959 resultados para nuclear rDNA
During the last five decades, as a result of an interaction between natural product chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry, molecular biology and spectroscopy, scientists reached an extraordinary level of comprehension about the natural processes by which living organisms build up complex molecules. In this context, 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, allied with isotopic labeling, played a determinant role. Nowadays, the widespread use of modern NMR techniques allows an even more detailed picture of the biochemical steps by accurate manipulation of the atomic nuclei. This article focuses on the development of such techniques and their impact on biosynthetic studies.
Several characteristics are important in a traceability system of animal products, such as age at slaughter, breed composition, besides information of the productive chain. In general, the certification agent records information about the animals and the system which it came from, although cannot guarantee that the slaughtering, meat processing and distribution are error proof. Besides, there is a differential price, at least at the international market, based on sex and breed composition of the animals. Genetic markers allow identification of characteristics controlled in the beef cattle traceability program, as sex and breed composition, in order to correctly identify and appraise the final product for the consumer. The hypothesis of this study was that the majority beef samples retailed in the local market originate from female with a great participation of zebu breeds. Therefore, the objective of this work was to characterize retail beef samples with DNA markers that identify cattle sex and breed composition. Within 10 beef shops localized in Pirassununga, SP, Brazil, 61 samples were collected, all were genotyped as harboring Bos taurus mitochondrial DNA and 18 were positive for the Y chromosome amplification (male). For the marker sat1711b-Msp I the frequency of the allele A was 0.278 and for the marker Lhr-Hha I the frequency of the allele T was 0.417. The results of sat1711b-Msp I and Lhr-Hha I allelic frequencies are suggestive that the proportion of indicus genome compared with the taurine genome in the market meat is smaller than the observed in the Nellore breed. The procedure described in this study identified sex and subspecies characteristics of beef meat samples, with potential application in meat products certification in special as an auxiliary tool in beef cattle traceability programs.
Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito do número da passagem e do sexo das células doadoras de núcleo no desenvolvimento embrionário e fetal após transferência nuclear. Para isso, oócitos bovinos foram maturados, enucleados e reconstruídos com células somáticas de animal adulto. Após a fusão e ativação química, os zigotos reconstituídos foram cultivados em Charles Rosenkranz 2 (CR2) com monocamada de células da granulosa a 38,8ºC em atmosfera umidificada a 5% de CO2 em ar, durante sete dias, e transferidos para receptoras sincronizadas. As taxas de clivagem e desenvolvimento a blastocisto de embriões reconstruídos com células cultivadas por tempo maior foram inferiores às obtidas com os demais tempos de cultivo. Além disso, os blastocistos produzidos não resultaram no desenvolvimento de uma gestação a termo. Embora a taxa de clivagem em embriões fêmeas tenha sido maior, o número de embriões que atingiram o estádio de blastocisto foi maior nos embriões machos. No período gestacional, fêmeas apresentaram maior taxa de aborto entre 90 e 120 dias de gestação. Esses resultados indicam que células doadoras de núcleos cultivados por longos períodos dificultam a produção de blastocistos e aumentam as chances de perdas durante a gestação. Embriões clonados machos têm maior competência para se desenvolver a blastocisto e resultam em menor taxa de perda gestacional.
This study aimed to evaluate species level taxonomy and phylogenetic relationship among Thorea species in Brazil and other regions of the world using two molecular markers - RUBISCO large subunit plastid gene (rbcL) and nuclear small-subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA). Three samples of Thorea from Brazil (states of Mato Grosso do Sul and São Paulo) and one sample from Dominican Republic (DR) were sequenced. Analyses based on partial sequences of rbcL (1,282 bp) and complete sequences of SSU (1,752 bp) were essentially congruent and revealed that Thoreales formed a distinct monophyletic clade, which had two major branches with high support, representing the genera Thorea and Nemalionopsis. Thorea clade had four main branches with high support for all analyses, each one representing the species: 1) T. gaudichaudii C. Agardh from Asia (Japan and Philippines) - this clade occurred only in the rbcL analyses; 2) T. violacea Bory from Asia (Japan) and North America (U.S.A. and DR); 3) T. hispida (Thore) Desvaux from Europe (England) and Asia (Japan); 4) a distinct group with the three Brazilian samples (sequence identity: rbcL 97.2%, 1,246 bp; SSU 96.0-98.1%, 1,699-1,720 bp). The Brazilian samples clearly formed a monophyletic clade based on both molecular markers and was interpreted as a separate species, for which we resurrected the name T. bachmannii Pujals. Morphological and molecular evidences indicate that the Thoreales is well-resolved at ordinal and generic levels. In contrast, Thorea species recognized by molecular data require additional characters (e.g. reproductive and chromosome numbers) to allow consistent and reliable taxonomic circumscription aiming at a world revision based on molecular and morphological evidences.
