933 resultados para non-Western cultures


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In this article, we challenge the hegemony of western science fiction, arguing that western science fiction is particular even as it claims universality. Its view remains based on ideas of the future as forward time. In contrast, in non-western science fiction the future is seen outside linear terms: as cyclical or spiral, or in terms of ancestors. In addition, western science fiction has focused on the good society as created by technological progress, while non-western science fiction and futures thinking has focused on the fantastic, on the spiritual, on the realization of eupsychia-the perfect self. However, most theorists assert that the non-west has no science fiction, ignoring Asian and Chinese science fiction history, and western science fiction continues to 'other' the non-west as well as those on the margins of the west (African-American woman, for example). Nonetheless, while most western science fiction remains trapped in binary opposites-alien/non-alien; masculine/feminine; insider/outsider-writers from the west's margins are creating texts that contradict tradition and modernity, seeking new ways to transcend difference. Given that the imagination of the future creates the reality of tomorrow, creating new science fictions is not just an issue of textual critique but of opening up possibilities for all our futures.


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Research methods are closely linked to specific cultures (Kee, 2004). Recognition of cultural values in the knowledge generation process is important if researchers are to produce culturally diverse interpretations of reality that facilitate meaningful progression. Asian scholars often depend on Western theories for understanding issues and creating knowledge in their own contexts (Papoutsaki, 2006). Many scholars relate this influence of the West on the non-West to neocolonization (Nguyen et al., 2009), neo-imperialism (Balogh, 1962) and globalization (Rizvi, 2004; Campbell, 2012). Scholars also see this influence as a unidirectional cultural flow, from 'the West' to 'the Rest' (Rizvi, 2004, p. 159). Such Western influences on knowledge-generating practices often pose challenges for researchers fro1n non-Western, particularly Asian, contexts when they employ Western methodologies in their own contexts. These challenges are embedded in differences in cultural values, beliefs and norms, as well as differences in orientation to research, because each society is unique in character and has specific knowledge needs that are culturally appropriate. Societal and local knowledge is, essentially, a contributory factor if research is to be locally appropriate and globally acceptable (Ma Rhea, 2004).


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The purpose of this thesis is to examine the influence of ethnic cultural values on the relationship of role demands and the work-family balance (WFB) experience. Past studies have found that the demands from work and family roles have a different impact on the work-family experience in people of different ethnicity. Researchers attribute these results to the cultural differences across the groups. However, there has been no empirical support for these assumptions because most past studies did not explicitly measure the cultural dimension in their design. Therefore, although studies have found ethnic differences in work-family experience, as cultural variables were not measured, it cannot be determined whether these differences were due to the differing ethnic groups’ cultural styles. The present thesis is set up to address this limitation in the literature, employing the Malay and Chinese ethnic groups in Malaysia as the study samples. The investigation consisted of pilot interviews and two survey studies. The interviews were carried out to establish the perception of WFB by target participants of a non-western nation. The first survey served to identify whether the Malay and Chinese ethnic groups residing under the same economic and social systems vary in their perceptions of work and family roles. The second survey tests the research model empirically, that is, whether cultural values moderate the relationship between role demands and WFB and if these moderation effects vary across ethnic groups. From the interviews, the results indicated that work-family experience is not a universal experience, but is partly culture-specific. Specifically, in the case of Malaysia, WFB is very much observed from the role obligation perspective. In particular, balance is perceived when work duties and household affairs are both adequately fulfilled. On the other hand, the conceptualisation of WFB in terms of role satisfaction and role interference also emerged in the interviews, suggesting the universality of these constructs across cultures. The findings from Survey One indicated that participants of different ethnicities in this study do not differ greatly in their perceptions regarding their participation in work and family roles. Generally, these participants revealed the less traditional attitudes towards women’s participation in work and family roles. However, variations were observed between the two groups in terms of reasons for working, spouses’ preferences towards their employment, and the extent to which their work role is perceived to impede their normative role performance in the household. Despite these differences, the Malay and Chinese ethnic groups showed more similarities than differences in their perceptions of work and family. The findings from Survey Two, which tested the research model, produced mixed results. On the whole, the results showed that the cultural dimensions examined in this study (i.e. collectivism, work identity and family identity) did influence the relationship between role demands and WFB experience, thus providing empirical evidence for the assumption in the literature that the relationship between role demand and work-family experience is moderated by cultural values. Most importantly, support was found for the proposition that these moderation effects vary between the Malay and Chinese ethnic groups. Moreover, this study also found evidence that Malays and Chinese differ significantly on collectivism and work identity cultural dimensions where Malays are found to be more collectivist than the Chinese, while work identity is stronger in the Chinese than in the Malays. There is no difference in the levels of family identity between the two groups. Of all the three moderators, work identity was deemed the most important because many of the supported hypotheses pertained to the work identity moderating effects. In contrast, family identity does not seem to have much moderating influence on role demand-WFB relationships, while the results for the collectivism moderator are mixed. As such, although not conclusive, it can be deduced that variations in the effects of role demand on work-family experience across ethnicity are a result of the groups’ cultural differences, thereby supporting the assumption in the literature.


