951 resultados para palladium-containing supported catalysts


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This dissertation focuses on the incorporation of non-innocent or multifunctional moieties into different ligand scaffolds to support one or multiple metal centers in close proximity. Chapter 2 focuses on the initial efforts to synthesize hetero- or homometallic tri- or dinuclear metal carbonyl complexes supported by para-terphenyl diphosphine ligands. A series of [M2M’(CO)4]-type clusters (M = Ni, Pd; M’ = Fe, Co) could be accessed and used to relate the metal composition to the properties of the complexes. During these studies it was also found that non-innocent behavior was observed in dinuclear Fe complexes that result from changes in oxidation state of the cluster. These studies led to efforts to rationally incorporate central arene moieties capable managing both protons and electrons during small molecule activation.

Chapter 3 discusses the synthesis of metal complexes supported by a novel para-terphenyl diphosphine ligand containing a non-innocent 1,4-hydroquinone moiety as the central arene. A Pd0-hydroquinone complex was found to mediate the activation of a variety of small molecules to form the corresponding Pd0-quinone complexes in a formal two proton ⁄ two electron transformation. Mechanistic investigations of dioxygen activation revealed a metal-first activation process followed by subsequent proton and electron transfer from the ligand. These studies revealed the capacity of the central arene substituent to serve as a reservoir for a formal equivalent of dihydrogen, although the stability of the M-quinone compounds prevented access to the PdII-quinone oxidation state, thus hindering of small molecule transformations requiring more than two electrons per equivalent of metal complex.

Chapter 4 discusses the synthesis of metal complexes supported by a ligand containing a 3,5-substituted pyridine moiety as the linker separating the phenylene phosphine donors. Nickel and palladium complexes supported by this ligand were found to tolerate a wide variety of pyridine nitrogen-coordinated electrophiles which were found to alter central pyridine electronics, and therefore metal-pyridine π-system interactions, substantially. Furthermore, nickel complexes supported by this ligand were found to activate H-B and H-Si bonds and formally hydroborate and hydrosilylate the central pyridine ring. These systems highlight the potential use of pyridine π-system-coordinated metal complexes to reversibly store reducing equivalents within the ligand framework in a manner akin to the previously discussed 1,4-hydroquinone diphosphine ligand scaffold.

Chapter 5 departs from the phosphine-based chemistry and instead focuses on the incorporation of hydrogen bonding networks into the secondary coordination sphere of [Fe44-O)]-type clusters supported by various pyrazolate ligands. The aim of this project is to stabilize reactive oxygenic species, such as oxos, to study their spectroscopy and reactivity in the context of complicated multimetallic clusters. Herein is reported this synthesis and electrochemical and Mössbauer characterization of a series of chloride clusters have been synthesized using parent pyrazolate and a 3-aminophenyl substituted pyrazolate ligand. Efforts to rationally access hydroxo and oxo clusters from these chloride precursors represents ongoing work that will continue in the group.

Appendix A discusses attempts to access [Fe3Ni]-type clusters as models of the enzymatic active site of [NiFe] carbon monoxide dehydrogenase. Efforts to construct tetranuclear clusters with an interstitial sulfide proved unsuccessful, although a (μ3-S) ligand could be installed through non-oxidative routes into triiron clusters. While [Fe3Ni(μ4-O)]-type clusters could be assembled, accessing an open heterobimetallic edge site proved challenging, thus prohibiting efforts to study chemical transformations, such as hydroxide attack onto carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide coordination, relevant to the native enzyme. Appendix B discusses the attempts to synthesize models of the full H-cluster of [FeFe]-hydrogenase using a bioinorganic approach. A synthetic peptide containing three cysteine donors was successfully synthesized and found to chelate a preformed synthetic [Fe4S4] cluster. However, efforts to incorporate the diiron subsite model complex proved challenging as the planned thioester exchange reaction was found to non-selectively acetylate the peptide backbone, thus preventing the construction of the full six-iron cluster.


