673 resultados para niger


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Résumé: Le département de Gaya, cadre de notre étude, est situé au sud-ouest de la république du Niger. Il dispose d'un important potentiel hydrique composé des eaux de surface (une centaine de mares permanentes, le fleuve Niger sur 106 km) et de sept aquifères superposés comprenant des nappes de subsurface (affleurantes par endroit) et des nappes artésiennes. L'étude sur les usages de l'eau à Gaya a été menée à travers plusieurs axes centrés sur l'estimation et la répartition spatiale des ressources en eau, le cadre juridique et institutionnel régulant leur mise en valeur, les différents secteurs d'utilisation de l'eau ainsi que les contraintes affectant cette utilisation. L'usage de la cartographie à travers les SIG dans le traitement et l'analyse des données, couplée à notre expérience d'une dizaine d'année de travaux dans la région, a permis de dresser des synthèses richement illustrées permettant de mieux comprendre tous les enjeux liés à la problématique des usages de l'eau dans cette partie du Niger. Contrairement à la vision que l'on a traditionnellement du Sahel où le manque d'eau constitue une des contraintes majeures au développement, ici des conditions locales particulières contredisent ce cliché et transposent le débat sur un autre plan. Il s'agit de la maîtrise de l'eau au niveau local à travers l'élaboration d'une politique appropriée qui tienne compte non seulement des spécificités locales de la ressource, mais aussi des différents types d'usages. La politique de l'eau au Niger, définie selon le Schéma directeur de mise en valeur et de gestion des ressources en eau, à travers la mise en place d'un important arsenal juridique et institutionnel, a eu le mérite de tracer un canevas sur la question, mais a montré ses limites au niveau pratique après dix ans d'essai. En effet au niveau de Gaya, ni l'Etat ni les partenaires au développement (bailleurs de fonds extérieurs) n'ont tenu compte des caractéristiques locales de la ressource ou du contexte socioéconomique particulier de la région. Ce qui a entraîné la réalisation d'infrastructures inadaptées aux réalités hydrogéologiques locales ainsi que des choix inappropriés au niveau de certains aménagements. En dépit de l'abondance de la ressource, son accès tant au niveau quantitatif que qualitatif, reste difficile pour une grande partie des acteurs ruraux. Les différents handicaps rencontrés dans la mise en valeur des ressources en eau résultent de cette incohérence de la politique nationale de l'eau, mais aussi de la difficulté de son application sur le terrain où persiste un pluralisme juridique caractérisé par la cohabitation de deux systèmes de régulation à savoir les droits coutumiers et la législation moderne. Ces différents éléments mis en évidence dans cette étude sur la zone de Gaya pourraient servir de base pour un meilleur aménagement des ressources en eau dans le cadre plus large d'une politique d'aménagement du territoire prenant en compte tous les facteurs tant physiques que socioéconomiques de la région. Abstract: The department of Gaya, in which this study was done, is located in the SW area of the Republic of Niger. It has an important hydrological potential composed of surface water (approximately 100 permanent ponds, 106 km of the Niger River) and 7 bodies of underground water sources including sub-surface and artresan wells. This study of the exploitation of wtaer in Gaya has been carried out employing several parameters based on: the estimation and spacial distribution of water ressources, the juridic and institutional rules governing their utilisation and the various constraints affecting this exploitation. The use of mapping when treating and analysing data, coupled with ten years personel field experience, resulted in a richly illustrated synthesis of this data. This, in turn, led to a better comprehension of all the factors related to problems of water utilisation in this particular region of Niger. Contrary to the generally accepted view that the lack of water ressources is a major contributing factor to the lack of development in the Sahel, in Gaya the local conditions contradict this statement. In this region, and at the local level, the proper use of water is based on the elaboration of an appropriate policy which takes into account not only the local specifics of water ressources but the various types of water utilsation as well. Local use of water and water ressources are dependant on established rules. Water policy in Niger is defined by the General Schema based on an important institutional and judicary arsenal of rules and regulations. However, after a ten-year trial period, this system was shown to have its limitations. In Gaya, neither the State nor the development agencies took into consideration local characteristics nor the socio-economic context of the region. This, in turn, resulted in putting in place infrastructures that were not adapted to local hydrogeological realities as well as inappropriate choices in land planning and development. In spite of the abundance of water ressources, access to them remains difficult for most of the rural population. The various difficulties encountered are the result of incoherent water policies on a national level as well as the lack of practical application in this area. This is due to a double judicary system where two regulatory systems co-exist:traditional laws and modern legislation. the different elements brought out by this study could serve as a basis for a better utilisation of water ressources on a larger scale in which land planning and development policies would take into consideration all the physcial as well as the socio-economical factors of this region.


