970 resultados para organ transplantation


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Children with end-stage liver disease now form a major sub-group of patients considered suitable for liver transplantation (ltp), and enjoy better survival statistics after transplantation than do adults. Since June 1984, a paediatric ltp programme has been developed in Brisbane with an initial working relationship and ongoing close links with two USA centres (Pittsburgh, and the UCLA Medical Center). Fourteen children with end-stage liver disease have been referred to the Queensland Liver Transplantation Programme for formal assessment. Following frank, informed discussion with their parents, 10 of these children were offered the option of ltp. During the transition stage, two infants with biliary atresia were referred to UCLA at their parents' request and, subsequently, eight children aged from 9 months to 6 years have been placed on a transplant candidacy list in Brisbane. A donor procurement team with access to a Queensland Government jet has been available to cover all mainland States except Western Australia. Six of the children have now had orthotopic ltp (two children at the UCLA Medical Center; four children at the Royal Children's Hospital, Brisbane). One UCLA patient died with a non-functioning graft, and one Brisbane patient died 5 weeks post-transplant with rejection, hepatic artery thrombosis and sepsis. The other four children are alive and well, three with normal liver function and one with unexplained intrahepatic cholestasis, during the 1-20 month follow-up to date. Three further children have died of their liver disease without a donor of an appropriate blood group and size being found, and one patient still awaits a suitable donor. The experience of these authors suggests that ltp is a major advance in the treatment of paediatric liver disease, and that the procedure can be carried out successfully in Australia with initial results comparable with leading overseas centres. The procedure requires the full array of services of a major paediatric tertiary care facility, an intensive team effort with awareness of the special needs of children, and a widespread procurement capability. A major problem for Australia is the procurement of sufficient numbers of optimal paediatric donor livers.


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Viral infections caused by herpesviruses are common complications after organ transplantation and they are associated with substantial morbidity and even mortality. Herpesviruses remain in a latent state in a host after primary infection and may reactivate later. CMV infection is the most important viral infection after liver transplantation. Less is known about the significance of human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6). EBV is believed to play a major role in the development of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLD). The aim of this study was to investigate the CMV-, EBV- and HHV-6 DNAemia after liver transplantation by frequent monitoring of adult liver transplant patients. The presence of CMV, EBV and HHV-6 DNA were demonstrated by in situ hybridization assays and by real-time PCR methods from peripheral blood specimens. CMV and HHV-6 antigens were demonstrated by antigenemia assays and compared to the viral DNAemia. The response to antiviral therapy was also investigated. CMV-DNAemia appeared earlier than CMV pp65-antigenemia after liver transplantation. CMV infections were treated with ganciclovir. However, most of the treated patients demonstrated persistence of CMV-DNA for up to several months. Continuous CMV-DNA expression of peripheral blood leukocytes showed that the virus is not eliminated by ganciclovir and recurrences can be expected during several months after liver transplantation. HHV-6 DNAemia / antigenemia was common and occurred usually within the first three months after liver transplantation together with CMV. The HHV-6 DNA expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells correlated well with HHV-6 antigenemia. Antiviral treatment significantly decreased the number of HHV-6 DNA positive cells, demonstrating the response to ganciclovir treatment. Clinically silent EBV reactivations with low viral loads were relatively common after liver transplantation. These EBV-DNAemias usually appeared within the first three months after liver transplantation together with betaherpesviruses (CMV, HHV-6, HHV-7). One patient developed high EBV viral loads and developed PTLD. These results indicate that frequent monitoring of EBV-DNA levels can be useful to detect liver transplant patients at risk of developing PTLD.


