754 resultados para optimal waist circumference


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Les objectifs de l’étude de l’évolution du risque cardiométabolique (RCM) sur une période de quatre ans (2006-2010) chez des adultes béninois consistaient à: • Examiner les relations entre l’obésité abdominale selon les critères de la Fédération Internationale du Diabète (IFD) ou l’insulino-résistance mesurée par le Homeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA) et l’évolution des autres facteurs de RCM, • Examiner les liens entre les habitudes alimentaires, l’activité physique et les conditions socio-économiques et l’évolution du RCM évalué conjointement par le score de risque de maladies cardiovasculaires de Framingham (FRS) et le syndrome métabolique (SMet). Les hypothèses de recherche étaient: • L’obésité abdominale telle que définie par les critères de l’IDF est faiblement associée à une évolution défavorable des autres facteurs de RCM, alors que l’insulino-résistance mesurée par le HOMA lui est fortement associée; • Un niveau socioéconomique moyen, un cadre de vie peu urbanisé (rural ou semi-urbain), de meilleures habitudes alimentaires (score élevé de consommation d’aliments protecteurs contre le RCM) et l’activité physique contribuent à une évolution plus favorable du RCM. L’étude a inclus 541 sujets âgés de 25 à 60 ans, apparemment en bonne santé, aléatoirement sélectionnés dans la plus grande ville (n = 200), une petite ville (n = 171) et sa périphérie rurale (n = 170). Après les études de base, les sujets ont été suivis après deux et quatre ans. Les apports alimentaires et l’activité physique ont été cernés par deux ou trois rappels de 24 heures dans les études de base puis par des questionnaires de fréquence simplifiés lors des suivis. Les données sur les conditions socioéconomiques, la consommation d’alcool et le tabagisme ont été recueillies par questionnaire. Des mesures anthropométriques et la tension artérielle ont été prises. La glycémie à jeun, l’insulinémie et les lipides sanguins ont été mesurés. Un score de fréquence de consommation d’« aliments sentinelles » a été développé et utilisé. Un total de 416 sujets ont participé au dernier suivi. La prévalence initiale du SMet et du FRS≥10% était de 8,7% et 7,2%, respectivement. L’incidence du SMet et d’un FRS≥10% sur quatre ans était de 8,2% et 5%, respectivement. Le RCM s’était détérioré chez 21% des sujets. L’obésité abdominale définie par les valeurs seuils de tour de taille de l’IDF était associée à un risque plus élevé d’insulino-résistance: risque relatif (RR) = 5,7 (IC 95% : 2,8-11,5); d’un ratio cholestérol total/HDL-Cholestérol élevé: RR = 3,4 (IC 95% : 1,5-7,3); mais elle n’était pas associée à un risque significativement accru de tension artérielle élevée ou de triglycérides élevés. Les valeurs seuils de tour de taille optimales pour l’identification des sujets accusant au moins un facteur de risque du SMet étaient de 90 cm chez les femmes et de 80 cm chez les hommes. L’insulino-résistance mesurée par le HOMA était associée à un risque élevé d’hyperglycémie: RR = 5,7 (IC 95% : 2,8-11,5). En revanche, l’insulino-résistance n’était pas associée à un risque significatif de tension artérielle élevée et de triglycérides élevés. La combinaison de SMet et du FRS pour l’évaluation du RCM identifiait davantage de sujets à risque que l’utilisation de l’un ou l’autre outil isolément. Le risque de détérioration du profil de RCM était associé à un faible score de consommation des «aliments sentinelles» qui reflètent le caractère protecteur de l’alimentation (viande rouge, volaille, lait, œufs et légumes): RR = 5,6 (IC 95%: 1,9-16,1); et à l’inactivité physique: RR = 6,3 (IC 95%: 3,0-13,4). Les sujets de niveau socioéconomique faible et moyen, et ceux du milieu rural et semi-urbain avaient un moindre risque d’aggravation du RCM. L’étude a montré que les relations entre les facteurs de RCM présentaient des particularités chez les adultes béninois par rapport aux Caucasiens et a souligné le besoin de reconsidérer les composantes du SMet ainsi que leurs valeurs seuils pour les Africains sub-sahariens. La détérioration rapide du RCM nécessité des mesures préventives basées sur la promotion d’un mode de vie plus actif associé à de meilleures habitudes alimentaires.


