986 resultados para noise pollution
One of the fastest growing industries – aviation – faces serious and compounding challenges in maintaining healthy relationships with community stakeholders. One area in aviation creating community conflict is noise pollution. However, current understandings of the factors that affect noise annoyance of the community are poorly conceptualized. More importantly, the way community needs and expectations could be incorporated in airport governance has been inadequately framed to address the issue of aircraft noise. This paper proposes the util-ity of adopting an integrated strategic asset management (ISAM) framework [1] to explore the dynamic nature of relationships between and airport and its surrounding area. The case of the Gold Coast Airport (OOL) operator and community stakeholders is used. This paper begins with an overview of the ISAM framework in the context of airport governance and sustainable development – as a way to find a balance between economic opportunities and societal concerns through stakeholder engagement. Next, an exploratory case study is adopted as a method to explore the noise-related complaints, complainants, and possible causes. Fol-lowing this, the paper reviews three approaches to community stakeholder engagement in Australia, Japan, and UK and discusses their implications in the con-text of OOL. The paper concludes with a contention that airport governance is likely to be much more effective with the adoption of ISAM framework than without it.
Tolerance of Noise as a Necessity of Urban Life. Noise pollution as an environmental problem and its cultural perceptions in the city of Helsinki This study looks at the noise pollution problem and the change in the urban soundscape in the city of Helsinki during the period from the 1950s to the present day. The study investigates the formation of noise problems, the politicization of the noise pollution problem, noise-related civic activism, the development of environmental policies on noise, and the expectations that urban dwellers have had concerning their everyday soundscape. Both so-called street noise and the noise caused by, e.g., neighbors are taken into account. The study investigates whether our society contains or has for some time contained cultural and other elements that place noise pollution as an essential or normal state of affairs as part of urban life. It is also discussed whether we are moving towards an artificial soundscape, meaning that the auditory reality, the soundscape, is more and more under human control. The concept of an artificial soundscape was used to crystallize the significance of human actions and the role of modern technology in shaping soundscapes and also to link the changes in the modern soundscape to the economic, political, and social changes connected to the modernization process. It was argued that the critical period defining noise pollution as an environmental problem were the years from the end of the 1960s to the early 1970s. It seems that the massive increase of noise pollution caused by road traffic and the introduction of the utopian traffic plans was the key point that launched the moral protest against the increase of noise pollution, and in general, against the basic structures and mindsets of society, including attitudes towards nature. The study argues that after noise pollution was politicized and institutionalized, the urban soundscape gradually became the target of systematic interventions. However, for various reasons, such as the inconsistency in decision making, our increased capacity to shape the soundscape has not resulted in a healthy or pleasant urban soundscape. In fact the number of people exposed to noise pollution is increasing. It is argued that our society contains cultural and other elements that urge us to see noise as a normal part of urban life. It is also argued that the possibility of experiencing natural, silent soundscapes seems to be the yardstick against which citizens of Helsinki have measured how successful we are in designing the (artificial) soundscape and if the actions of noise control have been effective. This work discusses whose interests it serves when we are asked to accept noise pollution as a normal state of affairs. It is also suggested that the quality of the artificial soundscape ought to be radically politicized, which might give all citizens a better and more equal chance to express their needs and wishes concerning the urban soudscape, and also to decide how it ought to be designed.
[ES]Este proyecto tiene como objetivo servir de punto de partida al estudio del comportamiento acústico de las chapas perforadas como solución para el revestimiento de fachadas. Para ello se presentan dos posibles modelos de fachada analizados a través del software SoundFlow que determina su coeficiente de absorción. Con el fin de encontrar la solución más adecuada nos centraremos en las siguientes variables: separación de la chapa a la pared (d), diámetro del agujero de las chapas (Ø), y porcentaje de área perforada de la chapa o porosidad (p). Previamente se estudiarán las principales fuentes de contaminación acústica y su espectro de ruido para determinar la frecuencia en la que deben centrarse nuestros esfuerzos por aumentar el coeficiente de absorción.