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Osteoporosis is a skeletal disorder characterized by compromised bone strength that predisposes to increased fracture risk. Childhood and adolescence are critical periods for bone mass gain. Peak bone mass is mostly acquired by the age of 18 years and is an important determinant of adult bone health and lifetime risk for fractures. Medications, especially glucocorticoids (GCs), chronic inflammation, decreased physical activity, hormonal deficiencies, delayed puberty, and poor nutrition may predispose children and adolescents with a chronic disease to impaired bone health. In this work, we studied overall bone health, the incidence and prevalence of fractures in children and adolescents who were treated for juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) or had undergone solid organ transplantation. The first study cohort included 62 patients diagnosed with JIA and treated with GCs. The epidemiology of fractures after transplantation was investigated in 196 patients and a more detailed analysis of bone health determinants was performed on 40 liver (LTx) and 106 renal (RTx) transplantation patients. Bone mineral density (BMD) and vertebral morphology were assessed by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. Standard radiographs were obtained to detect vertebral fractures and to determine bone age; BMD values were adjusted for skeletal maturity. Our study showed that median BMD values were subnormal in all patient cohorts. The values were highest in patients with JIA and lowest in patients with LTx. Age at transplantation influenced BMD values in LTx but not RTx patients; BMD values were higher in patients who had LTx before the age of two years. BMD was lowest during the immediate posttransplantation years and increased subnormally during puberty. Delayed skeletal maturation was common in all patient groups. The prevalence of vertebral fractures ranged from 10% to 19% in the cohorts. Most of the fractures were asymptomatic and diagnosed only at screening. Vertebral fractures were most common in LTx patients. Vitamin D deficiency was common in all patient groups, and only 3% of patients with JIA and 25% of transplantation patients were considered to have adequate serum vitamin D levels. The total cumulative weight-adjusted dose of GC was not associated with BMD values in JIA or LTx patients. The combination of female gender and age over 15 years, parathyroid hormone concentration over 100 ng/L, and cumulative weight-adjusted methylprednisolone dose over 150 mg/kg during the three preceding years were found to be important predictors for low lumbar spine BMD in RTx patients. Based on the high prevalence of osteoporosis in the study cohorts more efforts should be put to prevention and early diagnosis of osteoporosis in these pediatric patients.


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Substantial progress has been made in identifying genetic loci associated with multifactorial disorders, including variants that seem to impact outcomes following solid organ transplantation. Despite these advances, much of the heritability and susceptibility to chronic disease processes remains unexplained. Epigenetic modifications may exert their effect independently or complementary to genetic variants. Epigenetic modifications can change gene expression without altering the DNA sequence. These modifications are dynamic, potentially heritable, and can be induced by environmental stimuli or drugs. The impact of epigenetic phenomena on the outcomes of organ transplantation is currently poorly understood. Epigenetic modifications can occur during periods of illness; these may persist and potentially influence allograft outcomes. Epigenetic mechanisms influence the activation, proliferation, and differentiation of the immune cells involved in allograft rejection. The donor's epigenome may also impact transplant survival, and initial research has demonstrated that peritransplant conditions induce rapid epigenetic modification within the allograft. Further research will help to define the importance of epigenetic modifications in transplantation. This will potentially lead to the identification of useful biomarkers and the development of novel pharmacotherapies. This review explores the nature of epigenetic modification in disease and the emerging evidence for epigenetic influences on allograft survival.


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Donor-type microchimerism, the presence of a minority population of donor-derived haematopoietic cells following solid organ transplantation, has been postulated as a mechanism for induction of donor-specific graft tolerance. The stability, frequency, and relevance of microchimerism with respect to long-term outcome, however, remains uncertain. Using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based method of microsatellite analysis of highly polymorphic short tandem repeat sequences (STRs) to detect donor-type cells, DNA from 11 patients was analyzed prospectively at specific time points for 12 months following liver transplantation, and from a further six patients retrospectively 2 years after liver transplantation. Using a panel of STRs, transient peripheral blood donor microchimerism was detected in 2 of 11 patients at a single time-point following transplantation, but persistent evidence of donor-derived cells was not observed during the study period. Analysis of DNA extracted from skin and duodenum in two patients likewise failed to show donor-type cells at these sites. None of the six patients in the retrospective arm showed donor microchimerism, resulting in an overall detection rate of 1.58%. These results suggest that donor microchimerism following liver transplantation is an infrequent event, and that the generation of graft tolerance is independent of microchimerism.


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PURPOSE: New onset diabetes after transplantation (NODAT) is a serious complication following solid organ transplantation. There is a genetic contribution to NODAT and we have conducted comprehensive meta-analysis of available genetic data in kidney transplant populations.