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Effects of water activity and 1-propanol concentration on synthesis of propyl oleate from oleic acid using Aspergillus niger cell-bound lipases in isooctane are described. A. niger produces lipases (EC which partly bind to the mycelium during growth. Ester production was monitored for 72 hours at different 1-propanol concentrations and water activities. Aliquots were sequentially withdrawn and propyl esters were quantified using GC and methyl palmitate as an internal standard. In all assayed conditions A. niger cell-bound lipases catalysed propyl oleate synthesis, but at different degrees.


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Many ants forage in complex environments and use a combination of trail pheromone information and route memory to navigate between food sources and the nest. Previous research has shown that foraging routes differ in how easily they are learned. In particular, it is easier to learn feeding locations that are reached by repeating (e.g. left-left or right-right) than alternating choices (left-right or right-left) along a route with two T-bifurcations. This raises the hypothesis that the learnability of the feeding sites may influence overall colony foraging patterns. We studied this in the mass-recruiting ant Lasius niger. We used mazes with two T-bifurcations, and allowed colonies to exploit two equidistant food sources that differed in how easily their locations were learned. In experiment 1, learnability was manipulated by using repeating versus alternating routes from nest to feeder. In experiment 2, we added visual landmarks along the route to one food source. Our results suggest that colonies preferentially exploited the feeding site that was easier to learn. This was the case even if the more difficult to learn feeding site was discovered first. Furthermore, we show that these preferences were at least partly caused by lower error rates (experiment 1) and greater foraging speeds (experiment 2) of foragers visiting the more easily learned feeder locations. Our results indicate that the learnability of feeding sites is an important factor influencing collective foraging patterns of ant colonies under more natural conditions, given that in natural environments foragers often face multiple bifurcations on their way to food sources.


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A sequential batch reactor (4 L) inoculated with Aspergillus niger was operated in order to remove congo red dye (10 mg L-1). The feeding of the reactor was done to each 7 days. The glucose was added in the concentration of 1 g.L-1 (Stage I) and 0.5 g L-1 (Stage II). The Stage III occurred without glucose addition. The Stage I was great to process, because the system reached the greater dye removal (95%) as well as the kinetic parameters ware the best - K M (0.7 g L-1) and k1 (0.025 h-1).


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The inactive biomass of fungus Aspergillus niger O-5 obtained in Cuba was characterized as sorbent of Pb2+ by several structural analysis and others techniques. In addition, the biomass was studied for the separation / preconcentration of Pb2+ from aqueous solution. The maximum biosorption capacity was obtained for the contact time of 30 min and pH 5. The kinetic of sorption process occurred according to the model of Ho. The Freundlich or Langmuir models suitably described the experimental adsorption isotherms. The biomass can be used as sorbent for Pb2+ with a maximum capacity of 4.7 - 6.2 mg g-1. The pretreatment with NaOH solution improved its sorption capacity.


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Filamentous fungi were cultured under solid state fermentation of soybean residues to produce lipases. Enzymes produced by Aspergillus niger esterified oleic and butyric acids in the presence of ethanol, while enzymes produced by Aspergillus fumigatus demonstrated no esterification activity toward lauric acid. In case of A. niger, direct lyophilization of fermented bran led to higher esterification activity. The esterification of oleic acid by enzymes of A. fumigatus was neither influenced by pH adjustment nor by the extraction process. Conversions to ethyl esters were higher after pH adjustment with lyophilized liquid extract of A. niger.


