50 resultados para ouabain


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The research is focused on the relationship between some Mg2+-dependent ATPase activities of plasma- and mitochondrial membranes from tissues of cultured marine bivalve molluscs and potentially stressful environmental conditions, such as the exposure to contaminants both of natural origin (ammonia nitrogen, the main contaminant of aquaculture plants) and of anthropic source (alkyltins). The two filter-feeding bivalve species selected colonize different habitats: the common mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis binds to hard substrates and the Philippine clam Tapes philippinarum burrows into sea bottom sandy beds. The choice of typical species of coastal waters, extremely suitable for environmental studies due to their features of poor motility, resistance to transport and great filtering efficiency, may constitute a model to evaluate responses to contaminants of membrane-bound enzyme activities involved in key biochemical mechanisms, namely cell ionic regulation and mitochondrial energy production. In vitro and in vitro approaches have been pursued. In vitro assays were carried out by adding the contaminants (NH4Cl and alkyltins) directly to the ATPase reaction media. In vivo experiments were carried out by exposing mussels to various tributyl tin (TBT) concentrations under controlled conditions in aquaria. ATPase activities were determined spectrophotometrically according to the principles of the method of Fiske and Subbarow (1925). The main results obtained are detailed below. In Tapes philippinarum the interaction of NH4 +, the main form of ammonia nitrogen at physiological and seawater pHs, with the Na,K-ATPase and the ouabaininsensitive Na-ATPase was investigated in vitro on gill and mantle microsomal membranes. The proven replacement by NH4 +of K+ in the activation of the Na,KATPase and of Na+ in the activation of the ouabain-insensitive ATPase displayed similar enzyme affinity for the substituted cation. on the one hand this finding may represent one of the possible mechanisms of ammonia toxicity and, on the other, it supports the hypothesis that NH4 + can be transported across the plasma membrane through the two ATPases. In this case both microsomal ATPases may be involved and co-operate, at least under peculiar circumstances, to nitrogen excretion and ammonia detoxification mechanisms in bivalve molluscs. The two ATPase activities stimulated by NH4 + maintained their typical response to the glycoside ouabain, specific inhibitor of the Na,K-ATPase, being the Na++ NH4 +-activated ATPase even more susceptive to the inhibitor and the ouabain-insensitive ATPase activity activated indifferently by Na+ or NH4 + unaffected by up to 10-2 M ouabain. In vitro assays were carried out to evaluate the response of the two Na-dependent ATPases to organotins in clams and mussels and to investigate the interaction of TBT with mussel mitochondrial oligomycin-sensitive Mg-ATPase. Since no literature data were available, the optimal assay conditions and oligomycin sensitivity of mussel mitochondrial MgATPase were determined. In T. philippinarum the ouabain-insensitive Na-ATPase was found to be refractory to TBT both in the gills and in the mantle, whereas the Na,K-ATPase was progressively inhibited by increasing TBT doses; the enzyme inhibition was more pronounced in the gills than in the mantle. In both tissues of M. galloprovincialis the Na,K-ATPase inhibition by alkyltins decreased in the order TBT>DBT(dibutyltin)>>MBT(monobutyltin)=TeET(tetraethyltin) (no effect). Mussel Na-ATPase confirmed its refractorimess to TBT and derivatives both in the gills and in the mantle. These results indicate that the Na,K-ATPase inhibition decreases as the number of alkyl chains bound to tin decreases; however a certain polarity of the organotin molecule is required to yield Na,K-ATPase inhibition, since no enzyme inhibition occurred in the presence of tetraalkyl-substituted derivatives such as TeET . Assays carried out in the presence of the dithioerythritol (DTE) pointed out that the sulphhydrylic agent is capable to prevent the Na,K-ATPase inhibition by TBT, thus suggesting that the inhibitor may link to -SH groups of the enzyme complex.. Finally, the different effect of alkyltins on the two Na-dependent ATPases may constitute a further tool to differentiate between the two enzyme activities. These results add to the wealth of literature data describing different responses of the two enzyme activities to endogenous and exogenous modulators . Mussel mitochondrial Mg-ATPase was also found to be in vitro inhibited by TBT both in the gills and in the mantle: the enzyme inhibition followed non competitive kinetics. The failed effect of DTE pointed out that in this case the interaction of TBT with the enzyme complex is probably different from that with the Na,K-ATPase. The results are consistent with literature data showing that alkyltin may interact with enzyme structures with different mechanisms. Mussel exposure to different TBT sublethal doses in aquaria was carried out for 120 hours. Two samplings (after 24 and 120 hrs) were performed in order to evaluate a short-term response of gill and mantle Na,K-ATPase, ouabain-insensitive Na-ATPase and Mg-ATPase activities. The in vivo response to the contaminants of the enzyme activities under study was shown to be partially different from that pointed out in the in vitro assays. Mitochondrial Mg-ATPase activity appeared to be activated in TBTexposed mussels with respect to control ones, thus confirming the complexity of evaluating in vivo responses of the enzyme activities to contaminants, due to possible interactions of toxicants with molluscan metabolism. Concluding, the whole of data point out that microsomal and mitochondrial ATPase activities of bivalve molluscs are generally responsive to environmental contaminants and suggest that in some cases membrane-bound enzyme activities may represent the molecular target of their toxicity. Since the Na,K-ATPase, the Na-ATPase and the Mg-ATPase activities are poorly studied in marine bivalves, this research may contribute to enlarge knowledge in this quite unexplored field.