METHODS: Relevant articles investigating the association between genetic markers and NODAT were identified by searching PubMed, Web of Science and Google Scholar. SNPs described in a minimum of three studies were included for analysis using a random effects model. The association between identified variants and NODAT was calculated at the per-study level to generate overall significance values and effect sizes.

RESULTS: Searching the literature returned 4,147 citations. Within the 36 eligible articles identified, 18 genetic variants from 12 genes were considered for analysis. Of these, three were significantly associated with NODAT by meta-analysis at the 5% level of significance; CDKAL1 rs10946398 p = 0.006 OR = 1.43, 95% CI = 1.11-1.85 (n = 696 individuals), KCNQ1 rs2237892 p = 0.007 OR = 1.43, 95% CI = 1.10-1.86 (n = 1,270 individuals), and TCF7L2 rs7903146 p = 0.01 OR = 1.41, 95% CI = 1.07-1.85 (n = 2,967 individuals).

CONCLUSION: Evaluating cumulative evidence for SNPs associated with NODAT in kidney transplant recipients has revealed three SNPs associated with NODAT. An adequately powered, dense genome-wide association study will provide more information using a carefully defined NODAT phenotype.


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Patients with a solid organ transplant have increased in numbers and in individual survival in Switzerland over the last decades. As a consequence of long-term immunosuppression, skin cancer in solid organ recipients (SOTRs) has been recognized as an important problem. Screening and education of potential SOTRs about prevention of sun damage and early recognition of skin cancer are important before transplantation. Once transplanted, SOTRs should be seen by a dermatologist yearly for repeat education as well as early diagnosis, prevention and treatment of skin cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin (SCC) is the most frequent cancer in the setting of long-term immunosuppression. Sun protection by behaviour, clothing and daily sun screen application is the most effective prevention. Cumulative sun damage results in field cancerisation with numerous in-situ SCC such as actinic keratosis and Bowen's disease which should be treated proactively. Invasive SCC is cured by complete surgical excision. Early removal is the best precaution against potential metastases of SCC. Reduction of immunosuppression and switch to mTOR inhibitors and potentially, mycophenolate, may reduce the incidence of further SCC. Chemoprevention with the retinoid acitretin reduces the recurrence rate of SCC. The dermatological follow-up of SOTRs should be integrated into the comprehensive post-transplant care.


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Introduction: Renal transplantation is considered the treatment of choice for end-stage renal disease. However, the association of occlusive aorto-iliac disease and chronic renal failure is frequent and aorto-iliac reconstruction may be necessary prior to renal transplantation. This retrospective study reviews the results of this operative strategy.Material and Methods: Between January 2001 and June 2010, 309 patients underwent renal transplantation at our institution and 8 patients had prior aorto-iliac reconstruction using prosthetic material. There were 6 men and 2 women with a median age of 62 years (range 51-70). Five aorto-bifemoral and 2 aorto-bi-iliac bypasses were performed for stage II (n=5), stage IV (n=1) and aortic aneurysm (n=1). In one patient, iliac kissing stents and an ilio-femoral bypass were implanted. 4 cadaveric and 4 living donor renal transplantations were performed with an interval of 2 months to 10 years after revascularization.The results were analysed with respect of graft and patients survival. Differences between groups were tested by the log rank method.Results: No complications and no death occurred in the post-operative period. All bypasses remained patent during follow-up. The median time of post transplantation follow-up was 46 months for all patients and 27 months for patients with prior revascularization. In the revascularized group and control group, the graft and patient survival at 1 year were respectively 100%/96%, 100%/99% and at 5 years 86%/86%, 86%/94%, without significant differences between both groups.Discussion: Our results suggest that renal transplantation following prior aorto-iliac revascularisation with prosthetic material is safe and effective. Patients with end-stage renal disease and concomitant aorto-iliac disease should therefore be considered for renal transplantation. However, caution in the interpretation of the results is indicated due to the small sample size of our study.