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As infecções micóticas apresentam distribuição mundial e podem causar placentite e aborto em diversas espécies de animais. Entre setembro 2001 e novembro 2002, foram processados no Setor de Patologia Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 147 fetos bovinos abortados com o objetivo de avaliar as principais causas de aborto infeccioso bovino no sul do Brasil. Destes, 34 estavam acompanhados da placenta. Aborto micótico foi diagnosticado em cinco casos (3,4%) mediante cultivo puro de quatro amostras de Aspergillus fumigatus e uma de A. niger associado a lesões histológicas características de fungo. Os exames virológico, bacteriológico e imunofluorescência direta para Leptospira sp foram negativos nestes casos. A idade dos fetos variava entre 5 e 8 meses de idade. Lesões macroscópicas foram observadas em quatro casos e eram caracterizadas por áreas circulares multifocais branco-acinzentadas na pele, principalmente na região da cabeça e dorso, em dois fetos, lesões nodulares no fígado em um caso e espessamento dos cotilédones em duas placentas enviadas juntamente com os fetos. Lesões histológicas foram observadas principalmente no fígado, pulmão e placenta, caracterizadas por hepatite necrótica multifocal, broncopneumonia supurativa e placentite necrótica. Através da coloração de Grocott hifas septadas foram observadas em duas placentas e nas bordas das lesões necróticas no fígado de um feto. Em dois casos hifas foram observadas somente na placenta e não no feto, salientando-se a importância deste tecido para o diagnóstico de aborto micótico bovino.


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O presente estudo objetivou descrever as lesões pulmonares macro e microscópicas associadas ao parasitismo por Sebekia oxycephala em 100 espécimes de jacarés-açu (Melanosuchusniger), abatidos na Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá, situada no Estado do Amazonas, Brasil. Durante a avaliação macroscópica, exemplares dos parasitos encontrados no tecido pulmonar foram coletados individualmente em AFA (Álcool etílico - Formalina - Ácido acético glacial) e formol a 5% para avaliação parasitológica e classificação taxonômica. Amostras de tecido pulmonar de todos os animais, independentemente da ocorrência de lesões macroscópicas, foram fixadas em formol 10% e incluídas em parafina. Secções histológicas coradas por Hematoxilina-Eosina destas amostras foram avaliadas por meio de microscopia óptica. Macroscopicamente, 4 dos 100 animais (4%) apresentaram espécimes de pentastomídeos no parênquima pulmonar. Os parasitos foram classificados taxonomicamente como pertencentes à espécie Sebekia oxycephala. Nenhuma alteração macroscópicas foi observada, porém, microscopicamente, lesões pulmonares foram encontradas em 37% dos casos, sendo que, lesões inflamatórias associadas ao parasitismo corresponderam a 75,6% dos mesmos (28/37). Nestes, segmentos degenerados e ovos de S. oxycephala encontravam-se envolvidos por cápsula de tecido conjuntivo fibroso e infiltrado inflamatório predominantemente composto por células gigantes do tipo corpo estranho. Três espécimes apresentaram espessamento de septos alveolares e sete exemplares continham infiltrado inflamatório granulocítico multifocal no parênquima pulmonar. As lesões associadas ao parasitismo, de modo geral, apresentaram intensidade discreta e parecem não representar uma causa importante de doença pulmonar entre a população estudada. Esta é a primeira descrição de lesões pulmonares em M. niger associadas ao parasitismo por S. oxycephala na Amazônia brasileira.


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In this work, a protocol for the formulation of an enzyme concentrated product to be applied in fruit juice treatment is described. Downstream processing conditions for the recovery and concentration of pectinases produced by the new strain Aspergillus niger LB-02-SF in solid state cultivation were assessed. The solid-liquid ratio in the extraction step of pectinases recovery from the cultivated media was evaluated and the highest activity was obtained with a solid-liquid ratio of 1:10. The crude extract was concentrated by ultrafiltration and the total pectinase (TP) activity was 73.6-fold concentrated in relation to the crude extract, and a final TP titer of 663 U mL–1 was obtained with 73.7% of recovery yield. KCl and different glycerol concentrations were added to the concentrated extract and the stability of pectinases during the storage at 5°C for 59 weeks was tested. The formulation with 50% w/w glycerol was applied to the treatment of apple and grape juices and the results of these tests were statistically comparable to those obtained with two high-quality commercial preparations.


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