990 resultados para nursing student


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A formação do estudante de enfermagem em ensino clínico reveste-se de uma importância singular pelo contacto e vivência de situações em contexto, por lhe proporcionar a aquisição, o desenvolvimento e a consolidação de conhecimentos e competências em vários domínios, assim como de socialização com a profissão. O primeiro ensino clínico pelas actividades em contexto com os profissionais de saúde e os utentes é um período de transição particularmente marcante em termos formativos. Nele frequentemente acontece a ruptura nas suas concepções de formação e de aprendizagem, tornando-se num momento de confronto com uma formação que prepara para a incerteza e imprevisibilidade. Nesta investigação pretendemos compreender o que acontece neste período de aprendizagem, partindo da seguinte questão central de investigação: Que significado tem o primeiro ensino clínico no percurso formativo do estudante de enfermagem? O estudo desta questão exigiu o recurso a uma metodologia de natureza qualitativa baseada na estratégia estudo de caso na sua vertente multicasos. Seleccionámos três casos de estudo respectivamente do 1º, do 2º e 3º anos do Curso de Licenciatura em Enfermagem de três planos de estudos de Escolas Superiores de Enfermagem. O caso é constituído por um grupo de estudantes no primeiro ensino clínico hospitalar, enfermeiros e docentes que os orientam. Desenvolvemos uma etnometodologia em que privilegiámos a observação no terreno com participação directa do investigador, recolha documental, entrevistas etnográficas e semi-estruturadas aos vários intervenientes. A análise da informação reunida processou-se pela análise de conteúdo dos dados obtidos num percurso recursivo entre as várias fontes com apoio do programa informático Nvivo 7. Concluímos que o primeiro ensino clínico: é um período de formação estruturante, com forte impacto pela transição que se opera na postura do estudante perante a aprendizagem, pelas propriedades (trans)formativas que as vivências em contexto encerram, independentemente do ano do Curso em que este acontece; a preparação prévia dos estudantes modeliza os domínios da aprendizagem e a profundidade em que ocorre; aprendem de um modo fragmentado sem conseguirem integrar os vários domínios do conhecimento na acção; os estudantes do 1º ano dão mais significado à destreza e rapidez na realização de intervenções prescritas e à aplicação dos princípios teóricos aprendidos; a orientação dos enfermeiros, tutores e docentes é fundamental na mobilização, para a acção, dos conhecimentos teóricos ou na sua aquisição; a vivência das situações em contexto e o ambiente relacional estão entre os factores mais influentes; a prática orientada com atenção individualizada, questionamento, análise e reflexão em díade supervisor-aluno, são fundamentais no desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico; ser supervisor deve ser assumido pelo docente e pelo enfermeiro ou tutor como um trabalho de articulação e proximidade com e no contexto onde o ensino clínico decorre; a resposta adequada às funções específicas de supervisão exige participação activa de equipas de enfermagem mais preparadas e hierarquicamente apoiadas; o docente pelo conhecimento dos estudantes, dos fins e objectivos da formação, pelos desafios e exigência que coloca tem um papel insubstituível. No percurso da investigação novas questões emergiram nomeadamente no que se prende com: os modelos de articulação entre instituições de saúde e escolares; com a formação dos supervisores e; o papel dos pares no início da aprendizagem dos estudantes em contexto clínico.


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Au Québec, le programme d’externat en soins infirmiers, permet aux étudiantes infirmières de travailler, à titre d’externes, durant l’été suivant leur 2e année d’étude. Les études portant sur les apprentissages que des étudiantes infirmières font à l’intérieur d’un programme d’externat ne reposent pas sur un cadre théorique définissant la vision de l’apprentissage des auteurs. De plus, aucune n’a fait de lien avec les compétences professionnelles. Cette étude avait pour but de décrire, selon la perception d’étudiantes universitaires québécoises, l’effet de leur participation à un programme d’externat en soins infirmiers sur le développement de leurs compétences professionnelles et s’est appuyée sur l’approche par compétences de seconde génération développée à la Faculté des sciences infirmières de l’Université de Montréal (Goudreau, Pepin, Dubois, Boyer, Larue et Legault, 2009). Les résultats obtenus reposent sur un devis descriptif qualitatif réalisé auprès de huit étudiantes infirmières universitaires. L’analyse a été réalisée selon la méthode de Miles et Huberman (2003) à partir de la transcription intégrale des entrevues. L’étude a permis d’identifier les principales compétences développées dans le cadre du programme d’externat, soit «Exercer un jugement clinique infirmier», «Collaborer dans des équipes professionnelles» et «Agir avec humanisme en accompagnant les personnes/familles/communautés dans leurs expériences de santé». Elle a également mis en évidence l’importance du développement de la confiance en soi dans l’expérience de travail des participantes. Des recommandations pour la gestion, la formation et la recherche découlent de cette étude.


