple way for application programmers to specify parallelism in a form that easily scales with problem size, leaving the scheduling of the tasks onto processors to be performed at runtime. Therefore, if the underlying system cannot efficiently execute those applications on the available cores, the benefits will be lost. In this paper, we consider how to schedule highly heterogenous parallel applications that require real-time performance guarantees on multicore processors. The paper proposes a novel scheduling approach that combines the global Earliest Deadline First (EDF) scheduler with a priority-aware work-stealing load balancing scheme, which enables parallel realtime tasks to be executed on more than one processor at a given time instant. Experimental results demonstrate the better scalability and lower scheduling overhead of the proposed approach comparatively to an existing real-time deadline-oriented scheduling class for the Linux kernel.
Multicore platforms have transformed parallelism into a main concern. Parallel programming models are being put forward to provide a better approach for application programmers to expose the opportunities for parallelism by pointing out potentially parallel regions within tasks, leaving the actual and dynamic scheduling of these regions onto processors to be performed at runtime, exploiting the maximum amount of parallelism. It is in this context that this paper proposes a scheduling approach that combines the constant-bandwidth server abstraction with a priority-aware work-stealing load balancing scheme which, while ensuring isolation among tasks, enables parallel tasks to be executed on more than one processor at a given time instant.
The application of compressive sensing (CS) to hyperspectral images is an active area of research over the past few years, both in terms of the hardware and the signal processing algorithms. However, CS algorithms can be computationally very expensive due to the extremely large volumes of data collected by imaging spectrometers, a fact that compromises their use in applications under real-time constraints. This paper proposes four efficient implementations of hyperspectral coded aperture (HYCA) for CS, two of them termed P-HYCA and P-HYCA-FAST and two additional implementations for its constrained version (CHYCA), termed P-CHYCA and P-CHYCA-FAST on commodity graphics processing units (GPUs). HYCA algorithm exploits the high correlation existing among the spectral bands of the hyperspectral data sets and the generally low number of endmembers needed to explain the data, which largely reduces the number of measurements necessary to correctly reconstruct the original data. The proposed P-HYCA and P-CHYCA implementations have been developed using the compute unified device architecture (CUDA) and the cuFFT library. Moreover, this library has been replaced by a fast iterative method in the P-HYCA-FAST and P-CHYCA-FAST implementations that leads to very significant speedup factors in order to achieve real-time requirements. The proposed algorithms are evaluated not only in terms of reconstruction error for different compressions ratios but also in terms of computational performance using two different GPU architectures by NVIDIA: 1) GeForce GTX 590; and 2) GeForce GTX TITAN. Experiments are conducted using both simulated and real data revealing considerable acceleration factors and obtaining good results in the task of compressing remotely sensed hyperspectral data sets.
This paper presents a methodology for multi-objective day-ahead energy resource scheduling for smart grids considering intensive use of distributed generation and Vehicle- To-Grid (V2G). The main focus is the application of weighted Pareto to a multi-objective parallel particle swarm approach aiming to solve the dual-objective V2G scheduling: minimizing total operation costs and maximizing V2G income. A realistic mathematical formulation, considering the network constraints and V2G charging and discharging efficiencies is presented and parallel computing is applied to the Pareto weights. AC power flow calculation is included in the metaheuristics approach to allow taking into account the network constraints. A case study with a 33-bus distribution network and 1800 V2G resources is used to illustrate the performance of the proposed method.
This work uses surface imprinting to design a novel smart plastic antibodymaterial (SPAM) for Haemoglobin (Hb). Charged binding sites are described here for the first time to tailor plastic antibody nanostructures for a large size protein such as Hb. Its application to design small, portable and low cost potentiometric devices is presented. The SPAM material was obtained by linking Hb to silica nanoparticles and allowing its ionic interaction with charged vinyl monomers. A neutral polymeric matrix was created around these and the imprinted protein removed. Additional materials were designed in parallel acting as a control: a neutral imprinted material (NSPAM), obtained by removing the charged monomers from the procedure, and the Non-Imprinted (NI) versions of SPAM and NSPAM by removing the template. SEM analysis confirmed the surface modification of the silica nanoparticles. All materials were mixed with PVC/plasticizer and applied as selective membranes in potentiometric transduction. Electromotive force (emf) variations were detected only for selective membranes having a lipophilic anionic additive in the membrane. The presence of Hb inside these membranes was evident and confirmed by FTIR, optical microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The best performance was found for SPAM-based selective membranes with an anionic lipophilic additive, at pH 5. The limits of detection were 43.8 mg mL 1 and linear responses were obtained down to 83.8 mg mL 1, with an average cationic slope of +40 mV per decade. Good selectivity was also observed against other coexisting biomolecules. The analytical application was conducted successfully, showing accurate and precise results.
Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD 2015), Funchal, Portugal.