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Introducción: La hipertensión arterial es un problema de salud pública tanto en países industrializados como en vía de desarrollo. Su prevalencia en la infancia viene en aumento por lo que es relevante determinarla en niños preescolares a nivel local. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de hipertensión arterial en niños de tres a cinco años de una cohorte de 14 hogares infantiles del ICBF de la localidad de Usaquén en Bogotá. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal analítico, utilizando la base de datos de un ensayo aleatorizado y controlado del año 200913, y se evaluaron las cifras de tensión arterial de acuerdo a sexo, edad, talla y su correlación con el IMC con un nivel de confianza del 95% y precisión del 1%. Se calcularon las medias, desviaciones estándar, percentiles y prevalencia. Resultados: Se obtuvo una muestra de 1035 casos, encontrándose una prevalencia de 4,5% de HTA sistólica, 10,4% de diastólica, ambas en estadio I; teniendo en cuenta tanto sistólica como diastólica, fue de 11,6% en estadio I. Se determinaron los valores de presión arterial sistólica y diastólica en cuartiles de acuerdo a edad, sexo y talla. El coeficiente de correlación entre el IMC y los niveles de presión arterial sistólica y diastólica fueron de 0.0992 y 0.0362 respectivamente. Conclusión: La prevalencia de HTA general fue de 11,6%, predominando la diastólica en estadio I en niños preescolares. No se encontró correlación entre el IMC y las cifras de tensión arterial sistólica y diastólica.


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The aim of this study was to assess the risk of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in postmenopausal breast cancer survivors as compared with postmenopausal women without breast cancer. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, 104 postmenopausal breast cancer survivors were compared with 208 postmenopausal women (controls) attending a university hospital. Eligibility criteria included the following: amenorrhea longer than 12 months and aged 45 years or older, treated for breast cancer, and metastasis-free for at least 5 years. The control group consisted of women with amenorrhea longer than 12 months and aged 45 years or older and without breast cancer, matched by age and menopause status (in a proportion of 1:2 as sample calculation). Clinical and anthropometric data were collected. Biochemical parameters, including total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, and C-reactive protein, were measured. Women showing three or more diagnostic criteria were diagnosed as having MetS: waist circumference of 88 cm or larger, blood pressure of 130/85 mm Hg or higher, triglycerides level of 150 mg/dL or higher, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level lower than 50 mg/dL, and glucose level of 100 mg/dL or higher. For statistical analysis, Student's t test, χ2 test, and logistic regression (odds ratio [OR]) were used. RESULTS: The mean (SD) age of breast cancer survivors was 60.6 (8.6) years, with a mean (SD) follow-up of 9.4 (4.4) years. A higher percentage of breast cancer survivors (46.2%) were obese as compared with controls (32.7%; P < 0.05), and a smaller percentage showed optimal values for low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, glucose, and C-reactive protein versus controls (P < 0.05). MetS was diagnosed in 50% of breast cancer survivors and in 37.5% of control group women (P < 0.05). Among the MetS diagnostic criteria, the most prevalent was abdominal obesity (waist circumference >88 cm), affecting 62.5% and 67.8% of the participants, respectively. In the control group, breast cancer survivors had a higher risk for MetS (OR, 1.66; 95% CI, 1.04-2.68), dysglycemia (OR, 1.05; 95% CI, 1.09-3.03), and hypertension (OR, 1.71; 95% CI, 1.02-2.89). CONCLUSIONS: Postmenopausal breast cancer survivors present a higher risk of developing MetS as compared with women without breast cancer. © 2012 by The North American Menopause Society.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: Childhood obesity is a public health problem worldwide. Visceral obesity, particularly associated with cardio-metabolic risk, has been assessed by body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference, but both methods use sex-and age-specific percentile tables and are influenced by sexual maturity. Waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) is easier to obtain, does not involve tables and can be used to diagnose visceral obesity, even in normal-weight individuals. This study aims to compare the WHtR to the 2007 World Health Organization (WHO) reference for BMI in screening for the presence of cardio-metabolic and inflammatory risk factors in 6–10-year-old children. Methods: A cross-sectional study was undertaken with 175 subjects selected from the Reference Center for the Treatment of Children and Adolescents in Campos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The subjects were classified according to the 2007 WHO standard as normal-weight (BMI z score > −1 and < 1) or overweight/obese (BMI z score ≥ 1). Systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), fasting glycemia, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), triglyceride (TG), Homeostatic Model Assessment – Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR), leukocyte count and ultrasensitive C-reactive protein (CRP) were also analyzed. Results: There were significant correlations between WHtR and BMI z score (r = 0.88, p < 0.0001), SBP (r = 0.51, p < 0.0001), DBP (r = 0.49, p < 0.0001), LDL (r = 0.25, p < 0.0008, HDL (r = −0.28, p < 0.0002), TG (r = 0.26, p < 0.0006), HOMA-IR (r = 0.83, p < 0.0001) and CRP (r = 0.51, p < 0.0001). WHtR and BMI areas under the curve were similar for all the cardio-metabolic parameters. A WHtR cut-off value of > 0.47 was sensitive for screening insulin resistance and any one of the cardio-metabolic parameters. Conclusions: The WHtR was as sensitive as the 2007 WHO BMI in screening for metabolic risk factors in 6-10-year-old children. The public health message “keep your waist to less than half your height” can be effective in reducing cardio-metabolic risk because most of these risk factors are already present at a cut point of WHtR ≥ 0.5. However, as this is the first study to correlate the WHtR with inflammatory markers, we recommend further exploration of the use of WHtR in this age group and other population-based samples.