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To investigate the hypothesis that increased malignant potential correlates with increased levels of genetic instability, the following parameters of instability were measured: (1) spontaneous mutation rates for ouabain resistance in murine cell lines of different malignant potentials, (2) the background prevalence of 6-thioguanine (6-TG) resistance in clone 4 (highly metastatic) and clone 19 (poorly metastatic) of the K1735 murine melanoma, (3) the prevalence of ouabain resistant variants in three murine cell lines and their variants after exposure to the mutagen MNNG, (4) the rate of generation of major karyotypic abnormalities in B16 F1 (poorly metastatic) and B16 F10 (highly metastatic) murine melanoma, and (5) analysis of the G-banded karyotypes of cloned B16 F1 and B16 F10 melanoma.^ No correlation of increased spontaneous mutation rates with increased malignant potential was found in repeated experiments with three murine cell lines and their variants of different malignant potential. The background prevalence of g-TG resistance was not significantly different for the poorly and highly metastatic clones of K1735 melanoma. The studies with MNNG-induced mutation showed no increased sensitivity of the highly metastatic variants of the three murine cell lines to mutagenesis. Neither did the rate of generation of major karyotypic abnormalities correlate with malignant potential. However, certain karyotypic differences were demonstrated after G-banding of the B16 F1 and F10 melanomas.^ One hypothesis which is consistent with these results is that the rate of generation of genetic abnormalities need not be strongly related to the degree of malignant potential. An increased prevalence of genetic changes may merely reflect the accumulation of abnormalities while their rate of production remains constant. The presence of specific nonrandom changes likely is the main determinant of malignant potential rather than the rate of production of random changes. ^


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Cardiac glycoside compounds have traditionally been used to treat congestive heart failure. Recently, reports have suggested that cardiac glycosides may also be useful for treatment of malignant disease. Our research with oleandrin, a cardiac glycoside component of Nerium oleander, has shown it to be a potent inducer of human but not murine tumor cell apoptosis. Determinants of tumor sensitivity to cardiac glycosides were therefore studied in order to understand the species selective cytotoxic effects as well as explore differential sensitivity amongst a variety of human tumor cell lines. ^ An initial model system involved a comparison of human (BRO) to murine (B16) melanoma cells. Human BRO cells were found to express both the sensitive α3 as well as the less sensitive α1 isoform subunits of Na+,K +-ATPase while mouse B16 cells expressed only the α1 isoform. Drug uptake and inhibition of Na+,K+-ATPase activity were also different between BRO and B16 cells. Partially purified human Na+,K+-ATPase enzyme was inhibited by cardiac glycosides at a concentration that was 1000-fold less than that required to inhibit mouse B16 enzyme to the same extent. In addition, uptake of oleandrin and ouabain was 3–4 fold greater in human than murine cells. These data indicate that differential expression of Na+,K+-ATPase isoform composition in BRO and B16 cells as well as drug uptake and total enzyme activity may all be important determinants of tumor cell sensitivity to cardiac glycosides. ^ In a second model system, two in vitro cell culture model systems were investigated. The first consisted of HFU251 (low expression of Na+,K+-ATPase) and U251 (high Na+ ,K+-ATPase expression) cell lines. Also investigated were human BRO cells that had undergone stable transfection with the α1 subunit resulting in an increase in total Na+,K+-ATPase expression. Data derived from these model systems have indicated that increased expression of Na+,K+-ATPase is associated with an increased resistance to cardiac glycosides. Over-expression of Na +,K+-ATPase in tumor cells resulted in an increase of total Na+,K+-ATPase activity and, in turn, a decreased inhibition of Na+,K+-ATPase activity by cardiac glycosides. However, of interest was the observation that increased enzyme expression was also associated with an elevated basal level of glutathione (GSH) within cells. Both increased Na+,K+-ATPase activity and elevated GSH content appear to contribute to a delayed as well as diminished release of cytochrome c and caspase activation. In addition, we have noted an increased colony forming ability in cells with a high level of Na+,K+-ATPase expression. This suggests that Na+,K+-ATPase is actively involved in tumor cell growth and survival. ^


