83 resultados para osteosynthesis


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o de estudar a resistência à corrosão em placas de aço inoxidável 316L, com diferentes tipos de acabamento e tratamento superficial, e a possível interferência dessa reação corrosiva na consolidação óssea. Utilizaram-se placas semi-acabadas, polidas, tratadas com jatos de microesferas de vidro e passivadas, as quais foram aplicadas na epífise distal do rádio de cães. Foram utilizados 12 animais, divididos em dois grupos, nos quais, após osteotomia bilateral do rádio e ulna, foram realizadas osteossínteses do rádio, totalizando 24 procedimentos. Avaliou-se a evolução clínica e radiográfica das regiões que receberam os implantes aos 30, 60, 90, 180, 240 e 360 dias. Os animais do grupo 1 (GI) foram sacrificados aos 180 dias e os do GII aos 360 dias para estudo histológico e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura do local da osteotomia sob a região dos implantes metálicos e para estudo da resistência à corrosão no organismo, pelos implantes metálicos, por meio de análises química e metalográfica (microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura e espectroscopia de espalhamento de energia por raios X). Os animais recuperaram a função dos membros operados 24 horas após a cirurgia. Radiograficamente, verificou-se a consolidação óssea em todos os animais. Macro e microscopicamente não foram observados sinais de corrosão nos implantes metálicos, exceto em uma placa passivada, aplicada no rádio esquerdo de um animal, na qual a corrosão foi detectada pela microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura. Este estudo permite concluir que as placas de aço inoxidável 316L, independente do acabamento superficial a que foram submetidas, não sofreram corrosão ou reações adversas e foram efetivas no tratamento das fraturas experimentais do rádio e ulna de cães.


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Background: This prospective experimental study evaluated the surgical procedure and results of modular hybrid total hip arthroplasty in dogs.Methods: Ten skeletally mature healthy mongrel dogs with weights varying between 19 and 27 kg were used. Cemented modular femoral stems and uncemented porous-coated acetabular cups were employed. Clinical and radiographic evaluations were performed before surgery and at 30, 60, 90, 120, 180 and 360 days post-operation.Results: Excellent weight bearing was noticed in the operated limb in seven dogs. Dislocation followed by loosening of the prosthesis was noticed in two dogs, which were therefore properly treated with a femoral head osteotomy. Femoral fracture occurred in one dog, which was promptly treated with full implant removal and femoral osteosynthesis.Conclusions: The canine modular hybrid total hip arthroplasty provided excellent functionality of the operated limb.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study aimed to develop a plate to treat fractures of the mandibular body in dogs and to validate the project using finite elements and biomechanical essays. Mandible prototypes were produced with 10 oblique ventrorostral fractures (favorable) and 10 oblique ventrocaudal fractures (unfavorable). Three groups were established for each fracture type. Osteosynthesis with a pure titanium plate of double-arch geometry and blocked monocortical screws offree angulanon were used. The mechanical resistance of the prototype with unfavorable fracture was lower than that of the fcworable fracture. In both fractures, the deflection increased and the relative stiffness decreased proportionally to the diminishing screw number The finite element analysis validated this plate study, since the maximum tension concentration observed on the plate was lower than the resistance limit tension admitted by the titanium. In conclusion, the double-arch geometry plate fixed with blocked monocortical screws has sufficient resistance to stabilize oblique,fractures, without compromising mandibular dental or neurovascular structures. J Vet Dent 24 (7); 212 - 221, 2010


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This in vitro study evaluated the influence of the type of miniplate and the number of screws installed in the proximal and distal segments on the stability and resistance of Champy's osteosynthesis in mandibular angle fractures. Sixty polyurethane hemimandibles with bone-like consistency were randomly assigned to four groups (n = 15) and sectioned in the mandibular angle region to simulate fracture. The bone segments were fixed by different osteosynthesis methods using 2.0 mm miniplates and 2.0 mm x 6 mm rnonocortical screws. In groups 1 and 2, two conventional (G1) or locking (G2) screws were installed in each bone segment using a conventional (G1) or a locking (02) straight miniplate; in groups 3 and 4, three conventional (03) or locking (04) screws were installed in the proximal segment and four conventional (G3) or locking (04) screws were installed in the distal segment using a conventional (G3) or a locking (G4) seven-hole straight miniplate. The hemimandibles were loaded in compressive strength until a 4 mm displacement occurred between the segments, vertically or horizontally. Locking plate/screw systems provided significantly greater resistance to displacement than conventional ones (p < .01). Locking miniplates offered more resistance than conventional miniplates. Long locking miniplates provided greater stability than short ones.