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Following a drop in estrogen in the period of menopause some women begin to lose bone mass more than 1% per year reaching the end of five years with loss greater than 25%. In this regard, factors such as older age, low calcium intake and premature menopause favor the onset of osteoporosis. Preventive methods such as nutritional counseling to a proper diet and the support of technology through applications that assess dietary intake are essential. Thus, this study aimed to develop an application for Android® platform focused on the evaluation of nutritional and organic conditions involved in bone health and risks for developing osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. To achieve this goal we proceeded to a study of 72 women aged 46-79 years, from the physical exercise for bone health of the Laboratory for Research in Biochemistry and Densitometry the Federal Technological University of Paraná program. Data were collected in the second half of 2014 through tests Bone Densitometry and Body Composition, Blood Tests, Anthropometric data and Nutrition Assessment. The study included women with a current diagnosis of osteopenia or osteoporosis primary, aged more than 45 years postmenopausal. For the assessment of bone mineral density and body composition used the device Absorptiometry Dual Energy X-ray (DXA) brand Hologic Discovery TM Model A. For anthropometric assessment was included to body mass, height, abdominal circumference, Waist circumference and hip circumference. The instrument for assessing food consumption was used Recall 24 hours a day (24HR). The estimated intake of energy and nutrients was carried from the tabulation of the food eaten in the Software Diet Pro 4®. In a sub sample of 30 women with osteopenia / osteoporosis serum calcium and alkaline phosphatase tests were performed. The results demonstrated a group of women (n = 30) average calcium intake of 570mg / day (± 340). The analysis showed a mean serum calcium within the normal range (10,20mg / dl ± 0.32) and average values and slightly increased alkaline phosphatase (105.40 U / L ± 23.70). Furthermore, there was a significant correlation between the consumption of protein and the optimal daily intake of calcium (0.375 p-value 0.05). Based on these findings, we developed an application early stage in Android® platform operating system Google®, being called OsteoNutri. We chose to use Java Eclipse® where it was executed Android® version of the project; choice of application icons and setting the visual editor for building the application layouts. The DroidDraw® was used for development of the three application GUIs. For practical tests we used a cell compatible with the version that was created (4.4 or higher). The prototype was developed in conjunction with the Group and Instrumentation Applications Development (GDAI) of the Federal Technological University of Paraná. So this application can be considered an important tool in dietary control, allowing closer control consumption of calcium and dietary proteins.


