935 resultados para neutrophil elastase


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Many tumors arise from sites of inflammation providing evidence that innate immunity is a critical component in the development and progression of cancer. Neutrophils are primary mediators of the innate immune response. Upon activation, an important function of neutrophils is release of an assortment of proteins from their granules including the serine protease neutrophil elastase (NE). The effect of NE on cancer has been attributed primarily to its ability to degrade the extracellular matrix thereby promoting invasion and metastasis. Recently, it was shown that NE could be taken up by lung cancer cells leading to degradation of insulin receptor substrate-1 thereby promoting hyperactivity of the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K) pathway and tumor cell proliferation. To our knowledge, nobody has investigated uptake of NE by other tumor types. In addition, NE has broad substrate specificity suggesting that uptake of NE by tumor cells could impact processes regulating tumorigenensis other than activation of the PI3K pathway. Neutrophil elastase has been identified in breast cancer specimens where high levels of NE have prognostic significance. These studies have assessed NE levels in whole tumor lysates. Because the major source of NE is from activated neutrophils, we hypothesized that breast cancer cells do not have endogenous NE but may take up NE released by tumor associated neutrophils in the tumor microenvironment and that this could provide a link between the innate immune response to tumors and specific adaptive immune responses. In this thesis, we show that breast cancer cells lack endogenous NE expression and that they are able to take up NE resulting in increased generation of low molecular weight cyclin E (CCNE) and enhanced susceptibility to lysis by CCNE-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes. We also show that after taking up NE and proteinase 3 (PR3), a second primary granule protease with significant homology to NE, breast cancer cells cross-present the NE- and PR3-derived peptide PR1 rendering them susceptible to PR1-targeted therapies. Taken together, our data support a role for NE uptake in modulating adaptive immune responses against breast cancer.


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Seeds from legumes including the Glycine max are known to be a rich source of protease inhibitors. The soybean Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (SKTI) has been well characterised and has been found to exhibit many biological activities. However its effects on inflammatory diseases have not been studied to date. In this study, SKTI was purified from a commercial soy fraction, enriched with this inhibitor, using anion exchange chromatography Resource Q column. The purified protein was able to inhibit human neutrophil elastase (HNE) and bovine trypsin. . Purified SKTI inhibited HNE with an IC50 value of 8 µg (0.3 nM). At this concentration SKTI showed neither cytotoxic nor haemolytic effects on human blood cell populations. SKTI showed no deleterious effects on organs, blood cells or the hepatic enzymes alanine amine transferase (ALT) and aspartate amino transferase (AST) in mice model of acute systemic toxicity. Human neutrophils incubated with SKTI released less HNE than control neutrophils when stimulated with PAF or fMLP (83.1% and 70% respectively). These results showed that SKTI affected both pathways of elastase release by PAF and fMLP stimuli, suggesting that SKTI is an antagonist of PAF/fMLP receptors. In an in vivo mouse model of acute lung injury, induced by LPS from E. coli, SKTI significantly suppressed the inflammatory effects caused by elastase in a dose dependent manner. Histological sections stained by hematoxylin/eosin confirmed this reduction in inflammation process. These results showed that SKTI could be used as a potential pharmacological agent for the therapy of many inflammatory diseases