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Audio recording of a Hartley Library tour for the academic session 2007/2008. Voices of a nursing student and Mike Weaver, School of Nursing & Midwifery.


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Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie var att undersöka studenters och sjuksköterskors inställning till informationsteknologi, samt studenters erfarenhet av IT och möjlighet att utnyttja IT i klinisk utbildning. Använda databaser var Medline, Science Direct, och Google Scholar. Följande sökord användes: nursing, student, documentation, attitudes to computers, computerized, och medical record. Femton artiklar ingick, varav nio hade kvantitativ ansats och sex kvalitativ ansats. Resultatet visade att yngre studenter inte hade lika högt förtroende för teknologi som äldre studenter. Resultatet var inte det väntade då yngre studenter haft möjlighet att använda datorer i grundskolan. IT i undervisningen ökade dock förtroendet för tekniken. När handdator (PDA) blev ett verktyg, blev den också ett stöd i kritiskt tänkande och informationshantering och bidrog till att öka kvaliteten på omvårdnaden. Speciellt nöjda var studenter med att ha snabb och enkel tillgång till information jämfört med att söka information i böcker. Problem med PDA kunde gälla svårighet att lära sig tekniken, negativ inställning hos personal och tekniska brister. Sättet att introducera IT hade stor betydelse för studenters benägenhet att acceptera eller ta avstånd från IT. Elektronisk patientjournal resulterade inte i bättre vård. Gamla problem kunde lösas men nya uppstod. Testresultat försvann inte men kunde fortfarande förbises. Risken fanns för motsägelsefulla medicinska data relaterat till dubbla journalföringssystem.


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Aim of the study. The purpose of this study, conducted as partial requirement for a Master of Nursing Studies Degree, was to explore, describe and compare the level of questions asked by clinical teachers and preceptors.

Background. Questioning is one of many teaching/learning strategies thought to facilitate the development of critical thinking skills which are integral to nursing practice. As such the type and number of questions asked have implications for student learning. Currently in Melbourne, Australia, many undergraduate nursing degree courses utilize both clinical teachers and preceptors to facilitate student learning in the clinical setting.

Design. A comparative descriptive design was used. Participants were given three acute care patient scenarios involving an undergraduate nursing student, as part of a questionnaire, and asked to identify the questions they would ask the student in relation to the scenario.

Findings. Data revealed that the clinical teachers had considerably more years of experience in their role and higher academic qualifications than did the preceptors. The clinical teachers also asked a greater number of questions overall and more from the higher cognitive level. Despite this, the findings suggest that both clinical teachers and especially preceptors need to increase the number of higher level questions they ask.

Conclusions. Based on the findings of this study, it is evident that there is a need for further comparative studies into the questioning skills of clinical teachers and preceptors. Also, these two groups require education about the importance of higher level questioning for student learning as well as how to ask questions generally.


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Understanding the meaning of death for student nurses is the subject of this research. The motivation for the meeting place of my difficulties as a person and especially as a teacher in the face of nursing students in dealing with death on a day-to-day hospital during the undergraduate course. Death became known that this evil looms before men and destabilizing, causing often irreversible mental disorders when faced with family loss. Therefore, it is appropriate to study it the possibility of making us reflect on our way of living life and dealing with human beings from the perspective of finitude. Aimed to understand the meaning of death for nursing students. For this purpose, it was based on the following guiding question: What is the meaning of death for you as a nursing student? From this perspective, the study was developed within a qualitative dimension of the phenomenological approach. To perform ten students were interviewed during the month of July 2009. Emerged from these interviews a variety of feelings such as fear, anxiety, insecurity, failure, sadness, as the sensory experience of each. To understand the meaning units that emerged from the empirical data which constitute the essence of this research were fundamental studies dealing with Heidegger about the death in a phenomenological perspective, as well as authors Bicudo, D'Assunção, Dastur, Morin, Boff, Kübler-Ross, Boemer, among others. From the understanding of the phenomenon, we can say that death produces mixed feelings in these students that lead to selfprotection, understood, often as a departure from the other, at the approach of death. However, it proved to be sensitive and receptive to the approach of death in other dimensions, beyond the highly technical aspects, pointing to a paradigm shift that has the yeast's own willingness to change. In addition, the research highlights the weaknesses in the education of nurses regarding the understanding of the whole human death and the need to overcome them.