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Purpose: The aim of this in vitro study was to assess the biomechanical stability of 9 different osteosynthesis methods after sagittal split ramus osteotomy by simulating the masticatory forces and using a 3-point biomechanical test method.Materials and Methods: Forty-five polyurethane hemimandibles with bone-like consistency were randomly assigned to 9 groups (n = 5) and subjected to sagittal split ramus osteotomy. After 4-mm advancement of the distal segment, the bone segments were fixed by different osteosynthesis methods using 2.0-mm miniplate/screw systems: group A, one 4-hole conventional straight miniplate; group B, one 4-hole locking straight miniplate; group C, one 4-hole conventional miniplate and one bicortical screw; group D, one 4-hole locking miniplate and 1 bicortical screw; group E, one 6-hole conventional straight miniplate; group F, one 6-hole locking straight miniplate; group (3: two 4-hole conventional straight miniplates; group H. two 4-hole locking straight miniplates; and group 1, 3 bicortical screws in an inverted-L. pattern. All models were mounted on a base especially constructed for this purpose. Using a 3-point biomechanical test model, the hemimandibles were loaded in compressive strength in an Instron machine (Norwood, MA) until a 3-mm displacement occurred between segments vertically or horizontally. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and Tukey test (alpha = 1%).Results: The multiparametric comparison of the groups showed a statistically significant difference (P<.01) between groups that used 2 miniplates (groups G and H), 1 miniplate and 1 bicortical screw (groups C and D), and only bicortical screws (group D compared with groups that used only 1 miniplate with 2 screws per segment (groups A and B) and 3 screws per segment (groups E and F).Conclusion: The placement of 2.0-mm-diameter bicortical screws in the retromolar region, associated or not with conventional and locking miniplates with monocortical screws, promoted a better stabilization of bone segments. Locking miniplates presented a better performance in bone fixation in all groups. (C) 2010 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons J Oral Maxillofac Surg 68:724-730, 2010


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Fractures of the mandibular angle deserve particular attention because they represent the highest percentage of mandibular fractures and have the highest postsurgical complication rate, making them the most challenging and unpredictable mandibular fractures to treat. Despite the evolution in the treatment of maxillofacial trauma and fixation methods, no single treatment modality has been revealed to be ideal for mandibular angle fractures. Several methods of internal fixation have been studied with great variation in complications rates, especially postoperative infections. Recently, new studies have shown reduction of postsurgical complications rates using three-dimensional plates to treat mandibular angle fractures. Nevertheless, only few surgeons have used this type of plate for the treatment of mandibular angle fractures. The aim of this clinical report was to describe a case of a patient with a mandibular angle fracture treated by an intraoral approach and a three-dimensional rectangular grid miniplate with 4 holes, which was stabilized with monocortical screws. The authors show a follow-up of 8 months, without infection and with occlusal stability.