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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a slowly progressive disease characterized by airway inflammation and largely irreversible airflow limitation. One major risk factor for COPD is cigarette smoking. Since the inflammatory process starts many years prior to the onset of clinical symptoms and still continues after smoking cessation, there is an urgent need to find simple non-invasive biomarkers that can be used in the early diagnosis of COPD and which could help in predicting the disease progression. The first aim of the present study was to evaluate the involvement of different oxidative/nitrosative stress markers, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their tissue inhibitor-1 (TIMP-1) in smokers and in COPD. Elevated numbers of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), nitrotyrosine, myeloperoxidase (MPO) and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE) positive cells and increased levels of 8-isoprostane and lactoferrin were found in sputum of non-symptomatic smokers compared to non-smokers, and especially in subjects with stable mild to moderate COPD, and they correlated with the severity of airway obstruction. This suggests that an increased oxidant burden exists already in the airways of smokers with normal lung function values. However, none of these markers could differentiate healthy smokers from symptomatic smokers with normal lung function values i.e. those individuals who are at risk of developing COPD. In contrast what is known about asthma exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) was lower in smokers than in non-smokers, the reduced FENO value was significantly associated with neutrophilic inflammation and the elevated oxidant burden (positive cells for iNOS, nitrotyrosine and MPO). The levels of sputum MMP-8 and plasma MMP-12 appeared to differentiate subjects who have a risk for COPD development but these finding require further investigations. The levels of all studied MMPs correlated with the numbers of neutrophils, and MMP-8 and MMP-9 with markers of neutrophil activation (MPO, lactoferrin) suggesting that especially neutrophil derived oxidants may stimulate the tissue destructive MMPs already in lungs of smokers who are not yet experiencing any airflow limitation. When investigating the role of neutrophil proteases (neutrophil elastase, MMP-8, MMP-9) during COPD exacerbation and its recovery period, we found that levels of all these proteases were increased in sputum of patients with COPD exacerbation as compared to stable COPD and controls, and decreased during the one-month recovery period, giving evidence for a role of these enzymes in COPD exacerbations. In the last study, the effects of subject`s age and smoking habits were evaluated on the plasma levels of surfactant protein A (SP-A), SP-D, MMP-9 and TIMP-1. Long-term smoking increased the levels of all of these proteins. SP-A most clearly correlated with age, pack years and lung function decline (FEV1/FVC), and based on the receiver operating characteristic curve analysis, SP-A was the best marker for discriminating subjects with COPD from controls. In conclusion, these findings support the hypothesis that especially neutrophil derived oxidants may activate MMPs and induce an active remodeling process already in the lungs of smokers with normal lung function values. The marked increase of sputum levels of neutrophil proteases in smokers, stable COPD and/or during its exacerbations suggest that these enzymes play a role in the development and progression of COPD. Based on the comparison of various biomarkers, SP-A can be proposed to serve as sensitive biomarker in COPD development.


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Os receptores β1- e β2-adrenérgicos estão presentes em inúmeras células que participam do processo de reparo como fibroblastos, queratinócitos, células inflamatórias e células endoteliais. Diversos trabalhos demonstram que estes receptores modulam o processo de reparo tecidual. Entretanto, nenhum trabalho demonstrou se o bloqueio destes receptores compromete o reparo de úlceras de pressão. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do bloqueio dos receptores β1- e β2-adrenérgicos no reparo de úlceras de pressão em camundongos, para isto utilizamos um modelo não invasivo de lesão por isquemia e reperfusão. No presente estudo, utilizamos animais que foram tratados por gavagem com propranolol (um antagonista não seletivo dos receptores β1- e β2-adrenérgicos). A administração do antagonista teve início um dia antes do início dos ciclos de isquemia e reperfusão e se manteve diariamente até a eutanásia. Para desenvolver a úlcera de pressão, um par de magnetos foi aplicado no dorso dos animais previamente depilado. O período de permanência do magneto é caracterizado como período de isquemia, enquanto sua retirada é caracterizada como período de reperfusão. Os ciclos de isquemia e reperfusão foram repetidos duas vezes, e ao final do último ciclo, duas úlceras circulares foram criadas no dorso dos animais. Os animais foram mortos 3, 7, 14 e 21 dias após a lesão. Após o último ciclo de isquemia, o fluxo sanguíneo da área comprimida foi nulo, 7 horas após a compressão o fluxo sanguíneo estava elevado, com níveis superiores ao da pele normal. Após 24 e 48 horas, o fluxo sanguíneo estava reduzido e abaixo dos níveis da pele normal. O bloqueio dos receptores β1- e β2-adrenérgicos aumentou os níveis de peróxidos lipídicos 3 dias após a lesão, comprometeu a migração dos queratinócitos, levando a um aumento da proliferação epitelial, resultando em uma re-epitelização atrasada. O retardo na formação da neo-epiderme induzido pelo bloqueio destes receptores prejudicou a remoção do tecido necrótico. O bloqueio dos receptores β1- e β2-adrenérgicos aumentou o número de células inflamatórias (neutrófilos e macrófagos), os níveis proteicos de elastase neutrofílica 3 dias após a lesão e reduziu os níveis proteicos de MCP-1 3 dias após a lesão e os níveis proteicos de MMP-12 7 dias após a lesão. O bloqueio dos receptores β1- e β2-adrenérgicos aumentou a proliferação celular e apoptose no tecido conjuntivo 7 dias após a lesão e aumentou a densidade de vasos sanguíneos 14 e 21 dias após a lesão. O bloqueio dos receptores β1- e β2-adrenérgicos retardou a diferenciação miofibroblástica e reduziu os níveis proteicos de TGF-β 1/2/3 3 dias após a lesão e a contração da lesão. Vinte e um dias após a lesão, o bloqueio dos receptores β1- e β2-adrenérgicos aumentou a espessura da neo-epiderme e a expressão de tenascina-C em fibroblastos e reduziu a deposição de colágeno. Em conclusão, o bloqueio dos receptores β1- e β2-adrenérgicos atrasa o reparo tecidual em úlceras de pressão.