The complete SSU rDNA was sequenced for 10 individuals of Cladophora vagabunda collected along the coast of Brazil. For C. rupestris (L.) Kütz. a partial SSU rDNA sequence (1634 bp) was obtained. Phylogenetic trees indicate that Cladophora is paraphyletic, but the section Glomeratae sensu lato including C. vagabunda from Brazil, Japan and France, C. albida (Nees) Kütz., C. sericea (Hudson) Kütz., and C. glomerata (L.) Kütz. is monophyletic. Within this group C. vagabunda is paraphyletic. The sequence identity for the SSU rDNA varied from 98.9% to 100% for the Brazilian C. vagabunda, and from 98.3% to 99.7% comparing the Brazilian individuals to the ones from France and Japan. Sequence identity of the Brazilian C. vagabunda to C. albida and C. sericea vary from 98.0% to 98.6%. The SSU rDNA phylogeny support partially the morphological characteristics presented by Brazilian populations of C. vagabunda. On the other hand, C. rupestris from Brazil does not group with C. rupestris from France, both sequences presenting only 96.9% of identity. The inclusion of sequences of individuals from Brazil reinforces the need of taxonomical revision for the genus Cladophora and for the complex C. vagabunda.
Pimelodidae is one of the most representative of Neotropical catfish families. However, these fish are still poorly studied in terms of cytogenetics, especially regarding the application of more accurate techniques such as the chromosomal localization of ribosomal genes. In the present work, fluorescent in situ hybridization with 5S and 18S rDNA probes was employed for rDNA site mapping in Pimelodus sp., P. fur and P. maculatus from the São Francisco River in the Três Marias municipality - MG. The results from the application of the 18S probe confirmed the previous data obtained by silver nitrate staining, identifying a simple nucleolar organizing region system for these species. However, the labeling results from the 5S rDNA probe demonstrated a difference in the number and localization of these sites between the analyzed species. The obtained data allowed inferences on the possible processes involved in the karyotypic evolution of this genus.
Foram analisadas seqüências de nucleotídeos do gene 16S do rDNA mitocondrial em 14 populações de triatomíneos mantidos em colônias no insetário SESA de Araraquara- SP, comparando-as com seqüências do mesmo gene disponíveis no GenBank. Os fragmentos variaram de 311 a 317 pb com baixa variação intra-específica entre as distâncias genéticas (0% a 0,6%), exceto para os relacionamentos entre espécimes de Triatoma sordida (1%) e espécimes de T. brasiliensis (1,3%) atribuídos a populações geográficas diferentes. A parafilia de Rhodniini e do gênero Panstrongylus foi evidenciada pelas analises, confirmando resultados anteriores entre estes e os estreitos relacionamentos de R. prolixus com R. robustus e de T. infestans e T. platensis. O relacionamento entre T. maculata e T. pseudomaculata não foi solucionado, uma vez que, esses táxons apareceram tanto em monofilia quanto em parafilia: T. pseudomaculata (SESA) está agrupado com T. maculata (seqüência do GenBank) e associados a T . brasiliensis (SESA), enquanto T. maculata (SESA) aparece agrupado com T. pseudomaculata do SESA e do GenBank. Os resultados evidenciam a utilidade do gene 16S como marcador de espécies de triatomíneos e sua importância em questões de sistemática e taxonomia. Há necessidade de novos estudos envolvendo outros marcadores associados a caracteres sistemáticos clássicos de morfologia, ecologia e comportamento para decisões sistemáticas adequadas uma vez, que teriam impacto não apenas sistemático mas, para as estratégias de controle.
OBJECTIVES: Memantine is an N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor antagonist used to treat Alzheimer's disease. Previous studies have suggested that receptor blockers act as neuroprotective agents; however, no study has specifically investigated the impact that these drugs have on the heart. We sought to evaluate the effects of memantine on nuclear size reduction in cardiac cells exposed to cold stress. METHOD: We used male EPM-Wistar rats (n=40) divided into 4 groups: 1) Matched control (CON); 2) Memantine-treated rats (MEM); 3) Rats undergoing induced hypothermia (IH) and 4) Rats undergoing induced hypothermia that were also treated with memantine (IHM). Animals in the MEM and IHM groups were treated by oral gavage administration of 20 mg/kg/day memantine over an eight-day period. Animals in the IH and IHM groups were submitted to 4 hours of hypothermia in a controlled environment with a temperature of - 8ºC on the last day of the study. RESULTS: The MEM group had the largest cardiomyocyte nuclear size (151 ± 3.5 μm³ vs. CON: 142 ± 2.3 μm³; p<0.05), while the IH group had the smallest mean value of nuclear size. The nuclear size of the IHM group was preserved (125 ± 2.9 μm³) compared to the IH group (108 ± 1.7 μm³; p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Memantine prevented the nuclear size reduction of cardiomyocytes in rats exposed to cold stress.