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Donor PTX3 polymorphisms were shown to influence the risk of invasive aspergillosis among hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients. Here, we show that PTX3 polymorphisms are independent risk factors for invasive mold infections among 1101 solid organ transplant recipients, thereby strengthening their role in mold infection pathogenesis and patients' risk stratification.


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La présente thèse poursuit l'objectif général de mieux comprendre l'expérience de la transplantation d'organe de la perspective de dyades comprenant un donneur et un receveur d'une donation vivante de rein. Pour ce faire, nous proposons une exploration en profondeur de la trajectoire de transplantation et des enjeux relationnels des donneurs et des receveurs. Un second objectif, qui s'est développé au cours de la recherche, est de contribuer à une meilleure compréhension des enjeux entourant la recherche qualitative impliquant des dyades. Cette thèse est présentée sous la forme de trois articles. Le premier article vise, par le biais de la méthode du méta-résumé, à dresser un portrait le plus complet possible du processus de donation tel qu'il avait été examiné à ce jour par les écrits empiriques qualitatifs disponibles, et à mettre en lumière les aspects qui avaient encore peu été appréhendés par les chercheurs, notamment l'importance de considérer conjointement au sein d'une même recherche des donneurs et des receveurs d'une donation vivante de rein. Le deuxième article a pour but d'explorer en profondeur l'expérience vécue pour des dyades de donneurs et de receveurs en contexte de donation vivante de rein, et en particulier la trajectoire de transplantation ainsi que les enjeux relationnels. Des entrevues qualitatives ont été menées auprès de cinq dyades (donc cinq donneurs et cinq receveurs). L'analyse phénoménologique interprétative des données recueillies propose un portrait de la trajectoire de transplantation, soit (a) l'expérience de la maladie du receveur, (b) l'expérience d'offrir et d'accepter un rein, (c) la période des tests, (d) la transplantation d'organe à proprement parler et finalement (e) la période post-transplantation. Un apport particulièrement significatif de l'analyse et de l'interprétation de nos données est la mise en relief que le processus de transplantation est mieux compris lorsque l'on considère le contexte social et interpersonnel plus large dans lequel évolue chaque dyade donneur-receveur, et en ce sens, la décision de donner ou d'accepter un rein peut être appréhendée comme un prolongement du rôle social auquel la personne adhère par rapport à autrui dans sa vie quotidienne. Le troisième article, qui a émergé des leçons acquises en réalisant la recherche effectuée dans l'article précédent, vise à décrire et discuter des défis éthiques et des impacts des décisions méthodologiques dans le cadre de recherches qualitatives impliquant des dyades de personnes se connaissant. Sur la base de nos propres défis empiriques et des écrits scientifiques disponibles, des réflexions et recommandations sont suggérées à différents stades d'un processus typique de recherche qualitative, soit (a) le recrutement, (b) le consentement à participer, (c) la collecte de données, (d) la validation des transcriptions par les participants, (e) l'analyse de données, et (f) la dissémination des résultats. Une réflexion en amont des enjeux entourant ces étapes est susceptible de faciliter l'entreprise de recherches qualitatives impliquant des dyades. En conclusion, les résultats de notre analyse soulignent l'importance du rôle social et du contexte interpersonnel plus large dans lequel évoluent les donneurs et les receveurs dans la façon dont ils parviennent à donner une signification à leur expérience. Enfin, si la recherche qualitative impliquant des dyades est en émergence, des défis éthiques et des décisions méthodologiques rigoureuses doivent être considérés en amont.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the presence of microorganism contamination in the preservation solution for transplant organs (kidney/pancreas). Method: Between August 2007 and March 2008, 136 samples of preservation solution were studied prior to graft implantation. Variables related to the donor and to the presence of microorganisms in the preservation solution of organs were evaluated, after which the contamination was evaluated in relation to the recipient culture variable. Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses were performed. RESULTS: The contamination rate of the preservation solution was 27.9%. Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus was the most frequently isolated microorganism. However, highly virulent agents, such as fungi and enterobacteria, were also isolated. In univariate analysis, the variable donor antibiotic use was significantly associated to the contamination of the preservation solution. on the other hand, multivariate analysis found statistical significance in donor antibiotic use and donor's infectious complications variables. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, 27.9% of the preservation solutions of transplant organs were contaminated. Infectious diseases and non-use of antibiotics by the donor were significantly related to the presence of microorganisms in organ preservation solutions. Contamination in organ preservation solutions was not associated with infection in the recipient.