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OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study were to establish a Colombian smoothed centile charts and LMS tables for tríceps, subscapular and sum tríceps+subscapular skinfolds; appropriate cut-offs were selected using receiver operating characteristic analysis based in a populationbased sample of schoolchildren in Bogota, Colombia and to compare them with international studies. METHODS: A total of 9 618 children and adolescents attending public schools in Bogota, Colombia (55.7% girls; age range of 9–17.9 years). Height, weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, triceps and subscapular skinfold measurements were obtained using standardized methods. We have calculated tríceps+subscapular skinfold (T+SS) sum. Smoothed percentile curves for triceps and subscapular skinfold thickness were derived by the LMS method. Receiver operating characteristics curve (ROC) analyses were used to evaluate the optimal cut-off point of tríceps, subscapular and sum tríceps+subscapular skinfolds for overweight and obesity based on the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) definitions. Data were compared with international studies. RESULTS: Subscapular, triceps skinfolds and T+SS were significantly higher in girls than in boys (P <0.001). The median values for triceps, subscapular as well as T+SS skinfold thickness increased in a sex-specific pattern with age. The ROC analysis showed that subscapular, triceps skinfolds and T+SS have a high discrimination power in the identification of overweight and obesity in the sample population in this study. Based on the raw non-adjusted data, we found that Colombian boys and girls had high triceps and subscapular skinfolds values than their counterparts from Spain, UK, German and US. CONCLUSIONS: Our results provide sex- and age-specific normative reference standards for the triceps and subscapular skinfold thickness values in a large, population-based sample of 3 schoolchildren and adolescents from an Latin-American population. By providing LMS tables for Latin-American people based on Colombian reference data, we hope to provide quantitative tools for the study of obesity and its complications.


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Abstract Objective: Evidence shows an association between muscular strength (MS) and health among youth, however low muscular strength cut-points for the detection of high metabolic risk in Latin-American populations are scarce. The aim of this study was two-fold: to explore potential age- and sex-specific thresholds of MS, for optimal cardiometabolic risk categorization among Colombian children and adolescents; and to investigate if cardiometabolic risk differed by MS group by applying the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) cut point. Methods: This is a secondary analysis of a cross-sectional study (the FUPRECOL study), published elsewhere. The FUPRECOL study assessments were conducted during the 2014– 2015 school year. MS was estimated by a handle dynamometer on 1,950 children and adolescents from Colombia, using the MS relative to weight (handgrip strength/body mass). A metabolic risk score was computed from the following components: waist circumference, triglycerides, HDL-c, glucose, systolic and diastolic blood pressure. ROC analysis showed a significant discriminatory accuracy of MS in identifying the low/high metabolic risk in children and adolescents and both gender. Results: In children, handgrip strength/body mass level for a low metabolic risk were 0.359 and 0.376 in girls and boys, respectively. In adolescents, these points were 0.440 and 0.447 in girls and boys, respectively. Conclusion: In conclusion, the results suggest a hypothetical MS level relative to weight for having a low metabolic risk, which could be used to identify youths at risk.


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Background: Exercise is widely promoted as a method of weight management, while the other health benefits are often ignored. The purpose of this study was to examine whether exercise-induced improvements in health are influenced by changes in body weight. Methods: Fifty-eight sedentary overweight/obese men and women (BMI 31.8 (SD 4.5) kg/m2) participated in a 12-week supervised aerobic exercise intervention (70% heart rate max, five times a week, 500 kcal per session). Body composition, anthropometric parameters, aerobic capacity, blood pressure and acute psychological response to exercise were measured at weeks 0 and 12. Results: The mean reduction in body weight was −3.3 (3.63) kg (p<0.01). However, 26 of the 58 participants failed to attain the predicted weight loss estimated from individuals’ exercise-induced energy expenditure. Their mean weight loss was only −0.9 (1.8) kg (p<0.01). Despite attaining a lower-than-predicted weight reduction, these individuals experienced significant increases in aerobic capacity (6.3 (6.0) ml/kg/min; p<0.01), and a decreased systolic (−6.00 (11.5) mm Hg; p<0.05) and diastolic blood pressure (−3.9 (5.8) mm Hg; p<0.01), waist circumference (−3.7 (2.7) cm; p<0.01) and resting heart rate (−4.8 (8.9) bpm, p<0.001). In addition, these individuals experienced an acute exercise-induced increase in positive mood. Conclusions: These data demonstrate that significant and meaningful health benefits can be achieved even in the presence of lower-than-expected exercise-induced weight loss. A less successful reduction in body weight does not undermine the beneficial effects of aerobic exercise. From a public health perspective, exercise should be encouraged and the emphasis on weight loss reduced.


