276 resultados para nontuberculous mycobacteria


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DNA protein interactions that occur during transcription initiation play an important role in regulating gene expression. To initiate transcription, RNA polymerase (RNAP) binds to promoters in a sequence-specific fashion. This is followed by a series of steps governed by the equilibrium binding and kinetic rate constants, which in turn determine the overall efficiency of the transcription process. We present here the first detailed kinetic analysis of promoter RNAP interactions during transcription initiation in the sigma(A)-dependent promoters P-rrnAPCL1, P-rrnB and P-gyr of Mycobacterium smegmatis. The promoters show comparable equilibrium binding affinity but differ significantly in open complex formation, kinetics of isomerization and promoter clearance. Furthermore, the two rrn promoters exhibit varied kinetic properties during transcription initiation and appear to be subjected to different modes of regulation. In addition to distinct kinetic patterns, each one of the housekeeping promoters studied has its own rate-limiting step in the initiation pathway, indicating the differences in their regulation.


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Cyclic AMP synthesized by Mycobacterium tuberculosis has been shown to play a role in pathogenesis. However, the high levels of intracellularcAMP found in both pathogenic and nonpathogenic mycobacteria suggest that additional and important biological processes are regulated by characterization of novel cAMP-binding proteins in M. smegmatis and M. tuberculosis (MSMEG_5458 and Rv0998, respectively) that contain a cyclic nucleotide binding domain fused to a domain that shows similarity to the GNAT family of acetyltransferases. We detect protein lysine acetylation in mycobacteria and identify a universal stress protein (USP) as a substrate of MSMEG_5458. Acetylation of a lysine residue in USP is regulated by cAMP, and using a strain deleted for MSMEG_5458, we show that USP is indeed an in vivo substrate for MSMEG_5458. The Rv0998 protein shows a strict cAMP-dependent acetylation of USP, despite a lower affinity for cAMP than MSMEG_5458. Thus, this report not only represents the first demonstration of protein lysine acetylation in mycobacteria but also describes a unique functional interplay between a cyclic nucleotide binding domain and a protein acetyltransferase.


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Active preparations of tRNA and aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases have been isolated from exponentially growing cells of Mycobacterium smegmatis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. Though the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases of older cells retain their activity, the tRNAs seem to undergo modification and show poorer activity. The mycobacterial enzyme preparations catalyse homologous and heterologous aminoacylation between tRNA from the two species (M. smegmatis and M. tuberculosis H37Rv) or from Escherichia coli, with equal efficiency; tRNA samples from eukaryotic cells (yeast and rat liver) do not serve as substrates for the mycobacterial synthetases. The analytical separation of the different amino acid specific tRNAs from M. smegmatis resembles the pattern found in other bacteria. Purification of valine- (three species) and methionine-specific tRNA (two species) to 70-80% purity has been accomplished by using column-chromatographic techniques. Of the two species of tRNAMet, one can be formylated in the presence of formyl tetrahydrofolate and the transformylase from mycobacteria.


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DNA topoisomerases are ubiquitous group of enzymes altering the topology of DNA by concerted breakage and rejoining of the phosphodiester backbone of DNA. The enzymes are classified based on the pattern of DNA cleavage. Type IA enzymes found in all bacteria nick the DNA and attach themselves covalently to the 5' side of the nick during the first transesterification reaction. Most of the information on this group of enzymes comes from studies with E. coli topoisomerase I and III. Members of type IA group are single subunit Zn++ metalloenzymes recognizing single stranded DNA without high degree of sequence specificity during relaxation reaction of negatively super coiled DNA. So far no inhibitors are known for this group of enzymes inspite of their important role in maintaining homeostasis of DNA topology. Molecular characterization of DNA topoisomerase I from mycobacteria has revealed some of the important features of type IA enzymes hitherto unknown and provide scope for identifying novel inhibitors. The present review describes the recent developments in the area summarizing the distinctive features of mycobacterial topoisomerase I. The enzyme has several properties not shared by either type IA or 113 enzymes with respect to DNA binding, recognition, sequence specificity and interaction pattern. The physiological basis of the unusual features is discussed. The unique properties described would aid in developing the enzyme as a target molecule in pharmaceutical design. In addition, the findings lead to address some fundamental questions on the intracellular role of topoisomerase I in the biology of mycobacteria which are one of the most formidable group of pathogenic organisms.