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O presente trabalho procura descrever a experiência vivenciada por aluna de graduação ao cuidar de criança hospitalizada numa unidade pediátrica. Utilizando-se das técnicas de comunicação terapêutica e medidas terapêuticas de enfermagem, a aluna desenvolveu relacionamento de ajuda com a criança, o que lhe permitiu prestar assistência de enfermagem de forma integral, envolvendo-se com ela e compartilhando experiências benéficas para ambas.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo propor bases metodológicas para o acompanhamento da progressão da competência comunicativa no aluno de Enfermagem. Utilizando metodologia qualitativa e referencial teórico de comunicação interpessoal, desenvolvemos a pesquisa entrevistando 13 professores com experiência acumulada em atividades de ensino e pesquisa de comunicação em Enfermagem. Nos dados obtidos, os entrevistados relataram que o acompanhamento da progressão da competência comunicativa do aluno ocorre: observando a evolução das habilidades comunicativas nos alunos e pacientes; viabilizando momentos de expressão de pensamentos, sentimentos e percepções; fornecendo feedback sobre o desenvolvimento das habilidades comunicativas; estimulando-os ao desenvolvimento das habilidades em comunicação; realizando avaliação formativa e tutorando o aluno.


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Este estudo de caso tem o objetivo de analisar o relacionamento terapêutico desenvolvido entre aluna de enfermagem e uma criança de 3 anos , durante o período perioperatório, utilizando o brinquedo e a dramatização para facilitar a explicação dos procedimentos e dos objetos do hospital para a criança.Ouso do brinquedo mostrou-se uma forma adequada para comunicar-se efetivamente com a criança, e para prepará-la para a intervenção cirúrgica, pois, através da dramatização, ela participou ativamente dos procedimentos, mostrando que compreendia e aceitava o que estava acontecendo,nãoapresentando em nenhum momento medo ou ansiedade diante do ambiente do hospital e dos procedimentos cirúrgicos. Ao final do relacionamento, a mãe e a equipe cirúrgica avaliaram positivamente o preparo da criança para a cirurgia.


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The undergraduates in Nursing have been subject of studies on psychic problems, as alterations in behavior interfere in their learning. The aim of this research was to identify and measure the most frequent depression symptoms among the students using Beck's Depression Inventory. Socio-demographic information about the interviewees was also collected. Ninety-nine (99) students (81.82%) participated. The socio-demographic data show women's predominance (96.97%) in average with 20 years of age; 95.96% not originally from Botucatu and family monthly income of 5 to 10 minimum wages. In the total of the sampling, 41.41% presented a certain degree of depression varying from mild to severe. The most frequent symptoms were self-accusation, irritability and fatigue. The investigation shows the need of programs that follow the students during their academic formation.


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Background: The purpose of this study was to identify the sources of waste generation household consisting of biological material and to investigate the knowledge presented by those responsible for the generation of waste in the home environment on the potential health risk human and environmental. Method. It is a quantitative survey performed in Parque Capuava, Santo André (SP). The questionnaire was administered by the community employers and nursing students during the consultation with nursing supervision through interview question/answer. The exclusion criteria were patients who were not in the area served by the Basic Health Unit which covers the area of Pq Capuava. The sample was consisted of 99 persons and the data collection a questionnaire was used. Results: We observed that 63.3% of people said to use disposables, with the majority (58.7%) of these use the public collection as the final destination of these materials. It was reported that 73.7% of those surveyed reported having knowledge about the risk of disease transmission. Public awareness of the importance of proper packaging and disposal of potentially hazardous household waste may contribute significantly to the preservation of human and environmental health and this procedure can be performed and supervised by professional nurses. Conclusion: We suggest implementation of workshops for community health workers and the general population in order to enhance their knowledge about the storage and disposal of potentially infectious waste generated at home, thereby reducing the potential risk of disease transmission by improper management. © 2013 Chaves et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Estudo de abordagem qualitativa que objetivou identificar como alunos de graduação percebem a integralidade do cuidado da criança no seu processo de aprendizagem, em um Curso de Bacharelado em Enfermagem do interior paulista. Entrevistou-se 89 alunos em junho e dezembro de 2009. Os dados coletados foram analisados mediante análise de conteúdo, sendo identificadas quatro temáticas. A integralidade é vista como cuidado inteiro, envolvendo criança, família, condições de vida, meio ambiente. A instituição de ensino propõe inserção precoce do aluno na realidade; este desmistifica o ideal de cuidado, deparando-se com o real. O professor instiga o aluno a refletir sobre sua prática, para que esta faça sentido e também sejam apreendidos o saber e o fazer relacionado à integralidade do cuidado à criança.