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La privación dietaria de sodio estimula la secreción de aldosterona. En el colon de rata, la aldosterona elevada aumenta la absorción de Na+, pero además torna electrogénico el mecanismo de absorción (normalmente electroneutro). Dicho transporte electrogénico puede suprimirse mediante el bloqueo de los canales epiteliales de Na+ en la membrana apical o la inhibición de la Na, KATPasa de la membrana basolateral. La absorción electrogénica de sodio está estrechamente acoplada al metabolismo aerobio, pero se desconoce si el bloqueo de los canales de Na+ reduce el consumo de oxígeno en igual medida que la inhibición de la Na, K-ATPasa. Se obtuvieron preparados de mucosa aislada del colon distal de ratas alimentadas con una dieta hiposódica por 10 días. Se determinó simultáneamente la corriente de cortocircuito y el consumo de oxígeno en condición basal y luego del bloqueo de canales de Na+ con amilorida (n=12) o de la Na, K-ATPasa con uabaína (n=12). Ambos tratamientos redujeron la corriente de cortocircuito en igual medida (>80%), pero la reducción en el consumo de oxígeno fue mayor con uabaína que con amilorida (p<0.03). Esto se debe probablemente a que la Na, KATPasa cumple otras funciones, además del transporte transepitelial de Na+, que son suprimidas por la uabaína pero no por la amilorida.


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A novel multispecific organic anion transporting polypeptide (oatp2) has been isolated from rat brain. The cloned cDNA contains 3,640 bp. The coding region extends over 1,983 nucleotides, thus encoding a polypeptide of 661 amino acids. Oatp2 is homologous to other members of the oatp gene family of membrane transporters with 12 predicted transmembrane domains, five potential glycosylation, and six potential protein kinase C phosphorylation sites. In functional expression studies in Xenopus laevis oocytes, oatp2 mediated uptake of the bile acids taurocholate (Km ≈ 35 μM) and cholate (Km ≈ 46 μM), the estrogen conjugates 17β-estradiol-glucuronide (Km ≈ 3 μM) and estrone-3-sulfate (Km ≈ 11 μM), and the cardiac gylcosides ouabain (Km ≈ 470 μM) and digoxin (Km ≈ 0.24 μM). Although most of the tested compounds are common substrates of several oatp-related transporters, high-affinity uptake of digoxin is a unique feature of the newly cloned oatp2. On the basis of Northern blot analysis under high-stringency conditions, oatp2 is highly expressed in brain, liver, and kidney but not in heart, spleen, lung, skeletal muscle, and testes. These results provide further support for the overall significance of oatps as a new family of multispecific organic anion transporters. They indicate that oatp2 may play an especially important role in the brain accumulation and toxicity of digoxin and in the hepatobiliary and renal excretion of cardiac glycosides from the body.


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T cells recognizing poorly displayed self determinants escape tolerance mechanisms and persist in the adult repertoire. The process by which these T cells are primed is not clear, but once activated, they can cause autoimmunity. Here, we show that dendritic cells treated with interleukin 6 (IL-6) process and present determinants from a model native antigen in a qualitatively altered hierarchy, activating T cells in vitro and in vivo against determinants that were previously cryptic because of poor display. IL-6 does not induce conventional maturation of dendritic cells but alters the pH of peripheral, early endosomal compartments and renders the cells more susceptible to killing by chloroquine. Acidification of endosomes by ouabain mimics the effect of IL-6 and allows processing of the same cryptic determinant. These results suggest that cytokines such as IL-6 could initiate and help to propagate an autoimmune disease process by differentiating dendritic cells into a state distinct from that induced by normal maturation.