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Multiwalled carbon nanotube-supported Pt (Pt/MWNT) nanocomposites were prepared by both the aqueous solution reduction of a Pt salt (HCHO reduction) and the reduction of a Pt ion salt in ethylene glycol solution. For comparison, a Pt/XC-72 nanocomposite was also prepared by the EG method. The Pt/MWNT catalyst prepared by the EG method has a high and homogeneous dispersion of spherical Pt metal particles with a narrow particle-size distribution. TEM images show that the Pt particle size is in the range of 2-5 nm with a peak at 2.6 nm, which is consistent with 2.5 nm obtained from the XRD broadening calculation. Surface chemical modifications of MWNTs and water content in EG solvent are found to be the key factors in depositing Pt particles on MWNTs. In the case of the direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) test, the Pt/MWNT catalyst prepared by EG reduction is slightly superior to the catalyst prepared by aqueous reduction and displays significantly higher performance than the Pt/XC-72 catalyst. These differences in catalytic performance between the MWNT-supported or the carbon black XC-72-supported catalysts are attributed to a greater dispersion of the supported Pt particles when the EG method is used, in contrast to aqueous HCHO reduction and to possible unique structural and higher electrical properties when contrasting MWNTs to carbon black XC-72 as a support.


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Two novel salicylaldimine-based neutral nickel(II) complexes, [(2,6-iPr(2)C(6)H(3))NCH(2-ArC6H3O)]Ni(PPh3)Ph (6, Ar = 2-(OH)C6H4; 8, Ar = 2-OH-3-(2,6-iPr(2)C(6)H(3)NCH)C6H3), have been synthesized, and their structures have also been confirmed by X-ray crystallography, elemental analysis, and H-1 and C-13 NMR spectra. An important structural feature of the two complexes is the free hydroxyl group, which allows them to react with silica pretreated with trimethylaluminum under immobilization by the formation of a covalent bond between the neutral nickel(II) complex and the pretreated silica. As active single-component catalysts, the two complexes exhibited high catalytic activities up to 1.14 and 1.47 x 10(6) g PE/mol(Ni)center dot h for ethylene polymerization, respectively, and yielded branched polymers. Requiring no cocatalyst, the two supported catalysts also showed relatively high activities up to 4.0 x 10(5) g PE/mol(Ni)center dot h and produced polyethylenes with high weight-average molecular weights of up to 120 kg/mol and a moderate degree of branching (ca. 13-26 branches per 1000 carbon atoms).


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Catalysts consisting of heteropoly acids (HPAs) supported on different silica and mesoporous molecular sieves have been prepared by impregnation and the sol-gel method, respectively, and their catalytic behavior in fixed-bed alkylation of isobutane with butene has been investigated. The activity, selectivity and stability of the supported-HPA catalysts could be correlated with the surface acidity of the catalysts, the structure of supports as well as the time on stream (TOS). In the fixed-bed reactor, the acidity of the heteropoly acid is favorable to the formation of dimerization products (C-8(=)); especially, the pore size of supports was seen to have an important effect on activity and product distribution of the catalysts. Contrary to the traditional solid-acid catalysts, the supported-HPA catalysts own an excellent stability for alkylation, which makes it possible for these supported catalysts to replace the liquid-acid catalysts used in industry.