Skp1, Cul1, Rbx1, and the FBXO25 protein form a functional ubiquitin ligase complex. Here, we investigate the cellular distribution of FBXO25 and its colocalization with some nuclear proteins by using immunochemical and biochemical approaches. FBXO25 was monitored with affinity-purified antibodies raised against the recombinant fragment spanning residues 2-62 of the FBXO25 sequence. FBXO25 protein was expressed in all mouse tissues tested except striated muscle, as indicated by immunoblot analysis. Confocal analysis revealed that the endogenous FBXO25 was partially concentrated in a novel dot-like nuclear domain that is distinct from clastosomes and other well-characterized structures. These nuclear compartments contain a high concentration of ubiquitin conjugates and at least two other components of the ubiquitin-proteasome system: 20S proteasome and Skp1. We propose to name these compartments FBXO25-associated nuclear domains. Interestingly, inhibition of transcription by actinomycin D or heat-shock treatment drastically affected the nuclear organization of FBXO25-containing structures, indicating that they are dynamic compartments influenced by the transcriptional activity of the cell. Also, we present evidences that an FBXO25-dependent ubiquitin ligase activity prevents aggregation of recombinant polyglutamine-containing huntingtin protein in the nucleus of human embryonic kidney 293 cells, suggesting that this protein can be a target for the nuclear FBXO25 mediated ubiquitination.
Purpose: To evaluate the expression of NF-kappa B pathway genes in total bone marrow samples obtained from MM at diagnosis using real-time quantitative PCR and to evaluate its possible correlation with disease clinical features and survival. Material and methods: Expression of eight genes related to NF-kappa B pathway (NFKB1, IKB, RANK, RANKL, OPG, IL6, VCAM1 and ICAM1) were studied in 53 bone marrow samples from newly diagnosed MM patients and in seven normal controls, using the Taqman system. Genes were considered overexpressed when tumor expression level was at least four times higher than that observed in normal samples. Results: The percentages of overexpression of the eight genes were: NFKB1 0%, IKB 22.6%, RANK 15.1%, RANKL 31.3%, OPG 7.5%, IL6 39.6%, VCAM1 10% and ICAM1 26%. We found association between IL6 expression level and International Staging System (ISS) (p = 0.01), meaning that MM patients with high ISS scores have more chance of overexpression of IL6. The mean value of ICAM1 relative expression was also associated with the ISS score (p = 0.02). Regarding OS, cases with IL6 overexpression present worse evolution than cases with IL6 normal expression (p = 0.04). Conclusion: We demonstrated that total bone marrow aspirates can be used as a source of material for gene expression studies in MM. In this context, we confirmed that IL6 overexpression was significantly associated with worse survival and we described that it is associated with high ISS scores. Also, ICAM1 was overexpressed in 26% of cases and its level was associated with ISS scores.
Twenty-nine canine cutaneous mast cell tumors (MCTs) were morphometrically analyzed with regard to mean nuclear area (MNA) using cytopathology smears. The results showed a correlation between MNA and survival. When graded into 2 morphometrically different groups, there were statistically significant differences among high- and low-grade MCTs, regarding both Romanowsky-type stain and hematoxylin and eosin. Cytomorphometry could also separate histologic grade II tumors with better prognosis from the more aggressive MCTs. The results indicated that nuclear morphometry on cytopathology preparations can predict the biological behavior of cutaneous MCTs in dogs in an independent manner, yielding a rapid and reproducible diagnosis, which renders the method useful for veterinary oncology.
Background: Group I introns are found in the nuclear small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (SSU rDNA) of some species of the genus Porphyra (Bangiales, Rhodophyta). Size polymorphisms in group I introns has been interpreted as the result of the degeneration of homing endonuclease genes (HEG) inserted in peripheral loops of intron paired elements. In this study, intron size polymorphisms were characterized for different Porphyra spiralis var. amplifolia (PSA) populations on the Southern Brazilian coast, and were used to infer genetic relationships and genetic structure of these PSA populations, in addition to cox2-3 and rbcL-S regions. Introns of different sizes were tested qualitatively for in vitro self-splicing. Results: Five intron size polymorphisms within 17 haplotypes were obtained from 80 individuals representing eight localities along the distribution of PSA in the Eastern coast of South America. In order to infer genetic structure and genetic relationships of PSA, these polymorphisms and haplotypes were used as markers for pairwise Fst analyses, Mantel's test and median joining network. The five cox2-3 haplotypes and the unique rbcL-S haplotype were used as markers for summary statistics, neutrality tests Tajima's D and Fu's Fs and for median joining network analyses. An event of demographic expansion from a population with low effective number, followed by a pattern of isolation by distance was obtained for PSA populations with the three analyses. In vitro experiments have shown that introns of different lengths were able to self-splice from pre-RNA transcripts. Conclusion: The findings indicated that degenerated HEGs are reminiscent of the presence of a full-length and functional HEG, once fixed for PSA populations. The cline of HEG degeneration determined the pattern of isolation by distance. Analyses with the other markers indicated an event of demographic expansion from a population with low effective number. The different degrees of degeneration of the HEG do not refrain intron self-splicing. To our knowledge, this was the first study to address intraspecific evolutionary history of a nuclear group I intron; to use nuclear, mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA for population level analyses of Porphyra; and intron size polymorphism as a marker for population genetics.