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Phosphorylation of the α-subunit of Na+,K+-ATPase plays an important role in the regulation of this pump. Recent studies suggest that insulin, known to increase solute and fluid reabsorption in mammalian proximal convoluted tubule (PCT), is stimulating Na+,K+-ATPase activity through the tyrosine phosphorylation process. This study was therefore undertaken to evaluate the role of tyrosine phosphorylation of the Na+,K+-ATPase α-subunit in the action of insulin. In rat PCT, insulin and orthovanadate (a tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor) increased tyrosine phosphorylation level of the α-subunit more than twofold. Their effects were not additive, suggesting a common mechanism of action. Insulin-induced tyrosine phosphorylation was prevented by genistein, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. The site of tyrosine phosphorylation was identified on Tyr-10 by controlled trypsinolysis in rat PCTs and by site-directed mutagenesis in opossum kidney cells transfected with rat α-subunit. The functional relevance of Tyr-10 phosphorylation was assessed by 1) the abolition of insulin-induced stimulation of the ouabain-sensitive 86Rb uptake in opossum kidney cells expressing mutant rat α1-subunits wherein tyrosine was replaced by alanine or glutamine; and 2) the similarity of the time course and dose dependency of the insulin-induced increase in ouabain-sensitive 86Rb uptake and tyrosine phosphorylation. These findings indicate that phosphorylation of the Na+,K+-ATPase α-subunit at Tyr-10 likely participates in the physiological control of sodium reabsorption in PCT.


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We previously have demonstrated that the colonic P-ATPase α subunit cDNA encodes an H,K-ATPase when expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Besides its high level of amino acid homology (75%) with the Na,K-ATPase, the colonic H,K-ATPase also shares a common pharmacological profile with Na,K-ATPase, because both are ouabain-sensitive and Sch 28080-insensitive. These features raise the possibility that an unrecognized property of the colonic H,K-ATPase would be Na+ translocation. To test this hypothesis, ion-selective microelectrodes were used to measure the intracellular Na+ activity of X. laevis oocytes expressing various combinations of P-ATPase subunits. The results show that expression in oocytes of the colonic H,K-ATPase affects intracellular Na+ homeostasis in a way similar to the expression of the Bufo marinus Na,K-ATPase; intracellular Na+ activity is lower in oocytes expressing the colonic H,K-ATPase or the B. marinus Na,K-ATPase than in oocytes expressing the gastric H,K-ATPase or a β subunit alone. In oocytes expressing the colonic H,K-ATPase, the decrease in intracellular Na+ activity persists when diffusive Na+ influx is enhanced by functional expression of the amiloride-sensitive epithelial Na+ channel, suggesting that the decrease is related to increased active Na+ efflux. The Na+ decrease depends on the presence of K+ in the external medium and is inhibited by 2 mM ouabain, a concentration that inhibits the colonic H,K-ATPase. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that the colonic H,K-ATPase may transport Na+, acting as an (Na,H),K-ATPase. Despite its molecular and functional characterization, the physiological role of the colonic (Na,H),K-ATPase in colonic and renal ion homeostasis remains to be elucidated.


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Ever since monoclonal antibodies were produced in 1975 with mouse myeloma cells there has been interest in developing human myeloma cultures for the production of monoclonal antibodies. However, despite multiple attempts, no human myeloma line suitable for hybridoma production has been described. Here we report the derivation of a hypoxanthine–aminopterin–thymidine-sensitive and ouabain-resistant human myeloma cell line (Karpas 707H) that contains unique genetic markers. We show that this line is useful for the generation of stable human hybridomas. It can easily be fused with ouabain-sensitive Epstein–Barr virus-transformed cells as well as with fresh tonsil and blood lymphocytes, giving rise to stable hybrids that continuously secrete very large quantities of human immunoglobulins. The derived hybrids do not lose immunoglobulin secretion over many months of continuous growth. The availability of this cell line should enable the in vitro immortalization of human antibody-producing B cells that are formed in vivo. The monoclonal antibodies produced may have advantages in immunotherapy.


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Cyclic AMP (cAMP) stimulates the transport of Na+ and Na,K-ATPase activity in the renal cortical collecting duct (CCD). The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanism whereby cAMP stimulates the Na,K-ATPase activity in microdissected rat CCDs and cultured mouse mpkCCDc14 collecting duct cells. db-cAMP (10−3 M) stimulated by 2-fold the activity of Na,K-ATPase from rat CCDs as well as the ouabain-sensitive component of 86Rb+ uptake by rat CCDs (1.7-fold) and cultured mouse CCD cells (1.5-fold). Pretreatment of rat CCDs with saponin increased the total Na,K-ATPase activity without further stimulation by db-cAMP. Western blotting performed after a biotinylation procedure revealed that db-cAMP increased the amount of Na,K-ATPase at the cell surface in both intact rat CCDs (1.7-fold) and cultured cells (1.3-fold), and that this increase was not related to changes in Na,K-ATPase internalization. Brefeldin A and low temperature (20°C) prevented both the db-cAMP-dependent increase in cell surface expression and activity of Na,K-ATPase in both intact rat CCDs and cultured cells. Pretreatment with the intracellular Ca2+ chelator bis-(o-aminophenoxy)-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid also blunted the increment in cell surface expression and activity of Na,K-ATPase caused by db-cAMP. In conclusion, these results strongly suggest that the cAMP-dependent stimulation of Na,K-ATPase activity in CCD results from the translocation of active pump units from an intracellular compartment to the plasma membrane.