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The production of hydrogen by steam reforming of bio-oils obtained from the fast pyrolysis of biomass requires the development of efficient catalysts able to cope with the complex chemical nature of the reactant. The present work focuses on the use of noble metal-based catalysts for the steam reforming of a few model compounds and that of an actual bio-oil. The steam reforming of the model compounds was investigated in the temperature range 650-950 degrees C over Pt, Pd and Rh supported on alumina and a ceria-zirconia sample. The model compounds used were acetic acid, phenol, acetone and ethanol. The nature of the support appeared to play a significant role in the activity of these catalysts. The use of ceria-zirconia, a redox mixed oxide, lead to higher H-2 yields as compared to the case of the alumina-supported catalysts. The supported Rh and Pt catalysts were the most active for the steam reforming of these compounds, while Pd-based catalysts poorly performed. The activity of the promising Pt and Rh catalysts was also investigated for the steam reforming of a bio-oil obtained from beech wood fast pyrolysis. Temperatures close to, or higher than, 800 degrees C were required to achieve significant conversions to COx and H-2 (e.g., H-2 yields around 70%). The ceria-zirconia materials showed a higher activity than the corresponding alumina samples. A Pt/ceria-zirconia sample used for over 9 h showed essentially constant activity, while extensive carbonaceous deposits were observed on the quartz reactor walls from early time on stream. In the present case, no benefit was observed by adding a small amount of O-2 to the steam/bio-oil feed (autothermal reforming, ATR), probably partly due to the already high concentration of oxygen in the bio-oil composition. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Catalysis is a technologically important field which determines the quality of life in future. Catalyst research in pharmaceutical industry,fine chemical synthesis and emission control demands supported catalysts in bulk quantities.In the present work it was observed that clay supported catalysts mentioned in various chapters could also be used for the synthesis of similar molecules. The K10Ti catalyst can be used for the synthesis similar substituted imidazole derivatives under solvent free conditions and synthetically important Mannich bases of substrates containing various substitutes.Al-pillared saponite can be used for acetalation of other polyhydroxy compounds like glycerol,mannitol etc.Cu-Pd KSF catalyst has found application in C-C bond forming reactions which can be applied to other reactions and similar methods can be adopted for the synthesis of other catalyst by changing the transition metals. Montmorillonite K10 catalysed synthesis of triarylpyridines can be extended to the synthesis tetrasubstuted pyroles.K10Ti can also be utilized for the synthesis of similar heterocycles.


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Poly(amidoamine) dendrimers were synthesized on cross-linked aminomethyl polystyrene. Palladium complexes of supported dendrimers prepared by ligand exchange method were reduced to dendrimernanoparticle conjugates supported on polystyrene resin. The supported nanoparticles were used as heterogeneous catalysts for the Suzuki coupling between aryl boronic acids and aryl halides. Various factors affecting the catalysts performance were studied. Higher generation dendrimers gave well-defined nanoparticles without agglomeration and these particles showed good catalytic performance


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Nitroxyl radicals such as 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPO) are highly selective oxidation catalysts for the conversion of primary alcohols into the corresponding aldehydes. In this study, direct tethering of TEMPO units onto linear poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) has afforded macromolecular catalysts that exhibit solubility in both aqueous and organic solvents. Recovery of the dissolved polymer-supported catalyst has been carried out by precipitation with a suitable solvent such as diethyl ether. The high catalyst activities and selectivities associated traditionally with nitroxyl-mediated oxidations of alcohols are retained by the series of "linker-less" linear PEG-TEMPO catalysts in which the TEMPO moiety is coupled directly to the PEG support. Although the selectivity remains unaltered, upon recycling of the linker-less polymer-supported catalysts, extended reaction times are required to maintain high yields of the desired carbonyl compounds. Alternatively, attachment of two nitroxyl radicals onto each functionalized PEG chain terminus via a 5-hydroxyisophthalic acid linker affords branched polymer-supported catalysts. In stark contrast to the linker-less catalysts, these branched nitroxyls exhibit catalytic activities up to five times greater than 4-methoxy-TEMPO alone under similar conditions. In addition, minimal decrease in catalytic activity is observed upon recycling of these branched macromolecular catalysts via solvent-induced precipitation. The high catalytic activities and preservation of activity upon recycling of these branched systems is attributed to enhanced regeneration of the nitroxyl species as a result of intramolecular syn-proportionation.