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Several components of the metabolic syndrome, particularly diabetes and cardiovascular disease, are known to be oxidative stress-related conditions and there is research to suggest that antioxidant nutrients may play a protective role in these conditions. Carotenoids are compounds derived primarily from plants and several have been shown to be potent antioxidant nutrients. The aim of this study was to examine the associations between metabolic syndrome status and major serum carotenoids in adult Australians. Data on the presence of the metabolic syndrome, based on International Diabetes Federation 2005 criteria, were collected from 1523 adults aged 25 years and over in six randomly selected urban centers in Queensland, Australia, using a cross-sectional study design. Weight, height, BMI, waist circumference, blood pressure, fasting and 2-hour blood glucose and lipids were determined, as well as five serum carotenoids. Mean serum alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and the sum of the five carotenoid concentrations were significantly lower (p<0.05) in persons with the metabolic syndrome (after adjusting for age, sex, education, BMI status, alcohol intake, smoking, physical activity status and vitamin/mineral use) than persons without the syndrome. Alpha, beta and total carotenoids also decreased significantly (p<0.05) with increased number of components of the metabolic syndrome, after adjusting for these confounders. These differences were significant among former smokers and non-smokers, but not in current smokers. Low concentrations of serum alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and the sum of five carotenoids appear to be associated with metabolic syndrome status. Additional research, particularly longitudinal studies, may help to determine if these associations are causally related to the metabolic syndrome, or are a result of the pathologies of the syndrome.


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Background: Exercise could contribute to weight loss by altering the sensitivity of the appetite regulatory system. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the effects of 12 wk of mandatory exercise on appetite control. Design: Fifty-eight overweight and obese men and women [mean (±SD) body mass index (in kg/m2) = 31.8 ± 4.5, age = 39.6 ± 9.8 y, and maximal oxygen intake = 29.1 ± 5.7 mL · kg–1 · min–1] completed 12 wk of supervised exercise in the laboratory. The exercise sessions were designed to expend 2500 kcal/wk. Subjective appetite sensations and the satiating efficiency of a fixed breakfast were compared at baseline (week 0) and at week 12. An Electronic Appetite Rating System was used to measure subjective appetite sensations immediately before and after the fixed breakfast in the immediate postprandial period and across the whole day. The satiety quotient of the breakfast was determined by calculating the change in appetite scores relative to the breakfast's energy content. Results: Despite large variability, there was a significant reduction in mean body weight (3.2 ± 3.6 kg), fat mass (3.2 ± 2.2 kg), and waist circumference (5.0 ± 3.2 cm) after 12 wk. The analysis showed that a reduction in body weight and body composition was accompanied by an increase in fasting hunger and in average hunger across the day (P < 0.0001). Paradoxically, the immediate and delayed satiety quotient of the breakfast also increased significantly (P < 0.05). Conclusions: These data show that the effect of exercise on appetite regulation involves at least 2 processes: an increase in the overall (orexigenic) drive to eat and a concomitant increase in the satiating efficiency of a fixed meal.


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Purpose: Television viewing time, independent of leisure-time physical activity, has cross-sectional relationships with the metabolic syndrome and its individual components. We examined whether baseline and five-year changes in self-reported television viewing time are associated with changes in continuous biomarkers of cardio-metabolic risk (waist circumference, triglycerides, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, fasting plasma glucose; and a clustered cardio-metabolic risk score) in Australian adults. Methods: AusDiab is a prospective, population-based cohort study with biological, behavioral, and demographic measures collected in 1999–2000 and 2004–2005. Non-institutionalized adults aged ≥ 25 years were measured at baseline (11,247; 55% of those completing an initial household interview); 6,400 took part in the five-year follow-up biomedical examination, and 3,846 met the inclusion criteria for this analysis. Multiple linear regression analysis was used and unstandardized B coefficients (95% CI) are provided. Results: Baseline television viewing time (10 hours/week unit) was not significantly associated with change in any of the biomarkers of cardio-metabolic risk. Increases in television viewing time over five years (10 hours/week unit) were associated with increases in: waist circumference (cm) (men: 0.43 (0.08, 0.78), P = 0.02; women: 0.68 (0.30, 1.05), P <0.001), diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) (women: 0.47 (0.02, 0.92), P = 0.04), and the clustered cardio-metabolic risk score (women: 0.03 (0.01, 0.05), P = 0.007). These associations were independent of baseline television viewing time and baseline and change in physical activity and other potential confounders. Conclusion: These findings indicate that an increase in television viewing time is associated with adverse cardio-metabolic biomarker changes. Further prospective studies using objective measures of several sedentary behaviors are required to confirm causality of the associations found.