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The rat retina contains dopaminergic interplexiform cells that send processes to the outer plexiform layer where dopamine is released in a light-dependent manner. We report herein that physiologically relevant concentrations of dopamine inhibited ouabain-sensitive photoreceptor oxygen consumption in dark- and light-adapted rat retinas and inhibited Na+,K+-ATPase specific activity (EC in a rat rod outer-inner segment preparation. Experiments with the selective D1 agonist fenoldopam or D2 agonist quinpirole and experiments with dopamine plus either the D1 antagonist SCH23390 or D2/D4 antagonist clozapine showed that the inhibition of oxygen consumption and enzyme activity were mediated by D2/D4-like receptors. The amphetamine-induced release of dopamine, monitored by the inhibition of oxygen consumption, was blocked by L-2-amino-4-phosphonobutyric acid and kynurenic acid. Pharmacological and biochemical experiments determined that the IC50 values of ouabain for the alpha1-low and alpha3-high ouabain affinity isozymes of photoreceptor Na+,K+-ATPase were approximately 10(-5) and approximately 10(-7) M, respectively, and that the D2/D4-like mediated inhibition of Na+,K+-ATPase was exclusively selective for the alpha3 isozyme. The dopamine-mediated inhibition of alpha3 first occurred at 5 nM, was maximal at 100 microM (-47%), had an IC50 value of 382 +/- 23 nM, and exhibited negative cooperativity (Hill coefficient, 0.27). Prior homogenization of the rod outer-inner segment completely prevented the long-lasting inhibition, suggesting that the effect was coupled to a second messenger. Although the physiological significance of our findings to photoreceptor function is unknown, we hypothesize that these results may have relevance for the temporal tuning properties of rods.


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Effects of increasing extracellular K+ or intracellular Na+ concentrations on glucose metabolism in cultures of rat astroglia and neurons were examined. Cells were incubated in bicarbonate buffer, pH 7.2, containing 2 mM glucose, tracer amounts of [14C]deoxyglucose ([14C]dGlc), and 5.4, 28, or 56 mM KCl for 10, 15, or 30 min, and then for 5 min in [14C]dGlc-free buffer to allow efflux of unmetabolized [14C]dGlc. Cells were then digested and assayed for labeled products, which were shown to consist of 96-98% [14C]deoxyglucose 6-phosphate. Increased K+ concentrations significantly raised [14C]deoxyglucose 6-phosphate accumulation in both neuronal and mixed neuronal-astroglial cultures at 15 and 30 min but did not raise it in astroglial cultures. Veratridine (75 microM), which opens voltage-dependent Na+ channels, significantly raised rates of [14C]dGlc phosphorylation in astroglial cultures (+20%), and these elevations were blocked by either 1 mM ouabain, a specific inhibitor of Na+,K(+)-ATPase (EC, or 10 microM tetrodotoxin, which blocks Na+ channels. The carboxylic sodium ionophore, monensin (10 microM), more than doubled [14C]dGlc phosphorylation; this effect was only partially blocked by ouabain and unaffected by tetrodotoxin. L-Glutamate (500 microM) also stimulated [14C]dGlc phosphorylation in astroglia--not through N-methyl-D-aspartate or non-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor mechanisms but via a Na(+)-dependent glutamate-uptake system. These results indicate that increased uptake of Na+ can stimulate energy metabolism in astroglial cells.