A poluição sonora é um grave problema nos oceanos devido à eficiência de propagação do som na água e à importância da comunicação acústica para os organismos marinhos. Delfinídeos utilizam o som para comunicação, coordenação de grupo, percepção do hábitat e busca por alimentos, já tendo sido demonstrado que podem alterar suas vocalizações em função do aumento do ruído subaquático. O presente estudo realizou uma comparação dos assobios do boto-cinza Sotalia guianensis em dois ambientes acústicos distintos, um silencioso e um ruidoso, dentro da Baía de Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Também foram realizadas investigadas as relações dos parâmetros acústicos dos assobios de S. guianensis com os valores de pressão sonora do ruído subaquático. O sistema de gravação foi totalmente calibrado e consistiu de um gravador digital Marantz PMD670 com taxa de amostragem de 96 kHz e um hidrofone HTI-96MIN (5 Hz 30 kHz, sensibilidade média de -170,5 dB re 1 Pa). As gravações realizadas dos assobios e do ruído subaquático ocorreram simultaneamente em duas regiões da baía: a APA de Guapimirim e o Canal central. Durante o período de amostragem os grupos de S. guianensis foram observados em três estados comportamentais: alimentação, deslocamento e socialização; foram anotadas também informações quanto a tamanho e composição de grupo. A análise dos assobios foi realizada no software Raven 1.4 e 10 parâmetros acústicos foram extraídos. Também foi calculada a razão de emissão de assobios. A análise de ruído subaquático foi realizada no software Adobe Audition 1.5, onde foram extraídos valores de pressão sonora do ruído 300ms imediatamente antes de cada assobio analisado, sendo utilizados para análise estatística os maiores valores de pressão sonora dentro de sete intervalos de frequência. Um Teste U de Mann-Whitney foi aplicado para comparar os parâmetros acústicos dos assobios e os valores de pressão sonora das duas regiões amostradas. Esta comparação foi feita para cada estado comportamental observado durante a coleta. Posteriormente foi realizado um teste de correlações de Spearman para investigar a relação entre os parâmetros acústicos e os valores de pressão sonora. Este teste também foi feito separadamente para cada estado comportamental. No comportamento de alimentação foi encontrada diferença na duração, na frequência central e em todos os valores de pressão sonora. Durante o comportamento de socialização foi encontrada diferença na duração e em todos os valores de pressão sonora. Durante o comportamento de alimentação foi encontrada relação entre cinco parâmetros acústicos, a taxa de vocalização e a pressão sonora. Durante o comportamento de socialização foi encontrada relação entre a duração e a pressão sonora. S. guianensis alterou seu comportamento acústico em situações ruidosas, diminuindo a duração e aumentando a taxa de vocalização. Na Baía de Guanabara esta espécie está exposta diariamente a poluição sonora, sendo a APA de Guapimirim o ambiente acústico menos perturbado a que S. guianensis tem acesso.
Anthropogenic noise can affect behaviour across a wide range of species in both terrestrial and aquatic environments. However, behaviours might not be affected in isolation. Therefore, a more holistic approach investigating how environmental stressors, such as noise pollution, affect different behaviours in concert is necessary. Using tank-based noise exposure experiments, we tested how changes in the acoustic environment affect the behaviour of the cichlid Amatitlania nigrofasciata. We found that exposure to anthropogenic noise affected a couple of behaviours: an increase in sheltering was accompanied by a decrease in foraging. Our results highlight the multiple negative effects of an environmental stressor on an individual's behaviour.
Environmental impacts of airports are similar to those of many industries, though their operations expand over a very large area. Most international impact assessment studies and environmental management programmes have been giving less focus on the impacts to soil and groundwater than desirable. This may be the result of the large attention given to air and noise pollution, relegating other environmental descriptors to a second role, even when the first are comparatively less relevant. One reason that contributes to such ‘‘biased’’ evaluation is the lack of systematic information about impacts to soil and groundwater from airport activities, something the present study intends to help correct. Results presented here include the review of over seven hundred documents and online databases, with the objective of obtaining the following information to support environmental studies: (i) which operations are responsible for chemical releases?; (ii) where are these releases located?; (iii) which contaminants of concern are released?; (iv) what are the associated environmental risks? Results showed that the main impacts occur as a result of fuel storage, stormwater runoff and drainage systems, fuel hydrant systems, fuel transport and refuelling, atmospheric deposition, rescue and fire fighting training areas, winter operations, electrical substations, storage of chemical products by airport owners or tenants, and maintenance of green areas. A new method for ranking environmental risks of organic substances, based on chemical properties, is proposed and applied. Results show that the contaminants with the highest risks are the perfluorochemicals, benzene, trichloroethylene and CCl4.
