995 resultados para new combinations
Native from south eastern Australia, Eucalyptus globulus is the main species in eucalypts plantations in Portugal. The most serious foliar disease in eucalypt plantations is linked to Mycosphaerella senso lato, which affects young trees in the juvenile phase foliage causing leaf necrosis. This disease results in reduced growth rate of the host and lower wood volume, thus causing significant productivity losses. The most common name for this disease was Mycosphaerella Leaf Disease that became inappropriate when most of the pathogens on eucalypts were re-distributed into several genera. The term "Eucalyptus Leaf Disease Complex" is now more appropriate. The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate the Eucalyptus Leaf Disease Complex in Portugal, focusing on species diversity, taxonomy and the role played by each species in the disease complex on Eucalyptus globulus. Literature on the Eucalyptus Leaf Disease Complex was reviewed and the species were distributed into several genera. A survey based on symptomatic leaves collected from several Eucalyptus globulus plantations and characterized by morphological and molecular tools provided an overview of species incidence and of the most frequent species in the disease complex. The present work reveals additional species of Mycosphaerella senso lato associated with eucalypt plantations in Portugal. Thus, five new records of Teratosphaeria and phylogenetically related species were added to the Iberian Peninsula, namely, Neodevriesia hilliana, for the first time on Myrtaceae; Quasiteratosphaeria mexicana, Teratosphaericola pseudoafricana, Teratosphaeria pluritubularis and Teratosphaeria lusitanica, a new species. Furthermore, new anamorphic structures were found and two new combinations were made. Regarding other genera, some species were observed for the first time, such as Cladosporium cladosporioides, Fusicladium eucalypti, Mycosphaerella madeirae, in the mainland. In addition to leave diseases, Teratosphaeria gauchensis was found causing a severe stem and trunk canker on Eucalyptus globulus. The aggressiveness of several species was compared to evaluate each species individually in the complex, permitting to distinguish different behaviours, from primary to secondary pathogens. Cladosporium cladosporioides, M. communis and M. lateralis, appeared to be more aggressive than Teratosphaeria nubilosa. In fact, contrary to the prevailing views on this disease complex, Teratosphaeria nubilosa is not the only species responsible for the disease, which clearly involves a complex of species acting together.
95 Specimens representing 12 Species in 5 genera form the basis of this paper. 6 new Species are described, namely: Henicomyia amazonica, n. sp. (Bnazil: Amazonas) , Brachylinga xanthoperra, n. sp. (Brazil:Roraima), Cyclotelus badicrusus, n. sp. (Brazil-.Amazonas; Ecuador: Pichinca), C. silacrusus, n. sp. (Brazil-.São Paulo), Penniverpa alvadusta. n. sp. (Brazil-.Amazonas) and P. alvatra, n. sp. (Brazil-.Roraima) . A check-list of Braziliam Therevidae, based on literature accounts and examined matenial, is ALSO provided. It lists 22 Species in 7 genera, one not formally described. New combinations, and new synonyms ore proposed.