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Neutrophil elastase (NE) is thought to be the most important protease which damages the cystic fibrosis (CF) lung. Attempts have been made to suppress this activity using the plasma-derived inhibitor, alpha1-antitrypsin (AAT). In this pilot study, the safety and efficacy of inhaled recombinant human AAT (rAAT) as a treatment for CF were investigated. Thirty-nine patients participated in a prospective, double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled phase II trial to examine the effect of rAAT (500, 250, and 125 mg) on sputum NE activity. Sputum myeloperoxidase (MPO), interleukin-8, tumor necrosis factor receptors, sputum and plasma NE/AAT complexes, and safety parameters were also measured. Subjects were randomized to receive nebulized treatment once a day for 4 weeks, followed by 2–4 weeks with no study treatment, and then a 2-week rechallenge phase. Trends toward a reduction in NE activity were observed in patients treated with 500 mg and 250 mg of rAAT compared to placebo. Sputum NE/AAT complex and MPO levels were lower on rAAT compared to placebo. No major adverse events and, in particular, no allergic reactions to rAAT were observed. Although significant differences between rAAT and placebo for sputum NE activity were not observed, some improvements were found for secondary efficacy variables. This study demonstrated that nebulized rAAT is safe and well-tolerated, but has a limited effect on NE activity and other markers of inflammation. Pediatr Pulmonol.


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Decreased survival in patients with cystic fibrosis has been related to FEV1, BMI, and infection with Burkholderia cepacia complex (BCC). We have assessed the relationship of blood, sputum, and urine inflammatory markers to lung function, BMI, colonization with B cenocepacia (Bc), and patient survival. Thirty-nine stable cystic fibrosis (CF) patients (10 with Bc) were enrolled in a study to determine the effect of alpha-1-antitrypsin on airways inflammation. Pre-treatment measurements were used in this study. Demographics, sputum microbiology, heart rate, oxygen saturation, lung function were recorded. Blood samples were obtained for white blood count (WBC), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), and plasma neutrophil elastase/AAT complexes (pNEC). Neutrophil elastase (NE), neutrophil elastase/AAT complexes (sNEC), interleukin-8 (IL-8), TNF-receptor 1 (sTNFr), and myeloperoxidase (MPO) were measured in sputum and urinary desmosine concentration determined. Patients with Bc had significantly higher levels of pNEC, 332?±?91.4 ng/ml (mean?±?SEM) versus 106?±?18.2 ng/ml (P?=?0.0005) and sNEC, 369?±?76.6 ng/ml versus 197?±?36.0 ng/ml compared to those who were not. Five deaths were reported at the end of 1 year, (four with Bc) (P?=?0.011). Patients who subsequently died had significantly lower lung function FEV1, 1.2?±?0.2 L versus 2.0?±?0.1 L (P?=?0.03) and FVC, 2?±?0.3 L versus 3.1?±?0.2 L (P?=?0.01), compared to those that survived. There was significantly higher NE activity, 3.6?±?1.6 U/ml versus 1.5?±?0.6 U/ml (P?=?0.03), pNEC, 274?±?99 ng/ml versus 142?±?30 ng/ml (P?=?0.05), MPO, 163?±?62 mcg/ml versus 54?±?6.9 mcg/ml (P?=?0.03), and urinary desmosines 108?±?19.9 pM/mg creatinine versus 51.1?±?3.3 pM/mg creatinine (P?=?0.001), in those patients who subsequently died compared to those that survived. These data suggest there is increased neutrophil degranulation in patients infected with Bc and these patients have a poor outcome.