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Biologia do Desenvolvimento), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Vias de Comunicação e Transportes
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Electrónica e Telecomunicações
The second half of the XX century was marked by a great increase in the number of people living in cities. Urban agglomerations became poles of attraction for migration flows and these phenomena, coupled with growing car-ownership rates, resulted in the fact that modern transport systems are characterized by large number of users and traffic modes. The necessity to organize these complex systems and to provide space for different traffic modes changed the way cities look. Urban areas had to cope with traffic flows, and as a result nowadays typical street pattern consists of a road for motorized vehicles, a cycle lane (in some cases), pavement for pedestrians, parking and a range of crucial signage to facilitate navigation and make mobility more secure. However, this type of street organization may not be desirable in certain areas, more specifically, in the city centers. Downtown areas have always been places where economic, leisure, social and other types of facilities are concentrated, not surprisingly, they often attract large number of people and this frequently results in traffic jams, air and noise pollution, thus creating unpleasant environment. Besides, excessive traffic signage in central locations can harm the image and perception of a place, this relates in particular to historical centers with architectural heritage.
Health is an important aspect of everybody’s life. Today, there is an increasing recognition and commitment to the pursuit of health both within government and beyond. Any attempt on the part of the " State to protect and promote people’s health, in turn, must be accompanied by effective controls on air quality, as air constitutes ‘ one of the important elements of man’s life and the consequences of air pollution covers a very wide spectrum ranging from material ---damage to personal discomfort and illness. The broad social and economic objectives adumbrated in the Directive Principles of State Policy including the commitment to improve public health underlying in Article 47 and the obligation to preserve and protect-the natural environment cast under Article 48A of the Constitution are being used as versatile weapons by the State to regulate the public health scenario. Preservation and maintenance of air quality is a significant area within the sphere of public health, where the regulatory arm of the law is not adequately touched and in this arena urgent State intervention through legislative and administrative action is called for in the well-being of the society. Judiciary also plays a pivotal role in this arena in the larger interest of the society and for the benefit of the present and future generations. The research study is an attempt to analyze how far the existing legal system, for maintaining air quality and in controlling air pollution, is effective in protecting public health. The study also analyzes the limitations of the control mechanisms. The study focuses on industrial air pollution, indoor and personal air pollution, vehicular pollution and noise pollution which are today appearing as the major public health hazards affecting the air quality. However, this is not to overlook the importance of controls required under other areas of public health.
Ett problem i dagens moderna samhälle är att bullernivåerna är för höga. Dessa höga bullernivåer är en hälsorisk och kan ge människan permanenta skador. Buller är något som inte får försummas. Syftet med examensarbetet är att identifiera och kartlägga bullret på Holmgatan i centrala Falun. Syftet är också att analysera resultatet och sätta det i förhållande till myndigheternas krav och riktlinjer avseende bullernivåer. Examensarbetet avgränsas till bullermätning och kartläggning på delar av Holmgatan i centrala Falun, som bedömts vara extra utsatta för buller. Bullermätningarna utfördes under fyra vardagar och under tider från det att de flesta affärer öppnar till att de stänger, kl. 10-18. Metoden bestod utav bullermätningar som utfördes med en timmes intervall längs den utvalda delen av Holmgatan. Dagarna då dessa mätningar utfördes var 2/12 till 5/12-2013. Resultatet redovisas som medelvärdet per timme av alla dagar då bullermätningarna utfördes. Resultatet varierade, det lägsta bullermedelvärdet var 57 dB och det högsta bullermedelvärdet var 83 dB. Det syns tydligt att de högre värdena ligger närmare en gata som används av bussar och andra transportfordon. De lägre värdena låg oftast i närheten av Geislerka parken, som är en stor och öppen yta mitt i Holmgatan. Över lag så låg bullermedelvärdena mellan 60-65 dB. Slutsatsen tyder på att bullernivån på Holmgatan överskrider inte myndigheternas krav på vad som anses som skadligt men ligger strax under riktlinjerna för maximalnivån för utomhusbuller (70 dB). Åtgärder såsom att plantera vegitation på fasader och omleda trafiken skulle kunna vidtas för att minska bullernivån på Holmgatan.