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Modern science, which was an indigenous product of Western culture, is now being practised in many non-Western countries. This paper discusses the peculiar social, cultural and intellectual problems which scientists of these non-Western countries face in adopting Western science in their situations, with special reference to India. It is pointed out that, in addition to money and communication, it is necessary to have a proper psychological gestalt to practise science satisfactorily. The author analyzes his experience as a physics student in India and in the United States to clarify the nature of this psychological gestalt, and to explain what makes it difficult for non-Western scientists to acquire it.


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The universality versus culture specificity of quantitative evaluations (negative-positive) of 40 events in world history was addressed using World History Survey data collected from 5,800 university students in 30 countries/societies. Multidimensional scaling using generalized procrustean analysis indicated poor fit of data from the 30 countries to an overall mean configuration, indicating lack of universal agreement as to the associational meaning of events in world history. Hierarchical cluster analysis identified one Western and two non-Western country clusters for which adequate multidimensional fit was obtained after item deletions. A two-dimensional solution for the three country clusters was identified, where the primary dimension was historical calamities versus progress and a weak second dimension was modernity versus resistance to modernity. Factor analysis further reduced the item inventory to identify a single concept with structural equivalence across cultures, Historical Calamities, which included man-made and natural, intentional and unintentional, predominantly violent but also nonviolent calamities. Less robust factors were tentatively named as Historical Progress and Historical Resistance to Oppression. Historical Calamities and Historical Progress were at the individual level both significant and independent predictors of willingness to fight for one’s country in a hierarchical linear model that also identified significant country-level variation in these relationships. Consensus around calamity but disagreement as to what constitutes historical progress is discussed in relation to the political culture of nations and lay perceptions of history as catastrophe.


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Centrée sur une réflexion des droits de l’homme à partir de l’expérience historique de la Shoah, la thèse porte sur l’enjeu fondamental du statut du religieux en modernité. Trois parties la composent, correspondant au génocide, à la modernité politique et à l’histoire du Salut : la première propose une interprétation de l’Holocauste en ayant recours aux catégories empruntées à l’historiographie, à la réflexion philosophique et à la tradition théologique. Elle rend compte de deux lectures concurrentes des Lumières, du renversement de la théologie chrétienne du judaïsme au XXe siècle, de la généalogie idéologique du nazisme ainsi que du contexte explosif de l’entre-deux-guerres. La seconde partie de la thèse avance une théorie des trois modernités, selon laquelle les États-Unis, la France et Vatican II représenteraient des interprétations divergentes et rivales des droits. Enfin, la troisième partie reprend les deux précédentes thématiques de la Shoah et de la modernité, mais à la lumière de la Révélation, notamment de l’Incarnation et de la Croix. La Révélation est présentée comme un double dévoilement simultané de l’identité de Dieu et de la dignité humaine – comme un jeu de miroir où la définition de l’homme est indissociable de celle de la divinité. En provoquant l’effondrement de la Chrétienté, la sécularisation aurait créé un vide existentiel dans lequel se serait engouffré le nazisme comme religion politique et idéologie néo-païenne de substitution. Négation de l'élection d'Israël, du Décalogue et de l’anthropologie biblique, l’entreprise nazie d’anéantissement est comprise comme la volonté d’éradication de la Transcendance et du patrimoine spirituel judéo-chrétien, la liquidation du Dieu juif par l’élimination du peuple juif. Le judéocide pourrait dès lors être qualifié de «moment dans l’histoire du Salut» en ce sens qu’il serait porteur d’un message moral en lien avec le contenu de la Révélation qui interpellerait avec force et urgence la conscience moderne. L’Holocauste constituerait ainsi un kairos, une occasion à saisir pour une critique lucide des apories de la modernité issue des Lumières et pour un renouvellement de la pensée théologico-politique, une invitation à une refondation transcendante des droits fondamentaux, dont la liberté religieuse ferait figure de matrice fondationnelle. La Shoah apporterait alors une réponse au rôle que la Transcendance pourrait jouer dans les sociétés modernes. Mémorial de Sang refondateur des droits de la personne, l'Holocauste rendrait témoignage, il lancerait une mise en garde et poserait les conditions nécessaires d'un enracinement biblique à la préservation de la dignité de l’être humain. Aux Six Millions de Défigurés correspondrait la Création de l'Homme du Sixième Jour. En conclusion, un triangle synergique nourricier est soutenu par l’extermination hitlérienne (1941-1945), la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme (1948) et le Concile Vatican II (1962-1965) comme les trois piliers d’une nouvelle modernité, située au-delà des paradigmes américain (1776) et français (1789). La Shoah inaugurerait et poserait ainsi les fondements d'un nouvel horizon civilisationnel; elle pointerait vers un nouveau départ possible pour le projet de la modernité. L'expérience génocidaire n'invaliderait pas la modernité, elle ne la discréditerait pas, mais la relancerait sur des bases spirituelles nouvelles. Cette refondation des droits fondamentaux offrirait alors une voie de sortie et de conciliation à la crise historique qui opposait depuis près de deux siècles en Europe les droits de l'homme et la Transcendance, Dieu et la liberté – modèle susceptible d’inspirer des civilisations non occidentales en quête d’une modernité respectueuse de leur altérité culturelle et compatible avec la foi religieuse.