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Background: Chronic infection in cystic fibrosis (CF) and airway inflammation leads to progressive lung injury Neutrophils are considered to be responsible for the onset and promotion of the inflammatory response within the CF lung. The relationship between infection and inflammation is complex but circulating inflammatory markers may not truly reflect the local inflammatory response in the lung. The aims of this study were to investigate the change of inflammatory biomarkers and cells within sputum and blood before and after intravenous antibiotics for a pulmonary exacerbation of CF Methods: Assays included neutrophil elastase (NE) and complex, interleukin-8 (IL-8) and soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1), fas ligand (FAS-L), and TNFr-1. Analysis of sputum cell differential and absolute cell counts and immunocytochemistry (CD11b and CD95) on sputum and isolated blood neutrophils were carried out. Results: There were no significant differences in absolute or differential sputum cell counts or sputum sol measurements following antibiotics. There was a significant increase in the percentage of blood neutrophils with minimal CD11b staining, 28 (4.1) mean percentage (SEM) versus41 (2.9) and a decrease in the percentage showing maximal staining 30 (0.5) versus 15 (2.5). There was a significant increase in the percentage of blood neutrophils without CD95 staining, 43 (5.4) mean percentage versus 52 (5.1). Conclusion: These data suggest a modifiable systemic response to IV antibiotics but a local sustained inflammatory response in the lung.


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Neutrophil Elastase (NE) is a pro-inflammatory protease present at higher than normal levels in the lung during inflammatory disease. NE regulates IL-8 production from airway epithelial cells and can activate both EGFR and TLR4. TACE/ADAM17 has been reported to trans-activate EGFR in response to NE. Here, using 16HBE14o-human bronchial epithelial cells we demonstrate a new mechanism by which NE regulates both of these events. A high molecular weight soluble metalloprotease activity detectable only in supernatants from NE-treated cells by gelatin and casein zymography was confirmed to be meprin alpha by Western immunoblotting. In vitro studies demonstrated the ability of NE to activate meprin alpha, which in turn could release soluble TGFa and induce IL-8 production from 16HBE14o- cells. These effects were abrogated by actinonin, a specific meprin inhibitor. NE-induced IL-8 expression was also inhibited by meprin alpha siRNA. Immunoprecipitation studies detected EGFR/TLR4 complexes in NE-stimulated cells overexpressing these receptors. Confocal studies confirmed colocalization of EGFR and TLR4 in 16HBE14o- cells stimulated with meprin alpha. NF?B was also activated via MyD88 in these cells by meprin alpha. In bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from NE knock-out mice infected intra-tracheally with Pseudomonas aeruginosa meprin alpha was significantly decreased compared with control mice, and was significantly increased and correlated with NE activity, in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from individuals with cystic fibrosis but not healthy controls. The data describe a previously unidentified lung metalloprotease meprin alpha, and its role in NE-induced EGFR and TLR4 activation and IL-8 production.


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Irreversible tissue damage within the cystic fibrosis (CF) lung is mediated by proteolytic enzymes during an inflammatory response. Serine proteinases, in particular neutrophil elastase (NE), have been implicated however, members of the cysteine proteinase family may also be involved. The aim of this study was to determine cathepsin B and S levels in cystic fibrosis (CF) sputum and to assess any relationship to recognized markers of inflammation such as sputum NE, interleukin-8 (IL-8), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a), urine TNF receptor 1 (TNFr1), plasma IL-6, and serum C-reactive protein (CRP). Proteinase activities were measured in the sputum of 36 clinically stable CF patients using spectrophotometric and fluorogenic assays. Immunoblots were also used to confirm enzyme activity data. All other parameters were measured by ELISA. Patients had a mean age of 27.2 (8.2) years, FEV. of 1.6 (0.79) L and BMI of 20.7 (2.8). Both cathepsin B and S activities were detected in all samples, with mean concentrations of 18.0 (13.5)?µg/ml and 1.6 (0.88)?µg/ml, respectively and were found to correlate not only with each other but with NE, TNF-a and IL-8 (in all cases .?<?0.05). Airway cathepsin B further correlated with circulatory IL-6 and CRP however, no relationship for either cathepsin was observed with urine TNFr1. This data indicates that cathepsin B and S may have important roles in the pathophysiology of CF lung disease and could have potential as markers of inflammation in future studies. Pediatr. Pulmonol. 2010; 45:860–868.