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El proceso de aprendizaje que tiene lugar durante la formación práctico de los estudiantes genera algunos interrogantes: ¿de qué depende ese aprendizaje práctico? ¿Cómo se lleva a cabo?, ¿cuáles son las vivencias de los estudiantes durante esos meses de formación?, ¿cuáles son sus mayores dificultades de aprendizaje? etc. El objetivo de la investigación fue conocer y comprender cuáles fueron las vivencias y experiencias de los estudiantes de sus periodos de formación práctica ante la proximidad de convertirse en profesionales de la salud. Metodología: investigación cualitativa con método fenomenológico. Los datos se obtuvieron del análisis de las memorias reflexivas que los estudiantes de 4º de grado realizaron al finalizar las veinte semanas de prácticas correspondientes al Practicum IV. Conclusiones: a través de los testimonios de los estudiantes se identifican tres aspectos significativos: la necesidad de la práctica reflexiva, los condicionantes de las relaciones humanas en el aprendizaje y valor de los aspectos invisibles del cuidado.


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Objective: To discuss the diagnosis and treatment of a patient with cubital tunnel syndrome and to illustrate novel treatment modalities for the ulnar nerve and its surrounding structures and target tissues. The rationale for the addition of nerve-gliding techniques will be highlighted. Clinical Features: Two months after onset, a 17-year-old female nursing student who had a traumatic onset of cubital tunnel syndrome still experienced pain around the elbow and paresthesia in the ulnar nerve distribution. Electrodiagnostic tests were negative. Segmental cervicothoracic motion dysfunctions were present which were regarded as contributing factors hindering natural recovery. Intervention and Outcomes: After 6 sessions consisting of nerve-gliding techniques and segmental joint manipulation and a home exercise program consisting of nerve gliding and light free-weight exercises, a substantial improvement was recorded on both the impairment and functional level (pain scales, clinical tests, and Northwick Park Questionnaire). Symptoms did not recur within a 10-month follow-up period, and pain and disability had completely resolved. Conclusions: Movement-based management may be beneficial in the conservative management of cubital tunnel syndrome. As this intervention is in contrast with the traditional recommendation of immobilization, comparing the effects of both interventions in a systematic way is an essential next step to determine the optimal treatment of patients with cubital tunnel syndrome.


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The study aims to examine the methodology of realistic simulation as facilitator of the teaching-learning process in nursing, and is justified by the possibility to propose conditions that envisage improvements in the training process with a view to assess the impacts attributed to new teaching strategies and learning in the formative areas of health and nursing. Descriptive study with quantitative and qualitative approach, as action research, and focus on teaching from the realistic simulation of Nursing in Primary Care in an institution of public higher education. . The research was developed in the Comprehensive Care Health discipline II, this is offered in the third year of the course in order to prepare the nursing student to the stage of Primary Health Care The study population comprised 40 subjects: 37 students and 3 teachers of that discipline. Data collection was held from February to May 2014 and was performed by using questionnaires and semi structured interviews. To do so, we followed the following sequence: identification of the use of simulation in the discipline target of intervention; consultation with professors about the possibility of implementing the survey; investigation of the syllabus of discipline, objectives, skills and abilities; preparing the plan for the execution of the intervention; preparing the checklist for skills training; construction and execution of simulation scenarios and evaluation of scenarios. Quantitative data were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics, percentage, and qualitative data through collective subject discourse. A high fidelity simulation was inserted in the curriculum of the course of the research object, based on the use of standard patient. Three cases were created and executed. In the students’ view, the simulation contributed to the synthesis of the contents worked at Integral Health Care II discipline (100%), scoring between 8 and 10 (100%) to executed scenarios. In addition, the simulation has generated a considerable percentage of high expectations for the activities of the discipline (70.27%) and is also shown as a strategy for generating student satisfaction (97.30%). Of the 97.30% that claimed to be quite satisfied with the activities proposed by the academic discipline of Integral Health Care II, 94.59% of the sample indicated the simulation as a determinant factor for the allocation of such gratification. Regarding the students' perception about the strategy of simulation, the most prominent category was the possibility of prior experience of practice (23.91%). The nervousness was one of the most cited negative aspects from the experience in simulated scenarios (50.0%). The most representative positive point (63.89%) pervades the idea of approximation with the reality of Primary Care. In addition, professors of the discipline, totaling 3, were trained in the methodology of the simulation. The study highlighted the contribution of realistic simulation in the context of teaching and learning in nursing and highlighted this strategy while mechanism to generate expectation and satisfaction among undergraduate nursing students