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The effects of 31 plant extracts, which most are traditionally used to treat ciguatera fish poisoning in the Pacific area, were Studied on the cytotoxicity of mouse neuroblastoma cells produced by ouabain, veratridine and/or brevetoxin-3 or Pacific ciguatoxin-1. The cell viability was determined using a quantitative colorimetric method. A marked cytotoxicity of seven of the 31 plant extracts studied, was observed. Despite this, these plant extracts were suspected to contain active compound(s) against the cytotoxicity produced by brevetoxin (2 extracts), brevetoxin, ouabain and/or veratridine (3 extracts), or only against that of ouabain and/or veratridine (2 extracts). Among the 24 plant extracts that exhibited by themselves no cytotoxicity, 22 were active against the effect of brevetoxin or against that of both veratridine and brevetoxin. similar results were obtained when the seven most active plant extracts were reassayed using ciguatoxin instead of brevetoxin. In conclusion, the present work reports the first activity assessment of some plant extracts, achieved in vitro on a quite large scale. The fact that 27 plant extracts were found to exert, in vitro, a protective effect against the action of ciguatoxin and/or brevetoxin, paves the way for finding new active compounds to treat ciguatera fish poisoning, provided these compounds also reverse the effects of sodium channel activators. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The antitumour bifunctional alkylating agent nitrogen mustard (HN2) inhibited the unidirectional influx of the potassium congener, 86 rubidium, into murine PC6A plasmacytoma cells and L1210 leukaemia cells. The proliferation of L1210 cells in vitro was characterised and shown to be sentitive to HN2. 86Rubidium influx into cells from rapidly-dividing cultures was more sensitive to inhibition by HN2 than that of cells from stationary cultures. Three components of unidirectional 86Rb+ & K+ influx into proliferating L1210 cells were identified pharmacologically: approximately 40% was active to the Na+ K+ ATPase inhibitor ouabain (10-3M), 40% was sensitive to the `loop' diuretics bumetanide (10-4M) and furosemide (10-3M) and the remainder was insensitive to both ouabain and furosemide. HN2 (10-5M) selectively inhibited the diuretic-sensitive component, which was entirely dependent upon extracellular Na+ and Cl- ions, and was presumed to represent Na+ K+ Cl- cotransport activity. The system did not mediate K+ /K+ exchange or unidirectional 86Rb+ efflux; accordingly, 86Rb+ efflux was insensitive to HN2. Inhibition of 86Rb & K+ influx by 10-5M HN2 was accompanied by approximately 35% of cell volume under isosmotic conditions; thus intracellular Na+ and K+ concentrations remained unchanged. These effects followed lethal damage to the cells but preceded actual cell death; other cellular functions were maintained including accumulation of cycloleucine, transmembrane potential, permeability to trypan blue, intracellular pH, total intracellular glutathione and calcium concentrations. No evidence was found that elevated cAMP levels or reduced ATP levels were involved in modulation of 86Rb+ & K+ influx. However, the Na+ - depedent transport of an amino acid was inhibited in a manner which appeared to be independent of 86Rb & K+ influx. An HN2-resistant L1210R cell line was also resistant to furosemide, and lacked a component of 86Rb+ & K+ influx which was sensitive to furosemide (10-3M). The results strongly suggest that the Na+ K+ Cl- costransporter of L1210 cells is a cellular target for HN2. This lesion is discussed with reference to the cytotoxic effects of the agent.


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The effects of sane anabolic and naturally-occuring sex steroids on intestinal transport of leucine have been studied in rainbow trout (Sallno gairdneri), in vivo (gut perfusion), and in vitro (everted gut sacs or intestinal strips). Administration of 17a-methyltestosterone (Mr) by injection for a prolo03ed period of time, enhanced intestinal transport and accumulation of leucine. 11-ketotestosterone (KT) or MT treatment in vitro, by direct addition to incubation media, elicited significant short-term increases in active transport of leucine, without effecting intestinal accumulation. Luminal administration of Mr in vivo similarly elicited short-term responses, without effecting leucine accumulation in the intestine or other peripheral tissues. However; neither MT nor KT significantly affected intestinal transport of water in trout. Although long term injection of oestradiol (E2) enhanced intestinal transport and accumulation of leucine, E2 treatment in vitro was without effect. Addition of ouabain or 2,4,dinitrophenol in the presence of MT abolished steroid-stimulated leucine transform, in vitro. No significant differences were observed between immature male or female trout with respect to either transport of leucine and water, or intestinal granular cell density. However, 'apparent' Na+ absorption and percentage fold height were higher in females, while total intestinal thickness and enterocyte heights were greater in males. These sex differences were essentially abolished. after gonadectany. It is suggested that the short-term effects of the androgenic steroids might be partly mediated through increased activity of Na+,K+,ATPase, and that steroid-induced growth promotion in fish may,to sane extent, be a consequence of enhanced efficiency of intestinal function.