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Hepatozoon canis was diagnosed in a crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous) found on a highway in the region of Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, after being hit by a car. The fox had bilateral fractures of the olecranon, which was corrected by osteosynthesis. Hematologic findings included a neutrophilia, eosinophilia, monocytosis and mild anemia. In the Leishman-stained blood film, gametocytes of Hepatozoon canis in neutrophils were identified measuring 9.1+/-0.54x5.3+/-0.46 mu m. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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The purpose of this study was to compare by qualitative histology the efficacy of rigid internal fixation with titanium system and the Lacto Sorb® system in mandibular fractures in rabbits. Thirty male adult rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus were used. Unilateral mandibular osteotomies were performed between the canine and first premolar. The animals were divided into two groups: for Group I - rigid internal fixation was performed with titanium system 1.5 mm (Synthes, Oberdorf, Switzerland), with two screws of 6 mm (bicortical) on each side of the osteotomy. For Group II-rigid internal fixation was performed with PLLA/PGA system 1.5 mm (Lacto Sorb®, WLorenz, Jacksonville, FL, USA). The histological analysis evaluated the presence of inflammatory reaction, degree of bone healing and degree of resorption of the Lacto Sorb® screws. The results of both fixation systems were similar, only with a small difference after 15 and 30 days. In Group I a faster bony healing was noted. But after 60 days, bony healing was similar in both groups. It is concluded that both PLLA/PGA and titanium plates and screws provide sufficient strength to permit mandibular bone healing. The resorption process of PLLA/PGA osteosynthesis material did not cause acute or chronic inflammatory reaction or foreign body reaction during the studied period. © 2004 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: The bone tissue responses to Cyanoacrylate have been described in the literature, but none used N-butyl-2-cyanoacrilate (NB-Cn) for bone graft fixation. Purpose: The aims of the study were: (a) to analyze the bone grafts volume maintenance fixed either with NB-Cn or titanium screw; (b) to assess the incorporation of onlay grafts on perforated recipient bed; and (c) the differences of expression level of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) protein involved in bone resorption. Materials and Methods: Eighteen New Zealand White rabbits were submitted to calvaria onlay grafting on both sides of the mandible. On one side, the graft was fixed with NB-Cn, while on the other hand the bone graft was secured with an osteosynthesis screw. The computed tomography (CT) was performed just after surgery and at animals sacrifice, after 1 (n=9) and 6weeks (n=9), in order to estimate the bone grafts volume along the experiments. Histological sections of the grafted areas were prepared to evaluate the healing of bone grafts and to assess the expression of TRAP protein. Results: The CT scan showed better volume maintenance of bone grafts fixed with NB-Cn (p≤0.05) compared with those fixed with screws, in both experimental times (analysis of variance). The immunohistochemical evaluation showed that the TRAP expression in a 6-week period was significantly higher compared with the 1-week period, without showing significant difference between the groups (Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney). Histological analysis revealed that the NB-Cn caused periosteum damage, but provided bone graft stabilization and incorporation similar to the control group. Conclusion: The perforation provided by screw insertion into the graft during fixation may have triggered early revascularization and remodeling to render increased volume loss compared with the experimental group. These results indicate that the NB-Cn possesses equivalent properties to titanium screw to be used as bone fixation material in osteosynthesis. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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In the majority of cases of bone fracture requiring surgery, orthopedic implants (screw-plate and screw) are used for osteosynthesis and the infections associated with such implants are due to the growth of microorganisms in biofilms. The objective of this study was to identify microorganisms recovered from osteosynthesis implants used to fix bone fractures, to assess the viability of the cells and the ability of staphylococci to adhere to a substrate and to determine their sensitivity/resistance to antimicrobials. After surgical removal, the metal parts of austenitic stainless steel (ASTM F138/F139 or ISO NBR 5832-1/9) were transported to the Laboratory of Clinical Microbiology, washed in buffer and subjected to ultrasonic bath at 40±2 kHz for 5 minutes. The sonicated fluid was used to seed solid culture media and cell viability was assessed under the microscope by with the aid of a fluorescent marker. The production of extracellular polysaccharide by Staphylococcus spp. was investigated by means of adhesion to a polystyrene plate. The profile of susceptibility to antimicrobials was determined by the disk diffusion assay. The most frequently isolated bacteria included coagulase-negative Staphylococcus resistant to erythromycin, clindamycin and oxacillin. Less frequent were Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistant to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and ampicillin, Acinetobacter baumannii resistant to ceftazidime, Enterobacter cloacae resistant to cephalothin, cefoxitin, cefazolin, levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin, Bacillus spp. and Candida tropicalis. The observation of slides by fluorescence microscope showed clusters of living cells embedded in a transparent matrix. The test for adherence of coagulase-negative Staphylococcus to a polystyrene plate showed that these microorganisms produce extracellular polysaccharide. In conclusion, the metal parts were colonized by bacteria related to orthopedic implant infection, which were resistant to multiple antibiotics.


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Recent studies have evaluated many methods of internal fixation for sagittal split ramus osteotomy (SSRO), aiming to increase stability of the bone segments while minimizing condylar displacement. The purpose of this study was to evaluate, through biomechanical testing, the stability of the fixation comparing a specially designed bone plate to other two commonly used methods. Thirty hemimandibles were separated into three equal groups. All specimens received SSRO. In Group I the osteotomies were fixed with three 15 mm bicortical positional screws in an inverted-L pattern with an insertion angle of 90°. In Group II, fixation was carried out with a four-hole straight plate and four 6 mm monocortical screws. In Group III, fixation was performed with an adjustable sagittal plate and eight 6 mm monocortical screws. Hemimandibles were submitted to vertical compressive loads, by a mechanical testing unit. Averages and standard deviations were submitted to analysis of variance using the Tukey test with a 5% level of significance. Bicortical screws presented the greatest values of loading resistance. The adjustable miniplate demonstrated 60% lower resistance compared to bicortical screws. Group II presented on average 40% less resistant to the axial loading. © 2012 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.


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Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)