859 resultados para organisations patronales
Since collaborative networked organisations are usually formed by independent and heterogeneous entities, it is natural that each member holds his own set of values, and that conflicts among partners might emerge because of some misalignment of values. In contrast, it is often stated in literature that the alignment between the value systems of members involved in collaborative processes is a prerequisite for successful co-working. As a result, the issue of core value alignment in collaborative networks started to attract attention. However, methods to analyse such alignment are lacking mainly because the concept of 'alignment' in this context is still ill defined and shows a multifaceted nature. As a contribution to the area, this article introduces an approach based on causal models and graph theory for the analysis of core value alignment in collaborative networks. The potential application of the approach is then discussed in the virtual organisations' breeding environment context.
Motivations and management factors of volunteer work in nonprofit organisations: a literature review
The objective of this paper is to review and discuss the literature about volunteers’ motivations to donate their time to NPOs and the management factors that can influence volunteer work. Firstly, the paper illustrates and compares the different types of motivation followed by a presentation of a typology that organises the volunteers’ motivations into four types: (i) altruism, (ii) belonging, (iii) ego and social recognition and (iv) development and learning. Secondly we discuss the key management factors in volunteering: recruitment, training and rewarding. Finally, we present four gaps in the literature that justify the scope for further research: (i) omission of differences between motivations related to volunteers’ "Attraction" versus "Retention"; (ii) focus of the research on the USA, UK and Australia context; (iii) absence of comparative analyses that relate motivations by NPO types and (iv) comprehension of how management factors (recruitment, training and rewarding) influence volunteers’ satisfaction and retention.
The objective of this paper is to review and discuss the literature about the management factors that can influence volunteer work. First we present the different management factors. This discussion is followed by the identification of the key management factors in volunteering: recruitment, training and rewarding. Finally, we present two main gaps in the literature that justify the scope for further research: (i) how management factors (recruitment, training and rewarding) influence volunteers’ satisfaction and retention; and (ii) predominance of the investigations in the North American context, followed by English and Australian context.
Scientific literature has strengthened the perpetuation of inequality factors in the labour market based on gender, despite the on-going endeavour of various political bodies and legal norms against the vertical and horizontal segregation of women. National and European statistical data shows the relevance and timeless features of theories of market segmentation associated with the labour market dating back to the 70’s of the 20th century. Hence, the European Community considers as a priority in the Europe 2020 strategy, the definition of “policies to promote gender equality […] to increase labour force participation thus adding to growth and social cohesion”. If we consider that on the one hand, social economy is fairly recognised to be equated with market actors and the State for its economic and social role in tackling the current crisis, and on the other hand, that the ideals of the sector, systematised in the “Framework Law of Social Economy” (Law no. 30/2013 8th of May), particularly in article 5 proposing “the respect for the values […] of equality and non-discrimination […], justice and equity […]”, we aim to reflect on indicators that uncover a vertical and horizontal segregation in the labour market. Departing from a mixed methodological approach (extensive and intensive), subject to the topic of "Social Entrepreneurship in Portugal" in social economy organisations, we detect very high rates of employment feminisation, with a ratio of 1 man (23%) for every 3 women (77%). Women are mainly earmarked for technical and operational activities, arising from the privileged intervention areas, namely education, training, health, elderly, families, poverty, ultimately being underrepresented in statutory boards and, as such, far removed from deliberations and strategic resolutions. This is particularly visible in the existing hierarchy of functions and management practices of the responsibility of male members. Thus, it seems easily verified that the sector is travelling away from the ideals of justice and social equity, which can crystallise the "non-place" of women in the definition of a strategic direction of social economy and in the most invisible/private “place” of the organisational setting.