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Background Gastro-oesophageal reflux is common in children with cystic fibrosis (CF) and is thought to be associated with pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents. The measurement of pepsin in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid has recently been suggested to be a reliable indicator of aspiration. The prevalence of pulmonary aspiration in a group of children with CF was assessed and its association with lung inflammation investigated. Methods This was a cross-sectional case–control study. BAL fluid was collected from individuals with CF (n=31) and healthy controls (n=7). Interleukin-8 (IL-8), pepsin, neutrophil numbers and neutrophil elastase activity levels were measured in all samples. Clinical, microbiological and lung function data were collected from medical notes. Results The pepsin concentration in BAL fluid was higher in the CF group than in controls (mean (SD) 24.4 (27.4) ng/ml vs 4.3 (4.0) ng/ml, p=0.03). Those with CF who had raised pepsin concentrations had higher levels of IL-8 in the BAL fluid than those with a concentration comparable to controls (3.7 (2.7) ng/ml vs 1.4 (0.9) ng/ml, p=0.004). Within the CF group there was a moderate positive correlation between pepsin concentration and IL-8 in BAL fluid (r=0.48, p=0.04). There was no association between BAL fluid pepsin concentrations and age, sex, body mass index z score, forced expiratory volume in 1 s or Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonisation status. Conclusions Many children with CF have increased levels of pepsin in the BAL fluid compared with normal controls. Increased pepsin levels were associated with higher IL-8 concentrations in BAL fluid. These data suggest that aspiration of gastric contents occurs in a subset of patients with CF and is associated with more pronounced lung inflammation.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and effect on clinical outcomes and biomarkers of inflammation and tissue damage of the neutrophil elastase inhibitor AZD9668 (60 mg twice daily orally for 4 weeks) in cystic fibrosis. This was a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Primary outcome measures were sputum neutrophil count, lung function, 24-h sputum weight, BronkoTest® diary card data and health-related quality-of-life (revised cystic fibrosis quality-of-life questionnaire). Secondary end-points included sputum neutrophil elastase activity, inflammatory biomarkers in sputum and blood, urine and plasma desmosine (an elastin degradation marker), AZD9668 levels and safety parameters (adverse events, routine haematology, biochemistry, electrocardiogram and sputum bacteriology). 56 patients were randomised, of which 27 received AZD9668. There was no effect for AZD9668 on sputum neutrophil counts, neutrophil elastase activity, lung function or clinical outcomes, including quality of life. In the AZD9668 group, there was a trend towards reduction in sputum inflammatory biomarkers with statistically significant changes in interleukin-6, RANTES and urinary desmosine. The pattern of adverse events was similar between groups. Consistent reductions in sputum inflammatory biomarkers were seen in the AZD9668 group, and reduction in urinary desmosine suggests that AZD9668 impacts elastin cleavage by neutrophil elastase.


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Elafin is a 6-kDa innate immune protein present at several epithelial surfaces including the pulmonary epithelium. It is a canonical protease inhibitor of two neutrophil serine proteases [neutrophil elastase (NE) and proteinase 3] with the capacity to covalently bind extracellular matrix proteins by transglutamination. In addition to these properties, elafin also possesses antimicrobial and immunomodulatory activities. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of Pseudomonas aeruginosa proteases on elafin function. We found that P aeruginosa PAO1-conditioned medium and two purified Pseudomonas metalloproteases, pseudolysin (elastase) and aeruginolysin (alkaline protease), are able to cleave recombinant elafin. Pseudolysin was shown to inactivate the anti-NE activity of elafin by cleaving its protease-binding loop. Interestingly, antibacterial properties of elafin against PAO1 were found to be unaffected after pseudolysin treatment. In contrast to pseudolysin, aeruginolysin failed to inactivate the inhibitory properties of elafin against NE. Aeruginolysin cleaves elafin at the amino-terminal Lys6-Gly7 peptide bond, resulting in a decreased ability to covalently bind purified fibronectin following transglutaminase activity. In conclusion, this study provides evidence that elafin is susceptible to proteolytic cleavage at alternative sites by P aeruginosa metalloproteinases, which can affect different biological functions of elafin.