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Background: While the relationship between socioeconomic disadvantage and cardiovascular disease (CVD) is well established, the role that traditional cardiovascular risk factors play in this association remains unclear. We examined the association between education attainment and CVD mortality and the extent to which behavioural, social and physiological factors explained this relationship. Methods: Adults (n=38 355) aged 40-69 years living in Melbourne, Australia were recruited in 1990-1994. Subjects with baseline CVD risk factor data ascertained through questionnaire and physical measurement were followed for an average of 9.4 years with CVD deaths verified by review of medical records and autopsy reports. Results: CVD mortality was higher for those with primary education only compared to those who had completed tertiary education, with a hazard ratio (HR) of 1.66 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.11-2.49) after adjustment for age, country of birth and gender. Those from the lowest educated group had a more adverse cardiovascular risk factor profile compared to the highest educated group, and adjustment for these risk factors reduced the HR to 1.18 (95% CI 0.78-1.77). In analysis of individual risk factors, smoking and waist circumference explained most of the difference in CVD mortality between the highest and lowest education groups. Conclusions: Most of the excess CVD mortality in lower socioeconomic groups can be explained by known risk factors, particularly smoking and overweight. While targeting cardiovascular risk factors should not divert efforts from addressing the underlying determinants of health inequalities, it is essential that known risk factors are addressed effectively among lower socioeconomic groups.


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The increase of life expectancy worldwide during the last three decades has increased age-related disability leading to the risk of loss of quality of life. How to improve quality of life including physical health and mental health for older people and optimize their life potential has become an important health issue. This study used the Theory of Planned Behaviour Model to examine factors influencing health behaviours, and the relationship with quality of life. A cross-sectional mailed survey of 1300 Australians over 50 years was conducted at the beginning of 2009, with 730 completed questionnaires returned (response rate 63%). Preliminary analysis reveals that physiological changes of old age, especially increasing waist circumference and co morbidity was closely related to health status, especially worse physical health summary score. Physical activity was the least adherent behaviour among the respondents compared to eating healthy food and taking medication regularly as prescribed. Increasing number of older people living alone with co morbidity of disease may be the barriers that influence their attitude and self control toward physical activity. A multidisciplinary and integrated approach including hospital and non hospital care is required to provide appropriate services and facilities toward older people.


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BACKGROUND Parenting-skills training may be an effective age-appropriate child behavior-modification strategy to assist parents in addressing childhood overweight. OBJECTIVE Our goal was to evaluate the relative effectiveness of parenting-skills training as a key strategy for the treatment of overweight children. DESIGN The design consisted of an assessor-blinded, randomized, controlled trial involving 111 (64% female) overweight, prepubertal children 6 to 9 years of age randomly assigned to parenting-skills training plus intensive lifestyle education, parenting-skills training alone, or a 12-month wait-listed control. Height, BMI, and waist-circumference z score and metabolic profile were assessed at baseline, 6 months, and 12 months (intention to treat). RESULTS After 12 months, the BMI z score was reduced by ∼10% with parenting-skills training plus intensive lifestyle education versus ∼5% with parenting-skills training alone or wait-listing for intervention. Waist-circumference z score fell over 12 months in both intervention groups but not in the control group. There was a significant gender effect, with greater reduction in BMI and waist-circumference z scores in boys compared with girls. CONCLUSION Parenting-skills training combined with promoting a healthy family lifestyle may be an effective approach to weight management in prepubertal children, particularly boys. Future studies should be powered to allow gender subanalysis.