964 resultados para online course


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Se describen y analizan los MOOCs (Massive Online Open Course) como método de difusión de información y documentación en los ámbitos educativos universitarios. Para ello se describe que son los MOOCs, mostrando su pujanza y su reciente aparición y desarrollo, y describiendo las muchas potencialidades y posibilidades que plantean, al igual que se describen los principales problemas. El desarrollo y utilidad de los MOOCs se ha planteado especialmente en el ámbito universitario, siendo utilizado como mecanismo para facilitar cursos en línea con el fin de difundir conocimiento científico y como método de marketing y financiación en las instituciones de educación superior.


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The introduction of computer and communications technology, and particularly the internet, into education has opened up some new possibilities for teaching and learning. Courses designed and delivered in an online environment offer the possibility of highly interactive and individually focussed teaching and learning experiences. However, online courses also present new challenges for both teachers and students. A qualitative study was conducted to explore teachers' perceptions about the similarities and differences in teaching in the online and face-to-face (F2F) environments. Focus group discussions were held with 5 teachers; 2 teachers were interviewed in depth. The participants, 3 female and 2 male, were full-time teachers from a large College of Applied Arts & Technology in southern Ontario. Each of them had over 10 years of F2F teaching experience and each had been involved in the development and teaching of at least one online course. i - -; The study focussed on how teaching in the online environment compares with teaching in the F2F environment, what roles teachers and students adopt in each setting, what learning communities mean online and F2F and how they are developed, and how institutional policies, procedures, and infrastructure affect teaching and learning F2F and online. This study was emic in nature, that is the teachers' words determine the themes identified throughout the study. The factors identified as affecting teaching in an online environment included teacher issues such as course design, motivation to teach online, teaching style, role, characteristics or skills, and strategies. Student issues as perceived by the teachers included learning styles, role, and characteristics or skills. As well, technology issues such as a reliable infrastructure, clear role and responsibilities for maintaining the infrastructure, support, and multimedia capability affected teaching online. Finally, administrative policies and procedures, including teacher selection and training, registration and scheduling procedures, intellectual property and workload policies, and the development and communication of a comprehensive strategic plan were found to impact on teaching online. The teachers shared some of the benefits they perceived about teaching online as well as some of the challenges they had faced and challenges they perceived students had faced online. Overall, the teachers feh that there were more similarities than differences in teaching between the two environments, with the main differences being the change from F2F verbal interactions involving body language to online written interactions without body language cues, and the fundamental reliance on technology in the online environment. These findings support previous research in online teaching and learning, and add teachers' perspectives on the factors that stay the same and the factors that change when moving from a F2F environment to an online environment.


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In many countries across the world, online learning is playing an ever-increasing role in higher education. However, there seem to be starkly contrasting analyses of the educational value of online learning. In this paper, I reflect on my own online learning experiences in the UK and Australia and conclude that there are significant differences between partial and fully online course units. I also develop general criticisms of online learning system design and suggest a number of fundamental design and performance objectives for the design of online learning systems.


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Online discussion boards are being used increasingly by tertiary educators as a tool for encouraging greater student interaction and developing learning communities. In particular, educators who have adopted a learner centered, socio-constructivist approach to teaching have sought to facilitate collaborative learning in which students reflect upon and share their experiences and perspectives, and construct knowledge together through developing shared meanings. This paper presents the findings of an electronic survey of the perceptions of 70 distance education EFL and ESL students concerning a compulsory assessment item involving contribution to an online course discussion board. The study revealed that the majority of the students enjoyed the assessment item and agreed that posting to the online course discussion board had allowed them to achieve a range of cognitive and social learning outcomes, as well as to develop some important graduate skills. In particular, ESL students reported the benefits of posting to the discussion board in terms of sharing their experiences with others and reducing the feeling of isolation. Further, when considering social outcomes, ESL students perceive the discussion board provided them with an opportunity to meet and develop a closer relationship with other students in the course and encouraged them to keep up with their studies.


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As teaching and learning environments for many tertiary courses move to online delivery, it is important to ensure effective student learning is still taking place. This paper presents a review of the current literature on the roles of the teacher and e-tutor in e-learning environments. The research presented here is a case study of a wholly online course in which the role of the etutors was examined. This was achieved through analysis of their online interactions with students from two separate offerings of the course. The study found that in this environment the main role undertaken by all e-tutors was a managerial one. Differences were also noted between the roles undertaken by casual e-tutors and faculty staff.


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Due to its perceived benefits, asynchronous discussion forums have become progressively popular in higher education. The ultimate goal of developing an asynchronous discussion forum is to create an online learning environment that will achieve high levels of learning. This paper reviews the exiting literature and develops taxonomy of the asynchronous discussion forums with the aims of increasing the understanding and awareness of various types of asynchronous discussion forums. The taxonomy will help increase the online course designers' ability to design more effective learning experiences for student success and satisfaction. It will also help researchers to understand the features of the various asynchronous discussion forums.


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Online discussion forums are well suited for collaborative learning systems. Much of the currently available research indicates that effectively designed collaborative learning systems motivate and enhance learning experiences of the participants which in turn lead to enhanced learning outcomes. This paper develops taxonomy of the asynchronous online discussion forums with the aims of increasing the understanding and awareness of various types of asynchronous discussion forums. The taxonomy is framed by constructivist pedagogical principles of asynchronous online discussion forum. The key attributes of online discussions and the factors influencing the discussion forum’s design are identified. The taxonomy will help increase the online course designers’ ability to design more effective learning experiences for student success and satisfaction. It will also help researchers to understand the various features of the asynchronous discussion forums. The article concludes with implications for pedagogy and suggestions for the direction of future theoretical and empirical research.