The subfamily Corinninae is characterized and diagnosed. Two synapomorphies are hypothesized for the subfamily, both regarding the male palpal reservoir, which is primarily coiled and presents a sclerotized distal sector. Seventeen genera are recognized, six of which are new: Abapeba (type species Corinna lacertosa Simon), Erendira (type species Corinna pallidoguttata Simon), Septentrinna (type species Corinna bicalcarata Simon), Simonestus (type species Diestus validus Simon), Tapixaua (type species T. callida sp. nov.) and Tupirinna (type species T. rosae sp. nov.). The genera Creugas Thorell, Falconina Brignoli and Paradiestus Mello-Leitão are revalidated. Diestus Simon and Lausus Simon are newly synonymized with Corinna C. L. Koch. Chemmis Simon is included in the synonymy of Megalostrata Karsch. Hypsinotus L. Koch is removed from the synonymy of Corinna and included in the synonymy of Creugas. Thirteen new species are described: Septentrinna yucatan and S. potosi from Mexico; Tupirinna rosae from Venezuela and Brazil; Tapixaua callida from Brazil and Peru; Abapeba hoeferi, A. rioclaro, A. taruma, Corinna ducke, C. colombo, C. mourai, C. recurva and Parachemmis manauara from Brazil; Creugas lisei from Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. Twenty seven species are redescribed. Fifty eight new combinations are presented: from Chemmis, Septentrinna steckleri (Gertsch); from Corinna, Abapeba abalosi (Mello-Leitão), A. cleonei (Petrunkevitch), A. echinus (Simon), A. grassima (Chickering), A. guanicae (Petrunkevitch), A. lacertosa (Simon), A. luctuosa (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), A. lugubris (Schenkel), A. pennata (Caporiacco), A. kochi (Petrunkevitch), A. saga (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), A. wheeleri (Petrunkevitch), Creugas annamae (Gertsch & Davis), C. apophysarius (Caporiacco), C. bajulus (Gertsch), C. bellator (L. Koch), C. bicuspis (F.O. Pickard-Cambridge), C. epicureanus (Chamberlin), C. falculus (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), C. mucronatus (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), C. navus (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), C. nigricans (C. L. Koch), C. plumatus (L. Koch), C. praeceps (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), C. silvaticus (Chickering), C. uncatus (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), Erendira luteomaculatta (Petrunkevitch), E. pallidoguttata (Simon), E. subsignata (Simon), Falconina albomaculosa (Schmidt), F. crassipalpis (Chickering), F. gracilis (Keyserling), Megalostrata raptrix (L. Koch), Paradiestus egregius (Simon), P. giganteus (Karsch), P. penicillatus (Mello-Leitão), P. vitiosus (Keyserling), Septentrinna bicalcarata (Simon), S. paradoxa (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), S. retusa (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), Simonestus pseudobulbolus (Caporiacco), S. robustus (Chickering), S. semiluna (F.O. Pickard-Cambridge), Stethorrhagus maculatus (L. Koch) and Xeropigo smedigari (Caporiacco); from Diestus, Corinna alticeps (Keyserling), C. kochi (Simon), Simonestus occidentalis (Schenkel), S. separatus (Schmidt) and S. validus (Simon); from Lausus, Corinna grandis (Simon) and Abapeba sicarioides (Mello-Leitão); from Medmassa, Corinna andina (Simon) and C. venezuelica (Caporiacco); from Megalostrata, Erendira atrox (Caporiacco) and Erendira pictitorax (Caporiacco); from Parachemmis, Tupirinna trilineata (Chickering). Five combinations are restaured: Corinna aenea Simon, Creugas cinnamius Simon, Creugas gulosus Thorell, Falconina melloi (Schenkel), Paradiestus aurantiacus Mello-Leitão. Twenty five new synonymies are proposed: Diestus altifrons Mello-Leitão with Corinna nitens (Keyserling); Corinna tomentosa Simon, C. tridentina Mello-Leitão, Hypsinotus flavipes Keyserling, H. humilis Keyserling and Xeropigo scutulatus Simon with Xeropigo tridentiger (O. Pickard-Cambridge); Corinna cribosa Mello-Leitão and C. stigmatica Simon with Falconina gracilis (Keyserling); Corinna casueta Chickering with SIMONestus separatus (Schmidt); Corinna abnormis Petrunkevitch, C. antillana BRYANT, C. consobrina Simon, C. inornata Kraus, C. nervosa F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, C. wolleboeki Banks, Creugas cetratus Simon, C. senegalensis Simon and Hypsinotus gracilipes Keyserling with Creugas gulosus Thorell; Chemmis frederici Simon, Delozeugma formidabile O. Pickard-Cambridge, D. mordicans O. Pickard-Cambridge, Megalostrata sperata Kraus and M. venifica KARSCH with Megalostrata raptrix (L. Koch); Megalostrata lohmanderi Caporiacco with Erendira atrox (Caporiacco); Corinna tenubra Chickering with Parachemmis fuscus Chickering. One new name, Creugas berlandi, is erected for Corinna bellatrix Schmidt. Males of Creugas cinnamius, Corinna kochi, Methesis semirufa Simon, Paradiestus aurantiacus, Septentrinna steckleri and Xeropigo smedigari, the females of Paradiestus giganteus, Septentrinna bicalcarata and the adult female of S. steckleri are described for the first time.