RESUMÉ DE LA THÈSE EN FRANÇAIS La présente recherche se veut être un examen de la première enquête quantitative menée en Suisse sur les paroisses et communautés religieuses. La recherche vise de à appréhender la dynamique institutionnelle du champ religieux de ce pays. En relation avec une enquête similaire menée aux États-Unis (National Congregations Study, Chaves, 2004) la présente recherche analyse les données récoltées auprès d'un échantillon représentatif de plus de mille responsables spirituels des communautés religieuses de Suisse. Dans la perspective de la sociologie des organisations, elle examine le positionnement des communautés dans le champ institutionnel pour comprendre comment elles s'activent pour se maintenir dans la durée. Les communautés, pour assurer leurs services sur le long terme, sont imbriquées dans des structures confessionnelles avec des contraintes administratives diverses selon leur reconnaissance légale. En conséquence, la dynamique du champ religieux institutionnel est différenciée en trois environnements, selon leur degré de reconnaissance, qui demandent des réponses particulières à chacun pour pouvoir s'adapter et perdurer. Ces trois environnements poussent les groupes qui s'y logent à adopter des structures identiques. Pratiquer la religion ensemble, c'est ainsi se rendre dans une communauté avec une forme de rituel et d'engagement des membres correspondant à la reconnaissance du groupe par la société. Même pratiquée fortuitement, la religion collective est loin d'être un acte fortuit. RESUMÉ DE LA THÈSE EN ANGLAIS Practice the religion together Analysis of parishes and religious congregations in Switzerland in a perspective of sociology of organization This research is intended as a review of the first quantitative survey conducted in Switzerland on parishes and religious communities. The research aims to understand the dynamics of institutional religious field in this country. In connection with a similar survey conducted in the U.S. (National Congregations Study, Chaves, 2004) this research examines data gathered from a representative sample of over a thousand spiritual leaders of religious communities in Switzerland. From the perspective of sociology of organization, it examines the position of communities in the institutional field to understand how they are activated to maintain over time. Communities to ensure their services over the long term, are nested within denominational structures with different administrative constraints according to their legal recognition. Consequently, the dynamics of the religious field is differentiated into three institutional environments according to their degree of recognition, which require specific responses to each in order to adapt and endure. These three environments grow groups staying there to adopt identical structures.
Nearly half of all ant species form polygyne societies (cohabitation of more than a single egg-laying queen). These queens are generally smaller and store fewer fat reserves than queens from monogyne colonies. Most queens in polygyne colonies (70-100 pour 100) are inseminated, although this proportion varies among species, and even among populations of the same species. They exhibit mutual tolerance and they all contribute to the reproductive effort of the colony. Nevertheless, their individual fecundity is considerably reduced compared with that of queens from monogyne colonies. This reduction in fecundity seems to be due to some form of mutual inhibition, in some cases the secretion by each female of a substance suppressing egg production in other queens has been implicated. In a few species, queens are organized into a hierarchy such that certain queens lay more eggs than others or even monopolize egg-laying (functional monogyny). Polygyny is linked to a particular life history. It rarely results from the association of several foundresses (primary polygyny). Usually, it is due to the adoption of young queens by an established nest just after a nuptial flight. This secondary polygyny means that the dispersal of the species is limited and is achieved by the budding of a mother nest. Thus colony founding is dependent; with workers accompanying young queens in establishing new colonies. Observation of closely related species exhibiting different social organizations, some monogyne and others polygyne, shows a possible link between queen number and ecological conditions: polygyne forms are more frequent in unstable habitats susceptible to rapid change, such as that caused by human activity. The existence of polygyne societies is an intriguing evolutionary mystery. Research into the origin and maintenance of polygyny focuses on patterns of speciation in relation to queen number and the different theories put forth for the evolution of eusociality, mainly kin selection and mutualism.
Les effets de la confiance sur les organisations autonomes de service public: une étude comparative.
Review of DHSSPS Training Support Funding Programme For Social Care Voluntary Organisations
HSS (GEN) 1) 1/95 update. It is intended to replace the guidance previously provided by former HSSBs and Trusts to assist employers and staff in maintaining strict ethical standards in the conduct of HSC business, in this instance, with the pharmaceutical industry
Mission statement: åÊ To save lives of those at risk of developing cancer and enhance the quality of life of those living with cancer in Northern Ireland. åÊ Services include: - Women’s early detection service åÊ – mammography, cervical screening and breast awareness (including a mobile clinic) åÊ - Awareness campaigns on breast, cervical, prostate and testicular cancer åÊ - Counselling and complementary therapy for cancer patients and their families åÊ - Health promotion in schools, workplaces and communities åÊ - Funding for cancer research and the Regional Cancer Genetics Servic åÊ