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The role of clavulanic acid, an unstable antibiotic produced by Streptomyces clavuligerus, in biomass accumulation and production of clavulanic acid in batch cultures of the organism was examined. The organism was grown in a medium containing either 20 g/l lysine, 1 g/l lysine or 1 g/l lysine supplemented with degraded clavulanic acid as nitrogen sources. Biomass accumulation was highest in cultures grown with supplemented degraded clavulanic acid and reached a maximum of 2.2 g/l, compared with 1.5 g/l when lysine only was used. The yield coefficient for clavulanic acid production was again highest in cultures grown with supplemented degraded clavulanic acid, with a Y-p/x, value of 2 mg/g compared with Y-p/x value of 1.5 mg/g in 20 g/l lysine. No clavulanic acid was produced in cultures containing non-supplemented 1 g/l lysine. Non-degraded clavulanic, acid was added at 60 h to non-producing cultures of the organism containing 1 g/l lysine only. Clavulanic acid concentration immediately decreased on addition from 0.04 g/l over a period of 20 h, then remained constant at 0.02 g/l for a further 30 h until the end of the cultivation. This suggests that the rate of degradation was equivalent to the rate of production of clavulanic acid following a period of initial additive degradation. These results indicate that clavulanic acid is both produced and degraded in cultures of S. clavuligerus and that the products of degradation are used by the organism, resulting in further production of the antibiotic. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Pre-service teacher education students from two Australian universities were interviewed about their understandings of cultural diversity in music education. These initial findings revealed varied but generally consistent enthusiasm about including music from different cultures in teaching. However comments revealed an almost haphazard exposure to other musics. These were generally informal rather than learned in their formal education. Interviewees recognised the training that they had received in their tertiary studies in other cultures (both Western and non-Western) and expressed the intention to pursue professional development in their future careers. Engaging with the music of other cultures allows teachers and students to develop understanding and empathy with others. This is in line with current governmental initiatives on values that states that values education is intended to 'inspire and educate the next generation to see their world through the eyes of others. We want children to become adults who are caring, tolerant, fair and compassionate' (Department of Education, Science and Training, n.d., p. 2). Comments from the interviewees illustrate just such attitudes and understandings. It behoves us as educators to prepare students for teaching in multicultural classrooms that reflect the wider Australian society.


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This article reports on students' reflections, gathered from questionnaire and interview data, on their learning of rhythm and on their attitudes and  motivation from having engaged with African music as non-music specialists using the Orff approach. The "traditional" Orff approach to classroom music was supplemented with African repertoire which builds on the nexus, identified by Amoaku (1 982), between the Orff method and the traditional way of music learning in African cultures. This article describes my experience as a South African working with Australian non-specialist primary teacher students of predominantly Anglo-Celtic background within the context of a music education unit at Deakin University's Melbourne (Burwood) Campus. As Nketia (1988) points out, I - like many expatriate music educators - have selected music from my own country of origin as the foundation to develop curriculum materials teaching rhythm through non-Western music. The results demonstrate worthwhile experiences and outcomes for both the students and myself.


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The thesis examines the varied interpretations of Yoga within the context of contemporary Western cultures and lifestyles. Using the work of sociological theorists- namely Bourdieu - and a qualitative research design, the thesis explores modern Yoga practices as they are interpreted by practitioners, teachers and within the fluid nature of social practices.


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This chapter discusses the cross-cultural understanding of the obsessive compulsive and spectrum disorders. Epidemiological studies suggest a reasonably consistent prevalence of OCD around the world. The role of other culturally influenced factors in the presentation of OCD is also considered (i.e., religiosity, superstition, and beliefs), with religion considered particularly important in the presentation of OCD, although not in its prevalence per se. Treatment effect sizes across countries and within minority cultures from Western countries are outlined. The influence of cultural factors on help-seeking behaviors, assessment, misdiagnosis, and treatment are considered. Limitations of the literature base are discussed, particularly the lack of non-Western studies of treatment effects, and the low evidence base for the spectrum disorders.


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Although cross-cultural leadership research has thrived in international business literature, little attention has been devoted to understanding the effectiveness of non-western theories beyond their original contexts. The purpose of this study is to examine the cross-cultural endorsement of paternalistic leadership, an emerging non-western leadership theory, using data from GLOBE project. Using multigroup confirmatory factor analyses we found measurement equivalence of a scale derived from GLOBE’s data, which enabled us to compare the endorsement of paternalistic leadership dimensions across 10 cultural clusters and 55 societies. Our study revealed that there are significant differences in the importance societies give to each dimension, suggesting that paternalism as leadership style is not universally nor homogeneously endorsed. Furthermore, results suggest that different patterns of endorsement of each of these dimensions give rise to idiosyncratic shades of paternalistic leadership across societies. Implications for theory and future research on international business are discussed.