Descriptions, synonym, new combinations and key to the species of Omosarotes Pascoe, 1860 are given. The male of Scopadus ciliatus Pascoe, 1857 is described. New species described: Omosarotes ater (type locality: Santo Domingo de los Colorados, Ecuador). New synonym proposed: Acanthomerosternoplon Tippmann, 1955 with Omosarotes Pascoe, 1860. New combinations: Omosarotes nigripennis (Zajciw, 1970) (from Scopadus Pascoe, 1857), O. paradoxum (Tippmann, 1955) and O. foxi (Lane, 1973), both from Acanthomerosternoplon Tippmann, 1955.
The genus Parandra is reviewed and four genera are recognized: Parandra Latreille, 1804, Neandra Lameere, 1912, stat. nov., Archandra Lameere, 1912, stat. nov. and Acutandra gen. nov. The genus Parandra is subdivided in two subgenera: Parandra (Parandra) s. str. and Parandra (Birandra) subgen. nov. The geographical distribution of P. (P.) laevis Latreille, 1804 is commented and the probable synonymy between P. cubaecola Chevrolat, 1862 and P. (P.) cribrata Thomson, 1861 is discussed. New species described: P. (P.) tavakiliani from Puerto Rico and P. (Birandra) mariahelenae from Jamaica. New combinations: Neandra brunnea (Fabricius, 1798), Neandra marginicollis (Schaeffer, 1929), Archandra caspia (Ménétriès, 1832), Acutandra punctatissima (Thomson, 1861), A. degeeri (Thomson, 1867), A. murrayi (Lameere, 1912), A. araucana (Bosq, 1951), A. ubitiara (Santos-Silva & Martins, 2000), all from Parandra. Keys to genera of Parandrini, subgenera of Parandra and American species of Parandra and Acutandra are added.
The type material of Phasmatodea deposited in Brazilian museums and institutions is listed for the first time. New synonyms are proposed: Phibalosoma paulense Toledo Piza, 1938, Phibalosoma rochai Toledo Piza, 1938, Bacteria tuberculata Toledo Piza, 1938 and Bacteria tuberculata var. argentina Toledo Piza, 1938 are junior synonyms of Cladomorphus phyllinus (Gray, 1835). Nineteen new combinations are established.
Digamacris n. gen. (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Melanoplinae) de la region atlantica meridional de Brasil
Digamacris, a new genus of the Dichroplini (Acrididae, Melanoplinae) is described for the species Pezotettix amoenus Stal, 1878 and Dichroplus fratemus Carl, 1916, both included at present in the genus Dichroplus. These species live in edges and clearings of the Atlantic Forest (Mata Atlantica) of Brazil. D. fratemus is found in the states of Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo and Rio de Janeiro east of the Bay of Guanabara. D. amoenus in the state of Rio de Janeiro W. of the Bay of Guanabara and in the coastal area of the state of São Paulo. The species are illustrated and redescribed. Both have two neatly different chromatic forms of females, while the males are uniform in coloration and closely correspond with one of the female forms.
On Gymnocerus Audinet-Serville, 1835 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Anisocerini) and related genera. The genus Gymnocerus Audinet-Serville, 1835 is characterized and a key to the related genera is added. New combinations: Gymnocerina cratosomoides (Bates, 1862), comb. nov. (from Gymnocerus) and Badenella gavisa (Lane, 1966), comb. nov. (from Chimboincola). New synonyms proposed: Badenella Lane, 1964 = Chimboincola Lane, 1966 syn. nov.; Gymnocerina cratosomoides (Bates, 1862) = Gymnocerus crassus Bates, 1862 syn. nov. = Gymnocerina sulfurea Lane, 1964 syn. nov. = Gymnocerina subsiciva Lane, 1964 syn. nov. = Gymnocerina spuria Lane, 1964 syn. nov. = Gymnocerina oliveirai Lane, 1964 syn. nov.; and Badenella badeni (Bates, 1875) = Gymnocerus badeni fuscus Franz, 1935 syn. nov. = Badenella laceyi Lane, 1964 syn. nov..