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Teachers have a major responsibility to engage students online for successful learning in online distance education programs. Identifying key aspects of the teachers’ role is important. The study reported in this paper investigated an online course for paramedic students. Data were collected from the teachers and students and their online interactions were observed. The study has shown that students’ message posting is likely to be related to the cognitive demand and accessibility of discussion tasks that staff design and the quality of teacher facilitation of discussion.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O presente trabalho visa descrever os passos para desenvolvimento de um curso e sua estrutura em ambiente virtual de aprendizagem Moodle. Para tanto, a pesquisa consistiu na aplicação de conteúdos de enfermagem para oferecimento de curso online em workshop internacional para grupo de estudantes de graduação e licenciatura em enfermagem do Brasil e de Portugal. Durante a pesquisa foram registradas etapas distintas, desde o planejamento do curso passando pela construção e transformação dos conteúdos, até a disponibilização aos estudantes. As atividades interativas e conteúdos foram elaborados pelos professores com participação de equipe técnica. No trabalho são apresentados procedimentos específicos e papéis a serem desempenhados por professores, especialistas, estudantes e técnicos. Os resultados do desenvolvimento e oferecimento do curso online apontaram alguns aspectos a serem aperfeiçoados no processo de trabalho, no formato dos conteúdos e na utilização das ferramentas.


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OBJETIVO: Descrever a elaboração de um curso on-line sobre úlcera venosa, com enfoque em terapia compressiva, para capacitação de enfermeiros. MÉTODOS: O desenvolvimento do curso on-line seguiu as fases de análise, design, desenvolvimento, implementação e avaliação, baseadas no design instrucional contextualizado. RESULTADOS: O curso dividiu-se em dez módulos estruturados no ambiente virtual de aprendizagem Moodle. Caracterizou-se por uma proposta construtivista, visando ampliar a participação do aluno, disponibilizar as principais referências, revisões e consensos, bem como utilizar objetos multimídia e recursos didáticos interativos. CONCLUSÃO: O curso possibilita a capacitação profissional do enfermeiro em terapia compressiva de maneira inovadora, flexível, interativa em diversos ambientes de cuidado.


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Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) bezeichnen Kurse, die online stattfinden und auf Grund fehlender Zugangsbeschränkungen und kostenfreien Zugangs sehr hohe Teilnehmerzahlen erreichen. Der erste MOOC wurde 2011 durch Sebastian Thrun, Professor für Informatik an der Stanford University, zum Thema der Künstlichen Intelligenz angeboten und hatte 160.000 Teilnehmende. In der Folge wurden MOOCs als die revolutionäre Lehr-/Lerninnovation gepriesen, immer mehr Unternehmen gründeten MOOCs-Plattformen. Seit Ende 2012 bieten auch in Deutschland erste Institutionen eigene Plattformen mit MOOCs an. Man unterscheidet im Wesentlichen zwei Varianten – xMoocs und cMOOCs: xMoocs bieten auf Video aufgezeichnete Vorlesungen, die durch Tests und Fragen unterbrochen und zu denen Aufgaben ausgeteilt werden. Sie werden ergänzt durch Foren. cMOOCs orientieren sich eher an der Form eines Seminars oder Workshops, in ihnen können die Teilnehmenden die Inhalte selbst miterarbeiten und -gestalten. Um die Potenziale, aber auch die Schwächen der MOOCs bewerten zu können, bedarf es aber einer differenzierten Betrachtung, als sie bisher stattgefunden hat. Dieser Band stellt Erfahrungsberichte und Beispiele aus deutschen Hochschulen oder mit deutscher Beteiligung vor und reflektiert das Phänomen der MOOCs unter didaktischen, historischen und bildungspolitischen Aspekten.


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En los últimos dos años la formación online ha experimentado un auge significativo gracias al paradigma de formación denominado MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). Un MOOC simplifica la formación a distancia gracias a sus características de abierto, colaborativo, masivo y gratuito. Por desgracia en lengua española la utilización de este tipo de recurso formativo todavía es minoritaria. La presente investigación recoge una experiencia de innovación educativa en la que se destaca el diseño, implementación y difusión del primer MOOC en lengua española dedicado a la seguridad de la información por parte de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Esta experiencia aborda las ventajas e inconvenientes de este tipo de recurso formativo, debatiendo aspectos vitales para la elaboración prolongada de cursos tipo MOOC, como son la interactividad y retroalimentación con los usuarios del curso o la forma más adecuada de representar el contenido docente. Todas estas cuestiones reciben respuesta en el MOOC Crypt4you, que con más de 10 meses de vida permite vislumbrar un gran éxito de este tipo de cursos en la formación, al menos en lengua española, de hispanohablantes. ABSTRACT In the last two years, online training has boomed thanks to significant training paradigm called MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). A MOOC simplifies remote training thanks to its open, collaborativend free mass features. Unfortunately, the use of this kind of learning resource in Spanish teaching is still a minority. This research includes an educational experience which emphasizes the design, implementation and dissemination of the first Spanish-language MOOC devoted to information security by the Technical University of Madrid. This experiment addresses the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of learning resource discussing critical issues for developing type MOOC prolonged courses, such as interactivity and feedback from users of the course or the most appropriate way of representing the educational content. All these questions are answered in the MOOC Crypt4you which, over its 10 months of life, can glimpse a great success of this type of training course, at least in Spanish, Spanish-speakers.