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We hypothesise that elafin levels in acute lung injury (ALI) decrease over time due, in part, to proteolytic degradation as observed in other lung diseases.
The aim of this study was to characterise temporal changes in elafin concentration in patients with ALI and to evaluate whether a decrease in elafin levels is due to elevated protease activity.
Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) was obtained from patients with ALI within 48 h of onset of ALI (day 0), at day 3 and at day 7. Elafin levels were quantified by ELISA. Elafin susceptibility to proteolytic cleavage by ALI BALF was assessed by Western blot and by high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.
Elafin levels were found to be significantly increased at the onset of ALI compared with healthy volunteers and fell significantly by day 7 compared with day 0. In contrast, levels of secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor did not decrease over time. This decrease in elafin was due to cleavage by the 20S proteasome which was significantly increased in ALI BALF. Incubation of ALI BALF with the proteasome inhibitor epoxomicin confirmed that 20S proteasome protease activity was responsible for proteolytic cleavage of elafin, resulting in diminished anti-elastase activity. In addition, free neutrophil elastase activity significantly increased in ALI BALF from day 0 to day 7.
Elafin concentrations fall within the pulmonary compartment over the course of ALI as a result of proteolytic degradation. This loss of elafin may predispose people, in part, to excessive inflammation in ALI.


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Chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa pulmonary infection is associated with a decline in lung function and reduced survival in people with Cystic Fibrosis (CF). Damaging inflammatory and immunological mediators released in the lungs can be used as markers of chronic infection, inflammation and lung tissue damage.

Clinical samples were collected from CF patients and healthy controls. Serum IgG and IgA anti-Pseudomonas antibodies, sputum IL-8 and TNFα, plasma IL-6 and urine TNFr1 were measured by ELISA. Sputum neutrophil elastase (NE), cathepsin S and cathepsin B were measured by spectrophotometric and fluorogenic assays. The relationship between IgG and IgA, inflammatory mediators and long-term survival was determined.

IgG and IL-6 positively correlated with mortality. However, multivariate analysis demonstrated that after adjusting for FEV1, IgG was not independently related to mortality. A relationship was observed between IgG and IL-6, TNFα, TNFr1 and between IgA and IL8, cathepsin S and cathepsin B.

These data indicate that biomarkers of inflammation are not independent predictors of survival in people with CF.


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Background: Excessive use of empirical antibiotics is common in critically ill patients. Rapid biomarker-based exclusion of infection may improve antibiotic stewardship in ventilator-acquired pneumonia (VAP). However, successful validation of the usefulness of potential markers in this setting is exceptionally rare.

Objectives: We sought to validate the capacity for specific host inflammatory mediators to exclude pneumonia in patients with suspected VAP. 

Methods: A prospective, multicentre, validation study of patients with suspected VAP was conducted in 12 intensive care units. VAP was confirmed following bronchoscopy by culture of a potential pathogen in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) at >104 colony forming units per millilitre (cfu/mL). Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), IL-8, matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8), MMP-9 and human neutrophil elastase (HNE) were quantified in BALF. Diagnostic utility was determined for biomarkers individually and in combination. 

Results: Paired BALF culture and biomarker results were available for 150 patients. 53 patients (35%) had VAP and 97 (65%) patients formed the non-VAP group. All biomarkers were significantly higher in the VAP group (p<0.001). The area under the receiver operator characteristic curve for IL-1β was 0.81; IL-8, 0.74; MMP-8, 0.76; MMP-9, 0.79 and HNE, 0.78. A combination of IL-1β and IL-8, at the optimal cut-point, excluded VAP with a sensitivity of 100%, a specificity of 44.3% and a post-test probability of 0% (95% CI 0% to 9.2%). 

Conclusions: Low BALF IL-1β in combination with IL-8 confidently excludes VAP and could form a rapid biomarker-based rule-out test, with the potential to improve antibiotic stewardship.