New names proposed: Beaveriella nom. nov. for Beaveria Lane, 1970, pre-occupied by Beaveria Lee, 1965 (Trematoda, Troglotrematidae); Monnechroma nom. nov. for Xenochroma Schmidt, 1924, pre-occupied by Xenochroma Warren, 1902 (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). Consequently, the following new combinations are made: Beaveriella nacta (Lane, 1970) comb. nov., B. sagda (Monné & Martins, 1972) comb. nov., Monnechroma azurea (Demets, 1976) comb. nov., M. seabrai (Fragoso & Monné, 1989) comb. nov., M. subpulvereum (Schimidt, 1924) comb. nov., M. tibialis (Giesbert, 1987) comb. nov., and M. uniforme (Gounelle, 1911) comb. nov..
Description and phylogenetic analysis of the Calycopidina (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Theclinae, Eumaeini): a subtribe of detritivores. The purpose of this paper is to establish a phylogenetic basis for a new Eumaeini subtribe that includes those lycaenid genera in which detritivory has been recorded. Morphological characters were coded for 82 species of the previously proposed "Lamprospilus Section" of the Eumaeini (19 of these had coding identical to another species), and a phylogenetic analysis was performed using the 63 distinct ingroup terminal taxa and six outgroups belonging to four genera. Taxonomic results include the description in the Eumaeini of Calycopidina Duarte & Robbins new subtribe (type genus Calycopis Scudder, 1876), which contains Lamprospilus Geyer, Badecla Duarte & Robbins new genus (type species Thecla badaca Hewitson), Arzecla Duarte & Robbins new genus (type species Thecla arza Hewitson), Arumecla Robbins & Duarte, Camissecla Robbins & Duarte, Electrostrymon Clench, Rubroserrata K. Johnson & Kroenlein revalidated status, Ziegleria K. Johnson, Kisutam K. Johnson & Kroenlein revalidated status, and Calycopis. Previous "infratribe" names Angulopina K. Johnson & Kroenlein, 1993, and Calycopina K. Johnson & Kroenlein, 1993, are nomenclaturally unavailable and polyphyletic as proposed. New combinations include Badecla badaca (Hewitson), Badecla picentia (Hewitson), Badecla quadramacula (Austin & K. Johnson), Badecla lanckena (Schaus), Badecla argentinensis (K. Johnson & Kroenlein), Badecla clarissa (Draudt), Arzecla arza (Hewitson), Arzecla tarpa (Godman & Salvin), Arzecla canacha (Hewitson), Arzecla calatia (Hewitson), Arzecla tucumanensis (K. Johnson & Kroenlein), Arzecla sethon (Godman & Salvin), Arzecla nubilum (H. H. Druce), Arzecla paralus (Godman & Salvin), Arzecla taminella (Schaus), Arzecla albolineata (Lathy), Electrostrymon denarius (Butler & H.Druce), Electrostrymon guzanta (Schaus), Electrostrymon perisus (H. H. Druce), Rubroserrata mathewi (Hewitson), Rubroserrata ecbatana (Hewitson), Kisutam micandriana (K. Johnson), and Kisutam syllis (Godman & Salvin). The structure of the male genitalia lateral window, labides, and brush organs are described and discussed, as are the female genitalia signa of the corpus bursae and 8th abdominal tergum. Widespread wing pattern sexual dimorphism in the Calycopidina is noted and illustrated, and the presence of alternating dark and light bands on the ventral wings of both sexes is discussed. The evidence for detritivory in Lamprospilus, Badecla, Arzecla, Arumecla, Camissecla, Electrostrymon, Ziegleria, Kisutam, and Calycopis is summarized using the new classification.