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The importance of inter-and intracellular signal transduction in all forms of life cannot be underestimated. A large number of genes dedicated to cellular signalling are found in almost all sequenced genomes, and Mycobacteria are no exception. What appears to be interesting in Mycobacteria is that well characterized signalling mechanisms used by bacteria, such as the histidine-aspartate phosphorelay seen in two-component systems, are found alongside signalling components that closely mimic those seen in higher eukaryotes. This review will describe the important contribution made by researchers in India towards the identification and characterization of proteins involved in two-component signalling, protein phosphorylation and cyclic nucleotide metabolism. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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About a third of the human population is estimated to be infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacterium displays an excellent adaptability to survive within the host macrophages. As the reactive environment of macrophages is capable of inducing DNA damage, the ability of the pathogen to safeguard its DNA against the damage is of paramount significance for its survival within the host. Analysis of the genome sequence has provided important insights into the DNA repair machinery of the pathogen, and the studies on DNA repair in mycobacteria have gained momentum in the past few years. The studies have revealed considerable differences in the mycobacterial DNA repair machinery when compared with those of the other bacteria. This review article focuses especially on the aspects of base excision, and nucleotide excision repair pathways in mycobacteria. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The ultrastructural functions of the electron-dense glycopeptidolipid-containing outermost layer (OL), the arabinogalactan-mycolic acid-containing electron-transparent layer (ETL), and the electron-dense peptidoglycan layer (PGL) of the mycobacterial cell wall in septal growth and constriction are not clear. Therefore, using transmission electron microscopy, we studied the participation of the three layers in septal growth and constriction in the fast-growing saprophytic species Mycobacterium smegmatis and the slow-growing pathogenic species Mycobacterium xenopi and Mycobacterium tuberculosis in order to document the processes in a comprehensive and comparative manner and to find out whether the processes are conserved across different mycobacterial species. A complete septal partition is formed first by the fresh synthesis of the septal PGL (S-PGL) and septal ETL (S-ETL) from the envelope PGL (E-PGL) in M. smegmatis and M. xenopi. The S-ETL is not continuous with the envelope ETL (E-ETL) due to the presence of the E-PGL between them. The E-PGL disappears, and the S-ETL becomes continuous with the E-ETL, when the OL begins to grow and invaginate into the S-ETL for constriction. However, in M. tuberculosis, the S-PGL and S-ETL grow from the E-PGL and E-ETL, respectively, without a separation between the E-ETL and S-ETL by the E-PGL, in contrast to the process in M. smegmatis and M. xenopi. Subsequent growth and invagination of the OL into the S-ETL of the septal partition initiates and completes septal constriction in M. tuberculosis. A model for the conserved sequential process of mycobacterial septation, in which the formation of a complete septal partition is followed by constriction, is presented. The probable physiological significance of the process is discussed. The ultrastructural features of septation and constriction in mycobacteria are unusually different from those in the well-studied organisms Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis.


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Species of opportunistic mycobacteria are the major causative agent for disseminating pulmonary infections in immuno-compromised individuals. These naturally resistant strains recruit a unique type of glycolipid known as glycopeptidolipids (GPLs), noncovalently attached to the outer surface of their thick lipid rich cell envelope. Species specific GPLs constitute the chemical determinants of most nontuberculous mycobacterial serotypes, and their absence from the cell surface confers altered colony morphology, hydrophobicity, and inability to grow as biofilms. The objective of this review is to present a comprehensive account and highlight the renewed interest on this much neglected group of pleiotropic molecules with respect to their structural diversity and biosynthesis. In addition, the role of GPLs in mycobacterial survival, both intracellular and in the environment is also discussed. It also explores the possibility of identifying new targets for intervening Mycobacterium avium complex-related infections. These antigenic molecules have been considered to play a pivotal role in immune suppression and can also induce various cytokine mediated innate immune responses, the molecular mechanism of which remains obscure. (c) 2012 IUBMB IUBMB Life, 2012