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Hand transplantation has been indicated in selective patients after traumatic upper extremity amputation and only performed in a few centers around the world for the last decade. In comparison to solid organ transplantation, there is a challenge to overcome the host immunological barrier due to complex antigenicity of the different included tissues, the skin being the most susceptible to rejection. Patients require lifelong immunosuppression for non life-threatening conditions. Minimization of maintenance immunosuppression represents the key step for promoting wider applicability of hand transplantation. Current research is working towards the understanding mechanisms of composite tissue allograft (CTA) rejection. Worldwide, in 51 patients 72 hands (21 double hand transplants) and once both arms have been successfully transplanted since 1998.


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The widening gap between the numbers of patients on the waiting list for organ transplantation and the insufficient numbers of organ donors results in the use of "critical" donors, so-called marginal donors or extended criteria donors. Data concerning the evaluation of extended criteria donors (ECD) in Switzerland are sparse.


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Solid organ transplant recipients (SOTR) have an increased risk of skin cancer due to their long-term immunosuppressive state. As the number of these patients is increasing, as well as their life expectancy, it is important to discuss the screening and management of skin cancer in this group of patients. The role of the dermatologist, in collaboration with the transplant team, is important both before transplantation, where patients are screened for skin lesions and the individual risk for skin cancer development is assessed, and after transplantation. Posttransplant management consists of regular dermatological consultations (the frequency depends on different factors discussed below), where early skin cancer screening and management, as well as patient education on sun protective behavior is taught and enforced. Indeed, SOTR are very sensitive to sun damage due to their immunosuppressive state, leading to cumulative sun damage which results in field cancerization with numerous lesions such as in situ squamous cell carcinoma, actinic keratosis and Bowen's disease. These lesions should be recognized and treated as early as possible. Therapeutic options discussed will involve topical therapy, surgical management, adjustment of the patient's immunosuppressive therapy (i.e. reduction of immunosuppression and/or switch to mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors) and chemoprevention with the retinoid acitretin, which reduces the recurrence rate of squamous cell carcinoma. The dermatological follow-up of SOTR should be integrated into the comprehensive posttransplant care.


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The current organ shortage in transplantation medicine stimulates the exploration of new strategies to expand the donor pool including the utilisation of living donors, ABO-incompatible grafts, and xenotransplantation. Preformed natural antibodies (Ab) such as anti-Gal or anti-A/B Ab mediate hyperacute graft rejection and thus represent a major hurdle to the employment of such strategies. In contrast to solid organ transplantation (SOT), ABO blood group incompatibilities are of minor importance in haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Thus, ABO incompatible HSCT may serve as an in vivo model to study carbohydrate antigen (Ag)-mismatched transplantations such as ABO-incompatible SOT or the effect of preformed Ab against Gal in xenotransplantation. This mini-review summarises our clinical and experimental studies performed with the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation program on Implants and Transplants (NFP-46). Part 1 describes data on the clinical outcome of ABO-incompatible HSCT, in particular the incidence of several immunohaematological complications, acute graft-versus-host-disease (GvHD), and the overall survival. Part 2 summarises the measurements of anti-A/B Ab in healthy blood donors and ABO-incompatible HSCT using a novel flow cytometry based method and the potential mechanisms responsible for the loss of anti-A/B Ab observed following minor ABO-incompatible HSCT, ie the occurrence of humoral tolerance. Part 3 analyses the potential of eliminating Gal expression as well as specific complement inhibitors such as dextran sulfate and synthetic tyrosine analogues to protect porcine endothelial cells from xenoreactive Ab-mediated damage in vitro and in a hamster-to-rat heart transplantation model. In conclusion, due to similarities of the immunological hurdles of ABO incompatible transplantations and xenotransplantation, the knowledge obtained from both fields might lead to new strategies to overcome humoral rejection in transplantation.