We investigated the use of Bacillus thuringiensis isolated in the state of Amazonas, in Brazil, for the biological control of the dengue vector Aedes aegypti. From 25 soil samples collected in nine municipalities, 484 bacterial colonies were obtained, 57 (11.78%) of which were identified as B. thuringiensis. Six isolates, IBt-03, IBt-06, IBt-07, IBt-28, IBt-30, and BtAM-27 showed insecticidal activity, and only BtAM-27 presents the five genes investigated cry4Aa, cry4Ba, cry10Aa, cry11Aa, and cry11Ba. The IBt-07 and IBt- 28, with lower LC50 values, showed equal toxicity compared to the standards. The isolates of B. thuringiensisfrom Amazonas constitute potential new means of biological control for A. aegypti, because of their larvicidal activity and the possibility that they may also contain new combinations of toxins.
This study discusses the importance of diasporas’ knowledge with regard to the national competitive advantage of Finland. The purpose of this study is to suggest an interaction framework, which illustrates how diasporas can benefit the host country via intentional knowledge spillovers, with two sub-objectives: to seek which features are crucial for productive interaction between a host government and diasporas, and to scrutinize the modes of interaction currently effective in Finland. The theoretical background of the study consists of literature relating to the concepts of diaspora and knowledge. The empirical research conducted for this study is based on expert interviews. The interview data was collected between September and November 2013. Eight interviews were made; five with representatives of expert organizations, and three with immigrants. Thematic analysis was used to categorize and interpret the interview data. In addition, thematic networks were built to act as a basis of analysis. This study finds that knowledge, especially new combinations of knowledge, is a significant input in innovation. Innovation is found to be the basis of national competitive advantage. Thus the means through which knowledge is transferred are of key importance. Diasporas are found a good source of new knowledge, and thus may aid the innovative process. Host country stance and policy are found to have a major impact on the ability of the host country to benefit from diasporas’ knowledge. As a host country, this study finds Finland to have a very fragmented strategy field and a prejudiced attitude, which currently make it difficult to utilize the potential of diasporas. The interaction framework based on these findings suggests ways in which Finland can improve its national competitive advantage through acquiring the innovative potential of diasporas. Strategy revision and increased promotion are discussed as means towards improved interaction. In addition, the importance of learning is emphasized. The findings of this study enhance understanding of the relationship between the concepts of diaspora and knowledge. In addition, this study ties the relationship to economic benefit. Future research is, however, necessary in order to fully understand the meaning of the relationship, as well as to increase understanding of the generalizability of the interaction framework.
The present study investigates the systematics and evolution of the Neotropical genus Deuterocohnia Mez (Bromeliaceae). It provides a comprehensive taxonomic revision as well as phylogenetic analyses based on chloroplast and nuclear DNA sequences and presents a hypothesis on the evolution of the genus. A broad morphological, anatomical, biogeographical and ecological overview of the genus is given in the first part of the study. For morphological character assessment more than 700 herbarium specimens from 39 herbaria as well as living plant material in the field and in the living collections of botanical gardens were carefully examined. The arid habitats, in which the species of Deuterocohnia grow, are reflected by the morphological and anatomical characters of the species. Important characters for species delimitation were identified, like the length of the inflorescence, the branching order, the density of flowers on partial inflorescences, the relation of the length of the primary bracts to that of the partial inflorescence, the sizes of floral bracts, sepals and petals, flower colour, the presence or absence of a pedicel, the curvature of the stamina and the petals during anthesis. After scrutinizing the nomenclatural history of the taxa belonging to Deuterocohnia – including the 1992 syonymized genus Abromeitiella – 17 species, 4 subspecies and 4 varieties are accepted in the present revision. Taxonomic changes were made in the following cases: (I) New combinations: A. abstrusa (A. Cast.) N. Schütz is re-established – as defined by Castellanos (1931) – and transfered to D. abstrusa; D. brevifolia (Griseb.) M.A. Spencer & L.B. Sm. includes accessions of the former D. lorentziana (Mez) M.A. Spencer & L.B. Sm., which are not assigned to D. abstrusa; D. bracteosa W. Till is synonymized to D. strobilifera Mez; D. meziana Kuntze ex Mez var. carmineo-viridiflora Rauh is classified as a subspecies of D. meziana (ssp. carmineo-viridiflora (Rauh) N. Schütz); D. pedicellata W. Till is classified as a subspecies of D. meziana (ssp. pedicellata (W. Till) N. Schütz); D. scapigera (Rauh & L. Hrom.) M.A. Spencer & L.B. Sm ssp. sanctae-crucis R. Vásquez & Ibisch is classified as a species (D. sanctae-crucis (R. Vásquez & Ibisch) N. Schütz); (II) New taxa: a new subspecies of D. meziana Kuntze ex Mez is established; a new variety of D. scapigera is established; (the new taxa will be validly published elsewhere); (III) New type: an epitype for D. longipetala was chosen. All other species were kept according to Spencer and Smith (1992) or – in the case of more recently described species – according to the protologue. Beside the nomenclatural notes and the detailed descriptions, information on distribution, habitat and ecology, etymology and taxonomic delimitation is provided for the genus and for each of its species. An key was constructed for the identification of currently accepted species, subspecies and varieties. The key is based on easily detectable morphological characters. The former synonymization of the genus Abromeitiella into Deuterocohnia (Spencer and Smith 1992) is re-evalutated in the present study. Morphological as well as molecular investigations revealed Deuterocohnia incl. Abromeitiella as being monophyletic, with some indications that a monophyletic Abromeitiella lineage arose from within Deuterocohnia. Thus the union of both genera is confirmed. The second part of the present thesis describes and discusses the molecular phylogenies and networks. Molecular analyses of three chloroplast intergenic spacers (rpl32-trnL, rps16-trnK, trnS-ycf3) were conducted with a sample set of 119 taxa. This set included 103 Deuterocohnia accessions from all 17 described species of the genus and 16 outgroup taxa from the remainder of Pitcairnioideae s.str. (Dyckia (8 sp.), Encholirium (2 sp.), Fosterella (4 sp.) and Pitcairnia (2 sp.)). With its high sampling density, the present investigation by far represents the most comprehensive molecular study of Deuterocohnia up till now. All data sets were analyzed separately as well as in combination, and various optimality criteria for phylogenetic tree construction were applied (Maximum Parsimony, Maximum Likelihood, Bayesian inferences and the distance method Neighbour Joining). Congruent topologies were generally obtained with different algorithms and optimality criteria, but individual clades received different degrees of statistical support in some analyses. The rps16-trnK locus was the most informative among the three spacer regions examined. The results of the chloroplast DNA analyses revealed a highly supported paraphyly of Deuterocohnia. Thus, the cpDNA trees divide the genus into two subclades (A and B), of which Deuterocohnia subclade B is sister to the included Dyckia and Encholirium accessions, and both together are sister to Deuterocohnia subclade A. To further examine the relationship between Deuterocohnia and Dyckia/Encholirium at the generic level, two nuclear low copy markers (PRK exon2-5 and PHYC exon1) were analysed with a reduced taxon set. This set included 22 Deuterocohnia accessions (including members of both cpDNA subclades), 2 Dyckia, 2 Encholirium and 2 Fosterella species. Phylogenetic trees were constructed as described above, and for comparison the same reduced taxon set was also analysed at the three cpDNA data loci. In contrast to the cpDNA results, the nuclear DNA data strongly supported the monophyly of Deuterocohnia, which takes a sister position to a clade of Dyckia and Encholirium samples. As morphology as well as nuclear DNA data generated in the present study and in a former AFLP analysis (Horres 2003) all corroborate the monophyly of Deuterocohnia, the apparent paraphyly displayed in cpDNA analyses is interpreted to be the consequence of a chloroplast capture event. This involves the introgression of the chloroplast genome from the common ancestor of the Dyckia/ Encholirium lineage into the ancestor of Deuterocohnia subclade B species. The chloroplast haplotypes are not species-specific in Deuterocohnia. Thus, one haplotype was sometimes shared by several species, where the same species may harbour different haplotypes. The arrangement of haplotypes followed geographical