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Reaction of salicylaldehyde semicarbazone (L-1), 2-hydroxyacetophenone semicarbazone (L-2), and 2-hydroxynaphthaldehyde semicarbazone (L-3) with [Pd(PPh3)(2)Cl-2] in ethanol in the presence of a base (NEt3) affords a family of yellow complexes (1a, 1b and 1c, respectively). In these complexes the semicarbazone ligands are coordinated to palladium in a rather unusual tridentate ONN-mode, and a PPh3 also remains coordinated to the metal center. Crystal structures of the 1b and 1c complexes have been determined, and structure of 1a has been optimized by a DFT method. In these complexes two potential donor sites of the coordinated semicarbazone, viz. the hydrazinic nitrogen and carbonylic oxygen, remain unutilized. Further reaction of these palladium complexes (1a, 1b and 1c) with [Ru(PPh3)(2)(CO)(2)Cl-2] yields a family of orange complexes (2a, 2b and 2c, respectively). In these heterodinuclear (Pd-Ru) complexes, the hydrazinic nitrogen (via dissociation of the N-H proton) and the carbonylic oxygen from the palladium-containing fragment bind to the ruthenium center by displacing a chloride and a carbonyl. Crystal structures of 2a and 2c have been determined, and the structure of 2b has been optimized by a DFT method. All the complexes show characteristic H-1 NMR spectra and, intense absorptions in the visible and ultraviolet region. Cyclic voltammetry on all the complexes shows an irreversible oxidation of the coordinated semicarbazone within 0.86-0.93 V vs. SCE, and an irreversible reduction of the same ligand within -0.96 to -1.14 V vs. SCE. Both the mononuclear (1a, 1b and 1c) and heterodinuclear (2a, 2b and 2c) complexes are found to efficiently catalyze Suzuki, Heck and Sonogashira type C-C coupling reactions utilizing a variety of aryl bromides and aryl chlorides. The Pd-Ru complexes (2a, 2b and 2c) are found to be better catalysts than the Pd complexes (1a, 1b and 1c) for Suzuki and Heck coupling reactions.


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In this work we have made use of the study of the interaction between Fe(TDCPP)(+) and the axial ligands OH- and imidazole in order to help characterize the heterogenized catalysts Fe(TDCPP)SG and Fe(TDCPP)IPG through UV-VIS and EPR spectroscopies and thus, better understand their different catalytic activity in the oxidation of cyclohexane by PhIO. We have found out that in Fe(TDCPP)SG (containing 1.2 X 10(-6) mol Fe(TDCPP)(+)/g of support), the FeP bis-coordinates to silica gel through Fe-O coordination and it is high-spin (FeP)-P-III species. In Fe(TDCPP)IPG 1 (containing 1.1 X 10(-6) mol Fe(TDCPP)(+) and 2.2 X 10(-4) mol imidazole/g of support), the FeP is bis-ligated to imidazole propyl gel through Fe-imidazole coordination and using NO as a paramagnetic probe, we present evidence that Fe(TDCPP)(+) is present as a mixture of low-spin (FeP)-P-III and (FeP)-P-II species. This catalyst led to a relative low yield of cyclohexanol (25%) because the bis-coordination of the (FeP)-P-III to the support partially blocks the reaction between Fe(TDCPP)(+) and PhIO, thus leading to the formation of only a small amount of the active species Fe-IV(OP+, while the (FeP)-P-II species do not react with the oxygen donor. Increasing the amount of Fe(TDCPP)(+) and decreasing the amount of imidazole in the support led to the obtention of high-spin (FeP)-P-III EPR signals in the spectra of Fe(TDCPP)IPG 5 (containing 4.4 X 10(-6) mol Fe(TDCPP)(+) and 2.2 X 10(-5) mol imidazole/g of IPG), together with low-spin (FeP)-P-III species. This latter catalyst led to better cyclohexanol yields (67%) than Fe(TDCPP)IPG 1. Fe(TDCPP)IPG 5 was further used in a study of the optimization of its catalytic activity and in recycling experiments in the optimized conditions. Recycling oxidation reactions of Fe(TDCPP)IPG 5 led to a total turnover number of 201 and total cyclohexanol yield of 201%, which could not be attained with Fe(TDCPP)Cl in homogeneous solution (turnover = 96) due to the difficulty in recovering and reusing it.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The effect of the relationship between particle size (d), inter-particle distance (x(i)), and metal loading (y) of carbon supported fuel cell Pt or PtRu catalysts on their catalytic activity, based on the optimum d (2.5-3 nm) and x(i)/d (>5) values, was evaluated. It was found that for y < 30 wt%, the optimum values of both d and x(i)/d can be always obtained. For y >= 30 wt%, instead, the positive effect of a thinner catalyst layer of the fuel cell electrode than that using catalysts with y < 30 wt% is concomitant to a decrease of the effective catalyst surface area due to an increase of d and/or a decrease of x(i)/d compared to their optimum values, with in turns gives rise to a decrease in the catalytic activity. The effect of the x(i)/d ratio has been successfully verified by experimental results on ethanol oxidation on PtRu/C catalysts with same particle size and same degree of alloying but different metal loading. Tests in direct ethanol fuel cells showed that, compared to 20 wt% PtRu/C, the negative effect of the lower x(i)/d on the catalytic activity of 30 and 40 wt% PtRu/C catalysts was superior to the positive effect of the thinner catalyst layer.