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About a third of the human population is estimated to be infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Emergence of drug resistant strains and the protracted treatment strategies have compelled the scientific community to identify newer drug targets, and to develop newer vaccines. In the host macrophages, the bacterium survives within an environment rich in reactive nitrogen and oxygen species capable of damaging its genome. Therefore, for its successful persistence in the host, the pathogen must need robust DNA repair mechanisms. Analysis of M. tuberculosis genome sequence revealed that it lacks mismatch repair pathway suggesting a greater role for other DNA repair pathways such as the nucleotide excision repair, and base excision repair pathways. In this article, we summarize the outcome of research involving these two repair pathways in mycobacteria focusing primarily on our own efforts. Our findings, using Mycobacterium smegmatis model, suggest that deficiency of various DNA repair functions in single or in combinations severely compromises their DNA repair capacity and attenuates their growth under conditions typically encountered in macrophages. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Escherichia coli-mycobacterium shuttle vectors are important tools for gene expression and gene replacement in mycobacteria. However, most of the currently available vectors are limited in their use because of the lack of extended multiple cloning sites (MCSs) and convenience of appending an epitope tag(s) to the cloned open reading frames (ORFs). Here we report a new series of vectors that allow for the constitutive and regulatable expression of proteins, appended with peptide tag sequences at their N and C termini, respectively. The applicability of these vectors is demonstrated by the constitutive and induced expression of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis pknK gene, coding for protein kinase K, a serine-threonine protein kinase. Furthermore, a suicide plasmid with expanded MCS for creating gene replacements, a plasmid for chromosomal integrations at the commonly used L5 attB site, and a hypoxia-responsive vector, for expression of a gene(s) under hypoxic conditions that mimic latency, have also been created. Additionally, we have created a vector for the coexpression of two proteins controlled by two independent promoters, with each protein being in fusion with a different tag. The shuttle vectors developed in the present study are excellent tools for the analysis of gene function in mycobacteria and are a valuable addition to the existing repertoire of vectors for mycobacterial research.


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Acetylation of lysine residues is a posttranslational modification that is used by both eukaryotes and prokaryotes to regulate a variety of biological processes. Here we identify multiple substrates for the cAMP-dependent protein lysine acetyltransferase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (KATmt). We demonstrate that a catalytically important lysine residue in a number of FadD (fatty acyl CoA synthetase) enzymes is acetylated by KATmt in a cAMP-dependent manner and that acetylation inhibits the activity of FadD enzymes. A sirtuin-like enzyme can deacetylate multiple FadDs, thus completing the regulatory cycle. Using a strain deleted for the KATmt ortholog in Mycobacterium bovis Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG), we show for the first time that acetylation is dependent on intracellular cAMP levels. KATmt can utilize propionyl CoA as a substrate and, therefore, plays a critical role in alleviating propionyl CoA toxicity in mycobacteria by inactivating acyl CoA synthetase (ACS). The precision by which mycobacteria can regulate the metabolism of fatty acids in a cAMP-dependent manner appears to be unparalleled in other biological organisms and is ideally suited to adapt to the complex environment that pathogenic mycobacteria experience in the host.


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The success of Mycobacterium tuberculosis as a deadly pathogen lies in its ability to survive under adverse conditions during pre- and post-infectious stages. The transcription process and the regulation of gene expression are central to the survival of the pathogen through the harsh conditions. Multiple sigma factors, transcription regulators, diverse two-component systems contribute in tailoring the events to meet the challenges faced by the pathogen. Although the machinery is conserved, many aspects of transcription and its regulation seem to be different in mycobacteria when compared to the other well-studied organisms. Here, we discuss salient aspects of transcription and its regulation in the context of distinct physiology of mycobacteria.