patterns rather than taxonomic boundaries, which may indicate some residual gene flow among populations from different Deuteroccohnia species. Phenotypic species coherence on the background of ongoing gene flow may then be maintained by sets of co-adapted alleles, as was suggested by the porous genome concept (Wu 2001, Palma-Silva et al. 2011). The results of the present study suggest the following scenario for the evolution of Deuterocohnia and its species. Deuterocohnia longipetala may be envisaged as a representative of the ancestral state within the genus. This is supported by (1) the wide distribution of this species; (2) the overlap in distribution area with species of Dyckia; (3) the laxly flowered inflorescences, which are also typical for Dyckia; (4) the yellow petals with a greenish tip, present in most other Deuterocohnia species. The following six extant lineages within Deuterocohnia might have independently been derived from this ancestral state with a few changes each: (I) D. meziana, D. brevispicata and D. seramisiana (Bolivia, lowland to montane areas, mostly reddish-greenish coloured, very laxly to very densely flowered); (II) D. strobilifera (Bolivia, high Andean mountains, yellow flowers, densely flowered); (III) D. glandulosa (Bolivia, montane areas, yellow-greenish flowers, densely flowered); (IV) D. haumanii, D. schreiteri, D. digitata, and D. chrysantha (Argentina, Chile, E Andean mountains and Atacama desert, yellow-greenish flowers, densely flowered); (V) D. recurvipetala (Argentina, foothills of the Andes, recurved yellow flowers, laxly flowered); (VI) D. gableana, D. scapigera, D. sanctae-crucis, D. abstrusa, D. brevifolia, D. lotteae (former Abromeitiella species, Bolivia, Argentina, higher Andean mountains, greenish-yellow flowers, inflorescence usually simple). Originating from the lower montane Andean regions, at least four lineages of the genus (I, II, IV, VI) adapted in part to higher altitudes by developing densely flowered partial inflorescences, shorter flowers and – in at least three lineages (II, IV, VI) – smaller rosettes, whereas species spreading into the lowlands (I, V) developed larger plants, laxly flowered, amply branched inflorescences and in part larger flowers (I).
El emprendimiento como campo de estudio ha cobrado una creciente relevancia en las agendas académicas y gubernamentales del último quinquenio por su capacidad para empujar el desarrollo económico y los procesos de innovación en los países. Un ejemplo de ello es Colombia, donde el nivel de impacto ha sido tan elevado que se han formalizado desde marcos regulatorios como la ley 1014 del 2006 para el fomento a la cultura empresarial, hasta instituciones de todo tipo para el fomento al emprendimiento empresarial. No obstante, los esfuerzos por estructurar espacios para estimular el emprendimiento deben trascender más allá del simple asistencialismo, para centrarse en la definición de planes estratégicos que permitan la formación de emprendedores de una manera articula y congruente con objetivos y políticas claramente identificadas. Por tal razón, desde el centro de emprendimiento de la Universidad de Rosario se impulsó el desarrollo de un estudio que permitiese la caracterización del perfil emprendedor de los estudiantes, a fin de identificar sus fortalezas y debilidades. Este estudio toma como base la metodología de características del comportamiento emprendedor o CCE para estudiar los alumnos de pregrado de la Facultad de Administración en cada uno de sus tres programas. Al final con estos resultados el Centro Emprendimiento podrá formular cada uno de sus planes, programas y proyectos, así como también políticas asociadas al desarrollo de las cualidades necesarias para formar mejores emprendedores (Pulgarín, S. 2011).
Morocco is characterized by high vascular plant diversity with an estimated 4200 species and subspecies of which 22% are endemic. This study presents an updated list of the endemic species in the Moroccan flora following the classification of APG III, including comments on their geographical distribution and ecoregions. The endemic flora contains 879 species and subspecies in 55 families and 287 genera. Three new combinations are proposed. The High Atlas, Middle Atlas and the Rif mountains are the three richest floristic regions for endemic species, but the endemics are not restricted to these floristic regions only. Conservation efforts are therefore necessary in both the Mediteranean and Saharan ecoregions to preserve the biodiversity and botanical richness of Morocco. In this updated checklist we propose a new combination (Verbascum demnatensis) and a new name (Verbascum hamidoui) in the genus Verbascum (Scrophulariaceae).