Background: The common vampire bat Desmodus rotundus is an excellent model organism for studying ecological vicariance in the Neotropics due to its broad geographic range and its preference for forested areas as roosting sites. With the objective of testing for Pleistocene ecological vicariance, we sequenced a mitocondrial DNA (mtDNA) marker and two nuclear markers (RAG2 and DRB) to try to understand how Pleistocene glaciations affected the distribution of intraspecific lineages in this bat. Results: Five reciprocally monophyletic clades were evident in the mitochondrial gene tree, and in most cases with high bootstrap support: Central America (CA), Amazon and Cerrado (AMC), Pantanal (PAN), Northern Atlantic Forest (NAF) and Southern Atlantic Forest (SAF). The Atlantic forest clades formed a monophyletic clade with high bootstrap support, creating an east/west division for this species in South America. On the one hand, all coalescent and non-coalescent estimates point to a Pleistocene time of divergence between the clades. On the other hand, the nuclear markers showed extensive sharing of haplotypes between distant localities, a result compatible with male-biased gene flow. In order to test if the disparity between the mitochondrial and nuclear markers was due to the difference in mutation rate and effective size, we performed a coalescent simulation to examine the feasibility that, given the time of separation between the observed lineages, even with a gene flow rate close to zero, there would not be reciprocal monophyly for a neutral nuclear marker. We used the observed values of theta and an estimated mutation rate for the nuclear marker gene to perform 1000 iterations of the simulation. The results of this simulation were inconclusive: the number of iterations with and without reciprocal monophyly of one or more clades are similar. Conclusions: We therefore conclude that the pattern exhibited by the common vampire bat, with marked geographical structure for a mitochondrial marker and no phylogeographic structure for nuclear markers is compatible with a historical scenario of complete isolation of refuge-like populations during the Pleistocene. The results on demographic history on this species is compatible with the Carnaval-Moritz model of Pleistocene vicariance, with demographic expansions in the southern Atlantic forest.
Background: Life cycles of medusozoan cnidarians vary widely, and have been difficult to document, especially in the most recently proposed class Staurozoa. However, molecular data can be a useful tool to elucidate medusozoan life cycles by tying together different life history stages. Methodology/Principal Findings: Genetic data from fast-evolving molecular markers (mitochondrial 16S, nuclear ITS1, and nuclear ITS2) show that animals that were presumed to be a hydrozoan, Microhydrula limopsicola (Limnomedusae, Microhydrulidae), are actually an early stage of the life cycle of the staurozoan Haliclystus antarcticus (Stauromedusae, Lucernariidae). Conclusions/Significance: Similarity between the haplotypes of three markers of Microhydrula limopsicola and Haliclystus antarcticus settles the identity of these taxa, expanding our understanding of the staurozoan life cycle, which was thought to be more straightforward and simple. A synthetic discussion of prior observations makes sense of the morphological, histological and behavioral similarities/congruence between Microhydrula and Haliclystus. The consequences are likely to be replicated in other medusozoan groups. For instance we hypothesize that other species of Microhydrulidae are likely to represent life stages of other species of Staurozoa.45
The attenuation of. mesons in cold nuclear matter has been investigated via the time-dependent multiple-scattering Monte Carlo multicollisional (MCMC) intranuclear cascade model. The inelastic. width deduced from CBELSA/TAPS Collaboration data of meson transparency in complex nuclei (Gamma* similar or equal to 30 MeV/c(2)) is approximately 5 times lower than the value obtained with recent theoretical models and consistent with an in-medium total omega N cross section within 25-30 mb for an average meson momentum of 1.1 GeV/c. The momentum-dependent transparency ratios suggest an elastic/total cross-section ratio around 40%. For the case of CLAS Collaboration data a much higher width is deduced (Gamma* greater than or similar to 120 MeV/c(2)), with the MCMC model providing a consistent interpretation of the data, assuming a much higher meson absorption (sigma(omega N)* greater than or similar to 100 mb) for p(omega) similar to 1.7 GeV/c.