The Noise Pollution causes degradation in the quality of the environment and presents itself as one of the most common environmental problems in the big cities. An Urban environment present scenario and their complex acoustic study need to consider the contribution of various noise sources. Accordingly to computational models through mapping and prediction of acoustic scene become important, because they enable the realization of calculations, analyzes and reports, allowing the interpretation of satisfactory results. The study neighborhood is the neighborhood of Lagoa Nova, a central area of the city of Natal, which will undergo major changes in urban space due to urban mobility projects planned for the area around the stadium and the consequent changes of urban form and traffic. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the noise impact caused by road and morphological changes around the stadium Arena das Dunas in the neighborhood of Lagoa Nova, through on-site measurements and mapping using the computational model SoundPLAN year 2012 and the scenario evolution acoustic for the year 2017. For this analysis was the construction of the first acoustic mapping based on current diagnostic acoustic neighborhood, physical mapping, classified vehicle count and measurement of sound pressure level, and to build the prediction of noise were observed for the area study the modifications provided for traffic, urban form and mobility work. In this study, it is concluded that the sound pressure levels of the year in 2012 and 2017 extrapolate current legislation. For the prediction of noise were numerous changes in the acoustic scene, in which the works of urban mobility provided will improve traffic flow, thus reduce the sound pressure level where interventions are expected
In this article it is intended to discuss the issue of noise pollution from an unusual point of view: noise pollution is not only the result of sound increase worldwide, but, particularly, the poor quality of our listening habits in modern life as well. In contemporary society we are subject to a considerable amount of stimulus to all our senses: vision, scent, taste and hearing which are becoming more and more insensible due to over exposure in our environment. These increased stimuli make us look for alternatives to reduce our ability to perceive them and be protected from injuries. However, our sensitivity will also decrease. In the specific case of environment noise, over exposure has made us forget the enchantment of certain sounds that used to give us pleasure or evoke good feelings by many ways, making us recall certain good things, bringing particular moments of our lives to our memory or even filling us with strong emotion. The Canadian composer and music educator, R. Murray Schafer, believes that noise pollution is the result of a society who became deaf. Closing our ears to noise protect us from noise pollution but also prevent us from grasping subtleties of listening. Contemporary world does not help us to be aware of sound in the space around us; acquiring this hearing ability is a matter of focus, interest and practice. Sound education exercises are aimed at children, teenagers and adults who want to improve their listening ability to environmental sounds, perceive its proprieties and learn how sound affects us and touches our feelings. The results are easy to accomplish and contribute to our awareness of the sound environment around us and to the conception of the environmental sound as a composition made by everybody and everything through positive actions, strong will and high sensitivity. Copyright © (2011) by the International Institute of Acoustics & Vibration.
Em um tempo em que altos níveis de ruído fazem parte do cotidiano das pessoas, a necessidade de controlá-los não é somente evidente, mas providencial. Atualmente a poluição sonora, em nível mundial, só não é mais grave do que a poluição do ar e da água. No Brasil a situação não é diferente, pois se estima que mais de 15 milhões de pessoas apresentem algum grau de deficiência auditiva devido a este problema ambiental. Dispositivos acústicos como painéis, barreiras, etc., quando de alta eficiência, geralmente, são de custosa aquisição, tornando, em muitas das vezes, inviável sua utilização, principalmente, por empresas de pequeno porte e orçamento limitado. Assim, soluções alternativas, a começar por novos materiais, que sejam menos custosos e possuam desempenho satisfatório surgem como uma ótima opção caso propostas tradicionais sejam inviabilizadas devido ao custo. Algumas fibras vegetais, na forma de painéis, possuem características acústicas satisfatórias quando utilizadas para reduzir a reverberação em determinados ambientes fechados. Dessa forma, considerando as tendências ambientais globais, o uso de fibras vegetais é uma boa oportunidade para agregar valor às referidas fibras e assim contribuir com o desenvolvimento tecnológico do país, já que estes materiais são de fácil obtenção, existem em abundância, não são tóxicos e provêm de fontes renováveis. Este trabalho apresenta a metodologia de desenvolvimento de painéis fabricados a partir de fibras vegetais (açaí, coco, sisal e dendê), assim como a metodologia utilizada para sua caracterização acústica em câmara reverberante em escala reduzida, baseando-se na norma ISO 354/1999. Os dados de coeficiente de absorção dos painéis são obtidos através de um analisador de frequências utilizando-se o Método da Interrupção do Ruído. A comparação entre os resultados obtidos para os painéis artesanais e os materiais convencionais ensaiados permite concluir que o desempenho acústico demonstrado por alguns painéis de fibras vegetais são muito satisfatórios, uma vez que seus coeficientes de absorção sonora foram compatíveis, e em alguns casos superiores, àqueles apresentados pelos materiais convencionais em determinada faixa de freqüência. Finalmente, uma comparação numérico-experimental é realizada, a fim de avaliar a influência de painéis de fibras de sisal sobre as características acústicas de uma pequena sala.