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Selective oxidation is one of the simplest functionalization methods and essentially all monomers used in manufacturing artificial fibers and plastics are obtained by catalytic oxidation processes. Formally, oxidation is considered as an increase in the oxidation number of the carbon atoms, then reactions such as dehydrogenation, ammoxidation, cyclization or chlorination are all oxidation reactions. In this field, most of processes for the synthesis of important chemicals used vanadium oxide-based catalysts. These catalytic systems are used either in the form of multicomponent mixed oxides and oxysalts, e.g., in the oxidation of n-butane (V/P/O) and of benzene (supported V/Mo/O) to maleic anhydride, or in the form of supported metal oxide, e.g., in the manufacture of phthalic anhydride by o-xylene oxidation, of sulphuric acid by oxidation of SO2, in the reduction of NOx with ammonia and in the ammoxidation of alkyl aromatics. In addition, supported vanadia catalysts have also been investigated for the oxidative dehydrogenation of alkanes to olefins , oxidation of pentane to maleic anhydride and the selective oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde or methyl formate [1]. During my PhD I focused my work on two gas phase selective oxidation reactions. The work was done at the Department of Industrial Chemistry and Materials (University of Bologna) in collaboration with Polynt SpA. Polynt is a leader company in the development, production and marketing of catalysts for gas-phase oxidation. In particular, I studied the catalytic system for n-butane oxidation to maleic anhydride (fluid bed technology) and for o-xylene oxidation to phthalic anhydride. Both reactions are catalyzed by systems based on vanadium, but catalysts are completely different. Part A is dedicated to the study of V/P/O catalyst for n-butane selective oxidation, while in the Part B the results of an investigation on TiO2-supported V2O5, catalyst for o-xylene oxidation are showed. In Part A, a general introduction about the importance of maleic anhydride, its uses, the industrial processes and the catalytic system are reported. The reaction is the only industrial direct oxidation of paraffins to a chemical intermediate. It is produced by n-butane oxidation either using fixed bed and fluid bed technology; in both cases the catalyst is the vanadyl pyrophosphate (VPP). Notwithstanding the good performances, the yield value didn’t exceed 60% and the system is continuously studied to improve activity and selectivity. The main open problem is the understanding of the real active phase working under reaction conditions. Several articles deal with the role of different crystalline and/or amorphous vanadium/phosphorous (VPO) compounds. In all cases, bulk VPP is assumed to constitute the core of the active phase, while two different hypotheses have been formulated concerning the catalytic surface. In one case the development of surface amorphous layers that play a direct role in the reaction is described, in the second case specific planes of crystalline VPP are assumed to contribute to the reaction pattern, and the redox process occurs reversibly between VPP and VOPO4. Both hypotheses are supported also by in-situ characterization techniques, but the experiments were performed with different catalysts and probably under slightly different working conditions. Due to complexity of the system, these differences could be the cause of the contradictions present in literature. Supposing that a key role could be played by P/V ratio, I prepared, characterized and tested two samples with different P/V ratio. Transformation occurring on catalytic surfaces under different conditions of temperature and gas-phase composition were studied by means of in-situ Raman spectroscopy, trying to investigate the changes that VPP undergoes during reaction. The goal is to understand which kind of compound constituting the catalyst surface is the most active and selective for butane oxidation reaction, and also which features the catalyst should possess to ensure the development of this surface (e.g. catalyst composition). On the basis of results from this study, it could be possible to project a new catalyst more active and selective with respect to the present ones. In fact, the second topic investigated is the possibility to reproduce the surface active layer of VPP onto a support. In general, supportation is a way to improve mechanical features of the catalysts and to overcome problems such as possible development of local hot spot temperatures, which could cause a decrease of selectivity at high conversion, and high costs of catalyst. In literature it is possible to find different works dealing with the development of supported catalysts, but in general intrinsic characteristics of VPP are worsened due to the chemical interaction between active phase and support. Moreover all these works deal with the supportation of VPP; on the contrary, my work is an attempt to build-up a V/P/O active layer on the surface of a zirconia support by thermal treatment of a precursor obtained by impregnation of a V5+ salt and of H3PO4. In-situ Raman analysis during the thermal treatment, as well as reactivity tests are used to investigate the parameters that may influence the generation of the active phase. Part B is devoted to the study of o-xylene oxidation of phthalic anhydride; industrially, the reaction is carried out in gas-phase using as catalysts a supported system formed by V2O5 on TiO2. The V/Ti/O system is quite complex; different vanadium species could be present on the titania surface, as a function of the vanadium content and of the titania surface area: (i) V species which is chemically bound to the support via oxo bridges (isolated V in octahedral or tetrahedral coordination, depending on the hydration degree), (ii) a polymeric species spread over titania, and (iii) bulk vanadium oxide, either amorphous or crystalline. The different species could have different catalytic properties therefore changing the relative amount of V species can be a way to optimize the catalytic performances of the system. For this reason, samples containing increasing amount of vanadium were prepared and tested in the oxidation of o-xylene, with the aim of find a correlations between V/Ti/O catalytic activity and the amount of the different vanadium species. The second part deals with the role of a gas-phase promoter. Catalytic surface can change under working conditions; the high temperatures and a different gas-phase composition could have an effect also on the formation of different V species. Furthermore, in the industrial practice, the vanadium oxide-based catalysts need the addition of gas-phase promoters in the feed stream, that although do not have a direct role in the reaction stoichiometry, when present leads to considerable improvement of catalytic performance. Starting point of my investigation is the possibility that steam, a component always present in oxidation reactions environment, could cause changes in the nature of catalytic surface under reaction conditions. For this reason, the dynamic phenomena occurring at the surface of a 7wt% V2O5 on TiO2 catalyst in the presence of steam is investigated by means of Raman spectroscopy. Moreover a correlation between the amount of the different vanadium species and catalytic performances have been searched. Finally, the role of dopants has been studied. The industrial V/Ti/O system contains several dopants; the nature and the relative amount of promoters may vary depending on catalyst supplier and on the technology employed for the process, either a single-bed or a multi-layer catalytic fixed-bed. Promoters have a quite remarkable effect on both activity and selectivity to phthalic anhydride. Their role is crucial, and the proper control of the relative amount of each component is fundamental for the process performance. Furthermore, it can not be excluded that the same promoter may play different role depending on reaction conditions (T, composition of gas phase..). The reaction network of phthalic anhydride formation is very complex and includes several parallel and consecutive reactions; for this reason a proper understanding of the role of each dopant cannot be separated from the analysis of the reaction scheme. One of the most important promoters at industrial level, which is always present in the catalytic formulations is Cs. It is known that Cs plays an important role on selectivity to phthalic anhydride, but the reasons of this phenomenon are not really clear. Therefore the effect of Cs on the reaction scheme has been investigated at two different temperature with the aim of evidencing in which step of the reaction network this promoter plays its role.


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Catalysts based on palladium nanoparticles supported on different zeolites (BETA, ZSM-5 and Y) were prepared and their catalytic performance in formic acid dehydrogenation was studied. The effects of the zeolite structure and porous texture on the catalytic activity were investigated by comparing the behavior of these samples. The results revealed that the samples based on BETA zeolite are promising catalysts for this application.